

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    Broadband came back for a couple of minutes then went off again. :'(
    I'm sad about my friend not wanting to see me. I would like her to feel she could see me even if she is not feeling her best. :ohwell:
    I cooked 40 meatballs this afternoon. I am having 4 in tomato sauce with shiritaki noodles and chard and DH will have 6 with pasta. The others I am freezing in batches of 10.
    Love to all, Heather UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    Hi 50+ group. I am 60 and still trying to lose the last 20 pounds after quitting smoking. For over a year I worked out with a trainer and lost 22 pounds but these last 20 are so tough. Diet is the key to weight loss. 80% diet 20% exercise and weight lifting. I have regained the muscle mass but reducing and staying daily at 1200 calories is so tough. I have great intentions till about 4pm then boom it just becomes too easy to nibble. So I have told my husband to eat his treats elsewhere as they just cannot be within my eyesight. At 60 my metabolism is so lax no matter how many weights I lift. I do long distance walks 8-12K and do cardio machines 3x/wk and weights 3x/wk. still the weight stays the same. I lose if I go under 1000 calories or do intermittent fasting - doing 500 calories twice a week but I lose interest and boom back to my normal eating and the weight just stays the same. I guess I just need to get motivation from all of you as I just can't seem to stay fully engaged in this whole weight loss process.

    welcome.gif..I've been using MFP for several years. I've lost the weight I wanted to lose and kept it off with the help of these terrific women. I walk over 10,000 steps a day, do weight training two or three times a week, ride my exercise bike while watching TV, and go to line dance classes three mornings a week. I eat 1200 calories plus extra calories for the exercise I do. My belief is that when you work harder, you need more fuel. I hope you'll keep coming back and join in the conversation. I'd love to know what you do with weights.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    Giving it a whirl again. Came back in Dec and read a post by a lady (unfamiliar to me in this group) that threw me for a loop (claiming untrue things about my religion), didn't know how to respond, so I didn't (say something nice or don't say anything, you know :) ) Hoping everyone is okay! Missed you all, but have eaten a truckload, indicative of my stress levels. Heavier than when I started a year ago. But today is a new day. Onward and upward.
    Selena, was in Alberta yesterday, Utah today

    I am so happy to see you back and so sorry that someone on this thread said something that was so hurtful to you.
  • lcottomsvcs
    lcottomsvcs Posts: 25 Member
    For some reason my picture of the girls didn't load, lets try again!gzsnp01ynpdf.jpg
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lenora ~ Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your children.

    Icottom (what's your name please) ~ Very cute little girls in their Easter finery.

    Selena ~ Sorry you felt hurt by someone's remarks. Most folks here stay away from religion and politics.

    Sugar (what's your name please) ~ Very cute Snoopy cartoon.

    Here is my son and his family...


    And this is short stubby me and my DH and son...


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    peach1948 - boy your son really looks like you
  • lcottomsvcs
    lcottomsvcs Posts: 25 Member
    Carol, very nice pictures!
    Lora in Indiana
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Pip ~ Difference is he's about a foot taller. LOL
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Good morning, Ladies! Beautiful family pics! <3

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi friends. Hope you all had a great weekend and Easter if you celebrate. Lots of lovely pictures here. I was too exhausted over the weekend to do anything extra. Going to the neurosurgeon tomorrow. Hope you have a great Monday! meg from Omaha where it is spring-y today!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies -

    It seems the wind is causing havoc all over the place. Here in Delaware its quite breezy and overcast, keep hoping for that perfect Spring day. I enjoyed seeing everyone's Easter pictures. Hubby & I went to a family brunch in Philadelphia. It was fun to see family, but was a bit disappointed in the quality of food at the brunch. If I'm going to splurge I'd like it to be for really yummy food.

    Completed my 30 day Paleo Challenge on Friday. All in all, I didn't think the program was too hard to do, just like anything it took a bit of meal planning. I really think I am going to adopt quite a few of the program highlights into my daily food choices, such as no processed foods. Also, for bread, potatoes and pasta, that will be more of a treat than a staple.


  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,832 Member
    Lenora- what a wonderful surprise your family gave you! So well planned out! Your GD on the porch behind the balloons reminded me of that commercial that was out a few years back at Christmas time. The mama is Skyping with her daughter who is far from home and showing her how the house is decorated for the Holidays and she goes out on the porch and her daughter is there! That one made me cry! Truly, a lot of planning to pull one over on mom/grandma!

    Meg- luck with the neuro

    Lori- beautiful girls!

    Carol- Beautiful family! You are not "stubby"; you are a member of the 5'2 club!

    side note: My hubs and I were msging during lunch (he at work, me working at home) and we were talking about that movie The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet; he asked what I would come up with as movie trailer for my life. I sent him this:
    She stands at the kitchen counter, cutting up potatoes to be baked to go with the burgers for lunch, listening to the older kids crafting at the table while a lone toddler begins to sing the song of his people. Hanging on her leg, wailing; as if at his own personal wailing wall. A lament in a soprano vibrato. She sighs as the tenor toddler joins in the wail. A pause in the chorus for a sneeze. A light misting of mucus hits her ankle and foot. Four days until vacation. A hope for stimulating conversation on the horizon. Hope for a warm meal on the horizon. A hope for the absence of mucus on the return to daycare. Four days...

    You ever notice that the closer it gets to your vacation time, that time actually slows to a ccccrrrrraaaawwwwwlllllllllll......
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    Lora, Peach - Lovely photos. <3 Thank you.

    Nervous about next week. Got to get up early to exercise, make myself beautiful and get a taxi to the train station. Don't want to leave our car at the station car park for 4 days. Haven't done any packing yet.
    I have set my alarm.
    All I can do is my best. Will have to take every opportunity to nap that I can.

    Meg - So sorry you are not feeling good. Sending (((HUGS)))

    Still on my phone. :'(;)

    Love Heather UK
  • RockinMBC
    RockinMBC Posts: 48 Member
    As I'm a bit late to the March party - I guess my March goal was to get down to business using MFP again! I've been using MFP on and off for a number of years now - but haven't managed to stick with it. I have been steadily gaining weight once I became officially post-menopausal - and I'm putting my self-indulgent brakes on NOW. I'm museum staffer by day and sing / play in two garage / punk / country bands with my husband for fun at night. (No rest for the wicked!)

    I've been reading that low(er) carb eating can help post-menopausal gals lose weight. I'm a total carb and cheese junkie - so for April I'll be working on balancing my nutritional intake. I don't eat chicken, beef or pork these days - so eating low(er) carb can sometimes be tough for me. Advice welcomed!

    Can't wait to get to know everyone a bit better during the April goals thread!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    Giving it a whirl again. Came back in Dec and read a post by a lady (unfamiliar to me in this group) that threw me for a loop (claiming untrue things about my religion), didn't know how to respond, so I didn't (say something nice or don't say anything, you know :) ) Hoping everyone is okay! Missed you all, but have eaten a truckload, indicative of my stress levels. Heavier than when I started a year ago. But today is a new day. Onward and upward.
    Selena, was in Alberta yesterday, Utah today

    Welcome back. Thanks for giving us another try. I'm sorry that you were hurt before.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi Gang!

    I’ve been MIA for a while now.

    Part of the reason I’ve been missing is that I got hit hard by SAD this year. At one point Miriam suggested that I try light therapy. I now own a full spectrum light but started using it too late in the cycle for it to do much. I will need to start using it next year as soon as the SAD symptoms start up. The good news is that while we don’t have much green yet here in MI I do have snowdrops and crocuses (croci?) so knowing Spring is indeed here (plus the added light we are getting) has put me into a much better frame of mind. I’m starting to break out of hibernation mode.

    Another part of the reason I’ve been MIA is that I joined Mary (Fancy) in the Biggest Loser Challenge and discovered that I do not have the time/energy to try to keep up with 2 active MFP groups. That challenge is over and I maintained during it. No weight lost.

    Here’s a little bit about my weight loss journey for new comers. I had gastric bypass surgery in February of 2014. I had been resisting the idea of surgery for many years but finally reached the point where I was told it was my only viable option. It was the best decision I could have made for myself. The pre-surgery tests gave me some answers to family health problems and started me on a path towards better heart health. During surgery they discovered and removed a small (very small) tumor which turned out to be a slow growing cancer. That removal was all the treatment I needed. 3 days post-surgery I was no longer diabetic. 6 months after surgery I no longer needed BP medication. Those are just the major health benefits I have experienced. I lost 140 lbs. post-surgery (150lbs. from my highest weight) and went from size 36 pants to size 18. I have more energy, move more freely, can walk longer, go up stairs, wear a seatbelt on a plane, and so much more. Losing weight is worth the effort.

    So why am I here? My weight loss stalled this past year. I felt I could lose more.

    Feb. 29 I went to see my surgeon for my 2 year checkup. I only lost 10 lbs. between my 1 year and 2 year checkup. He was delighted with my progress. Me, not so happy. We had a nice long talk. He stated bluntly that he does not feel as if I should be striving to reach “Normal” according to BMI. Matter of fact, he told me he doesn’t want me to go that low! That’s a tough concept for me to sit with and I’m still not 100% resigned to it. I pointed out the areas of my body that could stand to lose more fat and he told me that much of what I am unhappy with is loose skin and not fat. He suggested it was time to look at additional surgery to deal with those areas. A week later I met with a plastic surgeon. Then I went to talk to my internist. She agreed that surgery was a good option for me at this point in my weight loss journey (and this is a woman who tries everything else before sending her patients to a surgeon). So… I have a tentative surgery date set for May 12!!!!!

    Even though my current goal is to maintain and not to lose additional weight may I come back and hang around here for a while?

    Mia in MI
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back from the dentist. I asked for an appointment to discuss options about having this tooth extraction. I already have about 6 teeth out and I don't relish the thought of another one. I like my teeth to eat with. So the choice is $2000 which doesn't include the cost of the extraction who is with an oral surgery group or $7000 which is for an implant and it does include the extraction. Wow, great news on this beautiful sun shiny day. All this because one tooth is bad. The gum above this tooth is quite tender and the jaw on that side of my mouth ops all the time when I try to chew on my left side. For a long time I have just chewed on my left side. We were planning on using the money we were getting from having monthly pay outs from my husbands retirement fund to pay for long needed repairs on the house which includes landscaping where the bushes and tree was removed. Not happy today.

    Welcome new members. There is this wonderful blank white space to the right and the left for our whines. Some cyber clean up crew comes by every so often and sweeps all our grips and whines and it's all clean again!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member

    My bike safely in my desk area
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Pip ~ Pretty Bike! :)