Why are so many excluding milk from their diet?



  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    But propaganda sounds so much more convincing when one tries to use gross words to describe things that don't fit their agenda.

    Maybe check what people actually said before you accuse them of using 'propaganda' and having an 'agenda'? (knew they would crop up sooner or later)

    My particular comment was in response to the phrase 'dead white blood cells' posted by another member, rankinsect. But I guess acknowledging that wouldn't fit your own agenda. :wink:

  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    Ot but this reminds me of people who say the red liquid from red meat is blood and call medium-rare, etc bloody so they cook it more to get rid of the blood. No, no,no. It is not blood.

    What exactly IS the 'red liquid' from red meat, then? Interested to know.

  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    mellyo77 wrote: »
    Completely irrelevant to the thread question but I have seen comments about milk being pus....uhm regardless of whether its dead cells blah blah....if you are turned off by consuming pus....wouldn't you be absolutely loath to eat flesh ? Sometimes I wonder about people. I'm not vegan either before the comments start...just curious at the logic

    Yeah, I wonder about them too sometimes. :lol:
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Ot but this reminds me of people who say the red liquid from red meat is blood and call medium-rare, etc bloody so they cook it more to get rid of the blood. No, no,no. It is not blood.

    What exactly IS the 'red liquid' from red meat, then? Interested to know.

  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    But... Steak is flesh cut off a dead cow. Eggs are little baby chicks who never had a chance. Foods with probiotics (like yogurt, sauer kraut, kimchi) are literally full of bacteria. Have you read about how many bacteria and parasites are living all over us and inside of us??? The whole slew of theories about gut health centers around what type of bacteria we have in our digestive system and if we are feeding them properly. There are viruses floating in the air and sitting on just about every surface you touch. There are dust mites in your bed, eating your dead skin cells.

    Life is dirty. And if you think about it too much, it will give you the permanent willies.

    That's why I drink alcohol too. It helps me think less about that sort of thing, and hopefully kills some of the little buggers on the way down. :naughty:

    Thanks for the natural history lesson. You're right, life is dirty. Maybe thinking about it too much would give you 'the permanent willies' (surely there's a medical antidote to that, some sort of 'reverse viagra'?) but I'm made of sterner stuff. Bacteria doesn't bother me. Some of the inhumane practices involved in meat/egg/dairy production do bother me, though. Enough to do something about it, e.g. not supporting it financially by consuming those products.

    And yeah, I drink alcohol too, the sort which hasn't had egg, milk, gelatine or isinglass (dried fish swimbladders) used in it as finings. Alcohol helps me think less about things like the ignorance of people who try to justify animal cruelty by whatever means they think suits their particular purpose (e.g. taste, monetary profit).

    Because as far as I'm concerned nothing justifies any kind of cruelty, whether inflicted on man or beast.

    Cheers! :smiley:
  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Ot but this reminds me of people who say the red liquid from red meat is blood and call medium-rare, etc bloody so they cook it more to get rid of the blood. No, no,no. It is not blood.

    What exactly IS the 'red liquid' from red meat, then? Interested to know.


    Thanks for that, never knew. :) Lots to read about myoglobin on wiki (a brief scan suggests it's something to do with muscle damage which would explain why it oozes out of butchered meat) but maybe wiki's not the best place to read up on it.

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Ot but this reminds me of people who say the red liquid from red meat is blood and call medium-rare, etc bloody so they cook it more to get rid of the blood. No, no,no. It is not blood.

    What exactly IS the 'red liquid' from red meat, then? Interested to know.


    Thanks for that, never knew. :) Lots to read about myoglobin on wiki (a brief scan suggests it's something to do with muscle damage which would explain why it oozes out of butchered meat) but maybe wiki's not the best place to read up on it.

    It tastes phenomenal.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Ot but this reminds me of people who say the red liquid from red meat is blood and call medium-rare, etc bloody so they cook it more to get rid of the blood. No, no,no. It is not blood.

    What exactly IS the 'red liquid' from red meat, then? Interested to know.


    Thanks for that, never knew. :) Lots to read about myoglobin on wiki (a brief scan suggests it's something to do with muscle damage which would explain why it oozes out of butchered meat) but maybe wiki's not the best place to read up on it.

    It tastes phenomenal.

    Yes, yes it does.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Ot but this reminds me of people who say the red liquid from red meat is blood and call medium-rare, etc bloody so they cook it more to get rid of the blood. No, no,no. It is not blood.

    What exactly IS the 'red liquid' from red meat, then? Interested to know.


    Well crap, I thought it was blood, so I have been eating my meat well done all my life. No wonder all my friends think I'm weird.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,656 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    I like having more calories for other foods. Instead of milk I will use Almond milk. Only 30 calories for 1 cup. I don't like the taste of milk, I would only use it in cereal, oatmeal, etc. Switching to Almond milk doesn't bother me.

    But almond milk is nothing more than strained nut-water.


    It's pulverized, strained *tree fetuses*. Tree fetuses!!

    Unlike nut juice, which is probably . . . some kind of cells. ;)

    Back on topic: I'm ovo-lacto vegetarian. I'm not lactose intolerant (Northern European ancestry). I eat full-fat cheese (because yum), and non-fat plain Greek yogurt (protein!), and put hot skimmed milk in my coffee because I really, really like hot coffee with hot skimmed milk, but I tell everyone it's for the protein.

    Milk sugar (or fruit sugar) as part of regular food doesn't concern me, though I don't eat a lot of things with added sugar (not mostly enjoyable). I'm not prediabetic or diabetic, so I don't even track sugar in my diary.

    I grew up on milk, mostly skimmed milk. It tastes good to me, and has some solid macros/micros, plenty for the calories, in my calculation. I don't much care for the nut/bean milks - they taste unsatisfying to me, kind of fake-y. And they don't have as much protein.

    I don't try to convert anyone who disagrees with me: I'm willing to take one for the team, and drink/eat aaaaalllllll the dairy.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    250ml of milk contains 9g of sugar. Is this considered high??
  • Dvdgzz
    Dvdgzz Posts: 437 Member
    Drink it everyday. Usually only in cereal since I am only having 2k calories a day right now.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Tofuli wrote: »
    chesty1 wrote: »
    Milk produced in any dairy has pus in it - google it! (pus is masked under the lingo 'somatic cells')

    PETA propaganda........

    Propaganda - for what cause? What do we get from actively excluding most commonly available foods from our diet? How does that personally benefit us? We only do it because morally and ethically, we can't ignore what is going on. Its not about us - its the animals and the planet.

    The feeling of superiority.

    That's what is in it for you because the anti-milk crowd certainly aren't in it for the logic.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    edited March 2016
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    I don't drink milk because I've seen how they treat dairy cows and it just sickens me...I don't like how it makes my body feel....I use to drink it and never noticed what it did till I stopped it....Todays milk has things that I don't like in milk such as antibiotics, Gmo crap and I don't eat beef either for the same reasons...I also don't eat pork for religious and health reasons...I know what pigs carry and transport into our bodies....i'm ok with the change and I feel much better...if you chose not to then you do you....i'm just happy to be feeling better and dropping all this weight, slowly but it's working...it took years to put on and I know it's gonna take a little while to get off, but i'm doing it and feel great, that's all that counts...peace

    Did you actually *see* dairy cows? Or did you see a misleading propaganda piece?

    Because I grew up around dairy cows. Dairy cows have to be the most pampered farm animals ever, perhaps second only to a lightly worked farm dog.


    The number of people that will watch on bit of bogus propaganda and then start proselytizing the masses like a born again is amazing. They buy it hook, line and sinker without being even slightly cynical of the source or its motives.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    Tofuli wrote: »
    chesty1 wrote: »
    Milk produced in any dairy has pus in it - google it! (pus is masked under the lingo 'somatic cells')

    PETA propaganda........

    Propaganda - for what cause? What do we get from actively excluding most commonly available foods from our diet? How does that personally benefit us? We only do it because morally and ethically, we can't ignore what is going on. Its not about us - its the animals and the planet.

    The feeling of superiority.

    That's what is in it for you because the anti-milk crowd certainly aren't in it for the logic.

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    Tofuli wrote: »
    chesty1 wrote: »
    Milk produced in any dairy has pus in it - google it! (pus is masked under the lingo 'somatic cells')

    PETA propaganda........

    Propaganda - for what cause? What do we get from actively excluding most commonly available foods from our diet? How does that personally benefit us? We only do it because morally and ethically, we can't ignore what is going on. Its not about us - its the animals and the planet.

    The feeling of superiority.

    That's what is in it for you because the anti-milk crowd certainly aren't in it for the logic.


    Well I haven't seen any logic yet from the illogically antimilk crowd just "but so many people being lactose intolerant should tell you something", "cow milk is just for baby cows!, "ew, pus" and "but the animals are all so poorly treated!"

    The only logical arguments that I've seen against drinking milk are due to personal preference or lactose intolerance.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    Tofuli wrote: »
    chesty1 wrote: »
    Milk produced in any dairy has pus in it - google it! (pus is masked under the lingo 'somatic cells')

    PETA propaganda........

    Propaganda - for what cause? What do we get from actively excluding most commonly available foods from our diet? How does that personally benefit us? We only do it because morally and ethically, we can't ignore what is going on. Its not about us - its the animals and the planet.

    The feeling of superiority.

    That's what is in it for you because the anti-milk crowd certainly aren't in it for the logic.


    Out of curiosity, which documentary or buzzfeed type list was it that got you to start the battle cry against milk?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    Tofuli wrote: »
    chesty1 wrote: »
    Milk produced in any dairy has pus in it - google it! (pus is masked under the lingo 'somatic cells')

    PETA propaganda........

    Propaganda - for what cause? What do we get from actively excluding most commonly available foods from our diet? How does that personally benefit us? We only do it because morally and ethically, we can't ignore what is going on. Its not about us - its the animals and the planet.

    The feeling of superiority.

    That's what is in it for you because the anti-milk crowd certainly aren't in it for the logic.


    So much false. I can't even see how she could come up with something like that. I mean, there's no way a statement such as, "well, WE don't consume animal products because WE can't ignore cruelty but if YOU have no morals, you go right ahead and do you."
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, which documentary or buzzfeed type list was it that got you to start the battle cry against milk?

    DavPul wrote: »
    So much false. I can't even see how she could come up with something like that. I mean, there's no way a statement such as, "well, WE don't consume animal products because WE can't ignore cruelty but if YOU have no morals, you go right ahead and do you."

    Not a direct quote.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Sorry to interject in the vegan oneupmanship.

    The sugar thing perplexes me no end. It has never crossed my mind to think about the sugar content of plain old milk.