

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Congratulations to your son on the new job! :drinker:

    Becca: You have a wonderful family. I'm so happy that you are beginning to renew connections with your sisters. :smiley:

    Sylvia: I'm sorry to hear about the wounded kitty, and thank you for not posting its picture. I am a wimp and easily upset when animals are hurt. :cry:

    Janetr: I love the "gardener wanted" sign. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. :flowerforyou:

    MSWolf: What is a myopractor? I haven't heard of this before. :huh:

    Gloria: I am happy you raised a cup of coffee for DH & me. It was the perfect toast. :smiley:

    Mindy: I'm so sorry to hear about your DD's trouble with alcohol. (((hugs)))

    Pip: I'll keep you and Kirby in my prayers also the doctor. I hope they are able to fix his shoulder with minimal discomfort to Kirby. :heart:

    Barbie: I'm happy to hear that you're home & happy. Congratulations on getting your steps in every day, even when travelling. :flowerforyou:

    We are home again after having a good time with DS & DDIL. I will miss them when they move away, but they are pleased with the destination and looking forward to both his next assignment & the change of locations. I had an opportunity to talk to DD and DGD for a while this afternoon. It was good to hear their voices. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie -welcome home! Awesome picture of the falls. You are such an inspiration. You are so dedicated to moving and getting your walking in.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Mindy - how old is your daughter? I really feel for you. I had an alcoholic husband and took the kids and myself to Alanon to learn how to not enable him. His alcohol was more important than his family and so eventually I left. I was not going to let his self destructive behavior affect the kids or my life any further. He never stopped drinking. <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good morning!

    Mindy - My sympathies! Some hard decisions to come on your part. (((((HUGS))))) <3

    Sylvia - Horribly upsetting! Well done for doing your best to help. :love:

    This is part of my DDIL 's email yesterday.
    "The board loved his presentation and unanimously voted for going ahead with it. He did brilliantly"

    Phew! He had to persuade them they really, really needed to start up a brewery as part of their hotel chain branding. :ohwell:
    Today they are going (9 months pregnant) down to Brighton to have 2nd viewings on the houses they liked. Back for the evening pick up from the child minder.

    Loved most of yesterday. DSD was in good form and our meal in a fish restaurant was great. I had fish curry. Lovely!
    The paintings of garden were gorgeous, many lent by US galleries. I saw Oregon there. At the end they had a triptych by Monet of his waterlilies, that had never been joined together before. The three galleries that lent the sections were Cleveland, St Louis and Kansas City. So THANKYOU ! It was a very moving experience to stand in front of that huge painting. :love:
    We finished the day in one of my favourite places "Terroirs", which serves light bites at 5.30. It is ridiculously expensive for what it is, but a real refuge, with no music and relaxed French style. I had snails in parsley with bacon, grilled large scallions with a Romanescu sauce and a glass of wine. The sour dough bread was to die for, but I didn't even have a nibble. D H ate it all!
    I haven't put any weight on this morning. :D
    Then we had to get the train home.
    For some reason it all went downhill. DH was upset because we didn't get the seats he likes. (Though we did change half way) The train was slow and then it stopped at our next station to home as the power had gone down at Portsmouth. He was very agitated, but I have done enough work with you ladies (thank you Barbie) to stay in the moment. I decided to leave the train and call for a taxi. It's only money. He was almost ready to burst into tears and I'm not sure what the problem was, he'd just got himself wound up.
    Taxi came promptly and we got home OK.
    Part of me resents always having to be the strong one who sorts things out in situations like this, but part of me has decided to be GRATEFUL that I have the resources and strength to carry situations like this through. :D He is OK again this morning.
    Travelling and trains are never his thing so I guess when the train stopped he got a bit claustrophobic, but he would never say that. MEN !

    Off to yoga. My friend who has had the op on her cyst isn't going to make it to the class today. Leg sore.

    Love Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    morning ladies~
    well Tom was barking at me at 3:15 in the morning!!He told me last night that the other union had a meeting and the company that they all work for UTC the lease is coming up on the building, and they are either going to go month to month, or 3 months at a time, so he says the writings on the wall..
    so I get up and get dressed ready to go to the gym and he starts in on me Oh well I am going and making money and all your doing is going to the gym, your only gonna do that for a week and that will be the end of it.. He said thats It ,Im through with this!!!, I said to him fine.. I said maybe you will find a millionaire who will put up with your $h--.... and he left for work, he says he does everything around here and he was spouting off..Now I know he is worried about work,and I told him I can't do anything about your work, I am trying to get into better shape so that I can work better.. Arrrgg men
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Getting ready for the baby. :D
    DDIL washing the old clothes. The baby is a girl. Next Monday!



    Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited March 2016
    We had a power outage for HOURS this morning. It threw me for a loop. No COFFEE! :sad:

    Apart from that, it's a wonderful day. Today is the official day of the sun's return to Longyearbyen. Just about everyone in town will gather by the steps at the entrance to old hospital. Local lore defines the sun's return as the moment when the first rays hit those steps. This tradition is so ingrained that when they built a new hospital on the other side of the valley and tore down the old one, they left the steps. About 6-7 wooden steps that lead nowhere at all except to a sign at the top that says "Sykehustrappa". (That was for Heather.) To outsiders they're a mystery, with no apparent function, but they are an important local landmark.

    On the eighth of March every year, regardless of the weather, we stand around and wait, hoping for sun. All the schoolchildren and toddlers in daycare are there, decked out in sun-ray collars and hats. The children's choir sings some songs. Somebody gives a speech. Somebody alludes to International Women's Day (which by coincidence is also 8 March). The child who won the competition to design this year's Sun Festival logo is awarded a tee-shirt and a diploma. Then the sun arrives, or not, and we applaud. All the children are given jelly donuts. (You'd be amazed how old some of those children are, at least when the goodies are being handed out.) Then the kids go back to school/daycare, the grownups who were just briefly playing hooky head back to work, and the rest head for the community room of the church (nearby) for coffee and waffles and a chat.

    This year it's bright and sunny for a change. Four times I've been at the sun festival and it's been cloudy. Here's what it looked like a couple years back. Daylight, but cloudy.
    I must run if I want to be there in time and enjoy all that brightness on all that snow.
    Note to self: do not forget to change to sunglasses! B)
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning! Happy Tuesday every one! It is a balmy 60 degrees outside! I took the trash out and ended up going for a short walk in the dark. Too nice to go back inside! Just a little fifteen minute stroll in the dark. Got home and DH was pacing the house looking for me...ooops!

    Heather- Congrats to son and DIL! A new job, new home and new baby! Are they also the parents of the two little ones you were watching earlier this month? Nice job on your quick thinking with the taxi. Men are strange creatures! If only they had the communication abilities that we have. Life would be so much easier! Sounds like you had a great evening up until that point!

    Sylvia- Oh, poor kitty! But so nice of you to stop and try to help it; and love the karma it brought you with everyone responding in kind to you! I hope someone finds kitty and helps him!

    Mary- sending hugs to you, just bc I love the way you encourage every one! <3 Also, Shep is so cute and obviously a pup, I think most people will understand that he is new to the "potty etiquette".

    Barbie- Welcome home and beautiful pic of the falls! I love it when everyone adds pictures of their area or their travels. It makes me add to my "places to see" list.

    Anne in WI- thinking of you! Keep your focus! Hope you are feeling better!

    Becca- I love that you are reestablishing ties with your sisters! Yea for mom! We grow and change so much as we get older, sometimes becoming friends with our siblings is easier (some times it's not). I like to think I have become more tolerant of differences and more open to new things/relationships. Love your pic of your kids! Beautiful family!

    Allie- Boy, does that sound familiar! My DH has done the same to me as I am on my way out the door in the early morning to work out. I generally just go and do my thing. I did eventually sit down with him and tell him that "there is nothing I can do about our finances at 4 in the morning and that I NEED to exercise to process things and to just feel good about life in general." hugs to you <3 Not an easy place to be in your relationship! DH and I have reached a point where I feel that if he feels he needs to leave because he thinks there is a better life out there for him; then he needs to go. He won't. I think he just likes to bluster and it is his stress reliever. I have accused him of staying with me just because he can't stand to see me happy! LOL! ;)

    Pip- Frozen shoulder! Wowsa! Hope they can fix Kirby up without surgery! Here's to healing!

    Lisa- WOW!! All this and no move included? I guess the only thing you need to figure in is the hours required to work and the added stress of the job. But boy! No move or separation from DH/family?! That is awesome! Hope you hear something soon!

    Beth- As a another "tall" girl, I do consider myself lucky to be able to "carry" weight a little better than my shorter sisters. Where twenty pounds on them was clearly visible, it was barely noticed on my frame. That said, it was easy to over look the weight gain until it was out of control.

    Well, the sun is up and the forecast for today is partly sunny, but the temps still in the mid to high 50's or low 60's. I think I am going to get the wagon out of the shed and take the kids for a walk/ride today! Have a wonderful Tuesday ladies! KJ
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Penny- Love the "sunlight" festival that the town celebrates! Sounds a little like groundhog day, but without the silly ground hog!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    KJL~ the only reason he wont leave is finances.. we have been together almost 20 yrs and he would lose alot of we divorced.. I know he is worried about his job at almost 64 he isnt worried so much about the money, it is insurance he is worried about.. I told him this morning I am not your mental punching bag... when wer got together he said I ticked off everything he wanted in a woman except for being rich lol, i asked him what I am I now?
    on a high note.. I went out to get in the car to go to the gym at 4:15 this morning... and I heard the peepers.. Spring is coming!!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Penny - Fabulous festival! Love the outfits.
    It's another example of how, as I understand it from my reading, the Scandinavians take any occasion as an opportunity to have a cosy, community time with each other. Now reading the book you recommended, THE ALMOST, NEARLY PERFECT PEOPLE. :laugh:
    At least at that time of the morning there's no alcohol! :drinker:
    I love the way Norwegian puts words together - sick house steps. And there's pig meat etc. No messing about. :D

    Love Heather UK
  • drcrisos
    drcrisos Posts: 68 Member
    Love reading about you all. Too new to remember names, lol.
    It seems that every time I go to the docs office, they shrink me. Gets depressing, lol. Started off (in my head) being 5'3", now - 2 years ago- 5'1 3/4" . Afraid to get measured again!
    Ordered a food scale, should be here in the next couple of days - thanks for all the comments!
    Took 2mile walk yesterday with the family and dog, while husband ran. Cold, but dry for a brief time here in Olympia. Felt great. Nice to get out when it's not raining.
    Of course I feel like the cold I have been fighting off might have a foot hold.
    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Penny, wonderful photo! Love the collars and hats! They are like me when spring and sunny days arrive! Celebrate!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    Penny~ love the sunlight festival.. looks like fun...
    I am trying to eat healthier, and when I went shopping I did well to buy what I like to eat..and some of what Tom likes, he can grill his burger tonight...and wine because I didnt cook his dinner, and he does everything (yea right lol)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Sylvia ... It is no surprise to me that you tossed your schedule and needs aside for a stray cat ... Horrible what people can do.

    Mindy ... Praying for you and your daughter.

    KJ ... I carry weight well also ... To a point.

    Alison ... Sigh ...

    Gloria ... Happy Birthday!

    I'm late for work, so off I go. Have no motivation today but need the income. Like Karen have many college related expenses coming up with younger son. Private school costs are ludicrous and we are not in the private school income bracket. He auditions April 2 for a music scholarship... Keep your fingers crossed!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member

    Slept well again last nite. For me that is 4-6 straight hours. Using Magnesium and Valerian is so helping. This morning woke up at 7 am and got right out of bed. Who is this person? I know some of you get up at crazy early hours, how do you do it?!

    We already took the dog to groomer to get her nails trimmed. For $5 at Pet Supplies Plus on Tuesdays the will give your doggy a nail trim. She behaves so well for them.

    My daughter found out her knee surgery (torn meniscus) is scheduled for 10 am Monday. We will go up on Sunday to Chicago to help her through. In the city hospitals in Chicago don't take her Blue Cross insurance so we need to schlepp her out to the burbs for her surgery. I will stay with her for a week or 2. Hubs will come back and collect me before he goes for his campus interview at VCU the week of the 28th.

    Very nice weather her again today. Spring may have sprung here in NE oHIo! All my tulips, daffodils and crocuses are sprouting.

    Fairlawn, oHIo

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Congratulations to your son on his new job! :drinker: I love the laundry photo. It represents a lot of work. No clothes drier? That is a surprise. I don't know how I would have survived raising my babies without one. :noway: :heart:

    Penny: I love that you have a sun festival today, and the photo of a previous celebration is wonderful. :bigsmile:

    Allison: I picture Tom as a cross between Eyeore from Winnie the Pooh and Ralph Kramden. (Jackie Gleason in the Honeymooners for those too young to remember.) (((hugs)))

    Beth: My fingers are crossed for your son getting a scholarship. :flowerforyou:

    Cheri: Good luck to your daughter for her surgery and insurance situation, and also to your DH with the job search. :smiley:

    I woke up in my own bed this morning and feel rested. I love being with DS and DDIL but home is a very comfortable place to be. They are getting ready to move to the Washington DC area. DH has never been there, so we'll have plenty to see when we visit them in the future. Between now and then they have to pack up their household for the move and find a place to live in the DC area. They have lots on their plates. I've so enjoyed having our son relatively close by for the last few years. This move is tough for me but good for them. I'm trying really hard not to be a selfish brat about it. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    edited March 2016
    Heather exciting about the baby.

    Alison Yes Tom has the right to be upset about the job situation. Good for you for standing up for the fact he does not have the right to take it out on you. Good job taking care of you.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,642 Member
    morning ladies~
    well Tom was barking at me at 3:15 in the morning!!He told me last night that the other union had a meeting and the company that they all work for UTC the lease is coming up on the building, and they are either going to go month to month, or 3 months at a time, so he says the writings on the wall..
    so I get up and get dressed ready to go to the gym and he starts in on me Oh well I am going and making money and all your doing is going to the gym, your only gonna do that for a week and that will be the end of it.. He said thats It ,Im through with this!!!, I said to him fine.. I said maybe you will find a millionaire who will put up with your $h--.... and he left for work, he says he does everything around here and he was spouting off..Now I know he is worried about work,and I told him I can't do anything about your work, I am trying to get into better shape so that I can work better.. Arrrgg men

    I'm sorry honey... but I was busting up laughing when I read your comment about marrying a millionaire and maybe that dumbass will put up with his *kitten*! I woulda reminded him before saying that. "oh that's all I do is go to the gym and do nothing else? who cleans, laundry, makes dinner... is it your as$ or mine. I would have then made the comment then, pretended to have a mike in my hand, stretch my hand out and dropped it and said, "BA-BAM!" and walked off.

    with his comment of saying it your gym will only last a week, that would be all he need to say to get me motivated and keep a count of my track record of going there every day. oh how I wish I was closer to you so I could get at him!

    days are starting to get longer and daylight is coming sooner. soon it will be nice enough for me to ride all the way into work after the gym (11mi) and then ride home if I want to (10mi).

    the roof is done, so now we don't have to worry about it anymore, now he can work on the yard and getting it up to his standard again.

    in july we are going to be moving locations at a new building our boss bought (I guess he was renting or leasing this). we will all be under one roof. right now the original group is in the original bldg., then there was a rental place next door, then we (transplants from a company that he took over their seller finance portfolio) are in this bldg. the new bldg. is about 3 miles further from here, sumner Washington. so I will have a longer ride, not by much but will have to get off on the next stop rather than the first stop when I ride the train. I drove there to see where it was at, on the 10th (this Thursday) we are having an employee open house with free food so we can see the new digs. right now my bike is by my desk. it will be interesting to see where I park it when I get there.

    type to ya later