"Totally Tall" Women of MFP (5'9" and up) Open Group



  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I know this is a super stupid comment to make, but I never had any idea there were so many super tall women out there! My mom is 5'9 but the rest of the women in my family are short. Most women in my hometown are on the shorter side as well. It is so wonderful to know there are lots and lots of amazing, tall women out there! Keep up the good work ladies! Make good choices today!
  • faithfitnessandnutrition
    Hi all, great thread!! 5 '11" here.. J.C. Penny only place I can find pants long enough for work!!, don't get me started on shoes!! Trying to get down to around 150lbs. wouldn't give up my height for anything.. love it up here!! and yes I love wearing heels, especially in my male dominated profession.. makes em have to look up at me even more.. :):)
  • marindamboyd
    20 “girl” pushups done, that was embarrassingly hard. I will definitely try again tomorrow, liked that I could feel it in my abs too.
  • timea_84
    timea_84 Posts: 38 Member
    I did well over 20 pushups (all on knees) yesterday in bodyattack class, I've NEVER done so many in my life. I can definitely feel it in my shoulers today. Ouch!! I also made up for all the j'jacks I skipped last week! Yay!
  • Tiffani3089
    Tiffani3089 Posts: 44 Member
    I am 6'2 and 191 LBS.. size 14 :D . Some people do not believe me when I tell them my weight. LOL . I get alot of my work pants at New York and Company I get my Jeans at the buckle :) Did not know there was a thread out there for us tall folk WOOHOO
  • rachelw16
    rachelw16 Posts: 90
    Hi! I'm 5'9, 159 lbs, trying to get down to about 130. Because everyone else is doing it...my shoe size is 9/10 (depending on the shoe) :)
  • cacusick
    cacusick Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I too am I lovely tall lady at 5' 11''. I can totaly relate to all of the clothing woes you all deal with! I currently weigh 175 pounds and am looking to lose about 15 of those. Overall I'm pretty active spending my time running and biking. The exercise is the easy part for me. Right now I'm looking to eversome some of my food demons. Hoping MFP helps with my tracking of food and this food helps with support from the leggy women here!

  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I'm 5'10 as well. And as several people have mentioned....I lost 18 pounds and hardly anyone even noticed! I did go down in clothing sizes, from a 10 to a 6, but when I compared photos of myself "before" and "after" in a bathing suit I couldn't tell much of a difference so I didn't even bother posting them.

    As far as finding pants long enough, I have to order all mine online: Eddie Bauer, J. Crew, The Gap, and Banana Republic all carry talls or longs. I'm lucky with shoes - I wear a size 8 1/2 (or 9 in running shoes).

    I went to a 70s party a couple years ago with a very short friend....she's 4'11 and was wearing flats. I was wearing boots with a 3" heel - talk about Mutt and Jeff. I think she came up to my waist!
  • PersianFlower
    PersianFlower Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all! I'm 5'9" and wear size 11 shoes lol :3 I felt like I was the only one! I rather not post my current weight (totally ashamed) but my healthy weight is/was 170.
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    Was someone seriously going to do 100 push-ups? OMG I thought my arms and abs were going to go on strike half way through 20....
    Anyone that can manage 100 should be given a gold medal and put on a plinthe for us all to bow down and worship.....

    AMEN sister!!! The 20 a day is kicking my butt!!!

    Yeah seriously!!! LOL :bigsmile:
    It's a 100 push-ups challenge...Not just 100 right off the bat.

    You start of only doing a few 3 times a week then gradually add to it. Kind of like the C25K program except w push-ups

    Here's the site http://hundredpushups.com/index.html
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    Hi all, great thread!! 5 '11" here.. J.C. Penny only place I can find pants long enough for work!!, don't get me started on shoes!! Trying to get down to around 150lbs. wouldn't give up my height for anything.. love it up here!! and yes I love wearing heels, especially in my male dominated profession.. makes em have to look up at me even more.. :):)
    I have to get all mine from JC Penney also!!
  • CoastieGMWife
    Jcpenney also carries what they call "ultra talls" which have even longer inseams! Also target has also startred carrying longs in. Their jeans. Its a good cheapb option for transition sizes. ;)
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    I just wanted to drop in and say HI! I'm 5'10" or 11" (depending on who is measuring, LOL!!) and am currently stuck between 155-158lbs. I'm tired of looking at the scale, so I am focusing on building more muscle and loosing some inches. I would loooooove to go down in jean sizes and get rid of my "middle jiggle." (currently a size 12, want an 8, could live with a 10) My shoes are a 10 and I like Victoria's Secret jeans, they have a 34" inseam option online. They also have a version that is made for us with the big hips and narrow waist.

    I love being tall, after that loooong awkward stage in middle and high school. My 8 year old daughter is following me and is one of the tallest in her age group too.

    Being tall is also a huge kicker for me in my chosen workouts, kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Working out with all those guys and being taller than many of them....when they all think they are "so tough!" There was one class where all the guys were waiting in line to try and break my guard....those long legs come in handy at times! LOL!
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 5ft 9.5", I just wanted to say hello and good luck on your journey everyone, add me if you like!xx
  • crazie01grape
    crazie01grape Posts: 22 Member
    Hey everyone!
    im 5'9 and all of my height is in my legs!I buy pants from Alloy because they make pants with a 37 inseam (36 is just not long enough). I am so short waistedi can buy short sleeve shirts, tank tops and some dresses in the petite section of stores. I get strange looks but they fit my waist better! my friend is 5'2 and when we sit down we are the exact same height! lol oh well. I am also a size 12 shoe...i hate shoe shopping its so depressing!

    It is encouraging to see so many other tall women! Good luck to everyone on their journey!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    HEEEEEELLLLLLOOO 2 all the new TALL beauties!! Please request everyone as friends. Check out the weekly challenge and feel free to join in. Its 20 pushups...on toes or modified. If you can do more by all means do so.

    If you know of any good places to shop whether state side or across the pond for clothes & shoes post it. If you have anything you want to discuss...no topic is untouchable...just post it.

    Again welcome everyone!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    20 pushups done....my po arms!!
  • Libelleak
    Libelleak Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm right there with all you wonderful tall ladies! I'm 6'1" and just started my journey back to health. My end goal is 120lb down. I agree that I've heard every tall vs short comment out there with weight gain/loss and everything in between! I know none of it really matters, just how I feel I am doing inside... which is slowly improving. =) I'll have to get on those 20 pushups!
  • emilyr9602
    emilyr9602 Posts: 51 Member
    i love the people who say -- "You weigh 168?! Oh well you are tall so it's okay" -- NO, it's not okay! Just because we are tall does not mean we should automatically weigh tons more!! ugh. that is always my biggest frustration.
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
    I want to join! I am 6'0 tall and my current weight is 195lbs and my goal weight is 175lbs!!! Please friend me!