Focus T25 by Shaun T - Just starting. Accountability and motivation.



  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited June 2016
    Great thread for motivating each other. I've enjoyed reading everyone's workout stories so far. I did the whole Focus T-25 program a few years ago and it was a nice follow up after doing Insanity. 4 weeks ago I had major abdominal surgery and was told by my surgeon that I was only to do light walking every day until my 6 week post op check up. Well I've been good about walking everyday, but was getting bored of walking 10 miles everyday. So I decided that I would try doing the modified version of Focus T-25 for the first month as my incision, tissues, and muscles continue to heal. Since I'm only doing the program again to build my strength back up again and not lose any weight, I'm not going to bother with doing body measurements. I will have to eat a little more, though so I don't lose any more weight than I already have since my surgery.
    Yesterday was day one and it went really well. I didn't think I'd like doing the modified T-25, but it turned out that I was able to go at a pretty good pace anyway and burned 113 calories. Tonight I did day two with Speed 1.0. This went better than day one even because I felt up to going just a tad bit faster than yesterday, and burned 125 calories. As long as I don't start hurting from doing this workout on top of doing my 18,000 steps a day I'm going to finish doing the modified version of Alpha and then I should be able to do Beta at full pace.
    Congrats to all those who have finished or are close to finishing Focus T-25. :)
  • rkaegeecee
    rkaegeecee Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks guys. I did end up doing my workout, wasn't much effort but better than nothing right? I pretty much rested all day so feeling much better now :)

    @chookywillow: prayers & wishes your way! Hope your husband is doing better
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    Has anyone tried and other BB workouts and which did you like? I am trying to figure out what I am going to do after T25..21 day fix maybe?
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    cgibs87 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried and other BB workouts and which did you like? I am trying to figure out what I am going to do after T25..21 day fix maybe?

    I've also done; Turbo Fire, Insanity, and Insanity Max 30. I can't say that I like anyone better than another. However, I do like how T-25 is only 25 minutes a day, as it allows me time for another workout earlier in the day. :)
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    wow motivated sister thats dedication. hope you feel ok tomorrow.
    thanks for all good wishes for my husband. it is lovely to have him home.
    look after yourself fit Philly. please take things really slowly. so easy to push it a little too far.

    glad youre feeling better rkae

    I have done insanity. had great results. but the workouts are very repetitive. I still do one most weeks. but every day can be monotonous. I prefer the variety and time of t25 . insanity is 40 to 60 mins with a long stretch and breaks between sets. (the sets are very high intensity) there is a lot of jumping so not great if you have any joint issues.

    I think 21 day fix may be less intense than t25.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    wow motivated sister thats dedication. hope you feel ok tomorrow.
    thanks for all good wishes for my husband. it is lovely to have him home.
    look after yourself fit Philly. please take things really slowly. so easy to push it a little too far.

    glad youre feeling better rkae

    I have done insanity. had great results. but the workouts are very repetitive. I still do one most weeks. but every day can be monotonous. I prefer the variety and time of t25 . insanity is 40 to 60 mins with a long stretch and breaks between sets. (the sets are very high intensity) there is a lot of jumping so not great if you have any joint issues.

    I think 21 day fix may be less intense than t25.

    Thanks, I know what you mean about pushing it to far. So far no pain from the first two workouts and I'll be doing the third one tonight at a modified pace. Good to hear that your hubby is home and hope things are going well. Like you, I also found Insanity to be very repetitive and sometimes because the moves were like the day before, I often thought I did put the same DVD in, lol.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I did Insanity maybe 4-5 years ago...I don't recall finishing though. I don't think it was a matter of not being able to push through, but I remember at the time I started traveling for work pretty heavily and then I relocated and my new place was upstairs versus a downstairs unit so with all the jumping in Insanity it just wasn't feasible anymore in the space I had. It was a great workout! I would love to do it again, my only hesitancy now is time. The thing i love about T25 is it's still HIIT like Insanity, but because it's short I'm still able to do other workouts/classes at the gym. If I did Insanity I probably wouldn't have the time to do all the other stuff that I like, and would have to do Insanity solely.

    Even further back I did Hip Hop Abs. I didn't finish that either, but wasn't really motivated to I was in good shape so it just was something to do if I couldn't get to the gym or something. I liked Shaun T, but I thought the program lacked variety.

    With summer here I'm probably gonna have some obligations that won't allow me to have all this time (2+ hrs a day if I want) to spend working out. So after T25 I'll probably need another home workout that I can get in curious to see what others will do next!

    Just finished Dynamic Core and headed to the gym for a class. I won't have time for the remaining 2 workouts left this week before I leave. If I can't get it done while I'm away for work, my plan is to do them both Sunday when I return. Luckily I should get back early enough with plenty of time to get them in.
  • rkaegeecee
    rkaegeecee Posts: 13 Member
    cgibs87 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried and other BB workouts and which did you like? I am trying to figure out what I am going to do after T25..21 day fix maybe?

    I've done Hip Hop Abs, Insanity, & tried Cize. I enjoyed Hip Hop Abs but got bored. Insanity was difficult and did not fit into my schedule. Cize was confusing. I could not keep up nor remember the steps. Of all the programs i've tried, I still prefer T25.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Day number 3 of Alpha went well. I had to back off on some of the floor work though, because I'm not supposed to be working my core yet. The lunges weren't bad. The whole workout was pretty good overall. Tomorrow looks like it is an all abdominal workout so I'm not sure how I'm going to do that one even with the modifier.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    I would leave out the abs completley into you get the go ahead to do them maybe try and visit a sports masseuse who can do lymphatic drainage too to help the healing process some. Just focus on the things your able to complete safely imo. Then slowly work up to the things you can't your body needs time to heal or your be out of the game for way more than 2months.

    I'm so excited to see how well everyone's doing and looking at new ideas for when we finish up t25 as I plan on doing gamma and maybe even repeating the whole plan from start to finish or beta and Gamma twice even I'm not sure I need worry yet about that.. alot of things I modify I want to be able to do with the team so that's my sole goal for now. I do worry that I might not find a programme as short and intense as t25 now which is sad because I'm finally in a routine of the 25mins a day but not quite ready to build on that. Now I've started my fighting classes back up I'll have alot to do on a Tuesday and Friday as the classes are 2hr long hitt training plyometric and alot of pad and bag work then some sparring. Great stress relief.

    I'm also really excited to report I jumped on the scales this morning sure I've gained weight as muscle soreness from my combat class is still here and figuring I must be retaining water only to find I lost a whole kg.. and a bit.. hope this holds true to my next weigh in.. was super excited to see the drop out of nowhere I feel Beta has me progressing much faster on the scale as I didn't move in Alpha. Beings me to a total of 6lbs lost so far and just under 18inches total. Pushing forward slowly and feeling my endurance and cardio sky rocket.. still along way to go with cardiovascular but I'm happy. Plodding along nicely and finally seeing results after 7weeks.

  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    I would leave out the abs completley into you get the go ahead to do them maybe try and visit a sports masseuse who can do lymphatic drainage too to help the healing process some. Just focus on the things your able to complete safely imo. Then slowly work up to the things you can't your body needs time to heal or your be out of the game for way more than 2months.

    I'm so excited to see how well everyone's doing and looking at new ideas for when we finish up t25 as I plan on doing gamma and maybe even repeating the whole plan from start to finish or beta and Gamma twice even I'm not sure I need worry yet about that.. alot of things I modify I want to be able to do with the team so that's my sole goal for now. I do worry that I might not find a programme as short and intense as t25 now which is sad because I'm finally in a routine of the 25mins a day but not quite ready to build on that. Now I've started my fighting classes back up I'll have alot to do on a Tuesday and Friday as the classes are 2hr long hitt training plyometric and alot of pad and bag work then some sparring. Great stress relief.

    I'm also really excited to report I jumped on the scales this morning sure I've gained weight as muscle soreness from my combat class is still here and figuring I must be retaining water only to find I lost a whole kg.. and a bit.. hope this holds true to my next weigh in.. was super excited to see the drop out of nowhere I feel Beta has me progressing much faster on the scale as I didn't move in Alpha. Beings me to a total of 6lbs lost so far and just under 18inches total. Pushing forward slowly and feeling my endurance and cardio sky rocket.. still along way to go with cardiovascular but I'm happy. Plodding along nicely and finally seeing results after 7weeks.
    Im all about this plan. T25 is perfect for a person like me. I don't find joy in exercise but I actually like this. Love that I can do it 10 feet away from my shower. I don't see myself doing anything different as I still have a LONG way to go to even look as graceful as the modifier. I will do gamma and then the whole program over and then a hybrid and then maybe increase weights. That's more than enough for me.

  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @Enjcg5 exactly my focus and plan! Good to see I won't be alone doing this for a few long months! I can't see getting bored either it's finally got me doing something that I'm not going to give up on half way through or get bored of in just a few weeks I will mix and match with a hybrid and keep it exciting mixed with my muay thai should be plenty enough to build up my strength, stamina, endurance and boost my cardiovascular in general. I will be looking at doing insanity again I have tried in the past but that will be months down the line or next year when I'm doing 20+ pushups military style instead of on my knees!!

    Let's keep our food clean our muscles lean and foccccus!!!
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    Yes! I believe this plan will work! There's no way I can get bored of this. I also want to tie in some yoga and lifting for strength. Taking it one day at a time. Plus, eating is number one. I will continue to do the best I can for me.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited June 2016
    @RachelRiley87, seems like 4-5 weeks just wasn't enough time to heal before doing this type of workout even with the modifier because I woke up sore and my Abds were swelled up again more than they were before. I've decided to just continue with walking 10 miles a day since there is no stress with that and just wait another 2 weeks and see how I am then. It's funny because my mind is so ready to do this but my body won't let me, lol. From your posts it sounds like you did great with T-25 and I'm sure you'll see great results in any future workouts that you do. I'm going to continue to follow this thread so I can get back in it when I'm able to. Best wishes. :)
  • Blessed_Mommy86
    Blessed_Mommy86 Posts: 52 Member
    Checking in to say hi! I hope everyone is doing well. Tomorrow is my double day and then I am done with Beta and moving on to Gamma! I'm excited but also nervous for Speed 3.0. I'm not really excited to take my progress photos though as my eating has been pretty crappy lately and it shows in my tummy. I ate waaaay too many calories today so in addition to my regularly scheduled workout (Dynamic Core), I also did Speed 1.0 and Alpha Cardio.... back to back to back. Proud to say I survived! Lol. Ten weeks ago that would've killed me. We're getting stronger every day!
  • supersimonesquirrel
    supersimonesquirrel Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, just checking back in. Got Speed 1.0 and Abs done - next up is a double day for me. Wish me luck haha :-)
  • SliverBulletsUK
    SliverBulletsUK Posts: 267 Member
    Hi everyone.

    29yo male from UK.

    I'm on my second week of t25 alpha and would love more friends who are also doing the programme so feel free to add me.

    I'm doing t25 alongside another exercise regime so sometimes change the order of the videos to give my body the required rest but I still complete the right videos for the week.

    Today is cardio ......... FOCUS
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome @silverbulletsuk congratulations on starting T25 and getting to week 2 !
  • SliverBulletsUK
    SliverBulletsUK Posts: 267 Member
    cgibs87 wrote: »
    Welcome @silverbulletsuk congratulations on starting T25 and getting to week 2 !


    Looking forward to completing this. Can't wait to see what Beta and Gamma bring.
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    I like Beta much more than Alpha- I feel like the 25 minutes goes much faster!