WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, you are going to have to get your nurse's license to take care of both your hubbie and dog. So will you walk your other dog two times?

    Fireworks again tonight but it's not as much. They are supposed to be done by 10 PM.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    So, today I donated blood, so I ate without really denying myself. I had banana on whole wheat waffles with peanut butter and a drizzle of honey. For lunch I had some clam chowder (with some spinach leaves roughly chopped in it. I also fixed a french roll, browning it, putting slices of brie cheese on it, and more spinach leaves chopped. After I ate all that, I had a cup of red grapefruit segments. Drank a lot of lemonade water in the hot tub at the pool this morning. We have started attending again! Son in tow. My donation time was at 3 pm. My blood pressure was 118/80 so I was happy about that. The guy tried to convince me that this other vein was better, but I stuck to my guns and said, "Nope, use this vein under this scar". I have tried the others and they are painful, and I have to work to keep them going. The moment he got the needle in, (which he was a great sticker), I flowed, even to the point that I was a wee light headed. I stopped pumping the squishy ball to the beat of the music then.... The sticker guy then said he needed to take a break. The sticker lady next to me whispered, "He just did a stick and run". So of course I yelled to him, " You aren't going to do a stick and run and get away with it!" Of course everyone laughed.... With no one to watch me, I yelled to the other sticker people to keep an eye on me....I am filling this bag mega fast. Thank goodness that the bag is connected to an auto shut-off thingy. I was done before other donate-eese were done and they laid down before me!! Wimpy vein my @$$.... I know my veins thankyouverymuch. I scarfed down two homemade cookies and guzzled a small orange juice and water, and was out the door to my waiting husband. Not that I don't want to socialize but this whole donating business isn't my favorite scene. Just get me home husband.... lol!

    When I got home I made a turkey, tomato, brie, spinach, pickle sandwich on whole wheat bread. Tomorrow I will be better (eating wise). Tomorrow we travel to Longview Washington to visit with the recruiting chief there. More of a welcoming aboard thing I think.
    Hugs to all of you ladies!!
    goofy from the blood-letting in

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    After exercise tomorrow, need to go to the post office then want to stop at Big Lots to see if they have Vince's bread in then go to Bi-Lo. I'm thinking that I'll get a rotisserie chicken and some cheese to add to this chicken thing that I got at Aldi. I bet it doesn't have much meat in it so I'll add some along with more veges.

    Went to Mexican Train tonight. It was held at the home of another gal. It's really nice to have it someplace else, but that's just me. I was good, had only the cherries I brought and a little bit of this watermelon salad that someone else brought.

    Thanks, everyone, for your concern.

    Went to the MD in Winston Salem today. He's quite sure the tumor is begnine. His recommendation is that we wait and see if it grows and how fast. He said this type usually is very slow growing. The bad news is that I won't ever get my hearing back. They could operate, but the chances that they'd do more damage to the hearing that I do have is like 40%. Not very good odds. So in about a year I'll go for another MRI for them to see if there was any change.

    Came home and ran the machine to cut down the bushes even further than the hedge trimmed could get them. That's what I had hoped to get done. Then raked a bit because what's on the ground is pieces of sticker bushes and as I'm cutting bushes I get those stickers on my socks so if I rake them to the back, that should work. Then went in the pool a bit, but only a short bit because it started raining.

    Lenora - can you give me some more info about "the wife". I don't remember writing something about it. Oh, do you mean the wife of the couple who wouldn't speak to us after the wedding? The husband eventually did, but his wife never spoke to us.

    Margaret - that's scary that that beetle went into your ear! So glad he didn't do any permanent damage. Hope your ear is better real fast

    Charleen - what a beautiful picture.

    I miss Sylvia, too

    when I went in the pool, it wasn't even refreshing. Vince says the water was 89. the next few days are supposed to be in the 90's. I do want to work a bit on those weeds and then go in the pool. that's my reward for doing the work. I'm just not a person who will do it all at once, I'd rather break it down, especially when it's hot outside.

    Ceramics friend -- isn't that Sylvia. the bowling lady, I think her name is Terri. Yes, I miss her, too

    AnnC - I think I'm on a constant plateau

    janetr - hope all goes well for Jack

    barbie - at least it's only a torn ACL with Brandy. Looks like Sasha is going to get lots of walks, now

    Rosie - so glad you just jumped right in. Welcome

    jackie - welcome!

    Becca - great bp numbers!

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Count me in as missing Sylvia and Terri!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Barbie you are inspiring!
    Margaret don't you just love those showy Lilly cultivars...am I seeing moss rose portulaca in the photo w/geraniums? They used to reseed themselves in my garden when we lived in Michigan as did the 4 O'Clocks...fond memories of our first house many years ago.

    Getting ready for our Maine family's arrival for dinner & short over night stay as they take our DYGD to Logan for a very early flight to Oregon & 10 days of skiing Mt. Hood w/her Gould Academy ski team. Hope she's not home sick...she's soon to be 13 but as an only is very close to her mom & dad.

    In the 90's here today...ugh!!! I hate hot weather...we are having a pool installed but it won't be ready for another week or so. I'm hoping being able to jump in & cool off will make me feel better about the hotter temps we now experience each summer. Also planning lots of exercise time.

    Michele, Lenora I can't remember who else has pools, do you have favorite exercises you do regularly...I'm looking for ideas.

    DH had follow up urologist app't yesterday & will continue "active surveillance" of his very minute prostate cancer which was discovered last January. According to all tests & second opinion it is very slow growing & the possible side effects of treatment are not worth chancing at this time. He's coming up on his 2 year anniversary of completing his treatment for epiglottis cancer & so far so good...2 years is a big milestone since most times if it's going to come back it will be in that time frame. He is such a soldier we are all so proud of how he's handled a very difficult treatment & the side effects that come with it. He's out every day doing hard manual labor keeping our 2 acres in tip top shape...I think having lots to do has been a great part of his recovery...no condo living for us hopefully for years to come but one never knows!

    GLo on the North Shore of Ma who should get some sleep...night all
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: You are a generous soul. Donating blood is an exceptionally fine gift to the strangers who will need it. :heart:

    Michele: I'm sorry that the hearing problem can't be surgically fixed but really glad it isn't life threatening. I admire your attitude and courage. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga tomorrow. Yay! There is a city meeting to reveal plans for the piece of land along the waterfront where the fireworks were shot off yesterday. This land used to house a plywood mill that went out of business a long time ago. The city bought it, and wants to develop it. They've been working on plans for a couple of years. I want to find out what they're planning.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    ljdw99 wrote: »

    Larissa what a great dress! I know you're 5'11" & I think about 15#s lighter than I am right now...You've given me great incentive cause I wanna look like you. Of course you're years younger, a red head, I'm blonde, and you lift heavy which gives you great muscle tone. I can dream!!!

    GLo you can do it! :sunglasses:
    I'm hovering at 202 right now; I want back into Onederland so bad!! :anguished: But there's a lot to be said for muscle tone. I've been super envious of an even taller friend (6'+) who weighs 190ish; then we did measurements. I'm 41-33-43; she's 41-34-44. I still want into Onederland; I still want my old measurements back....but I stopped being envious. Yeah muscles! :star:

    And you've been making great progress! I'm rooting for you. :smile:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Re - I don't work at a job, so I have plenty of time for my little projects. I really admire those of you who work full time and still manage to get the exercise in and eat healthily.
    I am a writer, but have done none of my current book for a couple of months now. My motivation for it is taking a break. I am feeling restless right now and not much like settling down with my laptop (which plays up all the time) for a couple of hours a day. My motivation will come back, but I'm too itchy right now.

    Michele - I admire your stalwart attitude to all your trials. Great!

    All you gals seem to mow lawns, I've noticed. Over here it's very much a man's job. I have never cut our grass and don't intend to. Must be that prairie spirit. :flowerforyou: I have definitely gone off gardening recently in general. I just like picking and sowing veg.

    Yesterday I found a great site on Utube for Advanced Spanish. I could hardly understand a word of the very fast Castilian Spanish he was saying. Lots of practice required! Hooray!

    Margaret - I googled my red geranium leaves and it looks as if it's our unseasonably cold weather that's to blame. Especially at night. We have had the most miserable early summer (which we largely missed). Apparently they don't metabolise phosphorus in the cold nights. One has recovered, but might replace the others. Every other year we have had a riotous display - the envy of our friends. :bigsmile:

    Love to all. I need to do a bit of shopping today. I'm right out of CHEESE! And veg and fruit. Carrots! They are my go to nibble at 5 pm. I can see fish soup in my future if I can get to the fishmonger.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, I must have missed what is going on with you. You have a tumor? How was this discovered and where is it?

    Terri and Sylvia, if you are reading, we miss you. We miss your sunshine, your giving spirit, we don't know how terri's son is doing in bowling, what other sports he is in, what he is going to so next year in high school.

    Bag is still on!!!!!!!!! That is 3 days. I tried to call the ostomy nurse today to ask something and to get her opinion on some samples I have and putting these things together to get a better fit but she never answered her voice mail. We saw her on Thursday and I tried to call her on Friday, long holiday weekend and not answering today. I am going to have to track down the office she works out of tomorrow. That's to long and i am worried about her.

    Charlie is getting pretty despondent about all that has happened. He said if he knew it was going to be like this he wouldn't have consented to the surgery. But life with uncontrolled ulcerative colitis is not living. It is going from one diarrhea to the next, missing meals because you are in the bathroom. wearing diapers and then going through the diapers. It is not living.

    Becca, I wish I could give blood. I am AB- and i know my blood would be appreciated but I can't because of my MS. My son in law gives the max that he can.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning all, press day for me, first day at new (outdoor) job for the DH, and it's supposed to get to 106 degrees today (41.1 degrees C). Bless his heart, hope he does OK. Off to the showers and off to the races.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    morning ladies~
    I slept 9 1/2 hrs....I was tired...
    nothing new here, back to the old grind, working 1-6 today and then 9-5 on friday and working saterday.. I didnt get payed for the holiday because I didn't work friday.. but this trip was more important..
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Quick check in to let you know all is well.
    I am pleased that I have gotten in 4 kettle bell workouts since last Thursday, in addition to daily elliptical workouts.
    Thoroughly enjoyed the three days off and being with my friends. A lot of eating and drinking but well worth it. Back on track with healthy eating for the rest of the week.

    Off to the showers and then to work.
    Everyone have a great day.

    Chris in MA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    Michele, :) I'm glad that there is no surgery for you but sorry that you hearing won't come back.

    Glo on the North Shore
    , thank you for your kind words :) ...glad to hear of your husband's recovery and the pool you'll have soon

    Joyce, I feel less like a nurse and more like the laundry lady, errand runner, and go-fer...although I noticed at the hospital that the highly training nursing staff did a lot of repetitive work in addition to the tasks that required their training....how great that Charlie's bag is staying on better now...maybe there really is light at the end of the tunnel :)

    t113013.gif Becca, you are a hero, giving blood

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Sasha will have to walk extra long this morning since Brandy is limited to 10 minutes.

    Temperatures here will be under 70 again but it's expected to be sunny. t113030.gif

    <3 Barbie
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2016

    Eres la caña.

    Me siego mi césped con mi tractor John Deere.

    Chris Very cool. I start kettle bells today. Mary inspired me and now you are too. And Janetr (amazing pictures and story, you). And anyone else lifting heavy or doing kettle bells or regular workouts.

    Lisa The ballet continues. I love it, and I aspire to the the work ethic and elegant pup tent living that you model for all of us. You and your husband have distilled your lives down to the essence of what matters...

    Joyce Happy dance for bag staying on! yippeeee! Michele glossed over her brain tumor last month...I ribbed her about it a little, she just tried to slide it in like it was tea & crumpets. Michele, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the growth is an acoustic neuroma, which is a benign brain tumor that grows on a nerve near one ear, and can cause hearing loss, ringing in the ear, and balance problems.

    Michele Just curious - what is Vince's bread that you find at Big Lots?

    Larissa You are statuesque! Lovely! An Amazon!

    GLo A pool! Neato. I'll have to wait until I move to a retirement community or something for access to a pool. Since I still work full-time that's probably aways off. I like swimming a lot. Feel fat in my suit...

    Lenora Michele was referring to the woman in a couple she knows as "the wife" - I was a little confused for a few minutes too. Thought maybe there was some polygamy in our midst. :)

    Becca As if you don't give enough of yourself, now we find out you are a blood donor! I am O-, universal donor, I need to get my butt in there and donate. You have inspired me, it's going on my "to do soon" list.

    Irish Terri & Vicki Grand Island :)

    Everyone else <3 You are my lifelines.

    I see my doctor for a visit and weigh-in today. In the last 6 weeks I can tell by my clothes that I lost weight and then gained some of it back, I hope not too much. After today I am going to start weighing at home once a week. I had to break my love/hate relationship with the scale, and after 12 weeks off the scale except at doctor's office, I think I am ready to weigh at home again.

    Jazzercise today.
    Hold a plank for one minute.
    First kettle bell workout.
    Doctor visit. Ugh.
    Choose a decluttering project.
    Limit screen time (computer and TV) to 3 hours total or less.
    Take dogs for a walk.
    And most importantly call grandkids to see what's up.

    Karen in Virginia
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • kabwe777
    kabwe777 Posts: 13 Member
    Glad to see you ladies! Im discouraged this morning. Lost 25 with help of fitbit 3years ago and had 25 to go. Instead, gained 26 lbs over last 3 years
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @kabwe777 Hi, we are a welcoming group, chime in anytime. What would you like us to call you and where are you from? Tell us about yourself.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    GLo yes those are moss rose portulaca. I have them in a pot and high because the rabbits were eating them too. You are right they self seed.

    Heather yes cold nights will hurt geraniums or any tropical plant like Hibiscus. I do not put my potted plants out until it is consistently 50 degrees or higher at night. It there is a cool night I pull them into the garage or cover with old sheets, blankets, or mattress pads. At least you have the reason and that is half the battle in anything.

    :heart: Margaret