

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited March 2016
    "I am beautiful. I am on this journey, I am not there yet, but the journey itself makes me stronger and more beautiful!"

    Love this KJLaMore!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Please send positive thoughts for dh today, he has a job interview and so many of you know how tough that is for the over 50 crowd. He bought a new blue shirt to go with his good suit. I am staying optimistic, what will be will be.

    Karen from ny

    My husband is in the same place this week so sending positive thoughts your way!!!!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    CJ: I am very pleased that I'm no longer a beginner. How many other horse-crazy little girls wait 66 years to "pass go?" I'll bet there are very many. I'm lucky to have a supportive husband and a good teacher. Experienced sounds so lofty! :bigsmile:

    Connie: It is nice to see another Oregonian here. Welcome! :smiley:

    Becca: I am sorry you are sick. Chicken soup is the best remedy I know for a cold. Your DH is a good man. :flowerforyou:

    Karen from NY: Sending good thoughts for your DH. :flowerforyou:

    KJLaMore: Thanks for reminding me of the mother's curse. My mom used to say that to me now and then. If my kids had grown up to be just like me I'd have had a LOT less to worry about. :noway:

    Heather: Enjoy your time with the grandkids! :heart:

    Our dog goes to the groomer today. We have him brushed out every other week. He is shedding now, and will feel much better when she gets the loose fluff out of his coat. This is quite modest in cost, and makes his life so much better. Our lives are better too, because neither of us has the patience or "tact" to do the job without losing our tempers. Later today we get to pick up our repaired dinghy from the inflatable boat store. I have my fingers crossed for a good summer.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning, all!

    I had a little setback yesterday. I went to see the new retina specialist and she found a tear on my left retina. Since it is just one tear and fairly small, she can do the repair with the laser. However, she said it was going to be painful! She wanted to do it this week but I already have the oncology appointments on Thursday, so it will be done next week on April 7. I'm tired of being poked, prodded, cut, etc.! And, I'm getting more freaked out about my oncology check up on Thursday. In other words, between the health stuff and the job stuff, I'm pretty down. I just want to crawl under the bed and hide for a few weeks.

    Selena - I'm glad to see you back! I'm so sorry that someone posted something that upset you. Other than my gripes about working for churches, I try to stay away from anything negative regarding religion. I'm all about coexisting!

    Mia - Glad you're feeling some better. You were missed.

    The pictures of grandchildren were delightful! I have to figure out a time to go see my grandnieces!

    Oh, and to top of yesterday's diagnosis, I spent a full hour on the phone with my health insurance company. I knew that I had met my deductible with the eye surgery in January (the reason I chose that particular plan) but I was still being charged large amounts for my prescriptions. Turns out that, because I switched insurance mid-stream between the scheduling of the surgery and the actual surgery (my health plan was no longer being offered in the health marketplace so no choice about switching up the insurance), the doctor didn't have the pre-authorization needed for the surgery and the patient cost was put back onto the hospital. In one way, that didn't make any difference to me because my care is free, but it did screw up the deductible being met which means I can't afford my meds and my primary care fees are higher. I would have banged my head on the wall, but the retina doctor warned me against any high impact activity before the surgery. :tongue:

    I suppose I need to get some work done. Check in with y'all later!

    Carol in sunny NC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
    morning peeps -
    thanks for all the compliments on my new bike, it is a cutie huh! it's gonna take me a minute to get used to having a black bike tho. today it's supposed to be 60 by the time I get off of work so I plan on riding home. this will be my first long ride with it, we'll see how she does.

    love to all of you
    hugs to all that need them
    pats on the back, virtual hi five to all that deserve them
    ::: strapping on the boot::::: to all that should have them

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    debbiesteinman - Congratulations on being a non-smoker. That is huge accomplishment! I have to do the same as you with my skinny husband: Ask him to move the cookies and whatnot into his office so they're not so tempting. For me the key to weight loss is the other way around though; I can reduce my calories in a healthy way all I want, but realistically unless I'm getting regular exercise it's very hard to lose. Like you said, our metabolisms aren't what they used to be!

    Heather - those meatballs sure sound delicious! That's a great idea to make them in bulk and freeze them. I just love knowing I've got something in the freezer for dinner if I don't want to cook.

    lcottomsvcs - Aw, your photo brought back great memories of my mom making us matching Easter outfits! They are beautiful girls.

    Melanie - Rock on! Garage / punk / country sounds like a fun combination!

    Mia - That is a pretty darned amazing weight loss journey. I hope the skin surgery goes well and gives you a big boost for all your hard work.

    Katla - I hope you and your husband have a fabulous summer on the water!

    Carol - Ouch, you have had a discouraging week! That does sound like a lot of poking and prodding. Wishing you health and a break from doctors soon!

    I've been busy with the new foster dog. She came in very, very spooky - habituated to peeing and pooping in her crate and generally afraid of everything. She's already had three baths since I picked her up on Friday! I wonder about her background; a reputable greyhound kennel would not produce a pup like that. She's going to need some time to settle in, but she had a great day yesterday. We had a big noisy celebration in the back yard when she actually managed to eliminate outdoors (the neighbors probably think I'm nuts), and once she finally did it she seemed to immediately grasp the advantages of doing it that way instead of soiling her crate. Now she's doing the typical greyhound thing of running around the house and stealing anything that looks interesting. It's a little like having a toddler.

    My mother-in-law is having knee replacement tomorrow. I think both she and father-in-law are pretty nervous although they don't like to admit it. So Philip and I are taking off from work to sit at the hospital with him and then help him get situated at home once she's out of surgery. It's times like this when I really appreciate the flexibility of my job... although having paid time off would surely be nice about now!

    Hope you all have a good Tuesday.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Selena ... Welcome back!

    Mia ....good to see you too!

    Karen ... Hope DH's interview went well!

    Carol .. So sorry you have health worries ....

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Thanks for the lovely welcome back. I have missed this group.

    I had not realized just how many of us are in maintenance mode. I guess that just goes to show how much we focus on support and not specifically on what the scale is doing. I think Barbie hit the nail on the head when she said “it takes daily attention to planning of food and exercise and attitude to maintain a weight loss.” Maintaining takes as much focus and dedication as losing does. Guess that’s why we need to make changes we can live with in the long haul. Lifestyle changes, not just dieting.

    Many of you may recall that I had a major de-cluttering project going on. I had set a goal for myself of getting through the first pass of sorting out boxes by May of 2016. I am pleased to report that I hit that goal the first week of March!! Now I face the much more difficult task of a second pass on all of the things I thought I wanted to keep, but didn’t have a place to keep them. The good news is that all of the boxes are labeled so I have a clue as to what is in them. Thus, I can now tackle one area at a time. Naturally, I decided that I wanted to put all of the kitchen stuff away first. So I am now working on going through all of my kitchen cupboards and drawers to clear them out so that I have room for the stuff in the boxes. Some days I think it is going to be another year before I feel the job is complete. Then again, at least I now think I will finish it. I feel a little bit lighter each time a bag or box of stuff from what was once those many piles leaves the house.

    Mia in MI
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited March 2016
    Michele – Don’t know where you live, cold weather, or what type of tree(s) were taken down; but, if you have someone willing to cut and split the logs into manageable sizes; maybe, they’d do it for a portion of the wood. When DH and DOS took out some hardwoods that were dying or in the way of tree stands; they’d cut them and bring them back to the house, let them dry out (about a year) and split them for our fireplaces. Recycled.

    Ladies – Do any of you have some ‘good’ exercises I can start to firm up my tummy, thighs, and bat wings; or is that something I will have to live with for the rest of my life? Look fairly good in clothes; but, when I look into the mirror, naked, not too pleased with myself. Today, I am going to try to work my program and stay under the caloric intake or right at it so that I can lose weight before my weigh-in next Tuesday. DH still has not mowed my paths; but, I think he is going to mow the grass when he comes home today. Just not sure he’ll get to my paths. Maybe DOS can put the mower on the tractor and do them. That’s be easier and shorter to do.

    CJ – My element on the bottom of my stove (for baking) burnt out last night. Got to find the manual in the filing cabinet to get the part #. UGH! Better go do that now before I forget it. I forgot to go to the store while I was out yesterday; but, took Cracker to be washed and clipped and then to the vet for her rattlesnake booster and a thorough going over. She smells so good; they used a shampoo that they use when a dog has been ‘skunked’. I bought a bottle for when she get particular dirty; but, I think I am going to pop to have her washed at PetSmart – it isn’t all that expensive and I won’t have to ‘fight’ with her trying to keep her in the tub.
    You’re right – this is an Easter that I won’t ever forget. I’ve decided to take the balloons and make something out of them to remind me. Maybe putting Styrofoam balls into the deflated balloons, stick them into a vase with the ribbons still connected on them and maybe put them in a wide vase. I’ll need to go to Michael’s or Hobby Lobby and look around.

    Connie – I’m sure as a nurse, you do a lot of walking; I’d suggest getting a pedometer and keeping up with how many steps you take during a shift. That can certainly count as exercise.

    Becca – Have you ever tried a “Nettie Pot” to clear out your sinuses? The trick is to let it run out; but, don’t ‘sniff’ while you do it. It is a mixture of warm water and salt.

    Karen – Lots of positive thoughts for your DH. My son is going to someday be in that same situation (if he doesn’t decide to continue what he and his Dad have been doing for years – House painting. I worry about both … DH works like he is a man ½ his age; but he isn’t … he’s 74. DOS is 38 … and keeps talking about doing something else. All that involve going back to school or taking a class or two and passing a test. He has his realtor’s license; but, the market ‘tanked’ about the time he was about to start, so that never went anywhere. We’ve tried to get him to take the ‘insurance agents test’; DDnL#1 failed it 8 or 9 times. But, she only has a HS education and doesn’t have the same study habits that he does. But, he always has an excuse. But, if something were to happen to DH before it does me or if he gets so that he can’t work, I worry about what he will do and make enough to help support his family. We already ‘help’ them financially (not much, but enough to help) and either one of us would lose some significant income – then they’d get ‘no’ help from us, financially. But, with DH still able to work; that is really our ‘fluff’ money.

    Granmallie – I’ve been trying on my clothes and putting the ones that fit me, back into the closet or the drawers. I have a ‘huge’ pile to take to the consignment shop; and, another pile to go to Goodwill. Maybe I will make a little money for the clothes that are able to be ‘sold’. The dress that I wore to my DYS’s wedding (only worn once) should get a good amount … I hope. I know what you mean about the ‘cellulite cow’ … I see my thighs, my belly (but not too much there) and my bat wings. I want to cry when I look into the mirror. I’m getting upset with DH about mowing my walking paths; but, we’ve had rain for the past 5 days. Today is sunny, so I hope the grass dries out enough to be mowed.
    My BF has a grandson, that she actually raised because her son’s wife would not let him live with them. He is a kid that has a lot of problems with ADHD and other learning disabilities. Gets tired of working and then ‘expects’ for her to give him a place to live. After he pawned her computer and DVD player, she threw him out of the house. We she said that he could not go back to the motel/apartment (there was a fire about 6 doors down from where he lived and got evacuated) he was living in, I told her that I sure hope she did not let him come back to her place. She said he came to get some more clothes … which he will try to sell to get whatever it is that he wants or drugs.

    KJL – Oh, that’s one that my Mother always said to me; because her mother had said it to her. She did, it was me – a rather precocious child who would run away from home to go visiting and it did not have to be other kids, I’d go visit the neighbors. The lady next door, grew daffodils in her yard and would ‘feed’ me yeast rolls almost daily (after I picked a big bunch of them to give to my mother and she made me go apologize). The man across the street could get nickels to come out of your ears or his; then man on the other side of them was about the most ‘gorgeous man’ I had ever laid eyes on; and, I had a couple of friends whose grandmothers lived a block away. DYS was my “Mother’s curse”; but, he is the one that drove 9 hours one way so that he, DDnL#2, and DGD#4 could spend Easter weekend with us. They then called us on Tango, so we could see one another.

    Miriam – Glad to see that you are back. Working for that long is a challenge; I washed the 5 covers that go over my outside (now inside the glassed-in porch) and it took me several hours to do it. They were nasty! I need to work in my flower garden; but, at the moment don’t really want to do it. Aren’t binder clips’ wonderful? I got an email with a site to go to in order to find out just how versatile they really are, all different sizes being put together to do all sorts of things. I hope that I did not erase it, so that I can maybe use a couple of them.

    Barbiecat – That is helpful; so now I will know how many calories are in a serving and I usually only eat ½ or a pie; and exchange it for one of my protein bars at night with my coffee.

    Katla – See above; we ended up washing Cracker twice this weekend; because she and Buck (who is lower to the ground than she is) played outside in the rain and sprinkling. Buck has very soft hair; and Cracker’s is course because before yesterday she had a ‘broken’ coat; now it is all one length and she smells wonderful and the vet said that she has a condition with her knee where it pops out of place; something she tells me that is common in little/mid-sized dogs. She still favors her left paw where DYS hit her with the wheel of his car (actually, I think she ran into it). I don’t think she’d have survived being run over like he came in and told me he had done. She has learned pretty much that those things that roll with those round things need to be avoided at all costs. I’ll probably take her to a groomer, too; because I can’t fight trying to keep her in the tub and then trying to NOT smell like a dog myself.

    Mia - I've started my de-cluttering, too, this week. Today I am going through all my clothes in the MBR. If I had known that my DYS, DDnL#2 and DGD#4 were coming ... my house would have been a WHOLE LOT NEATER or CLEANER. They caught us 'totally off guard' and last week I had not been motivated to do 'anything'. But, having them here was a lot better than having my house cleaned. It's so pretty outside that I want to go walking; but, guess I will have to jump on the treadmill instead.

    Darn it ... for some reason I am not able to 'bold' the names like I usually try to do. Don't know what is going on with it.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Mia in MI~ We have missed you! Congrats on the de-cluttering project. You seem on target with this, thats awesome.
    My husband used to give me a week to get all the boxes out of all the various places we have lived. One move I distinctly remember was from a 1550 sq ft, fairly packed house to a smaller 1490 sq ft home. I had more garage sales that year, my neighbors always laughing at me saying to my sons, "Don't stand still now, she will put a sticker on you and sell you!" All the boxes were used by my high school sons as a igloo style fort. Amazing what duct tape and boxes can make...

    Well, feeling better. Had a fairly good nights sleep. Sleeping REALLY upright, but my necks sore though!

    Going to our Food Bank, so hopefully we get some great things. :-) Thank you friends for being who you are, and letting me whine during this past week!

    at Blue skies but cool

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, didn't you know that any goodie made and presented to you by a grand child is good for you??

    Carol, take care my friend.

    Lenora, you all know I don't cook much. Well actually I don't know how to cook. There, I said it. Many years ago I was baking a cake and after the suggested baking time was over I did my toothpick test and the inside was quite liquidy. By the time the inside finished, the outside wasn't worth eating. So I moved the stove out, unplugged it, found where the heating coil was plugged into and took it out. Took it to our local Whirlpool parts store and showed them what I needed after telling them what was wrong. So got my part, took it home and plugged it into where it was supposed to. Plugged the stove back in and new heating element still wasn't heating. So did more digging around and found Charlie had tried to broil something while I was at work and didn't turn it back to bake. Laughs on me but I was not about to pay for a heating element that I didn't need. So off to the other side of town again. I can still see those guys sitting on bar stools listening to my story and trying to hold in the laughter. BTW, I am still using that stove and the heating coil works fine. This is the same avocado green stove that was put in when we had the house built in 1978. The whole kitchen is that color!

    Well I came into the office to finally do my taxes and why I ended up here I don't know.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited March 2016
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Thanks for the lovely welcome back. I have missed this group.

    I had not realized just how many of us are in maintenance mode. I guess that just goes to show how much we focus on support and not specifically on what the scale is doing. I think Barbie hit the nail on the head when she said “it takes daily attention to planning of food and exercise and attitude to maintain a weight loss.” Maintaining takes as much focus and dedication as losing does. Guess that’s why we need to make changes we can live with in the long haul. Lifestyle changes, not just dieting.

    Many of you may recall that I had a major de-cluttering project going on. I had set a goal for myself of getting through the first pass of sorting out boxes by May of 2016. I am pleased to report that I hit that goal the first week of March!! Now I face the much more difficult task of a second pass on all of the things I thought I wanted to keep, but didn’t have a place to keep them. The good news is that all of the boxes are labeled so I have a clue as to what is in them. Thus, I can now tackle one area at a time. Naturally, I decided that I wanted to put all of the kitchen stuff away first. So I am now working on going through all of my kitchen cupboards and drawers to clear them out so that I have room for the stuff in the boxes. Some days I think it is going to be another year before I feel the job is complete. Then again, at least I now think I will finish it. I feel a little bit lighter each time a bag or box of stuff from what was once those many piles leaves the house.

    Mia in MI

    I agree with your statement, but for me I would even push it further than it "takes as much focus and dedication as losing" to it takes MORE focus and dedication. That's when all the excitement. all the praise and oohing and awing over your weight loss is over and its now "old had". I always tell everyone I have lost 1500 lbs in my lifetime and I'm sure I must be close :) This is the last time tho. With the help and support I have found here and realizing I can add exercise and activities, such as strength training, that I would never have believed possible before, I know that I CAN and WILL keep off the 125# I lost after bariatric surgery. Mine has also been two years ago last December, just before Christmas 2013.

    So proud of you for continuing on with your de-cluttering project and not letting it completely over whelm you. Way to go.

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    My goal for 2016 was to lose just 10 pounds. Only 15 to go.

    How to prepare Tofu: 1. Throw it in the trash. 2. Grill some Meat.

    I just did a week's worth of cardio after walking into a spider web.

    I don't mean to brag but ... I finished my 14-day diet in 3 hours and 20 minutes.

    A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than men who mention it.

    Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

    Senility has been a smooth transition for me.

    Remember back when we were kids and every time it was below zero outside they closed school? Me neither.

    I may not be that funny or athletic or good looking or smart or talented ... I forgot where I was going with this.

    I love being over 50. I learn something new every day ... and forget 5 others.

    A thief broke into my house last night ... He started searching for money so I woke up and searched with him.

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Do any of you have some ‘good’ exercises I can start to firm up my tummy, thighs, and bat wings; or is that something I will have to live with for the rest of my life?

    Lenora, Kettlebell swings should be amazing for your tummy and thighs (and butt), partly because of muscle growth and partly because of they way they burn fat. Arms are a hard one. Working your triceps (with dumbbells or cables or even resistance bands) can help some, but it's a very female thing, those arms.

  • Jewelz9662
    Jewelz9662 Posts: 1 Member
    Errr hi my name is Jools, I'm 54 and from Liverpool Uk.
    I'm not very good with these community boards, a bit like my weight.
    I was always a skinny Minnie weighing 9 1/2 to 10 stone.
    My weight started to go on in 2007 just a few pound then in 5 years I had ballooned to 16 stone, I was told well it's because you are not so mobile by the time I had reached 18stone my doctor finally sent me to see a dietician, I finally got to 22 stone, was told I am borderline diabetic, to add to all my other health problems.
    I know your thinking well she must eat cakes, sweets, biscuits, cakes, drink cola, alcohol, I don't. I like cakes and sweets but now and again. I don't drink, I don't like coke cola, fizzy drinks, I'm vegetarian, don't like fried food,occasionally have chips, I have had to cut out Gluten from my diet now too, although I am not coeliac I am gluten intolerant.
    Anyway I have managed to loose 2 stone yayyyy and I do feel pleased with myself but now it has stopped. I am trying to get to swimming once a week would be good but every time I try my health starts playing up.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Lenora my dh was on the hamster wheel of Technology for about 20 years, start ups and big companies. Lots of stress, travel and horrible hours, finally threw his hands up and said, "I'm not gonna take it anymore!" So I am the chief breadwinner, and dh has bounced around a lot of different gigs. Tried teaching then real estate and has finally settled in to property management. He is not a salesmen but loves problem solving, trouble shooting and helping folks with their living situations. Trouble is, the pay is pretty low. Today's job interview would be a salaried/with benefit job so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

    Maintenance has always scared me, because gone is the driven towards a goal energy and the "it's only one little french fry, what harm could that do :s " kind of temptation. Like Janet OKC said "That's when all the excitement. all the praise and oohing and awing over your weight loss is over and its now "old had"." But I am sure this time is different! I will keep on logging and moving and checking in, cause IT WORKS!!!

    Karen from NY
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hi Ladies. I'm working til 9 tonight; we have student writing awards, which is fun but long.

    Neurosurgery appointment was a total waste of my time. They got me right away to discuss long and short term management plans and they had nothing to offer. I had to ask for anti-inflammatories and more PT. All they said was come back in 6 weeks. Sheesh now that' s probably $400 down the drain.

    On a lighter note, Easter was good after we resolved the ham emergency. For many reasons, I could not cook the 15 pound ham I had. Hubby ran to grocery store in search of one. he could not find one so asked the butcher if there were any left. The butcher actually said "Is this an emergency?" to which hubby said "Dear God YES". Butcher disappears in the back and returns with a set-aside "emergency" ham. That was good for lots of laughs.

    OK gotta run get this show on the road. Take care, meg from beautiful sunny Omaha
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
    evening folks~
    I caved and had a few oreo's geesh....
    Oh well back here with Faith and lucky no accidents tonight... I will turn alarm on and go to sleep at 7 and get up at 3:30 and go to the gym... gotta keep up the routine....
    Sean and Jean went on an airboat ride in the everglades and they took a real cute picture of them... my brother has packed on a few pounds , one is probably the meds, but he is also not drinking and actually eating food.. he looks well...
    Jean has been the caregiver for her mom since her dad died, and the way the trust works they cannot put her in a facility.. so it can take alot out of anyone..
    So she is really enjoying the time away and she deserves it..... would love to be able to do that .. but dont have the finances or the time off to do so...