

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited April 2016
    Annr wrote: »
    I had a tee-shirt once that read "Garden Naked....It Puts Sun On Your Cheeks!"

    OMG I have that shirt! :smiley:
    Annr wrote: »
    ] Funny story....when we used to live in Vacaville (Northern California area) we had a cute older couple. There were no two story homes next to us, so I would do my thing in the back yard. My neighbor Nadine would go out in her back yard, because they had a garden. She would maybe hear my music going and would yell over..."Rebecca are you nude over there?" I would reply as quiet as I could, "Nadine, why yes I am"....(thanks for telling everyone in a megaphone kind of voice...) They were a sweet couple though....and grew GREAT tomatoes!

    I think I love you.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi gals,

    Dawn – not eating is not my problem but that doesn’t make it less of a problem, and for me one of the answers is packing a meal when I will not be home so I don’t eat crap and it might be the same answer for you, so you don’t eat at all….

    Sue – love the helpful neighbors!!!!!!!!!!!

    Barbie – I was wondering you love dancing so much do you and Jake go dancing together?

    Carol – I know sometimes expensive, but here I can rent a car with AARP discount for about $25 per day, maybe when you have to give up something your son should have to pay for your rental…

    Michele – yes filo will work, you might have to cover the edges with foil as they cook if the filo gets too brown.

    Hmm no one seems to be willing to participate in naked gardening day… wonder what the weather will be here?

    This weekend my nephew(DN) is going to the Prom (for the newbies he has drug/alcohol addicted parents so is being raised by his grandma, my Mom) and his parents decided that they would fight over where pictures would be taken which meant that neither my Mom or I would be allowed to take pictures – Trust me Heather’s Bea is more mature than DN’s parents. So DN (who is wise) said that no he is having pictures taken at the city Rose Garden by his dates parents and if they wanted his folks could come so now they are boycotting it and Mom and I are going!!!!!!!!! It is a win, and I think what DN really wanted.

    At his school, at the beginning of the kids senior year, the kids each can write down a dream they would like fulfilled and if possible the school does it, so for example the school hired a parent who needed work to be a lunch lady – and DN got a pair of tickets to prom. Mom pays for most things but at 87 years old this was not part of the plan, so they have to pick and choose what they can do, and mom pays for school and football and he pays for the other social things.

    He turns 18 and graduates on the same day in June and will be going to a local 2 year college to get an AA then on to get his BA. – I’m a pretty darn proud aunt.

    Kim from N. California
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited April 2016
    World Naked Gardening Day? Um... No, thanks, not for me.

    1) No gardens here
    2) Even if there were any they'd still be under 2-5 feet of snow

    3) 2-5 feet of snow

    I rest my case.

    Tell you what though, a week from Saturday I'll water my house plants in the buff. :laugh:
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited April 2016
    Penny - Will the low ground snow be gone by the time we get there? I'd like some tips on what to wear, though I guess you'll say "layers" :laugh: I am thinking of bringing a medium weight goose down jacket. Also do I need stout boots or are heavier trainers ok? You can see I'm getting excited about visiting you and your wonderful place at the top of the world. :bigsmile:

    Got to tackle putting the printer on to the new modem today, after DH failed miserably. :o

    Love Heather UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    On Naked Gardening Day, luckily, my husband is the gardener, as well as our cook. Well, he takes care of our little garden patch. Here at the ranch, the actual gardener is an older Mexican gentleman who's really very sweet, very barrel-bodied, shall we say? Definitely not someone I want to see naked. Ever. Ew. I'd watch my husband garden naked, though. I'd pretty much watch him do anything naked. I highly recommend marrying younger men (he'll be 47 in June).

    Woke up wide awake at 3:15. Got a busy, busy weekend coming up. I'll leave as soon as the DH changes out my tire up at his shop (4 hours from now!), and have a lot I want to get accomplished at the warehouse to get it ready for another trailerload of stuff. The DH will come in tonight and stay the night at the warehouse, for the first time! Then an early morning departure (not his favorite thing, but it's a LONG drive) on Friday morning for the DFW Metroplex. Once we get settled in the hotel, we'll pop over to see my sis and family.

    Saturday will be changing the storage area to my name, and working to get the van loaded with the breakables or things that need to be secured, even building frames to protect them if necessary, and then anything that needs doing at their house (though it's s'posed to be raining). Sunday morning, early, we'll load the trailer at the storage area, and then back to our little corner of the world. Got my sales tax permit paperwork done this morning! It's finally becoming really real now...

    And now to get the laundry going, since we won't be back at the ranch until late Sunday.

    Oh, and since this will be my last time near a scale until Sunday night, I'm calling it on my single goal of "being lighter." I'm one pound lighter than I was at the end of March. Happy dance! smiley-dance019.gif

    I'll probably check in from the hotel, since I'm up at 4 or 5, and the hubby sleeps in until 8 or 9... :) Have a great weekend, peeples!

    Lisa in West Texas... then East Texas... then West Texas again by Sunday!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    morning ladies~
    have a load of laundry in the wash, and then will go to Wmart to return s few shirts for larger ones :( but need stuff to wear now... I am back in size 2x summer clothes~ not happy about that.. but will work on getting the weight off I promise.. Life has given me ups and downs so I want things to even out so that I can work on myself.
    early afternoon going to take care of my aunt...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Just found out that "peace" in Norwegian is "fred" . Won't forget that one. :D

    Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Penny - Will the low ground snow be gone by the time we get there? I'd like some tips on what to wear, though I guess you'll say "layers" :laugh: I am thinking of bringing a medium weight goose down jacket. Also do I need stout boots or are heavier trainers ok? You can see I'm getting excited about visiting you and your wonderful place at the top of the world. :bigsmile:

    Got to tackle putting the printer on to the new modem today, after DH failed miserably. :o

    Love Heather UK

    Heather, I'm getting excited too! I imagine everyone in the thread will be green with envy because I get to meet you in person.

    The streets will be snow-free and likely also dry by June. (Mud season is awful here!) You can probably get by with heavy trainers, but considering your ankle problems, stout boots might be good for some extra support. Not worth it if they force you to bring along an extra suitcase, though. :laugh: Adequate footgear opens up for little off-road excursions to admire flowers and remnants of old buildings and other fun stuff. Still, I won't take you anywhere you don't feel comfortable going.

    Layers, yes. I swear by merino wool undergarments though I'm aware that's not everyone's favorite. My standard summer outerwear is a light down jacket. That should be fine when you're ashore. But be sure you bring something windproof! Hopefully the cruise ship will take you close to the front of one of our glaciers and there's always a cold wind off those things! Sadly, June is a bit too early to expect much calving activity.

    I already mentioned how important sunglasses will be B) It can be good to have a hat with a brim in addition to the sunglasses. Mine darken when exposed UV light and get so dark I can't see details in the road in front of me unless I have extra shade.

    On another topic, we had a wireless printer once. It was magic being able to print stuff from anywhere in the house! But we haven't had one for a long time now. My husband is an absolute wizard at anything computerish but even he couldn't get the wireless printer to print wirelessly. So your DH doesn't have to feel too bad... Just sayin'...
    /Penny starting to count the days at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    Kim in N Cali- Xander is not going to his Prom. He said he just didn't want to. At 90.00 a ticket I guess since he was going solo he figured it wasn't worth it.

    Carol in NC- Xan is going to Chowan University in Murfreesboro. Marina was actively sought by them in her senior year so we had already been there and knew about the college before the coach for Mens Lax called Xan. It is a small college but he wants to study environmental science and with the close proximity to the shore, dismal swamp and mountain regions in the state, there is a good program that works with NC dept of Natural Resources and other colleges like UNC to study the ecosystems and the effect of humans, pollution, etc.

    Hmmm- Naked Gardening Day? I could participate as we have about an acre that is secluded and surrounded on 2 sides by protected wet lands ( read swamp) that is part of the Maryland State Park system and Chesapeake Bay feeder system... but do I really want eagles and hawks and deer and possibly a park ranger to see me naked???? Probably not.

    Penny- the pictures are lovely! But, I hate the cold and snow and anything that resembles winter so I would not do well at all there! But I love the beauty that seems to be everywhere in the Netherlands and had thought I might like to visit there someday until I remembered I would have to fly there and I do not fly. My sister is moving to Stuttgart, Germany in July and she wants me to come visit while she is there but... we shall see :)

    Have a lovely day all!
    D- in cloudy but not raining at the moment Maryland
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    edited April 2016
    I awoke at 5am with terrible pain in my hands, feet and hips. I have Lupus? Rheumatoid Arthritis? Fibromyalgia? - need to call for the blood work results that I had down March 30... doctors office never called or sent a report.
    So, I hot shower and some early morning housework to get the pain and stiffness gone- well, I pretend it is gone and move on with my day. I am coordinating the senior night games for the boys and girls lacrosse teams at the high school which will have me busy for the next week... busy is better as it takes my mind off my various aches and keeps my mind off the weight I need to lose.

    I got my hair done yesterday- my kids chipped in and got me a gift card to Hair Cuttery to get the gray gone- their words. So, I am a redhead once again! Apparently, all my red and golden blonde turned gray and white and left me with light brown hair heavily streaked with gray and white... the kids told me I looked like Grandma-meaning my 78 year old mother! Being a very young 50, that was not a good thing to hear. Thus the decision to lose weight once and for all and to color my hair!


    D- with the not-gray hair in Maryland
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    194904olsgis3xqe.gifKim, Jake and I have a deal....I don't ask him to go dancing and he doesn't ask me to play golf..that makes us both happy. He comes to watch when I am in a line dance performance.

    :) About naked gardening....I am always so cold that even on the warmest days here I wear long pants and a shirt....I dress for warmth much more than for modesty.

    :)Penny,One of the treasured photos of my life, is me wearing my down jacket standing on the frozen Arctic Ocean in Barrow, Alaska in June...I love your pictures and hearing about your life in the frozen north

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Pickleheadgirl
    Pickleheadgirl Posts: 17 Member
    Salon Pas patches might help if the pain is mild - they are capscasin (sp?) based, hot pepper stuff - kind of like icy hot. Fish oil is probably not harmful and has been shown to help some people with inflammation. I take it but not megadoses.

    All the best to NE OH... My Aunt lived in Avon Lake I think it was forever... :)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kim ~ Your nephew sounds like a fine young man and is lucky to have you and your mom there for him.

    Lisa ~ Busy weekend for you! Wishing you much success.

    D ~ Your hair looks pretty. Actually, I think mine is about the same color. For years I kept mine a dark ash brown and now I keep it ash blonde. Blends in the gray/white very well.

    I have avoided the scale for two weeks. Right now I am dealing with swollen ankles...so, I am trying to drink many glasses of water, elevate my feet, and cut down on the salt. My DH wants me to go to the Doc because he knows this can be associated with heart disease, but, I hate Doc visits and will put it off until next month when I need new meds.


  • Linda_10
    Linda_10 Posts: 95 Member
    Hello everyone, I just found this group this morning,and I would like to join! I'm a 54 Yr.old very out of shape house wife.but I'm pretty active taking care of my grand babies,and family in general. But I'm needing to get my mind on taking care of myself more. I have about 100 lbs. to lose, so I really need a few people to help me through this journey.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    "Nikki – I guess I must be lucky … my deck is about 5 – 6 feet off the ground; and I hang my baskets out a little so they’ll get rain water. 20' off the ground, easily. They have not attempted to climb the stairs. Unfortunately, last year the deer discovered our grapes. Ate every last one of them before we could get to them. We might have to put up some sort of fence around them to keep them out. Talking about your phlox putting out their fabulous display – can you get a piece of plastic and put stakes under it to keep it off them; put bricks to hold it down and get a heat lamp to go under it? My husband puts a heat lamp out in our greenhouse during the coldest times. It does not have a heater – small anyway."

    Lenora, before we had a real garden plot I grew vegetables in pots on my deck--that DID solve the deer problem but unfortunately the groundhog had no problem clambering up. It got to where we got cheap lattice board and barricaded the whole thing -- it was extremely ugly. We also set traps. The only thing that really helped was the nice large dog that moved in next door who liked to kill them.

    The older I get the more clothes I want on while gardening--with the splinters and thorn scrapes and mud splotches and sweat I look pretty damaged. I had a real pang of jealousy on the way to work today when I saw a woman in a gorgeous straw hat and a fuchsia smock working in her garden. She looked like she was straight out of Town & Country. How long would that smock stay clean, I wondered? But then, she was playing in her garden and I was going to my cubicle, thus the jealousy...

    Tried three scales yesterday but do not trust any of them -- 2 jiggley, not-calibrated-recently old-fashioned scales and one digital that is supposed to be brand new but reads 3 pounds higher than the digital one it replaced. Not happy.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Just because a large acreage is surrounded by protected land, doesn't mean one is safe from others seeing one. Decades ago, when I was in Idaho, we lived right by a butte. The butte was part of the Birds of Prey protected area. The nearest houses were all a mile away. I let my former husband convince me to get naked at the very top of the butte. Wouldn't you know, a PLANE flew over, evidently saw us making whoopie, so it circled! And circled! The only foliage were sage bushes, about 2 feet tall! Totally embarrassing.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – Our DYS was put through kindergarten twice as well (I asked that he NOT have the same teacher - who 'hated' the boys in her class). His birthdate is 8/31; which is the cut-off date; I wanted him to be the ‘oldest’ in the class, rather than the ‘youngest’ because I wanted him to be a ‘leader’ and not a ‘follower’. I knew he was NOT ready to go to 1st grade. I went to school with a guy who was the ‘baby’ of the class. He struggled to keep up with the rest of us … did not want that for my son. Had to insist that he not be moved up with the nun/principal of parochial school. Threatened to take him out, if she did not allow it to be done; or go to the Diocese about it. “It would mess up their ‘numbers’ … I did not care.” He has always been a ‘leader’ and now that I look back ... 20/20 hindsight … should have done the same for DOS whose birthday was in June. When I was a child, the cutoff date was January 1st. That can be bad, too … DH started school at 5 in Corpus Christi, TX; but, when they moved back to Jacksonville, FL – they would not allow him back in school because he was not yet 6. But, I don’t think it bothered him to start back over the next Fall as one of the ‘older’ students.

    I won a T-shirt that read: “I got my All Over at Hallover (sp?; FL)” for a sand castle contest that I did a ‘flamingo’ in it.

    Carol in NC – Neither of my sons ‘required’ a car for work; so this won’t work for your situation; but, they both had cars that they paid for. DYS was sort of ‘bad’ in school (actions, not work-wise) and the punishment that worked on him was ‘taking away his car’ and making him ‘walk’ to work. When he was a child, as a toddler, a spanking never fazed him. Only taking something away from him worked. He is also someone who thinks that ‘asking for forgiveness is better than asking for permission’. Even now! But, not quite as much.

    I don’t blame you for not wanting to mess up a job you ‘like’ for one you ‘don’t’ because your ‘hours’ don’t suit their wants. Your ‘needs’ are more important. I’d suggest ‘finding another 2nd job that will work around your hours’ that will give you the same and let the 2nd job’s ‘firm request’ go. IMHO.

    Michelle in NC – Son has talked about changing out his pool ‘stuff’ to a ‘salt water’ version (when his pump burns out). More expensive in the beginning; but, cheaper in the long run. All I care about is that the pool get cleaned and ‘open for business’ … I’m tired of walking in the grass around the farm.

    Ppipcd34 – I could not wear ‘monkey feet’ even ‘if’ I liked them; my little toe curves under the 4th one. I have a hard enough time fitting them into the socks with toes.

    Lisa – Is that ½ your age + 7?

    Betty – The only scales that I rely on are the scales at my weigh-in and/or GYN’s office. I weighed 159 lbs at the last weigh-in (last Tuesday). Monday I had lunch with several of my HS classmates and their SO or spouses; and then went to one of my MDs and got weighed (at 163) … I always weigh heavier there than anywhere else; but, it is also after a meal (usually a fair big one). So I don’t worry about it. I know I have kept close to my caloric intake; and been walking 45 minutes most days. I’ll be happy when son cleans the pool (maybe this weekend) and I’ll be able to do my ‘exercise’ in it (for a longer period of time). I can’t wear anything ‘nice’ to garden or paint in, it’ll be ruined forever! We have ‘red clay’ in SW GA – won’t come out of your clothes (unless you take it off immediately and treat it with something and wash it right then). I’m bad on ‘white’ clothes; seems like I always drop something on it; mustard won’t come out of anything. If someone has a trick for this let me know.

    I could go for the “Naked Gardening” since we live out in the country; I’d only need for DH to get another alarm for when someone drives through the gate. We had one that had a hose (much like old gas stations used to have) where when a car ran over it, it ding-donged ‘inside’. He’d have to make it ‘ding-dong’ on the outside so I could get inside before I came into view. We really don’t have that much traffic down the road; and we are several 100 yards from the road.

    As for ‘fish oil’ … make sure you get the kind that is ‘tasteless’ and definitely do NOT get the gummy kind. After a week; I threw those in the trashcan; don’t want to ‘burp it up either.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited April 2016
    Carol - I used to have horrible swollen ankles when I was big. I do have high BP. (I take medication) Now I am slimmer the ankle problem has gone away.

    Linda and other newbies - Welcome! :flowerforyou: Start by logging everything, including sauces, frying oil, mayonnaise etc. Good fats are good for you (avocado, olive oil), but they do have to be counted and can add up alarmingly. Try to pick healthy snacks when you get the munchies, I go for carrots! My DH thinks I'm going to turn into a carrot! We buy big bags of them. Truly seeing where the calories have gone can stop one kidding oneself. :embarassed: Slip ups are normal, so no beating yourself up for being human. :p

    Thanks Penny for the info. :flowerforyou:

    Just made a curry with the bits of veg I had left over. So, it's sweet potato and chickpeas, with some chard which has struggled through the winter in the garden. I threw in some cooked lamb that has been in the freezer for 18 months and will chuck in some peas and a couple of tomatoes at the end. Having it with raita. 375 cals each. :D
    Also just made some heavenly mushroom soup for when my DSIL visits Sunday week. It is her very favourite thing. <3

    Gave my cleaner a pay rise today. I picked a moment when DH was in a good mood to broach the subject. Last year he vetoed it, so I'm giving double this year. :laugh: She is worth her weight in gold to me.

    Still haven't faced the printer. My school report once said, "Heather must not procrastinate so much." Hmmmmmmmm. ........

    Love Heather UK

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone. I slept a little better last night, after taking benedryl. I read recently that long term benedryl use has been linked to dementia, but last night I was willing to trade a few brain cells for some sleep. I've been using it for years, so I suppose the damage has been done already anyway. Still woke up in pain, but at least I slept for part of the time.

    I have made an appointment with a physical therapist that my cardiologist recommended. This guy recently built a huge physical therapy facility next to the hospital and several of my friends swear by him, so I'm going there instead of the chiropractor. I will have to pay more out of pocket, but if it helps it will be worth it. My stroke PT is over. They seem to think I made a quick recovery, but honestly, it wasn't THAT big a thing. My 22 year old hairdresser had a stroke (brought on by birth control pills) and she is in a lot worse shape than I ever was. After 5 weeks she couldn't even feed herself. Poor thing. Of course, I was actually in the hospital (in surgery) when it happened, so they could treat me quickly. She was at home and had no help.

    Our co-op is going really well. I can't believe how we've managed to pull it all together. I was so proud of being part of that group at art walk. It was a lot of work getting it going but now I just have to work 16 hours every month. Piece of cake!

    Yesterday I took all three kids to the dentist. It wasn't fun. Two have cavities so we have to go back and get those filled. I was chastised severely for not making them brush their teeth properly. I had to point out that they don't actually live with me, but that I would refer their comments to their father. One granddaughter was prescribed prescription toothpaste, which the dentist said would cost about $3-$4, but actually cost almost $15. I sure hope it does something magical for that price.

    Miriam, thanks for changing the caption on the photo to Kansas. That's going on facebook!

    Have a great day everyone!
