
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    edited May 2016
    DH had an anxiety sttack last night, just as we were resding in bed. He said it was coming in waves. I got him to play himself his meditation CD on his portable player and gave him some Valerian. I was a bit worried I wouldn't get to sleep after chasing around for batteries etc, but I did. In the morning he told me he hadn't slept very well, but had succeeded in keeping his anxiety to a tolerable level with breathing exercises etc. I call that a win!
    I remember, when we were going to Egypt, that he was unbearably anxious about a month before and I thought we wouldn't be able to go, but he got better as the holiday got closer and loved it while we were there. Here's hoping. :ohwell:

    Chicken in black bean tonight. Chinese. Lots of green beans with it. We somehow managed to buy double quantities.

    Lots of love, Heather UK

  • Slja2013
    Slja2013 Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning ladies! I feel like I have arrived finding you all here! It seems like finding a good group on MFP is like finding a needle in a haystack or worse! But let me introduce myself: I am a soon to be 55 year old woman wo is a wife, mother, nurse and a host of other things depending on the day. It seems I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life with most of the last five years being a constant climb. May 12 I made a new commitment to find a way to lose the weight and become the active me I want to be again. I need some accountability girls to keep me pushing in the right direction and I am hoping to find that here!

    Here's to a fantastic day!
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Slja2013 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies! I feel like I have arrived finding you all here! It seems like finding a good group on MFP is like finding a needle in a haystack or worse! But let me introduce myself: I am a soon to be 55 year old woman who is a wife, mother, nurse and a host of other things depending on the day. It seems I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life with most of the last five years being a constant climb. May 12 I made a new commitment to find a way to lose the weight and become the active me I want to be again. I need some accountability girls to keep me pushing in the right direction and I am hoping to find that here!

    Here's to a fantastic day!

    :) Welcome, you have come to the right place to find encouragement and accountability.....to do that, you have to come back regularly and join in the conversation. I read this thread every morning while I eat breakfast and then go out for a long walk.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Went to see my mom in the nursing home yesterday and sad to see that she is going downhill mentally and physically. She is being sent to a gastroenterologist soon due to unexplained bleeding. She has gained a lot (and I mean a lot) of weight. Due to her dementia, whatever they put on her plate she eats it all. My mom has always been a very pretty woman and to see this happening is heart breaking.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kay ~ Congrats on Onderland! :)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Went to see my mom in the nursing home yesterday and sad to see that she is going downhill mentally and physically. She is being sent to a gastroenterologist soon due to unexplained bleeding. She has gained a lot (and I mean a lot) of weight. Due to her dementia, whatever they put on her plate she eats it all. My mom has always been a very pretty woman and to see this happening is heart breaking.

    I know exactly what you are going thru, I am experiencing the same thing with my mother. We are here to lean on each other.

    Chris in Ma
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Welcome, slja2013!

    Back in onederland this morning, after my little "fall from grace." To me, that is the secret of maintaining weight loss. Keep a close eye and rein it in if you gain even one or two pounds.

    Heading off to the gym. More later.


    Chris in Ma
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kay - so very true, if you put a stop to the gain in first few pounds, makes life much easier. Great success, congrats.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    morning peeps -

    I don't know why I rode home, it was windy when I started :-1: oh well, at least I burned more. today it's raining and I am NOT going to ride home.

    Kirby wants to dolly up the airstream. it has a perfectly good awning but he wants to buy a new one with a better color that will make it "pop". I told him that we can as long as we pay a medical bill that we got for me (my pt, over 1k) first then look at the finances THEN I will give him the green light or no. he's having me look at colors and I picked either a red one or yellow. they have coordinating colors for the curtains too. one thing at a time, we'll see
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Chris in Ma ~ Thanks so much! Yes, it is so hard to know that our parents won't be here forever and that once vibrant healthy people are shells of themselves. I know that Allie must feel the same about her DFIL.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yesterday our niece and her daughter came out for lunch so they could see our daughter and grandkids while l they were here. We had a lovely lunch on the deck, and then took a ride in our old fishing boat across the river to an island park. The grandkids played on the beach a bit, and we came home. Our niece is now 50 and looking absolutely wonderful. She looks at least a decade younger. She's a dedicated long distance runner. The running has given her a real boost in confidence, happiness, and health. I couldn't do it, but it is the right thing for her. We dropped our daughter and grandkids off at the airport late last night. I suspect they're home by now. We had a good visit, but I am TIRED today!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hooray it’s almost Friday! I feel like I live in a blur. These days just fly by and I don’t feel like I am experiencing anything! It’s a beautiful day here again, will be in the 80s for the weekend. Otherwise nothing is new; it’s so quiet here at work I’m leaving after a 9 o’clock meeting to go grocery shopping!

    KJLaMore: ticks! Yuck! DH pulled one off his inner arm about 3 weeks ago and it still looks awful!

    Mrspaws: welcome to the group. Do the paws refer to dogs, cats, or both?

    Suemcmurry: I just noticed how bad and aged my chin looks! I think I have great skin for my age (57), but my chin! So your reflection on your reflection made me think of how I felt when I first noticed that. I’m right with you….when did this occur?????

    Kim: your blue jay encounter cracked me up. Those little guys get aggressive. It’s funny, we never see them in our neighborhood, but three blocks away there are tons of them. We currently have 2 different robin’s nests on the awnings over the back porch and some kind of nest in a hanging basket in the front porch. Not sure what that one is, the nest is tiny as are the green eggs.

    I was wondering about Sylvia too!

    Sue: yes many pts get women’s health training. We have a couple of incontinence clinics here that all completely run by the PTs.

    Joyce: hope the surgeon’s visit goes well. Please keep us informed! The BPN is the level of a hormone your brain produces when you have too much fluid in your system; it goes up and causes you to excrete sodium, and of course water then goes with it. So it’s like a natural diuretic. Your value must be measured with a different unit of measure, because around here, 100 would be normal. I have seen them nearly 10,000 in severe heart failure cases. Pneumonia too? Oh my. Get well soon!

    Karen: elopements are grand! Hope the wedding and all the festivities go well and you enjoy every moment.

    Lenora: that’s why I was wondering why you needed to come off Dilantin….I thought I remembered you saying that each time you try to wean you have a seizure. Why do they want you off of it? I hope the new neurologist is good.

    Heather: sending calming, relaxing thoughts to DH!

    Slja; welcome! You will find several nurses here!

    Peach: (((hugs)))

    Katiebug: hooray for onederland!

    Well my plan for the day is my usual short walks then grocery shopping and physical therapy. This is my last visit so I am excited for that! Take care all, Meg from Omaha
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Welcome all the new Ladies, we certainly have gotten an influx of new blood. The more the merrier and the more insights, help and motivation for all of us.

    I had an insight last night...I am so glad that I began losing weight and getting in shape when I did. If I hadn't, I would have not been able to comfortably get in and out of the very low Porche which BF (in my case this stands for Boy Friend) loaned me this week. So, don't put it off, you never know what the future holds. I was so sad to return it to him last night.

    I began doing stronglifts in September and stopped in February. I just do not like lifting and when life was getting to me I stopped. Everyday I told myself that I needed to get back to it because I could see I was losing my muscle defination. I also knew that I had to tighten up my exercise routine before I began my new job and all the wining and dining lately (and I'm certainly not complaining) resulted in me not fitting into my smallest jeans. On Monday I dragged myself to my weight bench and began lifting again, twice so far this week. It's a start.

    Tomorrow my BFF (Best Friend Forever) and I are going to The Cape (which is what us New Englanders call Cape Cod) for the weekend to celebrate our 60th birthdays. Her birthday was the begining of this month and mine is in July. We have literally been BFFs since the age of 10!. She lives in NJ where we grew up and is in Boston this week for a conference. I am very fortunate to have good friends who have a vacation home on the Cape and allow me to use it whenever I can. We are going to spend the weekend basking in the awesomeness of the Cape and celebrating our lives, especially since she is a 15 year breast cancer survivior. There will be alot of eating and drinking going on but fortunately she is also my walking buddy on fitbit so we will compensate somewhat.

    For those of you interested, things are still going very well with BF but we haven't had a chance to spend much time together because we've both been so busy, but we still like each other alot.

    Have a great day everyone!
    Chris in MA

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Katla, how cool to know your sourdough has a long history. I love to eat sourdough bread but have never been consistent enough about baking to keep a starter going. Well, er, ah, and, not to mention the calories. But omg nice warm bread right out of the oven!!! Yummmmmmmmmmm

    CarolGA, thanks for putting a happy tune in my head. I’m sure I’ll be singing it all day.

    Terri, congrats to DS on continuing his great bowling.

    Marcelyn, your travels sound wonderful. Have a ball.

    Heather, how interesting about the sea having four tides a day. I never heard of that!

    Joyce, so sorry for the results from Charlie’s colonoscopy. That sounds so radical but then his is not able to live a full life the way things are now. I’ll continue to keep you both in my prayers. ((((Hugs)))) for you both. How is he taking all this information? When my dad had a colostomy bag it only had to be emptied twice a day, but he didn’t have his whole colon removed.

    CarolGA, sending prayers your way. You can do this!!! ((((Hugs))))

    Chris, I’m sure cleaning out your office is somewhat emotional. Just remember that you are starting a new chapter and all the wonderful things ahead. If that dog can’t do something as simple as drive a car for you, I’d consider taking him back. (You are too cute!) On the subject of fatal flaw, just remember that he may have a flaw or two but they aren’t necessarily “fatal”.

    Heather, it has been such fun as you have planned the cruise and I’m so excited you will have free Wi-Fi to keep us enjoying the trip as you go.

    Allie, you should ask DSIL if they have booked the kennel while you are caring for her. (later) Woo hoo that you aren’t getting stuck with the dog. Now you’ll have some time for yourself.

    Anne, good for you on working out when not going to the gym. Keep it up.

    Charlene, *whispering* congrats on missing those pounds. I hope they don’t hear me and find their way back.

    Janetr, I like the new profile pic!

    D, great picture of your kids. Few people have that many anymore. It has to be so wonderful at holidays and family get togethers.

    Barbie, thanks for sharing Mary’s email. She sounds good and I sure hope for continued improvement.

    CJ, glad to hear you are feeling better. The formal dinner sounds very exciting!! Have you done any of those before?

    Joyce, I’m so sorry about the reaction (or lack thereof) from the girls. Maybe you need to spell it out to them just like you did to us. Tell them exactly what you need! It’s ashamed to have to do that but by golly you deserve a little support for what you are going through. Good Grief, what is with our kids these days? You might get more response if you text them the information, “I need some support! I need a long hug and a shoulder to cry on! Is that asking too much? I don’t need a short text.” You know, spell it out so there is no misunderstanding. You know we would all give you that shoulder if we could. ((((((Hugs)))))) [Later] Christmas should be interesting, but at least you are planning it in advance. Parents could all bring a pillow for their kids to sit on the floor with. Or even just a bath room rug? I’m sure it will turn out great.

    Meg, congrats on graduating from neuro. Glad things are progressing. ((Hugs))

    Cheri, thanks for sharing the 10 facts every woman should know. Cool.

    Beachy, welcome. I like the term “vintage babes”. This is a great place for support and information so come often. Tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. Which side of Fl are you from? Tell us about kids, hubby, job/retired, etc. Join right in.

    CarolNC, I’m so far behind that you may have already had your meeting at the church. I do hope you stand up to them and stick to your guns. It’s ashamed there are always people pointing fingers and trying to find blame with others. Hang in there girl friend!!! (((((Hugs)))))

    Miriam, I hope someone sitting next to you in the seminar gave you a gentle nudge to wake you up. That could be embarrassing.
    Janetr, I agree, those weekends can be brutal! mocking-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Heather, I also hope your DH doesn’t take the pleasure out of the cruise. If things aren’t going so well, maybe he can have room service and you can go to dinner alone some of the time. I just want you to have a fantastic time from start to finish.

    Clair, congrats on your loss. That is wonderful!!! Keep up the good work.

    Nancy, welcome. I can’t imagine a group that could suit you better. Just because some of these ladies are work out junkies doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t welcome. This is a wonderful place for support and information. Please tell us a little about yourself and sign your posts each time to make it easier to remember you. (Some of us have terrible memories.) Come often and join right in.

    Mrspaws, welcome. Do you have a total of 7 children or did I read it wrong? You will like it here so come often and please sign each post with the name you want to be called. A location is good too, be it general or specific.

    Suem, welcome to you as well. We all know how to do this, it’s just a matter of doing it. The one thing about MFP is that we aren’t on a diet that we will finish and then gain our weight back. This is a life journey and these ladies are all here to support each other. No one said it’s easy, it’s just doable. Come often and join right in.

    Kim, I’ve been thinking about Sylvia a lot lately, too. I hope she is doing well and just busy like I am.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I tried to catch up today but just not happening. Still two pages behind. I love you ladies and love hearing about your lives. I send best wishes for all of you struggling with life issues along with lots of ((((Hugs)))). Congrats to all of you with victories, no matter how small. I’m still very busy with my chairman duties which should really slow down after the end of this month. Also staying busy with our HOA and the turnover from the builder. Along with that, I haven’t finished painting the last couple of things here at the house, but the rain slowed that down. Okay and I told you I finally joined a gym but having a hard time finding the tine to work out. I did get back to line dancing this week which was great. I missed it the three weeks that I didn’t get to go. We are having our summer party this Sunday which has dancing and loads of food. That will be a challenge.
    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif]

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    almost afternoon ladies~
    well I am sitting and having a cup of tea...woke up at 3, and have been going non stop since then.... getting down to the wire with dad's house and basically both bedrooms are done... dad just working on that outlet and should be all set.. next weekend I will work on the upstairs bathroom and get paint of the stairs and then maybe wash kitchen floor,and my work will be done.. alot of man hours and hard labor to get it to that ..my dad is beyond thrilled with the result. so I am glad of that...have to get the bed made and make dinner and take the dogs for a walk before it starts raining,,
    and the last I heard is I will be watching Faith Saterday- weds ,Sean and Jean will take doggie with them..
  • Clairblue2
    Clairblue2 Posts: 16 Member
    GRITSandSLU, You are a smart gardener. Bedding plants cost far too much to let them freeze by putting them out too early. Here in Wisconsin, everyone is very excited for spring, so if you don't shop early you may not find what you need is still available. Planning my flower gardens (it takes me hours) helps get me through February & when I shop, those careful plans go into action!

    Nancy in MI, Welcome! You'll find this group to be very non-judgmental & encouraging, so stop by often. Glad you're here.

    Janetr7476, You are funny. Love it & it's so true. Thanks for the sunshine

    mrspaws91, Welcome. You are fortunate to live in Colorado. It's one of our favorite states to visit. We're summer visitors, as we don't ski, but love hiking & biking. The Boulder bike trails are awesome. You Coloradans are inspiring--you're so active & very welcoming. And kudos to you raising five children!! I have a dear childhood friend living in Fort Collins, so hoping to get to CO soon.

    With summer approaching & weight loss continuing, I went full-on optimistic yesterday & bought a new swimsuit (well, new to me anyway). Thinking of throwing in some aqua fitness classes with the warm weather approaching. I found a lovely suit at a resale store yesterday (I'm the resale queen) for less than $4.00. Couldn't pass it up. It's in the laundry right now.

    Also visited to Habitat ReStore & bought new tiles for our patio table top. At 85 cents a pop, it was worth it to spiff things up a bit. I am SO ready for summer!!