WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Been trying to keep up with all the posts but have been working alot of hours and have had no time to go to the gym also. Does not seem to let up lately.

    So much is going on with everyone wish I had time to respond and or comment. Just trying to keep my head above water.

    Hugs to any of you need or want one. Happy for all of you that are sharing great news. Off to change a load of laundry then off to bed.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Barbie so glad that Jake is progressing well. Why does the doc want him to take more pain med if he doesn't feel the need? Seems counterintuitive? But what do I know. Sounds like you are on call right now and that is just how it has to be,
    but each day brings you a little closer to back to normal I am sure. Glad that the nap strategy worked and Jake got the nap he needed! Rest is a healing thing.

    Tonight I enjoyed a family gathering with delicious red snapper with ginger lime and roasted Brussels sprouts and stir fry baby Bok Choy (And plenty of red wine!). Absolutely terrific. But I so miss my girl and my DH, had a lovely phone conversation with them both and feel loved and missed by them. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Love you ladies! Thanks for all the expressions of support and encouragement. :love:
    Very tired today, very "off". New boss wasn't even a jerk about it though, so that's something. :blush:
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Kabwe777 and drkatiebug – Additional geographic and 'bug' information. Gnat Line is along the “Fall Line” in Georgia (where long, long ago, the ocean covered by the sea). Piedmont plateau. Runs approximately from Columbus, to Macon to Augusta, GA. Above that gnats are generally not found (but they are getting up there mainly because of the heat). I grew up in Forsyth, GA (right above Macon) and we did not have them … would come down near Ft. Valley for family reunions and they’d drive us NUTS. People in the Deep South (below the Gnat Line) learn how to blow them out of their eyes without having to ‘wave their hands’ to do so. Wearing sunglasses ‘helps’ a ‘little’. If you open your car doors and park it, they’ll get all inside it; so, don’t do that. To ‘help’ a little, you can spray your hands with bug spray and pat lightly around the orbit of your eyes. Just make sure you wash your hands good before touching the rest of your face. Not much else works. Even for those who have lived here a long time.

    Kabwe777 – I’m an artist with portraits being my favorite subject; but, I would be what you’d call ‘a starving artist’ … I do it for pleasure and most of my work ends up being ‘gifts’ for family and friends. Took private lessons from the age of 7 and went to 'art school'. My parents started trying to find someone willing to ‘teach’ me when I drew a toy wind-up penguin at my great-aunts house (away from the gnats in a back room). Really enjoyed private lessons, ‘art school’ was overwhelming … 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, and that did not count projects which took up the other ‘waking hours’ of my day. Sort of took the ‘wind out of my sails/sales’ if you know what I mean. I’ve done a few portraits for friends on a commission basis. Art is a very expensive ‘hobby’. DH ‘knew’ I had gone to art school; but, did not really think much about it until he found my art box from school. Then, he ‘nagged’ me about it. GGGrrrrr!!!!! I just got finished painting my DGD#4 some ‘pink’ sunflowers; but, I am going to go back in, now that it is ‘dry to touch’ to put some yellow over the pink, sort of like a wash. I think they’ll look more like sunflowers. At this point, they look too much like zinnias.

    Re in TX – It was actually my DDnL#2’s niece who lost the baby.

    I think my DOS and DDnL#1 get irritated with me about ‘exercising’ in the pool; so I do it when they aren’t’ home. This weekend, I figured out a way to exercise without them really ‘knowing’ that was what I was doing. Got the ring and put it over my head and around my waist and kicked the entire time we were in the pool … about 1 ½ hours before the thunder ran us out. HEHEHEHEHE!!!!! Joining in on their throwing the ball … which I cannot do because I don’t let go of it quick enough. They just laugh at me. Then, I leave them to their play and I go back to kicking around. There is more than one way to 'skin a cat' ... when it comes to 'exercising'.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Did 1 hr of deep water. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD that I downloaded called Gin Miller Seriously Strength. Not sure if that's the same one that I have by another name, the names are very similar.

    Exercised, went to the post office, to Big Lots and got Vince his bread, then Bi-Lo, then home and went and worked on those weeds for a few hours, then went in the pool then dinner then ceramics now here.

    Glo - in my pool I swim a few laps but mostly just lay on the water and listen to the waterfall. To me, that is SOOOO soothing. I honestly thought I'd do a lot more exercising in the water, but I found that I'd rather just listen to that waterfall. So happy for your hubby. You'll love your pool. Best investment I think we ever made. That and the small dump cart.

    Joyce - I have a tumor in my middle ear. The doc said that he SUSPECTS that the seizure had something to do with it, but I don't know. I guess I first noticed a hearing loss in Feb, right after the seizure and I attributed it to the new medication, even tho I couldn't find any reference to hearing loss being a side effect. At least, in Feb. was when it first became prominent to me. Like I said, the good news is that in 99.99% of the cases these tumors are begnine and usually slow growing. Bad news is that I won't get the hearing back. But it really isn't impacting my life much at all. Yea for that bag still on! I'm sorry to hear that Charlie isn't happy with his situation. can you try talking to him and explaining that if he hadn't had the operation, what his life would have been like? Do you think he'd listen?

    I have to get my hair cut in small increments so Vince can get adjusted. last time I had 4" cut off, next time another 1-1/2" until I get to the length that I want

    Lenora - so sad about DIL#2's niece. My heart goes out to her

    pip - have a question for you. Bryan had a Huffman bike and I would like to sell it, if anything to get it out of my garage. I would even consider trading it in to get a new bike for myself. Does any bike store do something like this?

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Oops -- forgot the rest

    Karen in VA - actually, the tumor is a vestibular schwannoma. Vince likes rye bread and the Pepperidge Farm rye bread is marked down there. I can get it for $1.50 a loaf, the regular price is about double.

    Lenora - "the wife" was just the wife of friends of Vince's parents. They socialized a lot while Vince was growing up. It's just so sad that she wouldn't talk to us for 30 years or so, even when she died. Her husband at first was keeping his distance but in time he came to visit us whenever we went to visit Vince's parents. We have an auto fill for our pool which we turn on and it will automatically add water when it's needed. Of course, there is the overflow pipes for when we get a lot of rain so the pool doesn't fill up. The installer of the pool kept saying that he wasn't crazy about these auto fills, but I find it very handy. All you have to do is turn on the faucet. I used to do leg lifts but found that if I held onto the concrete, the concrete would get so hot that it hurt. For a while I was wearing gloves in the water, but that was just a pain. I still really like floating to the sound of the waterfall..... We love our saltwater generator. Let's hope your pump goes out quickly....lol You won't be sorry at all.

    Heather - so happy for your son. congrats to him and the family. Vince and I share the mowing, he uses the tractor and I use the walk behind (self-propelled) then weedwacker. He also uses the weedwacker some, then sweep. that depends on who has time.

    Becca - I'm so proud to know you

    tracie - sounds like you're having a wonderful vacation

    Brought home the angelfish that'll go on the pergola. Vince painted it. I'll attach a copy here.

    Michele in NC


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    NY Karen, Jake resists pain meds and tries to "tough it out " so he needed to be told to take his meds. The prescription is for one or two pills every four hours and he was taking one pill at bedtime and maybe one more during the day. He feels much better now with one pill every four hours :)
  • debbierichardson7186
    debbierichardson7186 Posts: 45 Member
    Am walking on clouds today! I lost 8 lbs in June!! Now I just need to get the exercise on a schedule.
    I have to say that logging all food has made it easier to stick to my new eating plan. NOT a diet!!
    Daughter got her China work visa today, so she is all set to move in 6 weeks. Will be moving in with us the end of July. This is getting more real. I have been ok so far but when the time comes for her to leave, I may feel differently.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Rororosie~ heehee, I could hear you humming with the Musak out in Oregon here! Strangely enough, when I try to get zen with my thinking, that type of music pipes thru to my brain. It's from a couple of years living with comedians I tell ya!
    loony in Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    Exermom - not that I have heard of.

    Oceanmelody-how long ago were u gusfitted for those bikes
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Re in TX~ Well today with the recruiting office, both I and my husband were wondering why they even asked us to come. Granted the recruiter taught my son how to "properly enter the recruiting station being a "future sailor". How to salute him, the flag, pivot with his feet turning to the door like a robot. It would be one thing to be the mom and dad totally unaware of what Navy life is like, so a meeting to settle our worried hearts, but us? He knew we are old hat with this. At the station they had a large map with different pins showing where all the recruiters had been while in the Navy. All my husband said (after we left) was, truly pathetic, they haven't been to half of the places I have been. A lot has to do with financial difficulties the military has with stopping at every port etc. Husband also noticed that the Chief was quite "baby-faced" and definitely not "weathered" like most Chiefs. We discussed this in great length on the way home, laughing. Husband stated that because he wasn't married or had children, that is why he didn't look weathered! So wives and family life give you stress lines?? Bah!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Mary from Minnesota~ Well, push mowers with DULL blades are EVEN better....well the one I used was anyway! I think I mowed over the same spots 10 times!!! Oh and you have to SWEAR when you use a push mower, its law dontchaknow!! Or maybe its just me.....
    that can swear like a sailors' wife in
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Michele in NC~I have my hair kind of short, but not like a men's haircut. Once I got it cut short, even around the ears, and my husband shaved off his mustache in protest!! HE LOOKED 12!! So now I keep it short but long enough that it can go around a "dryer brush" thing I have.
    I am proud to know you too my friend! You know I love you all, like family. Truly its so great to have friends in my court that understand me, support me, and its made my past couple of weeks easier. When there is stressful situations, to know that people are thinking of me, well it lifted the weight off my shoulders most definitely!
    feeling blessed in
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Chris in MA~ How cool is that?!!! You definitely have a keeper! My husband likes to buy me dresses, most of the time its at the Goodwill Center, and sometimes its at the Dress Barn (where I got my dress for my sons' wedding). He is the type that stands AS CLOSE as he can get to the door, and I have to come out and model it for him...or I sneak him in the stall. He never used to be this interested. In fact he was one of those husband's that stood outside the store and just waited. It is his new livers fault I tell ya!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: You are a champion because you have logged every day. You're focusing on the most improtant part of our health journey. WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    Mia: I'm so happy that you're pleased with your surgical outcome and healing well. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: I find posting from my phone to be cumbersome and frustrating, so I mostly use my computer. I'm so glad you're back. :smiley:

    Becca: I liked the quotations, especially, "Losing weight isn't the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to losing weight." I have found that my happiness goal is a miracle worker. Lots of times it prompts me to notice little things that put a smile on my face, and after a while my attitude is brighter and happier. :heart:

    I have a haircut tomorrow morning. I hope she does a great job this time. I get my hair cut in a short shag, and my beautician is too young to know how it should look. I take her diagrams and tell her what I'm after and she tries her best. The barber who was cutting my hair was brilliant, but he moved away. :sad: :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Chris- PB sounds more like PDH! <3 You definitely won't regret doing the Kettlebell workout. 20 minutes a day and awesome results! Only downside or upside is PB won't be able to keep his hands off you!

    Katla - I love shag haircuts! You are right though most young hairdressers don't know how to do them. You have to find a hairdresser fifty or older.

    Lenora- (((hugs))) to DDnL#2 niece.

    Heather - congratulations to your DS on the purchase of a new home.

    Barbie - great quote! You need to follow it and take care of you and DH. (((hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Chris, you know girl, that guy isn't a PB anymore. Come clean here and tell us what it is. When a guy starts buying his favorite girl clothes you know it;s more than PB.

    I like my hair short also, super short. Not a buzz cut, just short. My girls call it the Baptists choir lady hair cut.

    I went down memory lane today. Charlie has been complaining about how tight his pants are around stoma. So the i told him the DUH moment would be to buy a bigger waist line since he hasn't been able to button hardly any of his pants lately, he just depends on his belt. So he brought me out a pair of pants that he thought used to fit him a little looser but the cuff was unhemmed. So as I was looking at it, my whip stitch I knew would show so I went in my sewing supplies to find that fusible webbing to just iron in hemmed. So I pick this basket up that I knew I hadn't been in in a long time. Cleared the coffee table and emptied everything out. WOW, found 5 pairs of scissors, hat pins that we used in making corsages for Michelle's wedding that was 15 years ago, those thump things you use when you are hand quilting found 2 of those. Hem binding, 2 measuring tapes, oh the pins I found. Some regular but most of them quilting pins. I had them in a box that had been broken and had a rubber band around it but then I found bunches more on my big magnet. So I found this little Tupperware container that had some stickers of Mom's from when she was making crafts and selling them. They said 'crafts by Grace'. I consider this a big NSV. I threw away those stickers and put all my quilting pins in that. It is hard for me to throw something of Mom's away. Do i need those, did the gum on the back of them even stick anymore???? No and No. I see evidence of Mom's crafts everywhere in this house and my girls homes all the time. Anyway, the basket is done, organized and put away. I don't know how many spools of thread that had probably a hem full of thread left on them but I am sure I had intended t use them one day. So I took the thread off much to the delight of my litty cat and now the spools are hers.

    I guess I should see that one basket of organization in this multi purpose office a sign that I should do the rest of the room. I also need to get to Hobby Lobby to get some of that fusible material. Does Walmart sell it?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Joyce - that sounds like a great NSV!

    Katla - My fish soup jar must be packed with sodium as my weight is up this morning. It did taste salty, but tasty.

    The painters are glossing today, so every single window and door is open and the whole place STINKS. My cleaner is due at 1pm so I have no idea how she will cope. Oh well. Fortunately it's not windy today, but it might rain later this evening. I might go out to the doctor to give them my repeat prescription request. I tried for ages to do it on line yesterday, but they have changed the system and I have to contact the practice to answer security questions. I'm afraid it didn't put me in the best of moods and a few choice words were said to my laptop. Grrrrrrrrrr!

    My son is moving next Wednesday. That is QUICK!!!! It's because the vendors are going on a 6 week holiday soon. I have no idea how that is all going to work, but knowing my DDIL she will just throw money at the problem and get professionals to pack everything. Very stressful though with two children and a baby. Her parents are going to take the two older ones off them as they travel down to the new house. It was meant to be us, but we have DH's aunt's 90th around then and wouldn't have time to get them back to their new home in Brighton before travelling up to Stratford upon Avon (yes, the Shakespeare place) for the party weekend. Shame, as we were looking forward to it. :ohwell:

    I have been feeling very bereft with all my best female friends either away, or out of action, but one is back today so I am going to pop over to her house for a cup of tea tomorrow. My female friends are deeply important to me. That's why I value this group of gals so much. <3
    To cheer myself up I have been looking at the timetables for my local airport. They have been putting on lots of new routes and I very much fancy Lyon in France. Also I have been discussing with my Portsmouth friend about going to Dresden. That is on my bucket list and I have read many very good books about the bombing in WWII. I can go via Amsterdam on a hop, or via Munich with a stop of a couple of nights. I quite fancy that idea. DH doesn't particularly want to go. My friend learnt German in her high school days and very much wants to go to Dresden. A definitely maybe. :D

    Love to all, Heather in the south of Little England, listening to all the fallout from the report on the Iraq war.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    Morning ladies~
    I guess I have needed catch up sleep because I slept 10 1/2 hrs.. It is a scorcher here and today the plan is to go feed DFIL and then go get my hair cut... and then come home and make Tacos for Tom..
    I have to tell you I have not well at all, I am almost as big as I was when I started MFP and am so ,I have to get my tail back in the swing of things, I saw pictures of me at the wedding and I look like a house..
    gonna start with food and then get back into exercise again..