

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning all~
    I am awake but not by choice !! Tom comes into the bedroom and asks are you awake? I said I am now.. he said the hot water heater isn't working...(tankless) so I get up and get my robe and slippers on and get the flashlight.. meanwhile he is in a state of panic..now this is all at 2:30 in the morning... he moves some siding that we have downstairs.. and gee it was unplugged :neutral: . he was thrilled that was all it was.. but really did ya have to wake me up.. well now I am up .. and will get dressed and go to the gym.. first day I have felt 1/2 way decent to go in a week..
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Welcome back to the land of the living, Allie! I went to the gym myself today for the first time in over a month. I took it easy and didn't do everything on my program. Baby steps, baby steps.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Been reading every day; just no time to comment. Just wanted to send quick shout outs to:
    Katie- Congrats on Onederland! This is my goal, too!
    Becca-Nice job with the writing! Feels like an old fashioned movie serial; the cliff-hanger "...stay tuned next week to find out what happens to our hero..."
    Kristan- Haven't seen you in a while? You okay?
    Sue- Thanks for the heads up on scholarships for us "grown up girls". I will check it out and see what I can find!
    Allie- Ugh! My sympathies! My dh does the same to me.
    Heather- Love the latest pic of Bea! Just wanted to mention that it looks like she has your chin and mouth. Also, thanks again for the nudge towards Duolingo. It is now one of the high points of my day. Talking to and working with toddlers is NOT very stimulating for my own brain, so logging in to Duolingo is a BIG lift for my brain and mood! I feel like my mind says "Omigod! Thank you!" and is doing it's own little party dance!

    brain_guy_dancing_hg_clr.gif (350×269)
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    I am sad to report that the end has come to my part in the romantic movie. PB and I are no longer seeing each other because his ex unexpectedly showed up at his house the other night (while we were on the phone I might add). She apparently had spent the last 6 months since there breakup mending what tore them apart. He decided to get back together with her. Being the gentleman that he is, he broke the news as gently as possible. I am so sad to lose what potential this relationship had and I miss him already. His romantic movie continues, mine came to an end.

    Chris in MA who is crying
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    edited April 2016
    Chris I am so c sorry to hear about PB. He sounded like he might be a keeper. Hugs coming your way. Here to vent to of you needed it.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Awww Chris so sorry... these things are never easy :( wish there was more I could do to help..
    Well I had a bowl of cereal and was still tired so went back to bed for an hour and a half.. no gym, and I guess I can get dressed quick and go feed DFIL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Chris - ((((((BIG HUGS)))))) Awful. :'( Been through that a few times and each time is as bad, or worse, than the first heartbreak. <3<3<3:flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Chris ~ So sorry it didn't work out with the PB.

    Kay ~ Congrats on getting to onederlalnd. Happy dual mowing.

    Michelle ~ I would either plant azaleas or creeping gardenia. They have flowers and stay green in winter. Some of the new azaleas bloom more than in the Spring. I must admit that I feel sorry for the girl making change for you. I wouldn't have understood it either.

    DJ ~ Happy early birthday! Know your new painted door looks great. I need to restain my porch floor where the "good for nothing" guy did a horrible job last Fall. DH had a good time visiting with his college friends and I know it did him good. I think the reason I felt a bit bad about it is because we as a couple do not have a social life at all.

    Lenora ~ Show us your new hair style. I haven't had a perm since the 90's. My hair always got fried when I tried to have one. Mainly because I color it.

    I have read and read but do not take notes so can't reply to all. Welcome to all the new folks.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited April 2016
    Had a couple of quick phone calls with DH's sister. She is always so busy she is hard to catch. Looks like she may come for lunch on May 8th. :D Time they had a good chat over the family stuff. :ohwell:

    I hope to see my old friend this Sunday for lunch. Not sure where, but it will be great to catch up after her 2 weeks in Hong Kong, visiting her granddaughter. <3 I am happy to get on the train to Portsmouth if she is a bit tired.

    Penny - glad you are over the crud. :flowerforyou:

    Did a bit of my memoir this morning. I was remembering how I discovered the power of the written word. Also how my mother, when I was young, encouraged me to believe in myself. That was a gift I shall always be grateful for, even though it faltered as I grew older. It was always there, deep down, and I am now recovering that feeling.
    Plus I so much enjoy writing to you ladies!!!!

    Heather UK

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Michele, how funny about your cat! I have had cats that lick off perfume or lotion, but never one that would even stay close to menthol. Does she do it immediately or after she has become accustomed to the odor?

    Chris, I am so sorry.

    Love to all!

    Missing hearing from Sylvia on a daily basis. Hoping all is still well with her.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Aw, Chris, I am so sorry.

    The "official" Friday weigh-in was this morning, it's interesting that I always weigh less in mid-afternoon than I do first thing in the morning, but first thing in the morning with no clothes is the official time. I'm happy to report 199.8. Still Onederland, although 0.4 lbs up from my afternoon weight. It is recorded.

    My next goal is 191, where I will be out of the obese category and into the overweight category.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :'(Chris, sorry to hear that the relationship with PB took a sad turn for you

    :)drkatie, congrats on your good weigh-in today.

    :) I am up early this morning which will be great if the dogs want to go for an extra long walk.

    <3 Barbie from overcast NW Washington
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Quick note from my phone. Polar bear across the fjord. Exciting times!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Michele in NC - the titles are "This Little Pig," and "She's Thinking Out Loud." Pig is the mystery set in East Texas, and STOL is a compilation of about 60 articles I've written over the years. If you do a search for "Lisa C Hannon" on Amazon, it will bring up all my books--I've also got pieces in a couple of anthologies. Thank you very much for asking!

    Chris in MA - I'm so sorry... it's so hard to see someone with such potential for happiness for you take a step backward. I had to cope with something similar when Corey and I were first dating. One of my first questions was, if the woman he'd been dating before me came back, would he take her back. His answer was "I don't know." Took a while to get over it. Your Prince Charming may yet find that she isn't as mended as he hopes. It's hard for people to change. Not wishing him ill, just know how it works.

    Dr. Katie - very freaking awesome!

    I'm getting it together this morning and going into town to get my truck cleaned up and buy a new headlight for the DH to replace one that's gone out. I'm the transport for three other writers, who are going with me to a one-day retreat up in Fort Davis, TX. Absolutely beautiful drive... Taking along 12 pages of the sequel to "This Little Pig," with me, tentatively titled "Flak Be Nimble," and see what response I get. Should be fun, and it's my absolute last solid commitment for spring, so now I should be able to concentrate on what I want to get done throughout the rest of spring and summer. Spending the night in Fort Davis, retreat's tomorrow, and then back home tomorrow evening.

    Ordered most of what we need to create a true bathroom in the warehouse, tub shower combo, toilet, etc. It's so expensive to build anything these days, and that's even with building most of it ourselves! I found an eight-foot long bathroom counter with integral sink at a garage sale, and talked them down to $20 for it, and we'll build the cabinets in under it... but still nearly $1,000 for everything else, even with using PVC that we recovered from the warehouse. So glad Corey and I are both handy, but it's a lot of work ahead. It will all be delivered Thursday. Can't wait to actually be able to shower there, it will make life so much easier.

    No word on the editing job, but I know the newspaper publisher pretty well, and she's the type that just won't move until her hand is completely forced, so I may not hear back until and unless it gets to emergency status. Still trying not to think about it.

    Off to the races, got to get all the finances caught up now that I'm back from my trip, then run into town and get that headlight to replace mine, then back to the ranch so Corey can fix it, then back to town to pick everyone up. Busy day!

    Lisa in West TX
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kim wrote, "Tornados – Yuck I’ll take my earthquakes thank you!"

    Funny you said that, the last few years Oklahoma has had more earthquakes than California, due to fracking for oil wells. We can't win. Lol

    Janetr okc
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited April 2016
    Correction: not on the other side of the fjord. It's in the delta of Advent River and much closer to this side! I estimate about a mile away from my house. Scads of people have gathered to admire it from a respectful distance.

    It's not a very happening bear. Mostly just curled up on the ice, dozing in the sunshine. As I watched, it lifted its head and looked around, then shifted its weight a bit and curled up again. I guess I'll be jumping up frequently this afternoon, going to the window with the binoculars. :p What a privilege!


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I am sad to report that the end has come to my part in the romantic movie. PB and I are no longer seeing each other because his ex unexpectedly showed up at his house the other night (while we were on the phone I might add). She apparently had spent the last 6 months since there breakup mending what tore them apart. He decided to get back together with her. Being the gentleman that he is, he broke the news as gently as possible. I am so sad to lose what potential this relationship had and I miss him already. His romantic movie continues, mine came to an end.

    Chris in MA who is crying

    Awe, Chris big hugs. I feel like crying with you.

    Janetr okc
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Oh, heck. My mechanic husband is going to show me how to replace the headlight before I leave the ranch, so I don't have to drive all the way back out. I'm not terribly mechanical, and in fact, that's how I lured him to my house seven years ago--to replace a busted tail light. On his third visit, he actually did replace it, took him about five minutes. >:) I went into a decline, thinking he would never come back! And the rest, as they say, is history. How things have changed in seven years!

    To the showers, and on the road...

    Lisa in West TX
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Quick, while I've got a moment, here are a few pictures from my trip to East Texas:

    My brother and sister and me - I'm on the left, the humidity always turns my hair into a fluffball.


    My beautiful and very skinny niece, Vivyan, standing on a wooden bridge over a creek on a red dirt road near where I grew up.


    An old house near where my mother is buried, in Cushing, TX. I sure miss the green and trees, much as I love our desert oasis.


    Caught sight of a cardinal in a tree while we were at my brother's house in Garrison.

  • debbie41
    debbie41 Posts: 8 Member
    You look amazing and I love the old house picture!