Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • Bob, let me know when you start the next round. I have P90X but haven't done it - haven't really enjoyed working out at home by myself. But if I know others are doing it and tracking on MFP then just maybe - maybe I can start doing 2-a-days and really get it going. But I need the group motivation................

  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Bob, let me know when you start the next round. I have P90X but haven't done it - haven't really enjoyed working out at home by myself. But if I know others are doing it and tracking on MFP then just maybe - maybe I can start doing 2-a-days and really get it going. But I need the group motivation................



    Don't wait for us to start!! We are only at the tail end of the first phase...regardless of where you are at, we can provide support and motivation...for the record, after I finish this round I am moving on to doing it will be awhile for me...
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Just finished CardioX. WOW anger makes a difference!! LOL
    Still cant get all the way up on the Dreya rolls (pure evil!!!) without stopping (still too heavy in the bottom end...hee hee) BUT I'm getting closer and will keep trying EVERY TIME!!! Havent lost a lb but sure feel stronger!!! I have lost inches and feel WAY more fit than I ever have!!
    Have a great evening All!!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Ready to start phase 2 tomorrow. The core syn. workout definately grew on me the second time. What a great workout, a lot of functional training right there. It is funny what we can and cant do. Chatarunga(sp?) runs I am OK at (made it through two times, kinda failed on the thrird) but prison pushups kill me. I think I did 7. Cant wait to do this one again in a month, and think I will do this workout even when I'm done with P90X.

    I skipped the rest day to get back on pace. I will probably run today(another rest/stretch day), and cant wait to hit the weights tomorrow.
    Glad to see some new blood in here- you guys keep us plowing through, we'll get you goin'!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Havent lost a lb but sure feel stronger!!! I have lost inches and feel WAY more fit than I ever have!!

  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Yellooo ladies and gentlemen!

    Small nsv for me yesterday. I did plyo all by my lonesome! I am NOT very disciplined when it comes to working out which is why I do best when I'm in a group setting or a class. My hub is my p90x partner and I know if it weren't for that, I would NOT have gotten this far. I stems from not wanting to be alone at it, getting bored easily, wanting him to be just as miserable as me (haha j/k) etc. Yesterday he had his wisdom teeth taken out so he had to rest and while I was tempted to sit it out myself (i took a long nap) I made myself complete day 37. It was boring w/o him but I did it. Then we went for a walk.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Legs and Back + ARX done. I'm still pushing pause to get thorugh ARX, but I'm getting in all 25 of each move. I got through both workouts in an hour and 22 minutes. I'm pretty happy about that.

    Tomorrow is Yoga. I'll have to get up pretty early to get that done before we start our jam packed day. Wish me luck! Monday I start my recovery week.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I had a food blow out day yesterday. Would have been good but then I ate a blizzard...****! 1000 calories! OMG!

    Anyways, tiredness and food = no yoga yesterday. I get off at 12 today, so I am going to go to Target and then home..get my work out done IN PEACE and chill out the rest of the day by myself. woohoo! I feel a nap in my afteroon future!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Just finished CardioX. WOW anger makes a difference!! LOL
    Still cant get all the way up on the Dreya rolls (pure evil!!!) without stopping (still too heavy in the bottom end...hee hee) BUT I'm getting closer and will keep trying EVERY TIME!!! Havent lost a lb but sure feel stronger!!! I have lost inches and feel WAY more fit than I ever have!!
    Have a great evening All!!

    Awesome...the weight loss will soon follow...guaranteed! Keep fueling your body and pushing play!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Ready to start phase 2 tomorrow. The core syn. workout definately grew on me the second time. What a great workout, a lot of functional training right there. It is funny what we can and cant do. Chatarunga(sp?) runs I am OK at (made it through two times, kinda failed on the thrird) but prison pushups kill me. I think I did 7. Cant wait to do this one again in a month, and think I will do this workout even when I'm done with P90X.

    I skipped the rest day to get back on pace. I will probably run today(another rest/stretch day), and cant wait to hit the weights tomorrow.
    Glad to see some new blood in here- you guys keep us plowing through, we'll get you goin'!

    Love Core Synergistics! On an earlier P90X thread this winter/early spring I noted that if all of my DVDs burned up in a fire but one, THIS is the one I would want to keep because it works just about everything and has a nice cardio element to it too. I am doing better at the Chat Runs, but do pretty darn well on the Prison Cell Pushups..I can knock out about 11 or 12. I am a veteren of Core Syn cuz it is a stable of the lean program so I have experiencew in doing the workout. You know it is good when you are on fumes during the bonus round...that's when you know you left it all on the mat. Glad you like the workout, my man!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Happy Friday to all of you gang! You guys are doing absolutely awesome! I bid fond farewell to a hard earned recovery week and am getting ready to hit Phase 2 hard! Weighted vest and ankle weights figure prominently into the equation and I am going to attempt to do doubles this phase with some Cardio-X tomorrow morning with CST+ARX in the afternoon...I wouldn't consider this a Doubles vs. Classic round as I don't think I will be able to do Cardio-X super early in the morning when I have to be in my plant before 6am, so I will be playing it by ear...I signed up for a calorie burn challenge (Row the World) this month, so I am going to try to do my part to burn a ton of cals and try to hasten the fat burn that I sorely need to burn to rid myself of this 20 or so pounds of excess fat I am carrying around my midsection. That is really the only real area that is still pudgy and it is stubborn as hell to go.

    I plan on photos, measurements, and weigh-ins to occur this Sunday on my TRUE 30 day mark after I crush Plyometrics...anyone ever consider doing Plyo with ankle weights? I am not crazy enough to try it yet as it is a killer burn without weights, but someday, I might lighten up the ankle weights and try it around 1.5 to 2 pounds per leg just to see if there is a difference..

    Anyway, have a GREAT holiday weekend, guys! Party hard, but watch your intake and STAY HYDRATED!!!
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Ok so just finished Chest Shoulders Tr'i' far my least favorite!! here I thought I was geting stronger! Bahhh ha ha!!! I kinda sh@t the bed a bit on the program...missed the first recovery week and just plowed through. I need to hurry up and learn patience to read it all BEFORE I start damn it. I did do 1 arm balance push ups....9 of them actually!! which is good for me...Ya me!!
    I love reading about everyone elses progress!!! This is such a motivating list!!!
    Oh and BTW -

  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Ok so just finished Chest Shoulders Tr'i' far my least favorite!! here I thought I was geting stronger! Bahhh ha ha!!! I kinda sh@t the bed a bit on the program...missed the first recovery week and just plowed through. I need to hurry up and learn patience to read it all BEFORE I start damn it. I did do 1 arm balance push ups....9 of them actually!! which is good for me...Ya me!!
    I love reading about everyone elses progress!!! This is such a motivating list!!!
    Oh and BTW -


    I will agree with you...CST is not my favorite fact, it is probably my least favorite...Now, I haven't done this routine in a while (do it tonight) and I now have good push up bars and I have progressed in my push up moves so you never know, I might have this puppy grow on me...LOL. I have only done this routine a handful of times as it is not real prevalent in the Lean program I already completed, but what I remember not liking about it is it doesn't flow as well as the other workouts and you are contantly either on the deck or standing up (I like staying in one place or doing the pull up moves). The exercises are challenging though and it IS a good barometer of how far you have come in the program...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Short post today, friends...

    Cardio-X this morning...burned 540 calories with 5# ankle weights.

    I plan on doing Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps plus Ab Ripper X later this evening. I plan on using the weighted vest, but I will probably scale down the weight on this one and ease into it...maybe 12 or 15 pounds in the vest as opposed to the 20 I have been carrying. I plan on getting crazy with Ab Ripper...plan on 20# in the vest, 5# ankle weights on the ankles, and I plan on using an 8# medicine ball for Mason Twists...wish me luck...probably going to kill myself! LOL...My burn on Ab Ripper has been pathetic over the last handful of workouts...time to up the game...

    Take care all, enjoy that long weekend!!!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Rocked the full 90 minutes of yoga today. Pretty dang happy with me :)

    Have an awesome Saturday!
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    I love Chest & Back. Pushed hard today since I won't see it again until week 9. I keep bumping my knees on the chair when I come down from the negative pull ups. Oww! :( But, I am doing more and more and many of my push ups are now from my toes. Today my biggest accomplishment was 8 decline push ups from my toes in both sets. w00t! Now for a well deserved shower. Bring it!!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Meghan and annyshay, great progress on both of the routines you did today! I know you held crane for a good chunk of time, Meghan...that is a good barometer of where you are at in your Yoga prowess...8 decline pushups is awesome, annyshay!!! Great work, girl!!

    I did Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps + Ab Ripper X tonight...Tried ARX with a weighted vest and IT DOESN'T WORK AT ALL at least with the adjustable weights in the back of the vest. I will try on Monday with all of the weights in the front and see what happens...the weights in the back of the vest put uneven strain on your spine and it wasn't good at all...felt like I was being tortured on a rack like back in the middle ages...LOL. I did do ARX however with 5# ankle weights on each ankle...those ankle weights really make the moves SO HARD...I was not able to do all 25 of the following moves with the ankle weights on...crunchy frog, fifer scissors, and Mason Twists. In and outs and bicycles were extremely hard but I did all 25, hip rock and raise was slightly harder, and heels to the heavens was actually easier with the weights as were any and all of the sit up type moves. I tell you what was the most brutal by far and that was the oblique V-ups...VERY TOUGH with ankle weights...I did all 25 but it was with the pause button and I took multiple breaks...I did about 30 of the 50 Mason Twists...I also used an 8# medicine ball...I guess I have a new challenge now...LOL.

    I did CST with a 15# weighted vest...not sure if it was the vest or just the fact that I hate CST but I really don't feel like I brought it reps were much lower than where I was when I finished the first round of P90X lean in May...not sure what the deal was, but I definitely felt the vest...I do like the challenges that the added weight poses and I plan to continue doing it with the weight and just see what transpires...hopefully results!!!

    Take care, my good friends!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I LOVE the Chest/Back/Triceps work out. By the time I'm done with it, my arms shake if I hold them above my head and I just feel like I've really got a good work out. The shoulders and biceps is good too. Phase one I really liked the leg/back work out, now I am beginning to dislike it. Really wishing they would have a second lower body work out that is different, but oh well. I will get through it.

    I've been eating like **** the past three days and not logging. Tomorrow I will start back up again and move forward with more diligence. I want the most out of this program and know it takes more tahn just going through the dvds to get it.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    HEY! GUYS! Thanks for tellin' me ab ripper was included on all the weight DVDs.

    CST was a motha'. Made me feel like I hadn't been working out at all. what a change up in terms of challenge. I don't know how well I did, but I do feel I brought it. I love the shoulder work, was pretty wasted on push ups by the water break ( did make it to 10+ claps). My tris were immobilized. First time I really enjoyed the "making soup" stretch. As I sipped my water and contemplated how long to recover for ARX, there was Tony telling me "I hate it, but I love it." Time to work I guess.

    It was nice hearing some new corny Tony jokes and seeing some different faces. I think he upped his motivation for phase 2 as well. My wife put the kaybosh on my doubles, ("you need another hour? It's a holiday weekend" and "fine, but you're not working out tomorrow"- like hell I'm not, it's plyo day) but I was able to get her and the young man out for a decent walk in the evening. So a little of the best of both worlds.

    Provided my arms are able to move, I will be hitting plyo here shortly. I'm excited to get after that one again. No weighted vest for me.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Day 2 of Week 5 of Classic is in the my Plyometrics on and I am glad I got it out of the way as I have a full day hanging with my parents and wife and kids going out to some yard work involving lifting bags of peat gravel and fill dirt...HRM will DEFINITELY be on! I recently took down a fence that had been damaged severely by a car (drunk *kitten* fool) and I can't replace the vinyl fence panels...they don't make them any I took down the fence, but I need to fill the post holes before I break my ankle mowing grass...that would be an untimely setback...

    Burned about 800 calories on Plyo...I call this day my "eat good" day...LOL! I actually kept pace with TH during the jump tucks...what in the hell is up with that?

    Take care, all!!!
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