

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Marcelynh – Do you use a laptop when typing on this thread? I found that my touchpad on my laptop is way too sensitive. Apparently I’d hit it accidentally with my thumb, palm, or even a bracelet on it; and, things would disappear. Sometimes if you go down to the taskbar you can roll your cursor over it and it shows 2 MFP pages up and you can choose which one to do so. I found my touchpad was way too sensitive and I disable it whenever I open any program.

    One thing you cannot do; if you are posting in the yellow box; is to go back a page; unless you save it. It will disappear EVERY time (unless you save it = post it) before going back.

    A lot of us will open our word processing program and then hit the ‘double’ blow-up icon (one with 2 squares on top of one another; and put the 2 screens side-by-side; so we can go down the posts and answer anyone that we want to. Then you would highlight the text in the word processing document, cut it; then, paste it to the last page of MFP. Then close out of the word processing program; and, then you can go to that yellow page on the post, make any changes you want to. I like to ‘highlight and bold the names so others can skim through and read posts made that are directed to them. Then when you feel like you have said all you want to say, hit ‘post reply’ you then have 1 hour to edit your post; by hitting the upper right-hand corner of your post until a black gear shows up and drops down a screen; click on it and it will take you back to your post and you can change whatever you want or delete your entire post, if you want too.

    I hope this helps.

    I’ve also strolled through some of the other treads and you’re right; some are downright ‘creepy’ and the posts are definitely ‘hook ups’.

    Katla – Whenever I get around to it; I intend on clearing out my studio and put pegboard around it on the walls, so I can hang the things I need to, to get them off the floor. Plan on putting the 2 shelves up to divided my part from the part that DH uses to dry his doors and shutters. I want to put him at the end; he wants to be down the sides. IF I had known that when he had his smaller shed built; that he was going to claim part of mine – I would have allowed him to keep the ‘old’ one and taken the smaller one. I would have put windows along the north wall and probably put it in a different location. LOL! Give a man an ‘inch’ and he will take over everything. Like Kudzu vines.

    The electricians are 'supposed' to come today. I guess I will see if they actually do. Supposed to put in some new outlets; replace our motion light, and install a couple of wall lights that we can use to read by. Put the new element into the stove. Husband tried doing it this past weekend and got so aggravated with it, he was afraid it would break. Last night we went over to DOS's house to help him hang his mounted turkey - that was a HUGE bird; makes my DH's 'large' bird, look small. There was only one way he could put it on. His wife has not been happy about any of it. Least of all, the price he had to pay to get it mounted. But, it doesn't matter how much she spends on things. This was a 'once in a lifetime turkey' ... HUGE! Of course, like anything else he kills, the meat goes on their table.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    well just got off the phone with fit bit after 40 minutes of trying to get my Surge to sync which it hasn't in 2 days.. they are sending me a new one.. and Oh I got 10,000 before leaving the gym.
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    nb1959 wrote: »
    It's not easy, but I just play the part of awesome chef and think, "I am so special I have to make food just for me".

    Becca to the rescue!!!!!! So, you go ahead and have your bedtime snack, but it is a nutrtionally sound homemade dessert. I love the recipe idea. Bet this would taste good with a half of backed sweet tater. So, then, I must say: Winner, winner! Chicken dinner! (It's a southern thing.)
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    It's not easy, but I just play the part of awesome chef and think, "I am so special I have to make food just for me".

    Becca to the rescue!!!!!! So, you go ahead and have your bedtime snack, but it is a nutrtionally sound homemade dessert. I love the recipe idea. Bet this would taste good with a half of backed sweet tater. So, then, I must say: Winner, winner! Chicken dinner! (It's a southern thing.)
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    CJ, loved your photos and information!

    Katla, SAD is one of the more treatable conditions! So glad that you found the solution!

    Joyce, prayers and hugs for you.

    Lisa, "educational mode" - I LOVE it! And it really fits me! I am a teacher at heart.
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    Success yesterday! I finished with 42 calories to spare. I ate small meals every couple of hours, which staved off FoBH...Fear of Being Hungry. Gotta quote Scarlett one more time: "I will nevah go hungrah a-gain."
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Heather - I sent you a PM.

    Too busy to read the thread carefully - much less respond - I'm teaching this week.

    /Penny, longing for the quiet at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone. It's a glorious morning here in the middle of nowhere. Sun shining, clear skies and it's supposed to be warm today. AAAH, springtime!

    This morning I did nearly 30 minutes on the treadmill, going 2mph. So, you can see how much better I'm doing. Not dragging the foot at all! Still a little weak, but getting there.

    Lisa, my son seems to have figured out that he has to do more stuff for himself. Hubby has been filling in as school bus driver, but the rest is all on him, and he's surviving. Maybe this has been a wake up call for him, to stop wallowing in his own misery and do something. Anyway, the kids are doing fine. I ride along on the school runs most days. I think (hope) I will be OK'd to drive again next week, but I'm going to be more careful about not overextending myself so much from here on.

    The art co-op has been going along without much input from me. My friends have been keeping me in the loop, though. They got the key to the building yesterday and tonight the first meeting will happen inside the new space. I'm going to the meeting! I actually made a few smallish hand-built pieces Sunday afternoon and it was the first time I've touched clay for weeks.

    But now I need to lie down. Have a great day!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We're off to DH's diabetic doctor this morning. DH has some significant complaints about his office support and I wonder what the doctor will have to say. DH has been having a serious struggle getting prescription refills through the doctor's office for several months now. He HAS to take insulin, and no refills or late refills is NOT okay. :grumble:
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    KJLamore - I noticed yesterday when I was checking off my progress, that we did half of the max - 100 squats! This really does make it seem easy and doable. I'm still not feeling it much in my backside, but my quads felt a little worked when I got up this morning.
  • simsisfun
    simsisfun Posts: 2 Member
    1 week use of the site. Next small step: everything I eat today will go on the calorie counter. I am encouraged by all these messages.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Joyce, I am praying with you for your loved ones and their health issues. I know you don’t look forward to any of this but just know we are with you in spirit. I have to say it makes me so thankful for the health we have, even with DH’s heart condition. Stay strong and take care of yourself, my friend. (((((Hugs))))) smiley-love018.gif

    Katla, good for you on doing the storage room. It is sometimes just strange that we let things go in our homes that don’t seem to bother us until they reach a certain point. After being a Realtor for years, I tell DH I don’t want to wait until we are ready to move and fix things up for the next owner. If it needs doing, I want to do it for us to enjoy. We’ve never lived in a house that is over 12 years old but I think this may be the one. I just hate it when things wear out or need to be replaced. Especially something like carpet that requires all the furniture be moved. Oh just the thought gives me a headache. Lol On the home repair shows on TV they make it look so easy.

    Heather, will you have access to the internet while on your cruise? I love hearing about what you do each day.

    KJL, I loved the story about the 3 ½ year old with your neighbor. That just warmed my heart.

    Allie, glad to hear that Tom is behaving for the moment. Sometimes it pays off to blow our tops. Glad you are getting a new FitBit.

    Lisa, your “Big Book O Death” is such a good idea. I have some things written in one place but not everything that is needed. I keep thinking about it but haven’t made it yet. Thanks for the reminder.

    Sylvia, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to hear how well you are doing. I’m glad your DS is stepping up to take care of his kids. Keep up the great work on getting well and I’m glad to hear you plan to take care of yourself in the future. ((((Hugs))))

    welcome.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Today is my brother’s birthday. He would be turning 70 but died at age 51 of a heart attack. DH had his first heart attack in his late 40’s and bypass surgery in early 50’s. I am so pleased that his is doing well and taking care of himself. He’s going to be 75 next month and still going strong. It just took him a while to learn that there are limits to what he can do. I hope you all do what is best for your health. I'm off to line dancing in a bit.
    . Sending good thoughts for all of you and wishing you each a healthy and happy day. happy-spring-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Just had an epiphany: I have been bemoaning the loss of my morning work out time due to my first kiddo arriving at 5:30. (Although I haven't actually lost the morning work out, I have just had to shorten it and do it from home.) I just realized that she is SO tiny for 3 1/2 that she still fits in my stroller! She usually naps right when she gets to my house, so I could just bundle her up, give her a blankie and she can go for a "walk/ride" with me in the wee hours! Whoot! Five milers in the morning again! I have a whole hour and 15 minutes before the next kiddo arrives! ***I'm so excited!***
    Joyce- I have the photos uploaded to my profile, but I can't find an option to change the profile pic.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    I have a "big book of everything" that I put together, but now I want to rename it "The Big Book of Death" much better title, right to the point!!! Karen
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    DJ- Talked to the 3 1/2 year old boy's mom (the one that reacted so emotionally to my neighbor) this morning at drop off; she told me that his great grandma "Grammy" died earlier this winter. I think maybe he thought Miss Ruth was Grammy. He did say "I missed you, Granny/Grammy"! He is a rough and tumble boy, like his older brothers were, but he is a lover! Very quick with the hugs.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    kjlamore - have you uploaded a new pic to pick from so you can have the option to pick another pic?
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Sylvia I am so glad that you are able to type with both hands, exercise, and play with clay. Have fun at your meeting this evening in the new place.

    Joyce First of all, let me say that I am so sorry about your sister's health. Whatever decision she makes, will, I am sure be the right one for her. I know just how hard this must be for you, especially on top of your DH situation. Please take care of yourself. <3<3 to you.

    It appears that my message answering your questions did not post. Or I could not find it. >:) I was in Peru to meet with educational counterparts. It went very, very well. The visits to archeological sites and museums were tacked on.

    I am not sure what you meant by "illegal" pictures. You can be sure that I took pictures only where I had permission. Many museums and sites do not permit picture taking and visitors have to turn in all phone, cameras and electronic devices and bags. For personal reasons and out of respect, I do not take pictures and will never post pictures of human remains. In fact, in many museums, the graves, mummies and skeletons are reproductions. The remains may be displayed behind a screen or curtain. Other museums have pictures or videos of the discovery and uncovering of the mummy. The funerary artifacts are displayed on manikins or acrylic body shapes.

    Heather is correct. Most of the gold is alloyed. The gold could be mined in short, narrow tunnels in seams contained in quartz or other minerals, or recovered in alluvial deposits (streams) through placer methods, familiar to the California Forty-niners panning for gold flakes. Gold was often found with associated silver or platinum. Copper was plentiful and most frequently used as the alloy. While the ancients knew metallurgical techniques that Europeans had not invented yet such as lost wax method, most of the pieces, especially large pieces, were heat or cold hammered, rolled or laminated sheets. They would join (solder) small metal sheets to make very large sheets. They did know smelting techniques and had portable crucibles and many types of furnaces. They would mix mercury with gold flakes and make a paste, slather it on the copper and then heat it to get rid of the mercury. They also used what we refer to as electrochemical replacement plating by dissolving grains of silver in a solution of salts and deposit on sheets of copper to plate it. All without electricity and modern chemical acids.
    Coal was used as a fuel source as well as highly polished to make mirrors.

    Restorers first conduct microscopic and nuclear analysis of pieces in order to determine the chemical composition of the article to be restored. I saw a number of examples of the techniques. The original pieces where chemically complex.

    As for "kittens". KJL had typed in a word that MFP changed to “kittens” that described what some people do. Yvonne added to the conversation with the story that a local band used a term about the Surgeon General who had recommended that teenagers do this instead of the alternative and all the brouhaha that followed.

    KJL The quipu is an Inca bookkeeping and accounting system that uses bases 10 as does our number system. It was very complex. It is not a writing system. It appears that the Incas and other peoples had no writing system as we know it. The quipu-makers were highly valued in Inca culture. The Conquistadores got rid of the quipus because they viewed them as anti-Catholic and subversive. They could not read them and never trusted the quipu-makers. Very few exist, and most of those were unearthed from tombs or archeological sites.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    CJ, thanks for all the information! I did not know any of that! Wow!

    I have been having really bad heel pain in the morning when I get up, and also when I get up from sitting or lying down. I suspected it was a bone spur, and according to the internet, it is. Has anyone had one? How did they treat it? I will ask my PT about it when I go in on Thursday.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Pip- You're killing me! I have photo options available now, I need to find out how to make one of my photos my new profile pic. I know you are probably giving me a hard time. Believe me, the computer does that enough! :p
    CJ- Amazing info about the museum artifacts. We, as a society have come so far in science, metallurgy, industrial science, and more. But just thinking of people accomplishing these things before they had all of the machinery etc. It truly is a lost art form.
    Miriam- I have that often, the pain goes away after some pool time. I always thought it was plantar fasciitis.