What SMALL thing did you do today to help with your journey?



  • 2nd_Fiddle
    2nd_Fiddle Posts: 7 Member
    BellyDncr wrote: »
    In addition to my usual workout I dug out my bike I haven't ridden in 3 years, gave it some TLC and took her for a 2.7 mile ride.

    That's fun! We'll done :)
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    I did not eat free cake. And I brought workout pants to work so I can go walking when I get off at 7am.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Spring cleaning has been my workout this week. Moving furniture, washing floors, taking out garbage has left me more sore than any other workout routine. I moved the garbage to the other end of the kitchen due to ants and it is actually helping me get more steps in. :D
  • carobert
    carobert Posts: 34 Member
    DLDzioba wrote: »
    I did not eat free cake. And I brought workout pants to work so I can go walking when I get off at 7am.

    Free cake is so hard to turn down. Good job!
  • ashes2ashes83
    ashes2ashes83 Posts: 17 Member
    I started my day with a nice cup of green tea. And I finally logged back into MFP... with the goal of staying consistent from now on.
  • Wophie
    Wophie Posts: 126 Member
    Today I am walking an extra 15 minutes on my way home from work to collect a parcel from the sorting office - even though I could have driven at the weekend!
  • Stripeymitten
    Stripeymitten Posts: 74 Member
    I put soy sauce on my salad instead of mayo.
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    Yesterday I bought a Pur water pitcher and put fruit in tea bags and make fruit infused water. The goal is to encourage our children mainly.
  • 2wise4u
    2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
    I work out every week day (unless something comes up), pack my breakfast religiously because I love greek yogurt and breakfast bars and stopped drinking sodas and anything carbonated. I only drink unsweetened iced tea or water now and those changes have helped me tremendously.
  • nanainlaca
    nanainlaca Posts: 42 Member
    Today I realized that I was out of my usual breakfast oatmeal. Instead of skipping breakfast altogether, I actually cooked myself some breakfast and I was proud of myself for not skipping
  • CandehMandeh
    CandehMandeh Posts: 66 Member
    I cook at home more often (more veggies/legumes/fruit), cut out soda, and portion control.
  • ClaireKxoxo
    ClaireKxoxo Posts: 3 Member
    Today I prepped my work day food right down to the very last snack. This saved me delving into my purse to buy unhealthy things that are no good for my future! Same tomorrow! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • edwardenglejr
    edwardenglejr Posts: 15 Member
    Finding supportive friends is best! So add me!
  • bluebkoda
    bluebkoda Posts: 326 Member
    Today I walked up 14 flights of stairs on my lunch break
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I am actually sticking to my calorie goal, and it's because I'm having what I want for dinner. We had potatoes planned, but I want Mac and cheese. So I'm having a lean cuisine with my pork to make it fit.
  • rccsinger
    rccsinger Posts: 1,090 Member
    I resisted the sweet potato fries in the cafeteria!
  • rebeccaahopkins93
    rebeccaahopkins93 Posts: 107 Member
    I know I'm going to a friend's tonight and we will be getting some not so great food so I hit the gym hard, then walked to the store instead of driving (50 minute walk). After work I might go with my roommate on her evening walk!
  • ashley19971
    ashley19971 Posts: 4 Member
    I got hungry, so instead of eating a full meal I ate a half a cup of grapes and made green tea :)
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I ran one mile and walked two more. Not bad for originally not wanting to work out today.
  • karina0679
    karina0679 Posts: 51 Member
    I have started walking during my lunch break. I get a 50 minute break so I am able to take a 25 minute walk. I am hoping to do this a couple times a week :)
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I brought my insulated cup to work with a few lemon slices. I intend to keep refilling from the water cooler to increase my water a bit.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    I stopped getting sucked into work parties, employee appreciation dinners. I would always justify it as oh I don't want to look ungrateful I'll just get a little, which never turns out to be a little lol. Now I just thank the supervisor for providing it and then go heat up my healthy choice meal lol I may not have lost as much weight as I've wanted so far but I'm making better choices. Also I stick to my mile-a-morning jog.
  • MrsDogLady
    MrsDogLady Posts: 156 Member
    When I wind down for the evening I start working on an old cross stitching project when I sit to watch TV. Keeps my hands busy and I'm finally finishing a project I started a few years ago. It totally replaced my old snacking habit. Down 14 lbs since March 2!
  • Becky_p1972
    Becky_p1972 Posts: 25 Member
    I woke up at 5:30 and went for a mile walk.
  • merr1cose
    merr1cose Posts: 176 Member
    Love this thread! So many motivated people :smile: I made sure all my food for the day was prepped and packed last night.
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    Today I was craving chocolate so I ate a chocolate pudding instead of a chocolate candy bar. Calories are similar, but I feel better than I would have just eating the candy bar. I also know I could not have just eaten half a candy bar. :tongue:
  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    I got on the MFP Community Motivation boards and posted. Hopefully my limited insights helped some, making my journey all the more merrier.
  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    I went to my work's cafeteria for my after-dinner snack, and even though they were out of the single-serve bowls of krave chocolate cereal (sometimes my dessert, if I'm super craving chocolate!)(200 cal) I didn't go for the lemon merengue pie I really wanted (350 cal) and got a single-serve bowl of Corn Pops instead. 160cal vs 350! I'm trying to save some so after my work-out tonight I'll have enough for a few beers with the boyfriend before bed. :smile: