

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Finally got the ok from my doctor to start going to the gym again as long as I get my calorie intake up especially protein calories. For those of you who are new I am a non stress eater to the point of forgetting to eat. Due some recent events in my life I dropped alot of weight in a short period of time. I was in the maintenance stage so it became unhealthy. So excited to go back. I know some of you probably want to smack me for that statement but this is a huge stress reliever for me and I feel like I am making a good come back.

    So many posts to catch up on. Project for later tonight.

    Anne from Wisconsin
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carol in NC - I can understand not wanting to work 5 days a week for 3 hours a day; doesn't seem like it would be very productive. Most jobs; where there are several people working a set of small hours and someone has to come in and jump to the ground running isn't going to happen. I'd rather work 2 7-hour days and get my stuff done, in the manner that I want it done; and, maybe not leave something 1/2 done and you never see the end of it. I don't know what type of work you do; but, I'd be checking into maybe going to school so you could do 'medical coding'/billing that you could do from home at a time you set aside and be paid for by the job. This job you have would drive me nuts. Why do they need someone there 24/7? What is it? A Suicide Hotline or something? Just kidding; but, I am sure there are hours that 'nobody' wants to have to work, no matter what type of job it is. It doesn't sound like it pays enough for you to make the trip there and back to net you any decent money. Your main job sounds like they are trying to keep workers under a set number of hours to get around having to pay benefits for those not working long enough. You said it paid better; but, apparently you like it better than the 'Job from Hell'. My DDnL#1 DISPISES her job; and, I am not surprised that she has not be 'fired' from it for 'insubordination'. One day, her boss(es) are going to get tired of her mouthing off to them; and, saying things like she makes more sales from her desk than the 'son' does. She will never understand that her boss (the 'father') does not have to put up with her mouth; and 'if' he does not want to make his son work harder, it won't matter. One day he 'is' going to leave it to his son; and, she won't be able to tolerate her job. She keeps saying she is going to find another one; but, I have not seen her looking very hard. Mainly, because she'd have to start over at a less amount of salary she makes now (with no benefits). I just glad that I always enjoyed working at the things I did and worked with some really good people. I would never under-cut someone with authority over my job; but, I have never had someone 'over' me make waves either. I feel for you and I will keep you in my prayers. I don't blame you for 'venting' ... and I would be 'fussing' at myself for the Twix Stix Chomping. I guess I am lucky that sweets are not high on my list of comfort food (cheese is, unfortunately). I bought the cracker-sized packages of a block of cheese; and 3 will make a nice grilled cheese sandwich; so I get my 'cheese' fix for under 100 calories. Gee, the bread (and I only use 1 piece) has almost the same amount of caloric; so I try to eat bagel chips with them. But, then I have to watch how many of those I eat. Doesn't seem to matter what you eat, everybody has a weakness for something that is not particularly good for them.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    NC Carol ~ So sorry for what you are going thru. One year I taught the PTA President's special needs child and she sent awful emails about me every other day to the *kitten*. Principal. Never to me. Guess the AP knew she was nuts because nothing ever came out of it.

    Alison ~ I know you are so caring for your friends at the Cape, but, please get out and have some fun for yourself.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    NC Carol... thinking about you.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Carol: (((Hugs.)))

    Anne from WI: Congratulations on your improvements! :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    :'( Went to a meeting on refugees yesterday. I cried numerous times. The stories of religious persecution in countries of the former Soviet Union (continues today) and the Middle East were heart-breaking. I learned that the reason so many kids are coming here by themselves from Latin America is to escape murder rates far higher than those in war torn countries such as Afghanistan. Worst of all were the testimony of those who escaped after being turned into the crazies by neighbors. Thank heavens others were willing to hide them. I kept thinking about the babies I saw sleeping on the streets of coastal Turkey this past fall, almost in swimming distance of the Greek islands. Food was served. Somehow, it did not seem right to eat.

    On a far happier note
    I have read about a King Midas exhibit in Philadelphia at the Penn Museum. Even though I have worked in Turkey, and been there several times, I never made it to Gordion, the Midas family capital and site of Gordias's tomb (Midas's father) that Penn unearthed - intact. I want to go to see this exhibit as evidently the objects have come from all over Turkey and have never traveled to the US before. Actually, it has been many years since I traveled to the Penn Museum. It is probably the best archeological museum in this country. The Egyptian, Israeli, Levant and African collections are packed with treasures unearthed by Penn and divided between the host country and Penn. It is well worth a trip to Philadelphia just to see this museum. The Penn Egyptian collection is far better displayed and preserved than that in the Cairo Museum. I spent a few days in the Cairo Museum and at the same time, the walls and ceilings were being painted- no tarps covering the collection and of course, white paint dripped on some of these national treasures. Grrrrrr.

    One of these days I want to visit the new Barnes Museum and the completely renovated Rodin Museum. Evidently, Philadelphia has become quite the restaurant town. It sounds like your trip is already packed. Have a wonderful time. Tell us all about your trip and where we should go.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Not been on here for a while. Soo many posts that I have missed. Hopefully I will find time to contribute in April. Wishing everybody good health and wishing you well in meeting your goals.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi girls. I'm frustrated and cranky so this will be short. 4 herniated discs and plenty of other stuff. Me and Jack Daniels will be friends tonight. Take care. Meg
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) The new dishwasher was installed today and it looks great....I was tempted to fix a meal and use a ton of dishes so we could run the dishwasher tonight and see how it works---but once again, sanity returned, and we'll wait until the time is right to run it.

    :) the first half of line dance class today was "dance hour" where we danced one dance after another without instruction...the second half was teaching followed by dancing...we did nineteen dances in the two hour class :)

    :)Anne, I'm so happy to hear that you can go back to the gym....I know you can stick to an eating plan that is healthy for you.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Carol: can you change jobs, transfer to a different area. Some people shouldn't be in places of authority, sounds like a ego trip. 15 hours just isn't worth the headache, unless it pays really well ! Gayle Minneapolis

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 394 Member
    Karen, are you going to Philly? I agree that the Penn museum is good--haven't been there in a while. But the Barnes collection is really wonderful! I think you might need advance tickets for that.
    I think Philly is a really fun city to walk around. So much history! And there are some really good restaurants...

    So DH went to the knee doctor and wound up getting a cortisone shot which has yet to kick in. He did ask all the questions and got some answers--I think we just have to see how this progresses.

    Too tired to exercise today but I have stopped gaining and working my way back down ever so slowly. Three more to go to get to where I was in the fall.

    Carol, that job sounds awful. Isn't it amazing how a co-worker with a bad attitude can wreck everything?Hugs!!!

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited March 2016
    Seems the week for car issues. Mine is in the shop with a minor problem but they had to order a part. They gave me a loaner. You know how loaners are.... marginal models with huge logos on the back window announcing the dealership's graciousness.... not so this dealer! OH MY! They gave me a 2016 under 10,000 miles Audi A7. Fully loaded with every toy and gadget possible, leather, all the high end perks. It's like driving a piece of liquid gold. I'm actually a little nervous driving it because the window sticker was folded up in the glove box. This baby sells for $74,000!!!!! Be still my heart, that's like driving a year's salary around. Plus the dealership said to bring it back empty, no need to fill it up AND all the tolls on the toll roads in the Houston area are on them so I can "not change my normal travel routine...." I am being spoiled. And not a dealer sign or sticker on it... I mean who has loaner cars like this? I obviously looked a bit shocked and she apologized and said it late in the day so their bigger loan cars (Q7 etc) were already out.... really?

    Unfortunately my car will be done tomorrow. lol

    Marcelyn driving many miles in Houston tonight....
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Rosie, thanks for the info on the Honda recall. Do they really expect everyone to drive rentals from now until summer when they get the part in? What if we just want to trade it in? Will they give us anything for it? You know they can't sell it with a dang recall on it. And I sure can't sell it private party. What a mess! BTW, all those questions are rhetorical. I don't expect you to know the answers to them. And maybe, just maybe, Honda will be nice to you if you want to trade it in, but what if you want a Toyota or a Ford this time? They aren't going to play nice at all on a trade-in, and who can blame them? And what if I want to just keep driving my CRV? Do I just pray I don't have an accident? I guess I need to call them and talk to them. You know ain't nobody got time for all that!!!!!

    Janetrm you are rocking those workouts and the skinnier clothes. You go girl!

    Carol, hugs. I'm sorry. DJ's boot on the 17 mini Twix, but maybe you needed them today.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    17,000 steps
    156 minutes of dog walking
    line dance class

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DrKatieBug - thanks a lot. Jack and I had to go by the tax preparers office and to the grocery store so by the time I got home it was mid afternoon and I really tried to talk myself out of doing it today. I usually do workouts in the morning to get it done with. But I did it. Otherwise I'm beating myself up the rest of the day.

    Janetr okc
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Did 40 min Les Mills strength training DVD. The plan for tomorrrow is to do a Gay Gasper Metabolic DVD. I know that it's on the rebounder.

    barbie - beautiful car. May you enjoy it for many years to come.

    ljdw - I very seldom have a problem getting all my protein in. I hear ya, about the powder, I'm not a fan of them, either

    Welcome everyone new!

    Becca - feel better fast!

    janetr - you go girl with those jeans!

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.03min, 16amph, 151mhr, 2.9mi = 117c
    OTHER- PHYSICAL THERAPY @ gym- 28min, 10 stretches, 2sets of 15 some w/5lb weights = 75c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.31min, 13.1amph, 147mhr 1.4mi = 75c
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.47min, 8.6mph, 153mhr, 2.6mi, WINDY! = 199c
    total cal 466
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone. Shopping with DGD#1 was an utter delight today. She had a blast, but I think I enjoyed it even more. She picked out Sketcher's shoes at Kohl's, where they let me use my 30% off coupon even though it expired yesterday.( I'm never sure what day it is.). Then, she picked out two pairs of summer shorts at Penney's that were regularly $34 each, but they were on sale and the clerk scanned a coupon for me so the total for both pairs - including tax - was $17! She chose two cute little flouncy tank tops from Old Navy that were on sale for $8 each, and some silly jewelry at a store I've never heard of for $1.99 each. We got a little bit of cheap makeup and nail polish at Target, and a cover for her tablet at Big Lots. We went to Michael's and she got a cute little journal and a zippered make-up bag. All together I spent less than $100. She is going to be quite a thrifty shopper, I think.

    We went to a chinese place for lunch, and the sweet owner made such a fuss over her, coming out to see that her tea was hot enough and bringing her a little plate of egg rolls that just came out of the kitchen. He even gave her lessons on using chop sticks and sent her home with a clean set so she could practice. We thought we got light pink lip gloss at Target, but she put it on in the car and it was more of a dark orange beige. And it was a lip STAIN, not a gloss. She tried to wipe it off, but we were laughing so hard that she wasnt very successful. Then we stopped at Walgreens and bought some light pink to cover it up.

    When we got home, the other two asked if I would take them shopping on their birthdays. They are coming over for dinner on Sunday and I'm making her a birthday cake. She asked for angelfood with frosting. Hubby asked if I could make part of it unfrosted, since he doesn't care for frosting. Silly goose. It's her birthday. He will just have to scrape it off.

    Well, there's no school tomorrow, so I dont have to get up early to play taxi. That will be nice. I did 13,825 steps today, and I'm beat!

    Good night!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member

    Sylvia, I want to be your grand daughter!