One Hour Runner Thread



  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Bif and Acid, Great runs!!!!
    Bif you husband sounds like mine!!! :P
    No running for me today. I ended shopping with my mother in law and got some cute clothes. Not a much smaller size,. but then again, I was squeezing into the 14s for so long.. Now I don't have any Muffin top!
    I will run tomorrow..
    Great Job everyone... Fit... Tomorrow is a new day and you will come out of your funk...Chin up!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    OMG, I would love to get down to a 12 minute mile! :laugh:
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Hey - just got my official race results and realized I was remembering the wrong time from the times posted at the race. They emailed me my results and my time was actually 33:48 which averages to a 10:54 per miles. :bigsmile: Yay- I got in the 10s!! That's never happened to me before ! I need to run more races..... :love:
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Congrats to you BIF!!! :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hey - just got my official race results and realized I was remembering the wrong time from the times posted at the race. They emailed me my results and my time was actually 33:48 which averages to a 10:54 per miles. :bigsmile: Yay- I got in the 10s!! That's never happened to me before ! I need to run more races..... :love:

    @ Bifdiehl - A-W-E-S-O-M-E run!!!! Nice job!

    I ran on the TM today during lunch. 33 minutes / 3.28 miles. 11min @ 5.8; 22min @ 6.0
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    I ran on the TM today during lunch. 33 minutes / 3.28 miles. 11min @ 5.8; 22min @ 6.0

    So you ran on the treadmill during your lunch break? Like from work? Holy crap. I couldn't do that. I am DISGUSTINLY sweaty when I'm done running. Like so foul my husband and daughter will not come near me. And my hair is soaked. And my face stays bright red for an hour afterwards. It's frightening, really. That's fantastic that you're able to use that time to exercise!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I ran on the TM today during lunch. 33 minutes / 3.28 miles. 11min @ 5.8; 22min @ 6.0

    So you ran on the treadmill during your lunch break? Like from work? Holy crap. I couldn't do that. I am DISGUSTINLY sweaty when I'm done running. Like so foul my husband and daughter will not come near me. And my hair is soaked. And my face stays bright red for an hour afterwards. It's frightening, really. That's fantastic that you're able to use that time to exercise!

    I am the same way! I could never run on my lunch break unless I had enough time to shower afterwards because I am disgusting afterwards!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Finally got back out to run again tonight! It's been a little over 2 weeks since my last run, I'm so ashamed to say that. I know the first week was because of my back, but the second week was just busy, which gave me an easy way to avoid my runs because the only time I could have squeezed them in was in the morning and even that was tough.

    So, tonight I bit the bullet and went back out. I decided that since I've been struggling with OHR, I needed to try something different. I was successful with C25K, so I thought why not give C210K a try, which will basically get me to the same point as OHR once I finish. I'm also planning to do the entire program outside, which will be the opposite of when I did C25k, so I'm hoping this will really help me to conquer those damn hills!

    I decided to start with Week 4 because I didn't really feel that I needed to start over completely. So tonight I alternated 2 minute runs with 3 minute walks 11 times. It went very well, I really tried to push myself on the runs and I ended up finishing my normal 5k loop in almost the same time as I normally do when I run most of it. I did a total of 62 minutes (including warm up and cool down) and 4 miles.

    I hope no one minds if I share my runs here even though I'm not doing OHR. I just enjoy hearing about everyones runs and talking about our struggles and running tips, etc.... And hopefully in 9 weeks I'll be up to running an hour too!
  • Bif -- amazing 5k race! I'm so proud of/excited for you!! I'm trying so hard to convince myself to sign up for a race, but for some reason I just haven't.

    Ailene -- If I ran on the treadmill during my lunch break I'd get fired in 0.2 seconds. I smell like a horse and look like a ripe 'ol cherry tomato after a run. If I had access to a shower, a bed for a nap, and a brand new pair of clothes, I might could do it. But only maybe!

    Jill - I definitely want to hear about your running, no matter what program you're following. I think of this as a support group for fledgling runners more than anything else. A small group of ladies supporting each other and encouraging each other and motivating each other to get off the couch and on the pavement/treadmill/track/path.

    AFM -- I haven't been running as much lately. By the time I get up in the morning, it's already in the high 80s/low 90s (Fahrenheit), and I just can't force myself to run in that kind of weather. I have a goal to run twice this week, so we'll see how that goes. I'm planning to mix it up a bit and try a new tactic for my runs... hopefully it will make me feel better about my running. Fingers crossed!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    W7D1 - 30 minutes

    3.17 miles @ 9m27s mile

    I was just plodding along (in my newish workout gear :happy: ) and I looked down at my HRM watch and realised it had been 15 minutes since I set out.... I was a bit annoyed I was only halfway time wise but then saw that I had gone wayyyy beyond my normal 'halfway point.'

    Then of course I was on a mission to set an amazing pace. Turned out to be my second fastest run (since graduating c25k - which I don't have much pace data for) after my official 5k race in which I ran a 9m13s mile! :smile:
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I finished C25K yesterday :drinker: Yay me!

    As I've got a 5K coming up in approx 3 weeks, I thought I should try and increase my time before the race (my 30 min runs aren't 5K!)...but I thought I'd use the OHR programme to write myself out a plan........BUT....the link in the original thread doesn't work anymore. Could anyone tell me if this link describes the same programme please?

    Thank you!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    @ Bif, Jill, Shannon - when I first started running during my lunch hour, I was returning back with the red tomato face. I would lock myself in my office and drink a lot of water to cool down. Since them my face doesn't get as red and everyone at work now knows that I'm going to the gym so they don't make as big a deal about it. Plus I get a bonus NSV out of it when people compliment me on my commitment to going. I LOVE those comments!!!

    @ Acid - Nice run times!!!

    @ Sooh - Congratulations on completing C25K!!!!!
    I looked at the website you appears that plan has you running the same pattern each week which wasn't OHR. That's a bummer the OHR website isn't around anymore! I googled OHR and found this's training program has a similar format to C25K than I think the kathrineswitzer does.

    We're hoping you stay with us to share your progress with running!!!
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member

    @ Sooh - Congratulations on completing C25K!!!!!
    I looked at the website you appears that plan has you running the same pattern each week which wasn't OHR. That's a bummer the OHR website isn't around anymore! I googled OHR and found this's training program has a similar format to C25K than I think the kathrineswitzer does.

    We're hoping you stay with us to share your progress with running!!!

    Thanks...that does look more like the bridge to 5k plan....wasn't the OHR more like 30 min runs twice a week and increasing the length of your third run? I think that was why I liked the look of it because there is only so much time I can give up to running each day!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Sooh - I think this is the plan you are looking for (found it on facebook "one hour runner" community)!/pages/One-Hour-Runner/168318729859009?sk=info

    Training program for 10k!
    W1-3: Run 30 minutes three times a week. Do this for the first 3 weeks.

    W4: Run 30 minutes, 29 minutes, 35 minutes. Weekly total: 94 minutes.

    W5: Run 30 minutes, 32 minutes, 38 minutes Weekly total: 100 minutes.

    W6: Run 30 minutes, 33 minutes, 41 minutes Weekly total: 104 minutes.

    W7: Run 30 minutes, 34 minutes, 45 minutes Weekly total: 109 minutes.

    W8: Run 30 minutes, 36 minutes , 49 minute Weekly total: 115 minutes.

    W9: Run 30 minutes, 38 minutes, 54 minutes Weekly total: 122 minutes.

    W10: Run 30 minutes, 40 minutes, 60 minutes Weekly total: 130 minutes. (read less)
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    jilld76 and acidaloha - thank you both.
  • Hi everyone, I'm watching this thread with interest - I'm currently on week 8 of C25K and I think OHR will be my next challenge. I have thought about just trying to increase my distance and stamina but I'm someone who gets on better with a structured programme so think this is for me. I did my first 5k race just over a week ago with my husband and did it in just under 35 minutes, so feeling really confident. I'm due to finish C25K in about two weeks so will be hanging around if that's okay!
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