The official nightshift thread....



  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    I have worked on and off Graves since 1994. This latest stint started in Jan 2015. Since coming to Graves, I get better sleep, I have lost 35 lbs, found my abs, and make more money!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I deal with fewer crazy people on nights. I'm not saying we don't have crazy people, but the daytime folks deal with some crazy people that just keep coming back. Unlike human medicine, we don't have to treat at the animal ER so we can fire their hides and never see them again if we don't want. :smile: I really feel bad for human ER personnel, fire departments and for law enforcement. You guys can't fire crazy people.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm on days or nights. I gain and lose weight based more on my stress levels than my work schedule. I gained a lot of weight when I practiced in Florida. It was a stressful place to work. I gained a bunch more weight when the clinic I was working at closed in 2010. I'm losing weight nice and steady now. I have time to get out and exercise during the day and my wonder wife does a phenomenal job helping to remind me to ask for help and not take on everything on my own. She was a wonderful find and I'm lucky she hasn't left my hide with my work schedule. :smile:
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    @health_guard congrats on the loss so far. I worked for city police departments for 17 years and NEVER got differential pay. It wasn't until I started my current job that I realized such a world existed, lol. @sufferlandrian I am glad to hear that you are less stressed and that you are consistent in you loss. Behind every great man is an amazing woman.
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    Day 3 of 8 underway!
  • gillym82
    gillym82 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new to the boards but this one popped up right away. I'm a night shifter too. Makes it difficult to eat right and exercise. I'm here all night! Would love to meet people in similar situations! :)
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    No differential pay for me either. I'm not sure that it exists in dispatch land lol

    I'm hanging out for a bit, listening to my husband snore.
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    Lol, Zzzzzzz. Welcome @gillym82
  • aflies
    aflies Posts: 78 Member
    I deal with fewer crazy people on nights. I'm not saying we don't have crazy people, but the daytime folks deal with some crazy people that just keep coming back. Unlike human medicine, we don't have to treat at the animal ER so we can fire their hides and never see them again if we don't want. :smile: I really feel bad for human ER personnel, fire departments and for law enforcement. You guys can't fire crazy people.

    Oh dear, the stories I could tell! Crazy isn't the half of it. :smiley:
  • gillym82
    gillym82 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you @TK6299 What does everyone do?
  • aflies
    aflies Posts: 78 Member
    I work in a crisis facility for the mental health
  • CazDeLaz
    CazDeLaz Posts: 11 Member
    Night shift right here! 5 days a week! woot woot!
  • gillym82
    gillym82 Posts: 5 Member
    3 nights a week here. 12.5 hour shifts! Been on it for 10+ years!
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    Panama schedule 12 hrs shifts. (3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off, 2 on, 2 off, start over) Lots of OT though.
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    Fed Police
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited April 2016
    TK6299 wrote: »
    I have worked on and off Graves since 1994. This latest stint started in Jan 2015. Since coming to Graves, I get better sleep, I have lost 35 lbs, found my abs, and make more money!

    I can't agree on better sleep (then again sleep and I just don't agree working any tour - I'm on friggin vacation now only getting 3-4 hours a day max). My worst sleep ever I'd say was working midnight.

    However, I did find the midnight tour great for weight loss, when I lost probably 100 of the 130 that I lost. I think it's less biological and more that Brooklyn streets were less busy at night so easier to be active.

    I hated when I got stuck on a double, even trying to walk during the day was a chore.

    @lilaclovebird hope it gets better down there. I hadn't been keeping up with the news, and hadn't heard about it.
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    Day 4 of 8 underway. Hope everybody is having a great night!
  • gillym82
    gillym82 Posts: 5 Member
    Ugh, got held over this morning. Was at work till almost 10am, went home, power slept, and back to work by 7. Last night and then I'm off for a while! WOOT!
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    I would rather get held over than come in early though... Enjoy your time off!!
  • gillym82
    gillym82 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh goodness! Not me! If I know I'm coming in early I can plan for it. But to expected to go home at 7 and stay till 10 or 11? No thanks!