

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Clematis are so slow to start off! I have a Nelly Moser but only had a few blooms on it last year. I have several others that are also slow to get going. My Jackmani is gorgeous, but is over 15 years old. I have a neat purple bluebell type that has done surprisingly well in spite of being transplanted a few years back. I will get photos when mine bloom.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    I have prayed for a long time that Tracy would smarten up and leave the loser but she stays for Taliah..I soooo wish she would find a wonderful guy that would treat her with love and kindness...

    Have you thought about what sort of example you are setting for her, staying with Tom when he treats you so poorly? There is no way you could say that Tom treats you with love and kindness. We all here have prayed that YOU would smarten up and leave the loser, find a guy that would treat YOU with love and kindness. You deserve it!

    Miriam said what I was thinking only she said it sooner and better
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Good Morning!

    Driving to see my mom today! My brother took her to a gastroenterologist yesterday and I do not know what the results were. Like Becca, I hate driving through Atlanta and especially through a 15 mile stretch south where they are building a toll road. Almost every day, the news announces a bad wreck that has happened there. I told my DH that I feel bad that I spend 3 hrs on the road when I go to see her and if she doesn't feel well our visit is not that long.

    Heather ~ We are all excited for your upcoming trip to see Penny and the pole.

    Penny ~ So glad you shared your picture! It is nice to actually see who we are talking to online. Love your soft curly hair.

    KLanders ~ Beautiful pic of you and daughter.

    Finally took melatonin last night to try to get to sleep. It didn't get me to sleep any quicker but once I finally fell asleep it kicked in. I need to reduce the dosage (took 10 mg) as I feel groggy this AM. In reading online, it said that if you have a difficult time going to sleep it is because your c? rhythms are skewed and you probably need brighter light during the day time.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    I have prayed for a long time that Tracy would smarten up and leave the loser but she stays for Taliah..I soooo wish she would find a wonderful guy that would treat her with love and kindness...

    Have you thought about what sort of example you are setting for her, staying with Tom when he treats you so poorly? There is no way you could say that Tom treats you with love and kindness. We all here have prayed that YOU would smarten up and leave the loser, find a guy that would treat YOU with love and kindness. You deserve it!

    Miriam That took guts. I know I am a newcomer, but I have been worrying daily about you, Alison, and what you endure every day. It is not liver failure or severe ulcerative colitis or a brain tumor or many other ailments, but it is a chronic daily stress which takes a big toll. You aren't sleeping, either.

    Years ago I married too young, and it was a mismatch. I stayed in the relationship because I thought I had too. Finances were certainly a factor. And of all things, I didn't want to disappoint my parents, whose marriage lasted until my dad died. My dear mother, who hardly ever gave unsolicited advice, finally, after listening to my misery for years, asked me why I didn't leave. So I told her I didn't want her to be disappointed in me, and I was afraid of how I would support myself. She didn't say much, but she did set me straight in a hurry, and I left that marriage soon after. Interestingly enough, my ex and I are good friends now, and are good co-grandparents and even have lunch together on occasion. Alison, I wish you the happiness you deserve. <3

    Karen in Virginia

  • mrspaws91
    mrspaws91 Posts: 27 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hello all -
    I got overwhelmed with all the new posts in May and stopped replying. I did read almost every day.
    Prayers for all who need them.

    On Sunday we're leaving for 10 days of camping, so I am knee deep in planning and organizing. Thankfully, dh pulled all the camping supplies out for me, despite working crazy hours the last few weeks.

    May wasn't a great diet month for me. I fell back into the habit of late night snacking, and it showed on the scale as zero weight loss for the entire month. At least I kept up the exercise so I didn't gain.

    dh and I have a plan to exercise daily during vacation, and I am making sure our menu has lots of healthy food choices. I don't know if I'll lose weight, but I should be able to maintain.

    June goals -
    12,000 steps/day
    strength training 3x/week (once we get back from vacation)
    make better choices for after dinner snacks, with a limit of 200 calories.
    stay on weight-loss calorie plan

    Barb in western Colorado

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    I have prayed for a long time that Tracy would smarten up and leave the loser but she stays for Taliah..I soooo wish she would find a wonderful guy that would treat her with love and kindness...

    Have you thought about what sort of example you are setting for her, staying with Tom when he treats you so poorly? There is no way you could say that Tom treats you with love and kindness. We all here have prayed that YOU would smarten up and leave the loser, find a guy that would treat YOU with love and kindness. You deserve it!

    yea, what she said
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Peach/Carol yes please call me GLo that's what my grands call me. The flowering bush is a viburnum or high bush cranberry which does really well here and is easy to prune...it grows quite quickly but you don't have to be an arborist to keep it under control.

    Heidilove the pic of your buddy...always wanted a standard poodle but after we lost our last shepherd my husband hasn't wanted to face the heartbreak again. Maybe someday.

    Pennyjust watched Richard Bangs' Adventures program on Creat TV (a PBS channel) spotlighting Norway & the Vikings starting north of the arctic circle in your neck of the woods to Kirkenes, Oslo and Lofotr. All the more interesting since I've been following your posts!

    Glad some of you like my little shed I'd like it even better if my DH hadn't invaded it storing some of his lawn equipment in what was supposed to be "my space"!

    GLo enjoying another cool day on the Morth Shore of Ma just made for weeding and planting
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I was mixed up about your departure date, too. I'm happy you have a little more time to get ready and I'm eager to hear how it all goes. No chewing on your own body! :devil:

    Penny: I love all the photos, especially the one with you in it! :smiley:

    KJLaMore: I'm happy that your "early bird" will be coming at a more reasonable time. That will likely make a nice difference in your lifestyle. Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    Karen: I'm having a senior moment, and I don't mean senior in High School. I can't remember whether I commented on your gorgeous daughter and your gorgeous self. I love the photo! :heart:

    I have a dentist appointment this morning in 25 minutes. I'm having two fillings replaced. Im ingesting my morning infusion of coffee & will be out the door in a moment or two. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    morning peeps and welcome new peep -c's -

    well, yesterday was my first ride to and from work. was going to ride to work but it was raining so I said, NAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

    I like the great cycle challenge page it has my stats for me. It automatically uploads my strava riding app info. I only have to manually enter my spin class rides.:
    No. of rides: 6
    Longest ride: 11 mi
    Mi to reach my goal: 365 mi

    I'm #7 in the State (ranking on how many miles ridden so far) pretty cool. says I've ridden 35.5mi.
  • LynnPettigrewNorris
    LynnPettigrewNorris Posts: 1 Member
    Am very new here. Joined to support my daughter who is also a member (in a much younger group). Found out the site is very helpful to keep you on track (counting calories & exercise). Losing weight for my health. Am in good shape with no health probs so far. But am at least 50 pounds overweight (prob more like 75 - ugh). Diabetes & high BP both run in my family along with heart probs. Since losing our teen daughter in a car accident, have gained 75 pounds. Am ready to get back on track. Have neck injury, so no weight lifting, etc. Can only walk & garden a little. My main motivation is to keep on track to inspire my daugher who is also using this program.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) OK, after listening to Becca's account of her drive(s) from the north coast to Portland and back and then again and maybe again, and now Peach's account of driving back and forth through Atlanta to visit her mother, I'll quit whining about how I have to drive through Seattle once at the end of the month...I love how you all keep me right sized about my problems.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Pat - I LOVE clematis. So pretty. I wish I had some growing but haven't found a location they don't end up scorched by the heat in July and August. Although right now they would drown.

    More rain today but I see a spot of blue sky! North of us is getting hit today. Over half the state is under flash flood warning.

    To give you an idea of our rainfall. At my house In April we got 15 inches of rain. We did not totally dry out before May rain started. In May we got 25 inches of rain. June started out yesterday with 2 more inches and rain is forecast for another two days. The water table is actually at the surface so even a half inch of rain is all run off and flooding.

    Last night a couple of major power lines went down when the poles just came out of the ground like the trees have been.

    But as I said above I spot a little blue sky. Even one day without rain would be wonderful!

    Welcome to the newbies. I'll stop griping about rain I promise.

    Sprouting gills in Houston.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Marelyn – I would be sooooooo tired of that rain, too … seems like y’all have had WEEKS of rain. Enough is enough. Seems like is it time to build an ark.

    I like “Fixer Upper” and “Rehab Addict’ on HGTV. I’ve watched with interest of how genius the people with having to build a tiny house for 2 or 3 to live in. I could not do so it, too claustrophobic. But, if I was alone; I could move into a condo like my BF live in, though I would rather it all be all on one floor.

    Kim from N. California – I’d have to have one of those seats with a back to sit that long.

    Gloworm46 – You aren’t trying to go back to a previous page are you? IF you do, that is one way to lose your post. If you want to go back to a previous page; you’ll have to ‘save’ your post. Another way is to open up the word processing program and minimize it as well as the MFP page of posts. That way you can go back and forth between the two and answer any posts you want to, then cut the writing from the word processing program and take it to the last post (on the last page) and copy it there. Even if it makes you have 2 posts in a row (which it probably will), because at all times there are several others posting at the same time. I hope this helps. You can also ‘edit’ or ‘add’ the 2nd part of your post to the original one by going to the black gear that will show up in the upper right-hand part of your post and it will drop down a screen with the amount of time you have to ‘edit’ it. One hour is the most time you have. Hope this makes it clear to you. If you have any other questions, I’ll be happy to answer them … or I am sure somebody else will tell you how they do it.

    Heather – I usually peel off the polish on my nails. I have to put several coats on them because they have ridges in them, I got that from my Mother.

    Lisa in West Texas – I have always wanted to be able to sing. I sing as an Alto; which doesn’t have nearly the range that a Soprano does. I just can’t get up that high. So I am glad, instead, to be able to paint and draw.

    Granmallie – I would have to agree with Miriam; that ‘example’ is the best way to teach our children. I’ve always wanted them to be ‘happy’. I know that my DYS is happy, more ‘ecstatic’ if you ask me since getting married for the first time at 36 (now going to be 38 this August). I’m not so sure about DOS. He got married when he was 19 and had his first child at 20; his first wife was 17 and about to turn 18 when their child (my DOGD) was born. They fought like cats and dogs; and were in the process of getting their settlement agreement done after they had gotten the decree of divorce taken (which we paid the last little bit) to his attorney. Her lawyer was getting paid a ‘different’ way … and then he would say that she had not paid the balance of his fee. So we paid DOS’s attorney the difference so that she would take the decree and get it signed. He met his 2nd wife (DDnL#1) during the time between the decree being taken and the settlement being worked out. I got very upset when she decided (against his wishes) to come ‘introduce herself to me’ as his fiancée (then quickly changed it to 'his girlfriend'). I had thought that I had missed something because I had been in a near fatal collision during that time. I walked away from her, because I just was not prepared for that description because we had really wanted him to move back in with us so he could finish his college studies and then be able to get a job of his choice. They’ve been married almost 17 years; and, fight about as much as he did with his first wife. But, I do have to say that she has been a ‘good mother influence on our DOGD). She has a ‘good heart’; but she is sometimes quite selfish and naïve (most of the time). We have a very strained relationship; and back in November she made a move that I find difficult to get over. After trying to get my DDnL#2 and DYS into an ‘argument’ and could not ‘do it’ she turned on me and wrote me a ‘scathing’ email. When it was titled “Good Morning”; it made my morning anything but ‘good’ after reading it. I did not respond to it, thought about showing it to my DOS; but, decided to just let it lie. She already thinks that we love our DYS and his family more than we love DOS and her, I’d something like to be a fly on the wall to hear what she has to say about us behind our backs. It is obvious that she has said a few things about us because of how the grandchildren act when they are around us.

    Heather – I have the ‘opposite’ feeling about our ‘local politics’. Why too ‘cliquish’ and therefore some things get ‘voted’ down because of the Head Commissioner. He retired this year and did not run again; which was at least 38 years too many. I think if I had a gun, I might have taken it with me a few times. LOL! Just joking.

    Patceoh – Love the Clematis.

    Penny – And it could not be ‘concealed’ and you would not be able to take them by surprise! I agree with you about people getting into your business in a small town. I grew up in a small town, left to go to Atlanta to attend ‘art school’; got married and moved to Jacksonville, FL; then started moving down in size when we moved to Albany, moved to Macon (just a little larger), back to Albany and now in Dawson (really small town); but, we tend to keep to ourselves; although both DH and DOS know everybody (or almost everybody) in town … and we attend the Catholic Church in Albany. We’ve thought about going to the Church in Americus; but, unless my husband is willing to drive, I don’t attend either at the moment.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2016
    Marcelyn: Oregon has a reputation for rain, but nothing comes even close to what is happening in Texas. The last really big flood here was the reason we were able to buy our home. We had an epic 100+ year flood while this whole complex was under construction and the original buyer backed out. The next year there was another huge flood, although not as big as the epic one. We saw the place with water just a few inches below the stringers that support the floor, and were crazy enough to buy it anyway. So far we've been glad we did. Sending you many good wishes. :flowerforyou: (We moved here in 1997.)
  • BethVN
    BethVN Posts: 5 Member
    This sounds like a great group to be part of! I've just turned 50 and am very focused on exercising and eating right and clean. I've been on this journey since April 4, 2016 (I've actually exercised regularly for years but have always struggled with food).

    My goal for June is to lose 6 lbs. I've only lost 2 in the last 2 months and am fairly discouraged.
  • gobrongo
    gobrongo Posts: 1 Member
    I've been enjoying reading many of your posts this morning and thought I'd introduce myself. Such a supportive group!

    Just before the Holidays last year, I had found my balance, albeit delicate. Was doing/feeling pretty good about my body and lifestyle and on a healthy and realistic diet/exercise routine.
    But soon after Christmas my dad passed on (he had been sick for a while) and that whole experience through me off track.
    That said, I am so grateful to have been there with him. He told me I was a good nurse. :) (I'm not a nurse but it was his way of telling me he was glad I was there.)
    He and I had a wonderful, sweet conversations. I miss him so much. He passed January 9.

    Now I'm dragging butt. Am trying to build up my routine again, but I'm just feeling saggy and disillusioned. I know there's grief but I'm also frustrated that I have to think yet again about my weight issues. I'm attempting to forget about it and the clothes I can't fit into and just do what feels healthy and good, but some days I look in the mirror and feel so downtrodden. What's the use? Wahwahwah

    So I'll do this instead. I'll move back to planning - here's the plan.
    Goal: 1.5 - 2 pounds a week (but weigh only every two weeks).
    Exercise: 20ish minutes of intermittent walking/trotting 5 days a week. Yoga and weights three days a week.
    Attitude: Keep it light and simple and realistic. Patience, persistence. Have fun.
    Life goal: Find a balance that becomes such a habit that it sticks with me (and I to it) through the next big challenge that rolls along.

    Thank you for putting up with my long post. Hopefully reading and sharing a bit with you all will help me shift my attitude a bit.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    Just re-watched ORION'S BELTE - all in Norwegian and hardly understood a word. ;) But DH did watch it with me. :D It's set in Penny's neck of the woods, during the Cold War.

    Had a nice lunch with my friend, but I was a little upset by her retelling the conversations my "difficult friend" had with them on their recent jaunt that I bowed out of. I know I would have exploded at her arrant, self serving nonsense. :o
    I have agreed to join them in London in November. I will not stay in her apartment. I will limit my time with her. This is for the sake of the others and for old time's sake. I do hope I can keep my temper. It is too much to hope that she will keep her mouth shut.

    When I came back from the pub my cleaner was there. She really helped me by serving as my "sounding board" as to which clothes to take, so now I have more or less got the right selection lying on the beds. Not packed yet, but progress. I really needed a third eye and ear as my brain was a mush and fog. I need 4 wardrobes, basically. Arctic gear, casual/informal gear, sports/swimming gear and very posh gear plus appropriate footwear and jewellery. :sad: Now I just hope I can fit everything in, including technology and drinking equipment.
    Packing woes :s

    Going to do my hair roots tomorrow and have to get some more cash to leave for the cleaner. She will water the garden and has taken my chilli plant away with her to babysit. I demolished my basil bush and froze the leaves to make pesto when we get back.

    Love Heather UK
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    The time has finally arrived to begin the Great move-out-of-Chicago Exodus. Tomorrow we head to Chicago to first help our son relocate a few blocks away into a new studio apartment closer to The Loop where he works for Deloitte. Will get him settled in on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday we pick up the UHaul and get our daughter moved out of her apt and begin making our way to Midlothian, VA. She will move in next Wednesday and we plan on staying around long enough for her to be settled in and ready to go.

    In light of this I won't be able to check in here as often as I would like, therefore friends will you all please put your lives on hold till I can get back. LOL I can just see it now....page 43 and 216 posts! That is what I love about this wonderful, supportive group a ladies! Carry on and I will peek in as possible and look forward to reading the "novel" when I can really sit down 2 weeks from now and read back through the posts.

    Sending kudos to all with successes to celebrate :) , healing thoughts and prayers to all in need <3 and a wonderful welcome to all the newbies joining this awesome group of women ;) !

    In steamy NE oHIo

    standing still.....Ok Ok how long do I have to do this?????

    Ha, ha ..... as long as you can?!

    WILL DO..... (Hmmm I know how a deer in the headlight FEELS here... lolol)
    on pause in
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Good morning! Glad I found you! Thanks for posting this on your page Barbie.

    Gosh, I don't know if I even posted at all in May. It appears I still have April's forum saved as a favorite. Work has been crazy busy and so has my home life, so I think between the two I just plain got depressed and stressed, and I just stopped trying for a bit. I'm back now all refreshed and with new determination.

    I hope you are all doing well. I said a prayer for this group collectively for all our needs to be met. You are wonderful ladies and I miss reading about your days, so I am going to make one of my June resolutions be that I keep up on this thread better. :smile:

    My daughter is a Lifestyle and Health Wellness Coach ( as well as regional manager of the Medi-Weightloss Clinics in our area) and she is helping me to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I'm doing pretty good with it except for occasional slip ups when I am out of town for work for any length of time. That doesn't happen often but seems to be happening more often in the last few months. I do not like traveling for work but I guess a person's gotta do what a person's gotta do, right? Anyway, I think from when her and I started this journey in April, I am down about 17 lbs. Pretty tickled about that because I actually FEEL better!

    Well, I need to get back to work now but will try to read the previous 5 pages tonight when I'm home with my DH. It's his birthday today so I hope to be able to STAY AWAY from the cake!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies and I will talk to you soon.

    Tracie in Green Bay, WI

    June Goals:
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Stick to the nutrition plan / no added sugar
    3. Drink half my weight in water or 64 oz, whichever is greater
    4. Find something to be grateful for every day and add it to my "Blessings" Jar for 2016
    5. At least three days of activity for 30 minutes
    6. Take 15 minutes every day to do something I enjoy, for me
    7. Keep up with this group!!!