

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grits: I've seen this "Home Schooled" list of sayings before, and heard MANY of them from my own parents. Thanks for sharing! They brought a smile to my face. :bigsmile:

    Sylvia: I always appreciate seeing your posts. Things seem to be going well for your son and family at the moment, and much of that is due to your support. You are so important and so generous with your time and energy. They are all lucky to have you in their lives. You make a difference. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Good day today. DH spent hours down on the boat while the boat mechanic was here and he did well. No sickness at all. He is very tired now, though. It is a good step. I am hopeful that we'll be able to enjoy the boating season this year.

    On another note, I have a plea to horsewomen in our group. I'm officially not a beginner any more. My teacher said so! WAHOO!!! What should I do to move up another step? I mostly think saddle time and practice will help. Time out on the trail by myself will help, too. Hmmm. Advice welcome.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Barbiecat - Now that I have added my ingredients for my recipe; how or where do I go to write out the directions to put it together?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Today was my strength workout. It always makes me hungrier the entire day. I did eat back a little under half of my exercise calories. I was hoping to do better than that today because I did over enjoy Easter yesterday. Well, its over and done so moving on. Tomorrow will be cardio day. I have a dentist appointment first thing in the morning, just for a cleaning/checking.

    Today is my oldest sisters birthday she's 79 today. I sent her a big bouquet of colorful flowers. She was thrilled with them. She and I have called ourselves the "book ends" for years. We hold up either end of the six sisters :)

    Goodnight, my friends.

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, for that low of a price to remove the partially dead trees, make sure the removal of the trees is included in the price. We had a price to remove our dead pine tree. He took it down alright but wasn't to keen on removing all the mess off the ground.

    Been sneezing like crazy today and have a huge tension headache at the base of my neck. Took half of a muscle relaxer along with some Tylenol. If it isn't gone by bedtime will take the other half. If i need to I will rsort to taking one of Charlie's Percocet.

    Speaking of Charlie, he had his sutures removed today. I wasn't there, was at the dentist. But he says his incision doesn't look well healed. They redressed it so I have not actually seen it. But what is the vitamin ointment that a lot of people put on incisions?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    Cheri Best of luck to your husband on the job interviews. Besides being close to family, Richmond is a lovely area
    I hope Pokey has a better night. We woke up to the storms this morning and have been battling heavy winds all day.
    LenoraWhat a wonderful family. You will remember Easter with a smile for many years to come.
    Yvonne I find that being outside, warmer weather, and intensive activity make a huge difference in my mood. Combining all three works the best.
    Katla You must be so proud - experienced rider now.
    Selena It is so unfortunate that you had a bad experience. It takes gumption to return to a place that was uncomfortable for you. Let's hope that there are no repeats. Welcome.
    Lora AWWWWWWW.
    Carol More AWWWWWWWW.
    Mia I would say that you were clearly at the center of action, not MIA. SO glad that you have shared your entire story. So very inspiring.
    Meg I hope your appointment goes well.
    Joyce Ouch.
    Pip What a pretty new toy. Use it in good health.

    Today was crazy and I am amazed that I stopped at one small "Chip Ahoy". Started today with an emergency dental appointment. As you know, I am trying to get ready for a long overseas flight in a few hours. Well, things went downhill from there. Got home to water all over the counter and stove. Water supply line in the upstairs bathroom misbehaved. Out went an entire garbage bag of wet food. Thank heavens I was able to get someone in to fix it without having to go through the ceiling. However, I am leaving the house in less than tidy condition. I am still behind. I can hardly wait to get some sleep on the plane. I certainly will not get a wink until then.
  • calefor
    calefor Posts: 28 Member
    Wow, sounds like a great group but it's going to take me a while to get familiarized with everyone!

    I'm a nurse and work four 10 hour days and get three days off per week. Sometimes its a challenge to get my exercise in during the week. I try to get up around 4am and exercise before I have to head off to work. I usually don't get home until 6:30 or 7pm so have long days. I've been ill for a few days so didn't feel up to doing much of anything. Luckily had no appetite so wasn't up to my daily calorie intake which worked to my advantage. Hope to get back on track with my exercise tomorrow or the next day.

    Hope you all have a great week!

    Central Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    not logging in food today. Still struggling with this cold. It has me beat sometimes. Nothing to go to the doctor about. It's sinus cold, plain and simple. Now the dam is slowly breaking. When I blow my nose, my ears pop, its that kind of cold. I did take a long bath and used up all my lavender soak. So of course I have bath hair right now, because I took a nap right after getting outta the tub. My husband looks at me and snickers... lol My voice can do a low C, so that is fun to do. Husband called in son so we could battle how low we could go. I won. Duh. Still persevering. Can't wait to get back to my regular self and go exercising in the pool. I didn't even fix food today, just ate what my husband fixed. He cooked some red beans & rice for lunch, and chicken noodle soup for dinner. I had two small bowls of each.

    the Sinus Vixen in
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited March 2016
    Joyce, I believe it's vitamin E gelcaps. I've also heard that honey can speed healing, from more than one source, I think Miriam with Cats actually used it on her cat and it worked well. I've used flaxseed oil, as well, for my own wounds, and it seemed effective, but I heal fast anyway.

    Teeth cleaning at 9 a.m., trying to get a quilt as finished as possible before I go work out at 6:30. Almost halfway through my first cup of coffee. Almost awake... sleep typing! Ha.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Please send positive thoughts for dh today, he has a job interview and so many of you know how tough that is for the over 50 crowd. He bought a new blue shirt to go with his good suit. I am staying optimistic, what will be will be.

    Karen from ny
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,760 Member
    morning ladies-
    I am trying to type on my Ipad mini, and its kinda hard...
    I did go to the gym at 4 this morning,but i dont want to overdue on my heel so did the machines and then did 1/2 hr on the recumbant bike...
    the only thing I dont like is the mirrors in the gym locker room or anywhere for that matter..
    I did so well for so long then did a backslide.. I am back at it but gosh I look and feel like a cow cellulite everywhere and I look like a beach ball..
    I knowI know its not good to talk about yourself that way..but grrrrrrrr
    Had a mishap with Faith last night... I gave her ,her nightime pills and dinner.. well I am all tucked in and I hear the pill box I flew out of the room and said dear I already gave you your pills ,lets put those back and she fell backwards onto a little table that was there and broke a glass bowl..
    she wasn't hurt but left a note for the morning caregiver that i hid the pills so she can find them.
    Jean's brother is a total nut job and has been harrassing them.well he came last friday with the caregiver there and brought back the truck he borrowed.. but was nasty to both mom and B. Upset them both.. so B and I went out and slid the bar locks on both of the garage doors so the house is totally locked up and he can't get in anywhere..he has stolen alot of stuff out of his parents house including 350.00 worth of change that was on top of my brother's laundry.. so we even have to keep Sean and Jeans bedroom locked..
    I just cant wait to be back at my own home, in my own bed.. but I feel much better that I am up there overnight with Faith...
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning! Happy Tuesday! I walked this morning and it started raining half way through. :/ Needless to say, I jogged home. Hope that turns out well for my ankles. No strength today, as I just hopped in the shower to warm up. Three more days of work until my vacay starts! Whoot! Not going anywhere, but it will feel good just to have my house and some time to myself. I will be riding into Grand Rapids with my son on Tuesday (next). He has classes that day, which will leave me free to roam the city. I grew up in Grand Rapids, but haven't lived there in almost 30 years. It is nice to explore and see how much it has changed. The art museum is free on Tuesdays, so I will def be heading there.
    Becca- Feel so bad for you! Hope you feel better soon!
    Connie- Welcome! Wow! Long work hours! My days are about the same, length-wise. If I don't get up by 4 or 4:30, I don't get my exercise in; because I do not have the energy after my kiddos go home at 6:30pm. The down side is the feeling that all you are doing is working out, working, and sleeping. But we got this! You can do it!
    Lisa, CJ, Joyce - sounds like it is "dental" week. My appointment is Thursday. Technically a check up, but I am pretty sure they will find part of a filling missing. I have one tooth that feels "wrong" when I run my tongue over it. Doesn't hurt, but I know something back there is missing.
    CJ- Sorry about your water problems! So much to deal with before you fly away!
    Lenora- Thanks for the giggles! I think my parents have said every one of those to me as a child. Some I have said to my kids. The mother's curse: "When you grow up, I hope you have a child just like you!"
    Mia- Glad to see you back! You are from the east side, you are my other half! What a journey you have been on! You should definitely stay and maintain with us!
    Love and hugs to all; kids arriving, have to fly!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Karen- Good thoughts coming for your husband!
    Allie- I, too, avoid mirrors. We just need to keep telling ourselves "I am beautiful. I am on this journey, I am not there yet, but the journey itself makes me stronger and more beautiful!"
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    After my five hour stint gardening yesterday, I am so sore. It is mostly my right arm joints- hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. My lower spine is actually okay after a good soak in the hot tub after gardening. The weather is predicted to be gorgeous again today, even better, and I would love to either finish the park or work on my own yard. Not sure I will be able to, but I took some Ibuprofen with my first cup of coffee. Cross your fingers that I can get out. Like Mia, the sunny weather is so good for my mood. (Gosh I missed you Mia!)

    Yes, I highly recommend honey for treatment of wounds. I really thought I was going to lose my Little Girl kitty (pronounced Leeeetle Gu-url). Her entire abdomen was a massive skin infection and over the counter meds were not touching it- it just continued to grow. It was in pure desperation that I tried the honey and it stopped the growth and killed the infection completely. She is still healing but today it is just a 1 1/2 inch long, half inch wide wound with no infection. I just squirted honey from my honey bear on to the wound, and covered it with gauze. Then, since she is a cat, I wrapped a dishtowel around her belly and used binder clips to secure it, so she looked a bit like a stegasaurus. She was so weak that she just stayed in my heated cup bed for the elderly cats, until it was mostly healed. Now she is back to normal. q6ogbmh58slc.jpgWhy I no longer have houseplants!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,077 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Oh very nice bike Pip
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,302 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi all, I'm up in London, just waiting for DGD to wake up from her nap. Then we might go out to the park if it's not raining.
    I was greeted by a Rice Krispy chocolate Easter nest, which I ate. :noway: Hand made by the kids with a mini egg on top. :o

    I also had some food on the journey, so not doing too well so far. We did exercise before we left and should get this excursion in which will help.

    DGS is exploring the house with DH. They both have their mini cuddly animals stuffed into their necks.:love:
    They are looking after them on their journey.

    Baby Bea is upstairs being fed. <3

    Love Heather UK
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Off to the city with the DIL, I will watch the kids while she has a mammogram. Then we will do a bit of shopping... so I wonder how many steps I will manage to get in?

    Have a great day everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    Barbiecat - Now that I have added my ingredients for my recipe; how or where do I go to write out the directions to put it together?

    There isn't a place to write out the directions...it's just a calculator so you can add the recipe to your food diary with correct calories and nutrients.....when I have a special recipe, I write the whole thing out in a document in my computer and keep a file of recipes there....I use the MFP recipe calculator just to add the recipe to my food diary.