
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Driving through Atlanta to visit with my mom today. If I leave around 9 AM the traffic is not usually too bad. The worst part is driving south on I-75 where they are building toll lanes. Very narrow and curving 4 lane traffic with construction trucks everywhere.

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    bjkidfun wrote: »
    Is it possible to get back 2 days I missed while out of town. I was up to 115 days and went away for the weekend and couldn't log in.

    :) Here is the link to get your days reset....they don't ask questions about why you want it changed but they won't reset it to more days than you've actually been on MFP


    Thanks Barbie for the info.
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Thanks for the welcome & thanks Lisa & Lenora for your bio (how awesome your journeys)...wish one could click on each screen pic & get that info. I'm really anal about hearing people's stories I guess it comes from managing 60 Realtors much of my life. There is so much to celebrate in each of us & getting to know the individual sure helps in supporting & motivating people in reaching their goals or just knowing them in general...we are products of our experiences!

    Good luck on the deer problem we have tried everything on our 2 acres from Irish Spring soap, cayote urine, battery zappers etc...only deer fencing/mesh around vulnerable plants has worked for us! Hate that I have to limit my choices to "deer resistant" plants.
    We have some rhododendron deer never touch some other real "specimen types" they've loved...go figure.

    We are off to our attorney today to finalize a very specific life estate that we've been working on for awhile! Dealing w/my 97 yo father's financial affairs now that he is in a nursing home ($12,000/mon) has made us realize we were not where we should be. A rant for another day about what goes into nursing home/Medicaid application other than to say hours & hours even with attorney assistance!!!

    I've got 10#s to get where I was before DHs treatment but 40#s to get to where I should be...that's why hearing your stories is so inspiring to me...
    Have a day filled with sunshine and lollipops
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Going to try something different today with my logging. Going to log all of my meals this morning, and see if I can stay true to the plan. Anyone else log this way? Does it work better for you than logging after you eat? I am hoping the pre-recording of the meal will give me an extra bit of accountability to eat the way I planned.

    :) When I started MFP, I planned my food for the day and logged it. I committed to eating only what I'd planned, no matter what. If someone offered me a treat, I said "No, thank you" no matter what the treat was because I knew that once I stepped over the line, I was doomed. I eat only at certain times of day and only the food I've planned. After doing this for several years, I don't always log the food on MFP ahead of time, but I know early in the day, exactly what I'll be eating and I stick to the plan, no matter what. It has worked for me and it can work for you.

    <3 Barbie
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,605 Member
    lgdw99 - what can we call you? It doesn't have to be your real name. It helps if you sign off with a name each time. :flowerforyou:

    Just been having a bit of a weep at the lunchtime news today. The result of the HILLSBOROUGH ENQUIRY was unlawful killing. Such a long and terrible journey for the families. (Google it) 27 years. The poor father who lost both his beautiful daughters. :'( Pleased that they have had some relief from the verdict.

    DH has apologised for his behaviour last week, saying that he really wasn't feeling well and had lots of stress etc. He said he was very happy for me to book the London hotel for our meeting anniversary. So I have done that and booked lunch at Fortnum and Mason, opposite the gallery where the exhibition is. :D:D<3 He has been giving me hugs. :love: I think it was the relief of writing that overdue email.

    Had a good yoga session. My teacher is bringing dresses next week for me to try on and she is coming back to my house for lunch. She can see my dresses, including my new one. :D

    Making yoghurt this afternoon and a lamb tagine from the Hairy Bikers diet book. Yummo!

    Will text my friend about visiting her tomorrow.

    Love Heather UK
  • Changeat50
    Changeat50 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been on myfitnesspal in the past but am making a point to stay on track. Have a 35 yr class reunion coming up in August and would like to be half-way to my weight loss goal in addition to just plain getting into better shape and health. I don't receive much support either so after reading some of these posts, this will be a great place for it.

    Ann from Pittsburgh
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Going to try something different today with my logging. Going to log all of my meals this morning, and see if I can stay true to the plan. Anyone else log this way? Does it work better for you than logging after you eat? I am hoping the pre-recording of the meal will give me an extra bit of accountability to eat the way I planned.

    I have always logged this way. Just helps me to plan ahead and know exactly what will be eaten for the day. Good luck.

    Janetr okc
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Changeat50 welcome Ann I like your username because 50 was when I decdided I had had enough and wanted to feel better. Having a deadline can be helpful, I am using my daughter's h.s. graduation to be at a better weight, smaller clothing size but most importantly, didn't want to have my b.p. medicine increased.....and hooray, I am no longer needing b.p. medication, due to increased activity and better eating. You've come to a great forum of likeminded and strong women! :) Karen from NY
  • phnxrth
    phnxrth Posts: 18 Member
    I reached goal (again.) Heading back into maintenance mode and I use the term loosely. One thing I'm finding helpful is counting the number of times each day I have urges to overeat that I don't act on. It's usually 15-25. Then every few days I let myself eat. 5'7", just shy of 59, 125.5 lbs.
  • fishmamma
    fishmamma Posts: 2 Member
    So glad to see this group for women 50+
    Can't believe April is almost over
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,605 Member
    Karen - It was me recommended the book. I am finding it interesting. Today at yoga we were asked to do something I don't naturally feel comfortable with. I decided to give it a go, having read the book, EMOTIONAL AGILITY, and I enjoyed the activity.
    I have read many, many personal growth books and found them all helpful in different ways. No one book is the answer, but they all have wisdom to impart. One of my favourite authors is Jack Kornfield, who takes a Buddhist approach, but not in a highly religious or partisan way. I read his book THE WISE HEART on the train when I am going up to London (I find it very calming and mood changing) and have read most of his others.
    Best wishes, Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,067 Member
    morning peeps-

    cssj09 - not laughing at a fellow bikers issues, no way, i got measured for my bike seat so i made sure i got the right size and if you look at it, there is no cushion on it at all, it looks like it would hurt but it doesn't

    jmkmomm - so did you pray that you would find your ipad?

    grandmallie = yes, there's an app if you have an iphone

    klanders30p - ::::: strapping on the boot :::::::

    well this morning was crap! I am using every bad word known to man and then some.
    got to the gym early so I was ready for a long workout BUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
    1. FORGOT MY MONKEY FEET, so I had to keep my bike shoes on.
    2. my ipod wasn't working right, something wrong, so I was wasting time f)(*&g with it
    3. I have a waterprood case cover for my phone and I couldn't uncover the hole to plug in the adapter so I could use the music from my phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. had to take off the cover to expose the hole to plug in the adapter (no I CAN'T workout without music)
    5. the stairclimber that I was going to use was OUT OF ORDER, no others available
    6. used the elliptical machine (it's a worthless machine for me. if it works for you awesome, but by the time I got on it, I JUST wasn't in the mood)
    7. I wanted to run barefoot but I didn't want anyone to snitch on me.

    I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PISSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I may end up riding home, I dunno. we will c.
    ok rant over.... carry on....

    oh yeah, welcome new peeps

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Was weighed in last Tuesday @ 159 (had not changed a bit from the 2 weeks before). Yesterday, I weighed 163 at another MD's office; but, I had eaten more than I normally eat at a meal and a cup of coffee and 3 glasses of restaurant water right before going. Hopefully, that was the reason and not that I have actually gained it back. But, the last time I went to him after being weighed in at my MDs office, I was heavier, then, too! Has to be because my belly was full.

    I've got a sub to eat at lunch; but, will only eat 1/2 of it; so not high in calories that way; and then the other half tomorrow. Need the extra protein since I have upped my exercise. I took Becca's 'novel' out with me the other day to read while walking. Gee, don't know why I thought I could do that. Finally, sat down on an old log and read it from beginning to where she left off last. Looking for the next installment. It's been so much fun reading it. When she is finished she definitely needs to try to get it published.

    DDnL#1 has lost 30lbs (more or less) ... noticeable even though she has a long way to go. Said she walked just under 5 miles yesterday. I know how long I walk; just don't know how far. At least a couple of miles or more. It is 1/4 of a mile down the road to the bridge (that does not count walking up to the road. The road the other way is 1.1 miles from driveway to paved road. I might try that route today. Need to try to do it before it gets too hot.

    Welcome to all the newbies ... come often and post often ...!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    :o:o Don't know why my avatar is 'green' ... feel good. No telling what I hit, ... oh well.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Amazingmom: You join this group by posting. Be sure to bookmark our site so that you can find us again. To book mark us, click on the blank star at the top of the page. It will turn yellow. Then you can find us any time by clicking on the gray star. :smiley:

    ljdw99: Regarding deer, we occasionally have a deer or two visit our lawn, but it is rare since we live in the middle of town. I read about a potential deer repellant in an old Nora Roberts novel. The heroine sent her husband & his brothers out to pee all around the perimeter of her flower garden. If Nora is right, predator urine can be an effective deer repellant. :wink:

    Heather: I'm so glad your DH is feeling better about things and has apologized. Our old cable provider had the Hairy Bikers and I enjoyed them, but our current provider doesn't have them. :noway: I'm not changing back. The old provider had many negative business practices and didn't carry some channels I want.

    Ann from Pittsburgh: Welcome! :bigsmile:

    phnxrth: My maintenance strategy is to log every bite and swallow, and move more. Those were my primary loss strategies and they've worked very well for me. :star:

    This morning I plan to take my foul weather jacket back and hopefully exchange it for my favorite color. Dh and the sale clerk both "encouraged" me to get another color, but I'm just not happy with it. The color I want matches the hat in my photo. Wish me luck.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • daisymaegogo
    daisymaegogo Posts: 1 Member
    I'm happy I found this group! I turned 50 this year, have been working out (P90X, Chalene Extreme, Kelly Coffee-Meyer, P90, T25) since my 30's. Five years ago, I had a big surprise. What I thought was mono was actually a pregnancy and I had kiddo #4 at age 45. I enjoyed the heck out of myself during that pregnancy, stopped working out and ate and ate and ate....ended up weighing 179 at 5'4"! My normal weight is 125-130.
    I'm currently 142 and want to get back down to at least 130.Losing weight isn't easy like when I was a young kiddo!

    I just completed 12 weeks of Bill Phillip's Back To Fit, really love that program. I definitely see gains in muscle in my legs and arms, but I didn't work out consistently or watch my food intake enough, so the scale didn't move. This week I started P90. I like it, but after lifting pretty heavy for Back to Fit, it's going to be an adjustment. I love lifting, do NOT love cardio, but I'm going to have to move my butt more to lose those last 12 or so pounds.

    Quick intro: I have four kiddos (2 boys ages 28 and 5, 2 girls ages 25 and 13).
    I'm a social worker for the Dept. of Human Services in Tennessee, been there for almost 17 years. I have enjoyed several Beachbody workouts as well as Bill Phillips (back to fit and body for life) and Kelly Coffee-Meyer. I feel that lifting is awesome, cardio is bleh. I used to post regularly at the body for life tracker site. http://bodyforlife-tracker.com/
    but hardly anyone posts there anymore. It was a great place for motivation and accountability. Oh, and I notice a lot of people posted a similar disclaimer, so: "I am not a BB coach, and I'm not here to sell anything. I don't do MLMs." :0D
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Clairblue2
    Clairblue2 Posts: 16 Member
    Howdy. Gloomy & cold day here. Which makes me feel very hungry. Blech. Today will be a struggle in the eating department but I have salad & soup on hand. And tea.

    I got up & went to my low impact class. Did my weekly home weigh-in this morning & am down 3 lbs. Yay! Will keep this in mind as motivation when I feel like eating when I'm not hungry today.

    Anyone remember Charlene Prickett on the Lifetime channel? I used to work out to her program almost every night when I would get home from work. I recorded many of her shows on tape & used them for years, until the advent of DVD's. She was great. I don't do DVD's very much anymore. Prefer to go to classes at the gym because I work much harder!

    Welcome Daisymaegogo. I have a brother living in the Memphis area. Love to visit the area. I'm 5'4" as well & would be quite happy to reach 145, but I'm nearly 60, so I cut myself a little slack. It's going to take awhile, but with patience its doable. 130 sounds perfect!

    Good luck to those you living in the southern midwest U.S. Sounds like you could be in for some very rough weather this afternoon & evening. Stay safe!

    Sue in Wisconsin
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :) The story behind Women Ages 50 + is that in 2009 I joined MFP so I could find the calorie counts for some foods so my hubby and I could begin an eating plan that required calorie counts. I loved the food log and started using it immediately. I'd never used message boards again and I thought it might be fun. I found a few that were interesting but not enduring. Then I found Women Ages 50+. It had been started by a woman in her 50's and included a small group of women who had set goals for themselves and shared daily about how they were eating and exercising to meet their goals. A few months later, the woman who started the thread went camping and out of internet range so she asked me to start the thread for the new month. Then she asked me to continue. She is still a MFP member but not active on the thread any more. I love the communication we have. Even though members come and go, there is a fellowship and a friendliness that exists nowhere else. My big part is that I remember to start the thread for the new month providing a place for all of you to share your wisdom and insight with each other. This thread will continue as long as there are women who want to support each other.

    weight-lifting-smiley-emoticon.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,067 Member