Your latest NSV(s)



  • heatherlewisis
    heatherlewisis Posts: 118 Member
    I bought my first swimsuit in almost 7 years this week! A size 8 and I feel good in it! I started at a 20, and never ever wore a suit without covering every inch of it, so this is huge for me... 672l7o6btrk0.jpeg
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    smiles4jo wrote: »
    Cynsonya wrote: »
    I fit into a pair of jeans today that I haven't been able to get over my hips in two years! Still a VERY large size but one size down from the even larger size I wore yesterday!

    My coat is too big for me too. It's also white leather and incredibly dirty. I was considering sending it out to be cleaned, but that's expensive! Given that it's now the end of February and I'm really hoping that winter is on its way out, I'm dealing with the dirty, too-big coat for the rest of the winter and then it goes bye-bye! I am committed to NOT fitting into that coat next winter!

    Yayyy! I just told my Mom I plan to donate ALL clothes as I leave a size to a battered women's shelter. Sometimes those women can only leave with the clothes on their backs. In the past when I've lost weight I've packed the "fat" clothes away "for later, just in case". I'm not doing that again. This time I'll NEVER need them again. It's like giving myself a pass to regain the weight. Not anymore! Ditch that coat at winter's end!
  • BuffyBourbon
    BuffyBourbon Posts: 126 Member
    Last week I decided that i'd better order a new riding bra, as i've lost 60# since I bought them, and haven't had any out for the winter. I measured and ordered a size I couldn't believe, figuring that there was no way - but I got it in on monday and it FITS! I have gone from an Enell size 4 to an Enell size 2!!! I'm utterly amazed!
  • Keith3481
    Keith3481 Posts: 91 Member
    I had bloodwork done this week. My doctor is changing my cholesterol medicine from 20 mg to 10 mg because of how good my numbers are.
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    I had to argue with a guy yesterday that I was 10 yrs older than he thought. :)
    Today I had to buy new underwear because my old ones were sliding off.
    I also have a pair of jeans I bought that were too small. The beginning of Jan. I couldn't get them up my hips. The beginning of Feb. I could, but, they didn't button. Today, they buttoned.
  • FabianRodriguez94
    FabianRodriguez94 Posts: 221 Member
    For the first time in my entire life, I have visible abs.
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    I bought my first swimsuit in almost 7 years this week! A size 8 and I feel good in it! I started at a 20, and never ever wore a suit without covering every inch of it, so this is huge for me... 672l7o6btrk0.jpeg

    You look adorable. Slim and fit, too. Thanks for sharing!
  • RUNucbar
    RUNucbar Posts: 160 Member
    Not sure if it is non-scale or not but the "in five weeks you will weigh" thingie told me I'd be 141.1lbs. I know, I know, take it with a large pinch of salt but the maximum healthy weight for my height is 142lbs and I've not been in the healthy weight category since I was in year 8 (12-13 years old.) To see a healthy number in relation to my own body was huge!

    A properly non-scale one was finding an old jumper finally fits again! I've had it at the back of my wardrobe for years and wanted to confirm it didn't fit before I got rid of it. Turns out it does fit again!
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Walking through Walgreens and not buying my annual Cadbury Creme Egg. It felt empowering.
  • WinterSkies
    WinterSkies Posts: 940 Member
    Going out and buying new pants.. and finding out that I can fit in a size 8, down from a 16. I don't think I've been that small since I was a teenager! Sadly, this means I really need to ditch all of the 14s I've been wearing and actually buy some more pants.
  • stephchadz
    stephchadz Posts: 143 Member
    Finding out that I am now a size 4 in pants and a small or medium in tops (used to be a size 8 with large/x-Large tops)
  • missesquirejd
    missesquirejd Posts: 88 Member
    People at work telling me that I'm slimming down
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    - got back into my size 10 khakis for work. Can get in a 8 and button them but they don't look good yet.

    - my size 10 express jeans are getting too big. In a few weeks may go get some new jeans.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I stopped having to go to occupational therapy for my hand.
  • Alarae21
    Alarae21 Posts: 171 Member
    I fit into a pair of jeans I bought TWO years ago but never actually fit in. Kept them as I thought I would slim into them- finally started that journey Mid-january and I have finally accomplished it!

    Just need to lose another inch around my chest/rib cage area and I'll be able to fit into a gorgeous floral dress I purchased about six months ago. When I first tried it on (ordered from EBay), there was at least a four or five inch gap before it would even zip! I'm hoping I can zip it up next weekend, ready for a 30th birthday party!

    A massive, massive victory for me though is joining a gym and sticking with it. I was always too scared as I would be the 'fat' one and people would disapprove because I would be unfit. Three weeks into my membership and I have even to eleven classes this week, totalling about ten hours. I'm so chuffed!
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    I exercised 6 days last week and some days I worked out twice (cardio & resistance split)
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Completed week 1 of couch to 5k
    Got highest number of steps in a single day since I got my Fitbit
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    I ate 3 servings of veggies a day for a whole week!
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    This is technically a scale victory, but I don't care.

    I'm officially half way to goal! Have lost 106lbs since Jan 2015. Ultimate goal is to lose 212lbs.

    All motivated for the next couple of years :)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    The coworker opened up a package of Tagalongs on Friday and stuck the open packsge in the fridge. Cold Tagalongs are one of my favorites but they seem to be getting smaller and smaller and I keep telling myself they're not worth the calories so I declined when she told me they were there. I have no will power whatsoever so this was huge. And the box was gone when I got to work today.

    Of course there was an open package of Thanks a Lot in its place. I had one but they're big. :)