

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    morning peeps and new peeps -
    annr - bend over, i'm strappin on da boot!

    yesterday was admin professional day and our boss let us select one of a variety of gift cards and we are having lunch tomorrow! it was a $50 gift card so I picked amazon. when I found my monkey feet ( I like a particular kind and my size is VERY popular so they are always out) I bought them and used the card!! now I get to break them in for the marathon in November!

    we are going to the yearly Etta Auction this weekend! sometimes we ride our bikes there, we'll see what the weather is supposed to be like at that time, if not, we'll drive and i'll be able to dress up!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Salon Pas patches might help if the pain is mild - they are capscasin (sp?) based, hot pepper stuff - kind of like icy hot. Fish oil is probably not harmful and has been shown to help some people with inflammation. I take it but not megadoses.
    All the best to NE OH... My Aunt lived in Avon Lake I think it was forever... :)

    I tried the patches. It helped slightly but the patches didn't quite stay put. Still suffering and the pain has swung around to the right hip. I have this reoccurring issue. Fully checked in 2012 with MRI and physical therapy but it persists. Don't have medical coverage to investigate again at this time as hubs is unemployed and we are on Cobra. Mucho $$$ to see any docs for now.

    Started on the fish oil taking 2 in morning and 2 in evening. Hoping it will help with inflammation long term going forward. Will see. Also take Wellesse Joint Movement Glucosamine with Chondroitin + MSM, Natural Berry Flavor each day.

    Husband down in Georgia interviewing at University of North Georgia. Yet another - wish someone would scoop up the guy and access the wealth of career service information he could dispense to their college students!

    Hanging in rainy NE oHIo
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning, Ladies.

    I logged on this morning and there were 99 new posts to read. *Yikes* I thought I would post what's been going on and then try to read as much as time allows. I hate skipping any posts because I like to know what is going on with you ladies. We had a handyman over to put a secuity door on the door from the garage to the side of the house. When he removed the bottom 2 X 4 that we thought had wood rot, he told us we had termites. That stopped that project in it's tracks. It took about a week to get a couple of termite companies to come look and tell us what it would cost to have the house treated for termites. The second one to come looked at the board that had been removed and said he saw no evidence of termites. He and I agreed that it just looked like wood rot from excessive moisture. To make a long story short, we decided not to pay to have it treated but did get some home treatment from Lowes, just in case. After that, we had the handyman back. DH had painted 3 coats of water seal on the board to put under the door frame. The new door was installed and the handyman took dow the shutters that I would paint. He told me to spray them with Windex before painting with the primer. The primer didn't totally cover but enough to paint over. The paint didn't totally cover so that meant a second coat. That was three coats!!! Now that I am finished painting, we can get him back to put the shutters back up. I still have to paint the trim over the garage door but hopefully that will be a one coat job. I am working to repair the mail box post also but sanding by hand was taking way too long. When the handyman comes back he will bring his power sander and do that part for me.

    Yesterday I had to get my nails done and toes painted. Then last night we had Installation of Officers at the Women of the Moose. We all took food so I also had to take time to prepare deviled eggs. Today is my first day that I don't have to "go" all day and can rest a bit.

    The reading I have done looks like some victories so congrats on those. Welcome to all the new ladies. Huggs to those that need them.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor: I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity: Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Love you, <3
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Cheri ~ My DH and I both attended the U. of N.G. Back then it was called North GA College. Boy, has it grown! In the 60's most of the cadets were slated to go into the military service after graduation. Back then, females were not allowed to wear pants except on Saturday after classes. My DH and several of his college pals went to visit last week and he was astounded by all the changes.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Cheri, good luck to your DH at NG. Great school in the heart of the mountains. And only an hour away from me
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Cheri, good luck to your DH at NG. Great school in the heart of the mountains. And only an hour away from me
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Cheri ~ My DH and I both attended the U. of N.G. Back then it was called North GA College. Boy, has it grown! In the 60's most of the cadets were slated to go into the military service after graduation. Back then, females were not allowed to wear pants except on Saturday after classes. My DH and several of his college pals went to visit last week and he was astounded by all the changes.


    He arrived in the area early yesterday and drove around a bit. He said it was a beautiful area. He loved the campus. The quaintness of Dahlondega won him over as it is just what we love...quaint stores, antiquing hometown eateries. He says we would have to live in Gainesville. Anyways I am sure his interview will go very well. They all have and then the waiting game begins....sigh. Thanks for your comments I'll be sure to share them with him tomorrow. :)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    auroranae wrote: »
    I got my hair done yesterday- my kids chipped in and got me a gift card to Hair Cuttery to get the gray gone- their words. So, I am a redhead once again! Apparently, all my red and golden blonde turned gray and white and left me with light brown hair heavily streaked with gray and white... the kids told me I looked like Grandma-meaning my 78 year old mother! Being a very young 50, that was not a good thing to hear. Thus the decision to lose weight once and for all and to color my hair!
    D- with the not-gray hair in Maryland

    I got my first grey hair at age 18. No kidding. By 30 the front half of my head was all grey. The grey just kept marching back and I was looking quite old. I mean a 30 yr old with mostly grey hair? I started coloring. For 27 years I have been coloring and coloring and coloring. My hair is quite dark in it's natural state and I just looked weird if I went a light color so I stuck with a medium/dark brown. It looked quite natural but because of the huge difference between the grey and the dark I started to resemble a skunk within weeks. I was having to touch up the roots every 3 to 4 weeks. I just got tired of it. One day I told my hairdresser that I was done and we worked to "blend" the growing in grey with the older stuff that was still dark. It helps that I keep my hair short so the growing out process was relatively short. Now I am "al la natural".... which means 80% grey. And I love it. The freedom of not fussing with coloring is wonderful. It worried my grandson though. He asked his dad if I was sick. He said my hair was dark then it got funny colored like a calico cat (lol) and now it is white. His dad told him no, I wasn't sick and he was fine but it did make him wonder. The best perk has been that my scalp no longer shows up so badly. I have thin hair and you saw this pink scalp sticking out of the dark hair. The contrast is not so bold with the grey and my hair looks thicker as a result. I'm not complaining.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    My 90 yr old mom still gets her hair colored. When I went to see her on Tuesday, she had not allowed them to do her hair the week before and it looked awful. White on the scalp and black everywhere else. This was her in 2013.

  • 247mama
    247mama Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm the one MightyLoLo invited. :)

    I'm almost 46. I used MFP years ago, before I got hit by adrenal fatigue. So now I'm here again trying to lose what I gained while wrestling with it.

    I tend to eat low to moderate carbs, but once I hit 45, it seems calories count more than they used to. :open_mouth:

    I'm plugging away at it all, one pound at a time, and working out as much as I can without causing a relapse.

    I'm a fan of clean eating in theory? But in reality I find a little sugar free creamer staves off that feeling of deprivation, so I'm unapologetic about the breaks from clean eating that I use. ;)

    I don't garden naked. :) I pretty much kill all the plants in my presence so I leave the gardening to the hubs.

    I've got 7 kids, almost 23, down to 5. B G G G B B G. And one grand daughter. :)

    That's all I can think of. Nice to meet you all. I look forward to getting to know you.

    /waves hi to LoLo
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    247mama - ahhh yes, 46, I remember it well..... where do you live and welcome!!! we got your back gurl!!
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    Cheri- Hanging in rainy NE oHIo- My nephew is a freshman at UNG on an ROTC scholarship. My sister says it is a lovely area.Her husband's sisters both moved there about 3 years ago and if my sister were not moving to Germany they would have liked to look at homes there. Oh, and I love NE Ohio- all my dad's family are there but us- he and mom decided not to go back when he got out of the Navy. He was a nuclear engine technician and there was no work in the 60s for that in Ohio... so he stayed in Maryland and ended up a delivery driver for Hostess and Wonderbread... guess nuclear engine techs weren't in demand in the private sector.

    247mama- I am new too and have 6 kids- 35 to 17 and 3 grands. We are doing the countdown to #6's graduation from HS on May 31st. After 25 years of PTA and team parent and committee chair... I am so ready to be done!

    Spent the day on the computer trying to figure out how to borrow ebooks from the library. Finally got it figured out and my tablet- I use it like a reader as my ereader is one of the original ones from about 2000- says it does not have enough room for the apps needed to borrow books. I will buy a memory card tomorrow. I have to work tonight and then have a funeral in the morning for a very dear woman from our church. In the meantime I was able to set the apps up on my phone and laptop so I borrowed several books from a series I have fallen behind in to read on my phone at work tonight. I use the kindle app and the kobo app on my phone and tablet and usually listen to audio books at work while I crochet between events. My son has a kindle so we pay for the unlimited and between the 2 of us we read about 20 books a month for 10.00 and that includes audio books. A seriously good deal. Now I can get current best sellers from the library for free too... so the day was not wasted!
    I did get some blog posts written and put together some recipes that are low fat/carb and high protein as well. Guess I need to get up at 5am more often... or not!
    It is almost time to head to bed for my nap before work. The pot roast is in the crock pot so I am done with all motherly and wifely duties for the day and my bed is calling.
    Have a great rest of the day all!

    D- in very cold and very damp and very dreary Maryland where I have a warm, soft bed calling my name!

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Gorgeous cool,sunny day on the NS made for gardening.
    Lenora your story back many posts sure does prove that real life drama beats most that's written

    Kim just had to comment on your DN...it's great to hear about young people making good choices...proud you should be.

    Michele I wondered what "baking mix" is...if it's Bisquick I can't imagine needing any shell or phyllo since Bisquick would make its own crust...the "magic" Quich recipes come to mind. I'd love to know how it turned out.

    Joyce thanks for your comment on my question regarding Spotify or Pandora...I thought more people would be streaming music to exercise by especially the "younger" group. Maybe many download from iTunes the way I've been doing for years.

    Spent an hour and a half @ the car dealership this AM getting my yearly service now that I don't drive over 10,000m/yr as I did when I was working full time. I know Lisa & others of you out West can easily do 10,000 miles in those wide open spaces takes awhile in the NE if you're not commuting daily.

    My DDiL #1 slipped on ice two wks ago & broke her ankle...kindergarten teacher & right foot so she is going bonkers at home in her boot for 6 wks. Need to give her a call & see how she's doing.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lenora~My middle son's birthday in in Nov, so he was a young Kinder. student. My youngest son's birthday is also Nov, but having put thru kinder. again just reinforced all the 50 words they have to have under their belt before they go into 1st grade. Don't regret it ever. California had a program of " see it, read it, write it" so there were words he couldn't say but could spell, etc. Of course his 2nd kinder. teacher thought he was really rude because he would interrupt her with answers, (um because he had just learned that), so that was an adjustment. He went thru a "camouflage" stage. Had camo pants, shirt, cap, and took orders really well. I just told the teacher, "You are his commander today". "Just give him orders and he will do them". Funny days... He would salute me when I said have a nice day....nutty kid...
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited April 2016
    Pip.....nooooo put your boot away....I got my act together now....eeeeekkkkk! hahaha..
    Love your monkey shoes! My son wore them his last year of high school. He and his best friend were the ultimate go getters, riding their bikes everywhere, making homemade pressure potato guns (air pressure), building rockets, Lego remote controlled vehicles, and homemade rifles that shot out AA batteries (not really legal, but hey they only used them in the backyard and aimed at weird garden art they dragged home from a field).
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sylvia – I once took my DMGD, who was still running a fever after 5 days; to their Pediatrician who is the same one I used when their Dad was a baby. He jumped on me about her having a fever for 5 days without being called or bringing her in. I reminded him, that she was my GD and I did not have any control over when she got brought to the doctor. He told me to tell DDnL#1 that she is to be brought to him if she runs a fever a 3rd day. Untreated, it could go into Rheumatic Fever. She had ‘strep throat’. I always followed his instructions when my boys were babies/young. Some of the things were pretty ‘off the wall’; but, if I did them I got the results he told me I’d get. Every time. DDnL#1 will stop giving them meds as soon as they either stop having a temperature; or, they act like they are getting better; then she'll keep it (expecting that it will work the next time). I keep telling her that is why they get sick all over again a few weeks later … need to give them the antibiotic until it is gone.

    My boys went to a Pediatric Dentist; who took them in the back to clean their teeth and then came out and talked to me about it. He said that the children were less upset without parents being in the room and they would explain things to them about what they were about to do. Boys always came out of the dentist office with smiles. Sounds like the toothpaste must have a fluoride treatment in it. That’d be better than then actually having to ‘take’ fluoride. My boys (especially the oldest one; and his oldest daughter and her mother) all have mottled teeth because they took fluoride drops. Not done with the others and they don’t have the same kind of mottled teeth.

    pip34 – That was a good way to use a ‘gift card’ … getting something you wanted and finding it online.

    Cheri – Hope interview goes well for your DH and that he ‘gets’ the job … you’ll like the weather in Georgia (even North GA where they get snow sometimes).

    Marcelynh – We had a neighbor who had ‘white hair’; my oldest sister loved her hair; and, she started praying that God would give her ‘white/gray’ hair just like Ludie’s. She got her wish; he hair started turning ‘white’ when she was 28; by her mid-30’s her hair was almost totally white. My middle sister puts color in her hair; my guys – DH included, do NOT want me to color my gray again. I did keep it colored in some shape, form, or fashion when I worked. It actually looks streaked now … light brown hair with a lot of highlights. I've been asked before 'who does my color'? GOD! It’s ‘white’ … not ‘gray’ or ‘yellowish’. Both DSs were born with one gray hair (opposite sides). Oldest son will be 40 in June and his hair has a lot of gray in it. I expect that he will be totally gray by the time he is 55 or so. My late MnL had the prettiest salt & pepper hair; until my DSD decided to have it colored some time prior to her death. Looking at her in the casket ... she looked from any shade of 'little old lady pink hair' to shade of lavender. DSD bought 2 new outfits to wear (top of head to toe) for the visitation and funeral and then the clothes my DMnL were buried in were old. She had always wanted to be buried in lavender. She did not even look like herself. It had been a few weeks from the last time we saw her and the visitation. I would have gone out and bought a new lavender outfit for her 'if' I had known that Sherry was going to do this. Karma will come around and she will do it with 'Grace' (MnL's name).

    My BF has ‘natural’ red hair; but getting very gray; she used to get it colored auburn; which to me was way too harsh (at her age). Made her face look hard; then she started getting it done a blondish-red; which does a lot to her face – age wise. I told her to ‘never’ get it done dark again and told her why. I think she’d look good with gray hair; but, that’ll never happen.

    auroranae – Oh, I know first-hand about ‘unemployed’ engineers back in the ‘60’s; we had a TRIG teacher (had a degree in engineering and could not get a job). Why is it that people think if they are not able to get a job that they can either ‘teach’ or ‘paint’? My husband, a house paint contractor has ‘fixed’ more ‘DYI’ jobs than he cares to count. They don’t understand all the drips and waves in the paint; it’s because some ‘drip’ has painted something incorrectly.

    I got a paperback book from the library; and, it felt ‘cheesy’ trying to read it; so I asked if they could get it in a ‘hardback’. Something about a paperback, just makes me want to curl it over. Don’t do that with a hardback and I use a ‘marker’ with a hardback. I've been told that I'd love a Kindle or something like that; I'm just use to getting the latest book by a favorite author as soon as it comes out and not buying it. I'm not sure I'd understand how to do that with a 'reader'. I know the library I use has a big collection of audiobooks. Not sure how they work their books downloaded onto a Kindle or other reader. Guess I could ask. But, it is like a Fitbit - not something I really want to spend my money on at this point in my life.

    ljdw99 – Not sure which ‘real life drama’ you’re talking about. I’ve had a lot of ‘I don’t believe that drama’ in my life. Usually, looking back 20/20 – I have learned a whole lot about life from it. Might not have been too pleasant at the time; but, it shows me that I am a ‘strong’ woman and gives me a ‘sense of humor’. Life’s not worth wasting getting too bend out of shape. Usually, things work out for the best; if you are willing to let it flow over you. I’ve shared a lot of my stories here. I feel comfortable in chatting with the ladies on this site.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    194904olsgis3xqe.gif I'm headed out to my second line dance event of the day....class this morning and this afternoon, the practice for our performance that we'll do at the county fair in August.

    :) Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    The computer ate my response this morning! Part of my post this morning was to say that it ate my response from last night. I am upset enough that I don't remember what I said.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Spent the day at the emergency room with my mom. Turns out her heart now beats about 40 more beats per minute than it should. It was causing light headness, nausea, and shortness of breath. Once they read ekg they knew exactly what was going on. Gave her meds it dropped within minutes. They control it with meds she must take two times a day. Once they gave her meds she felt so much better.

    So much for a healthy diet. Lunch and breakfast was chips cookies and a rice krispy treat. Oh yeah and a can of coke. Will do better at dinner time. Feeling guilty about my choices. I could have went down to cafeteria but chose the vending machine instead. With my anxiety level regarding her and my personal life I was really surprised I ate.

    Anne in Wisconsin