Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Quick update from my phone- at about 10am I started having super sharp cramps in my lower abdomen that progressively got worse. They are the same ones I had when I found out I was pregnant with my son. I have literally had to pee every other hour but it doesn't burn to go. So either I'm pregnant or I have a bad UTI or both. Headed to urgent care now to have it checked out. I'll post later with results
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    History..~ Welcome to the group! I'm very sorry for your loss, but I hope the best in your journey to a new you! We are here to help and support any way you need!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you. I am really hoping that my losing weight will help the TTC along. :smile:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome history!

    Alisa hope all is okay and you get some good news versus sucky news (anything other than a BFP!) Keep us updated!

    abeare the only oils I eat are raw organic unrefined coconut oil and organic extra virgin olive oil. Everything else is junk (IMO). I do eat nuts and avacados for healthy fats as well.

    kcurtis you are taking getting a bunch of snow a lot better than I am. I am really irritated that it is going to get in the way of all that I have planned this week to stay busy (especially my workouts!). And how frustrating not knowing exactly what your body is up to. That for me is the most frustrating part of having symptoms but not getting my BFP! Keep up with your goals and before you know it they will become habit!

    I made an appt with my doctor for Friday. I figured if I don't start by then and I don't have a positive then they can do blood work to see if I am pregnant or not. If I start before then I'll just cancel the appt. I have a friend who goes to church with the lady that manages a place where women can go when they become pregnant to discuss their options and they have ultrasound machines there. She wants to have her girls practice on someone who is brand new pregnant next Tuesday. So if I am (which I need to find out this week obviously) I will be able to get an early picture for FREE!
    I'm feeling really run down and pukey today...totally not me. Definitely feeling like I'm just hope a test this week tells me what my body is already telling me!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hiya ladies - what a week at work - thinking it's going to be 80 hour (my project deadlines all got pushed up and I'm getting a lot of pressure to meet them.....YIKES)

    Can I say owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....LOL I am stiff and sore all over. I don't know if it's the 50 squats I did last Wednesday followed by strenuous aquafit on thursday (I tried the aqua gloves for the first time) or the painting on the weekend, but I am sore from my neck to my core (front and back)......Came home tonight and had a hot bath. Waiting for an ice pack now....but owwwww.....LOL Starting to feel crappy so I might be oing temps are really not showing too much variiation except on the days when I kicked off the blanket or had 2 blankets on or only slept 2 hours before ....LOL 36.28 has come up 5 times out of 12 so far.

    Erica - I undertstand the happy weight too....I was not built to be a small lady - I'm now at the weight I was through highschool except for 6 months...It might be part of the reason that I can't seem to get past 235......I'm going to sticck around until I hit up the ferility clinic and see what she suggests. I really appreciated having someone that has been there done that with me when it comes to this stuff........

    KCurtis - I'm shocked that they still hvaen't been able to do anything for your's outrageous. BTW, if it's only CD38 today, is it possible the spotting last week was implantation or early pregnancy related?

    Alisa - I hope they find out the cause either way - that's just scary! I've been feeling funny pains in my abdomen and this morning I was nauseated until well after noon. My DH said,so it stopped after the morning *eyebrow jiggle*....LOL I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated yet...he's such a dork sometimes.....Thinking it may be a UTI as well.....LOL I hope yours isn't!

    Ashley - Deifnitely let me know - my high chocolate content for the day hasnt' really been PCOS friendly.....LOL but it was the only thing I could stomach. Hoping to get through dinner. What kind of U/S is it? If it's the sonohistogram, it depends on the technician doing it. The first time i had a student doing it and I was really thankful that they'd warned me to take the aspirin beforehand. The second time was WAY easier.....

    History - Welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    Heather - Free stuff is the best!!! LOL I hope you are just so I can see a pic :P

    My eating has sucked today. I had oatmeal for breakfast, yogurt to try and calm my stomach and then nothing to eat until I got in the car to come hom. Bought a ginger ale and just had ice cream (did I mention my throat is hurting a little too??) Sigh.....I always find when I feel like this AF is not too far away.....but I haven't even O'd yet :cry:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    So so so frustrated!! Sat at urgent care for them to tell me I still could be pregnant but that all they could tell me about my current pain is that it is probably ligament pain...I've done NOTHING in the past two days to instigate ligament pain! Negative for both UTI and pregnancy, I don't which was more disappointing the negative on the pregnancy test or the fact they they did NOTHING to try to figure out why I am peeing every other hour or the fact that I feel like someone is stabbing my uterus everytime I move!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Pam, if you need me all you have to do is send me a msg. They go right to my email. I'll be here for ya!

    Alisa, it could be a cyst. I felt like I had a UTI the one time I had a cyst rupture. Lots of pulling pain in my abdomen and peeing a lot.

    I hope you get some answers soon, Heather!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Erica :) Any word on your appointment? It's tomorrow right?

    Alisa - Agree with Erica, it could be a cyst - I'm frustrated for everyone here...why are doctors so stubborn??? If it is a cyst, you should have had the ultrasound on the spot My sister's ruptured and required surgery to correct, she'd been at the doctors earlier in the day and had to be rushed to the emergency room (LOL can you tell this hit kinda close to home). Definitely book a doctor's appointment soon so they can figure it out!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I rescheduled the appointment, Pam. We're supposed to get 9-12 inches of snow tomorrow on top of ice. I didn't want to risk having the doctor's office be closed and having to reschedule after the fact or not being able to get into town (I live 30 minutes from the office in a suburb) and having to pay for missing the appointment and rescheduling. So now it's February 15, though that was due to someone else canceling for that day. If I'd waited, it would have been March before I could get it.

    They've closed the state offices tomorrow in the city about 20 miles west of where I work (I'm also a state employee but for a university... so still waiting for my snow day) so I have a feeling the doctor's office would have been closed anyway. I fully intend on getting my house back to clean and using the elliptical for a bit tomorrow, since I won't be leaving my house! I would so not make it in the North.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Erica - I understand being happy with your body, i was almost at that point before the i've gain a billion lbs and am starting back at square one next week! I hope you stick around though, your knowledge and incite are irreplaceable

    Pam - I miss the feeling of being sore after a work out, I ended up joining the gym today so i will know that feeling again soon...

    Kcurtis - I am jealous of all your dancing! I miss dancing...hoping to find some good dance type classes at my new gym!

    Welcome Newbies!

    Thanks for the advice ladies! I was more mad about the fact that the Dr never laid a finger on me! All they did was ask me why i was there, made me pee in a cup (which in itself was painful trying to maneuver around) and make me wait for negative test results for over an hour and a half!
    If it persists i will go back to the Dr again...even if it is a cyst i hope it won't effect this months TTC efforts...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    New month - new thread: Just in time too....LOL 500 posts and this would locked out - we are at 491 (including this one)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    New month - new thread: Just in time too....LOL 500 posts and this would locked out - we are at 491 (including this one)

    It says Page Not Found when I click on the link...
  • inkpen78
    inkpen78 Posts: 2

    I am just looking for some grocery and meal planning tips. I am wanting to get pregnant around the end of the year, but desperately need to get healthy first. I weigh about 189 right now and wear a size 14-16. I am only 5 feet 4 inches, so I am really overweight. In my younger years, I was thin and much more active. I looked my best when I wore a size 8-10. I think I wore that size well and I am not looking to be a size 4, but just a realistic size for me which is a 8-10.

    I am extremely motivated right now, because my hubby and I really want a baby. Any good books I should read to help keep on track?

    Any tips to help getting healthy before baby would greatly be appreciated.

    Dani :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hey Dani - we're now on the Fit For Future Families - June 2011 forum :)

    Come join the chat there:

    The ladies are super!!!
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