40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    Day 1 of 2 off = Getting done!
  • 60to35
    60to35 Posts: 297 Member
    Upper body today. Incline push ups were a beast for me today.
    I am from Alberta too @Beeps2011. We are part of the other big industry here- beef. We survived 10 years of bottom of the barrel prices and it's horrible seeing the oil people going through it... again! Congrats on finding work.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Went to a low level strength class today. Didn't even break a sweat. :)
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start, Cardio 2 & Core 2"=Done!
  • 60to35
    60to35 Posts: 297 Member
    Ran 6 hilly miles outside (in a t-shirt to boot) where it climbed to 20C from yesterday morning's -2C. Got to love Alberta weather.
    And God bless the County of Two Hills for grading the roads. The thaw combined with the grading had it feeling like I was running on sponge.
  • dbkyser
    dbkyser Posts: 612 Member
    60 minutes of cardio this morning, then 30 minute bike ride tonight. Good day
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start & Resistance 3"=Done!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    Legs & Back=Done!!
  • 60to35
    60to35 Posts: 297 Member
    Legs and abs
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    Got out for 2 bike rides over the weekend. One short (1hr) as we were invited out for dinner so focused on the hills. I am not too far from SFU, which is a nice 5k hill at about 6% slope, was powering through, definitely a PB for me when some guy blows by me going about 2km/hr faster than me. I was able to look him up due to the flyby app on Strava and lets just say he has put in the miles to crush me.

    Sunday did a flatter route for 45km and opened it up a bit which felt great. It was a route I haven't done for years so lots of PBs :smile:

    Good workout on Monday and today but man did I fall off the wagon yesterday.

    We had friends over for dinner on Saturday and they brought drumsticks for dessert (which I refrained from). Tuesday though I was craving and ate the last two in the middle of the afternoon. Then before bed had two bowls of cereal (for the first time in probably 6 months). Grand total - 1200cal!!! 300 for each item. Crazy. First real binge though (if you don't count wine and/or beer) so hopefully its out of my system for a while now.

    After a beautiful week last week it has gotten a bit cooler and wetter again :( . Have to replace a fascia board today on the house as it is meant to be repainted starting tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    No lifting today. Tomorrow is full-body lifting, though
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    2nd day off was good... 1am workout pending.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "22 Minute Hard Corps Cold Start, Cardio 3 & Core 2"=Done!
  • ftloy
    ftloy Posts: 132 Member
    I'm not cool in any sense of the term, but I do meet the "40+" requirement, so yeah ... I'm in. If anyone wants to add me, please feel free to do so at your own peril. :smiley:
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    Squats, Bench Press, Military Press, Curls, Dips, Chin Ups, Pull Ups, Dead lifts, Incline Press = Done!
  • senennieves
    senennieves Posts: 106 Member
    Im 53 here , be 54 in July, looking to lose around 120-130 lbs.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    Bis & Tris=Done!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all, I fell off the radar due to a very bad cold. Went to bed one night, feeling fine, woke up so congested I could barely breathe. Because it was not easing up, one of the docs I work with prescribed some antibiotics. Today is the first day I am actually starting to feel human again. However, I did run a couple of times, and found that it helped to get my lymphatic system draining.

    We have started our community wide walking challenge, so I walked in to work yesterday. Took me just over 2 hours. I finished the day with over 22,000 steps. Wanted to walk in again today, but I have to run after work, and I know my legs would not let me do both....yet.

    Was hoping to get my strength workout in yesterday, but my trainer is now sick. Housework instead!

    @alf1163 enjoy your vacation!
    @tojo_73 good job tightening that belt!
    @gam3rguy & @TK6299 - way to keep killin' it!
    @Beeps2011 - unemployment sucks! Alberta is certainly hurting. Pleased to hear you will soon be full time again.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    oops - forgot to welcome all the newcomers! You are ALL cool kids! :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    sdereski wrote: »
    Hi all, I fell off the radar due to a very bad cold. Went to bed one night, feeling fine, woke up so congested I could barely breathe. Because it was not easing up, one of the docs I work with prescribed some antibiotics. Today is the first day I am actually starting to feel human again.

    Oh no!!!