Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @health_guard - that chorizo sounds delicious, shall have to try and make some of my own. Processed food is one of my targets (reduction of that is!) as I'm noticing more how I don't feel good after I eat it - we home cook most of our meals but lunchtimes at work are my downfall and then I feel so sluggish afterwards. I'm going to work on that over the rest of the month and see how I do.

    @FitEqualsSmile - fingers crossed for you for the MRI, really hope you can get something sorted soon with this. Summers are supposed to be full of fun and laughter and beer - or a nice cold glass of wine in my case - and maybe this is the problem. Beyond being so busy, I feel like I am having fun and laughter and it isn't tying in with my weight loss and healthy eating goals. How to make those goals fun??

    @aktabbers - I like your gym and fitness philosophy. I know if I make the workouts a habit I will enjoy them and feel good for doing them, for me I have to ensure that I put time aside for me to do it - by the time everything else has happened with the house and family, it's late in the evening and I can't raise myself to work out. I hate mornings with a passion but maybe I should be trying to utilise them to better effect.

    @bluepoppies777 - we have a set of scales in the kitchen for measuring food but they aren't particularly accurate at the moment, like you I think I need to find a better one.

    Happy Thursday everyone - I'm looking forward to a quiet evening tonight. Hubby is going to a friend for 'movie night' so I shall get Alistair to bed, make myself some supper and then have myself a nice quiet night in. And perhaps there is an opportunity for me to get in a workout - I shall do that then put in some time on the blanket that I'm making for Alistair.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Yesterdays NSV made it to the gym finally. Hopped on the Arc trainer. At the 15 minute mark I wanted to stop so bad but keep going and did 30 minutes and 296 calories burned. Also got in some shoulder work before having to stop and go pick up Cassidy from cheer. On my way home I saw some guy out jogging. My hats off to all of you joggers. I don't like to jog/run unless someone is chasing me. But you guys kick *kitten* out there jogging when it is 93 degrees outside at 6:30 in the evening. I didn't even want to walk out of the gym and to my car in that heat let alone run

    @FitEqualsSmile hope everything goes well with your shoulder.

    @health_guard I think I may steal your idea about really focusing on cutting out processed foods.

    @aktabbers I like you gym philosophy also. I really do feel better after I go and miss it when I don't.

    Karen and Joy can I jump on the 15 lbs gone by October ban wagon?

    @janetay01 Enjoy you quiet evening in and you will have to post a picture of Alister's blanket when you are done.

    It's Thursday. Yeah 1 day closer to Friday!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    @Rachel0778 Glad to hear you are feeling better and way to go on inquiring about becoming an instructor!! HOW EXCITING!!

    @jdelaroy I love the pacing the house to get to your goal!! ♥ Keep it up and keep us posted! It's great motivation!!

    @FitEqualsSmile I've been feeling the same way about my body - although I've let recent injuries keep me down and that in turn has created more problems. I'll have my fingers crossed for you!

    @ngolden3320 Great job sticking with it on the Arc Trainer! I get that way on our elliptical - after 10 min it feels like the timer should be going of "any minute now"... :D

    Thx @Rachel0778 and @jdelaroy - Day 2 went SO much better! :) We had some cloud cover and a lil breeze so that helped me get thru it! Since I re-injured my calf I couldn't do any of the jumping but I made it work. I'm learning to listen to what my body can do and not try to keep up with the others in the group. It was still brutal but as we all said when it was over "We Survived"!!:dizzy: And let me tell you... the sweaty selfie didn't do my sweaty self justice... I was DRIPPING but it felt good!


  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    This is a goal of mine...I think before I can truly lose the weight for good I have to learn to take responsibility for my own actions! Not my husband's, not my BFF's... My Actions! (unhealthy eating, drink my calories, etc.) This isn't for them... I want to lose the weight for ME! So it's up to ME to take action to meet my goals. Goals for this week: Learn to take responsibility for my own actions & Determine how I can make this work for me to stay focused.

  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    @bluepoppies777 I am running out the door to Ariel Yoga but wanted to let you know that I use the Cuisinart food scale and love it. Used it for years daily and never had to change the battery. Use it at every meal. I think it ran about $15 on Amazon. Gotta love Amazon
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Sounds like you had one heck of a productive evening/morning! Way to go!

    @health_guard Sausage and chili powder? Yum!

    @bluepoppies777 People on the forums here rave about their scales! I haven't bought one, but from what people are saying they sound very user friendly, accurate, and inexpensive.

    @ngolden3320 Great job doing the full 30 minutes! You've been doing so great at still incorporating exercise even when life gets busy/hard. I don't know how people run in the heat either. Last summer when I was marathon training I'd set my alarm for 530am on a weekend just to avoid the heat! (and sometimes it still go up to the high 80s that early-miserable!)

    @ChangeIsADecision Love the sweaty selfie! Sounds like you're doing awesome at bootcamp. Great post about taking accountability too. I agree that too often I focus on the circumstances around me instead of what I can do about them. Time to take charge!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    My NSV is that I didn't pack enough for lunch yesterday so I was ravenous when I came home. But instead of spoiling my dinner I snacked on pickles. I didn't weigh in today, because holy sodium bomb, but calorie and nutrition wise I think I made a good choice to tide me over. I've also been feeling so much better body image wise, thank goodness! 3 more days of mandatory ugly work uniform and I can go back to my regular flattering clothes :D
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @bluepoppies777 I love your October goal. I am trying to lose 20 pounds by the end of September. (I am in the beginning stages, and have a lot to lose.) Also, thanks for the friend request.

    @janetay01 definitely have to take time for yourself. I was taught in order to take care of everyone in your life (Like most women do) they must first take care of themselves, otherwise you burn out. Enjoy your quiet evening, hope you get your work out in. How did you do on the water consumption?

    @ngolden3320 Great job!

    @ChangeIsADecision Good job through boot camp day 2. I love the pic, you look healthy and happy. Do you have day 3 or a day off?

    @Rachel0778 Great NSV for the day. I also thought you did a remarkable job making it through your crazy month and maintaining. That took a lot of forethought, dedication and will power. Hurry up Flattering clothes time.

    Last night I over ate some. I was starving. I have found that about 1 day a week I get famished. I didn't go super crazy, and after swimming, I was under exercise calories. So not too bad. No packing last night, I needed a break.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    @ChangeIsADecision - LOVE! I may have to steal your goal. It is so true. If you can't do it for yourself it'll never happen. Thank you for the awesome kick in the *kitten*!

    AWESOME!! No need to steal my goal... let's do it together!! Along with anyone else that's wants to join in! We can share the goal. LOL!! I certainly need the encouragement and a kick in the *kitten* - (that sounds so funny) :D Let's do this - Let's report in on Monday b/c the weekends are my most challenging time of the week. I completely lose focus and responsibility for my actions!
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    So circus school was great. I am doing what I can, modify what I can't with this GD shoulder. Today it is sunny then pours so I am trying to get some yard work done in between the downpours. We have my sons graduation party a week from Saturday so I am trying to get the outside looking as good as I can with my issues. It is so frustrating because I need to paint some doorways and finish some edging which is just no going to get done. Ugh...enough complaining.

    I am so happy the hot weather is supposed to break tonight. Will be happy to get the windows open some and give the AC a break.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

    I am not one for doing this but anything to keep me going at this point. I am going to post each Monday to keep me accountable (or try, hehe).

    Goal - 15 pounds by 10/6

    @janetay01 - hope you got your workout in, if not sounds like a nice quiet evening.

    @ngolden3320 - I am with you on the jogging. I gave the C25K a try a few times and I would get to week 3 and my hips where like, no thanks, please move on to something else. I have a friend who is an ironman and I his short run in like 12 miles; WTF. And Jump away...It is a hard goal but I am going to try my hardest and then try even harder not to gain in all back on the cruise.

    @ChangeIsADecision - YOU ROCK IT. I am totally in for Monday accountability. Will help with my 15 pounds.

    @Rachel0778 - I used to love pickles then when I got pregnant 19 years ago no way. Still can not stand the smell of them. Great job!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile sounds like you are doing great within your limitations, can son help with the painting?
  • kevinf2380
    kevinf2380 Posts: 256 Member
    Pickles are great. Keep you from getting workout cramps and they are somewhat healthy.
  • ILoveHalfmarathons
    ILoveHalfmarathons Posts: 1 Member
    Wow, not sure how many people who are runners out there, who have gotten injured in their mid to upper 40's, but I can't believe how much more difficult it is to bounce back with endurance, and how much easier it is to gain weight when injured, as a woman in 40's! Have been starting out with 5k's and 4 milers. But I'm so impatient, I'm ready to hit the list, ... I miss half marathons! Have a couple planned later in the year, but I may have to walk them or walk a little / jog a little, but hoping to get through them. I've never enjoyed the walking part though. Ahhhhh the joys of getting older! :) I'm sure I'm not alone with these frustrations. It was when I turned 40 that I've had injury after injury. I'm hoping for a better next couple of years now and will be logging in here occasionally for a little inspiration to view some of your success stories :smile:
  • kevinf2380
    kevinf2380 Posts: 256 Member
    @ILoveHalfmarathons, you speak the truth. I was diagnosed with tendonitis in my wrist about a month ago. It still bugs me every now and then as much as the day I injured it. I also have lingering issues where in the past I would have walked this stuff off.
  • kevinf2380
    kevinf2380 Posts: 256 Member
    My frustration is diet. They say quitting smoking is as hard as quitting meth. I'd say eating right is even harder. Humans are funny creatures. We will do harm to ourselves even when we are fully aware it's happening.
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    @ChangeIsADecision - Great job with sticking to day 2 of boot camp after how day 1 went! It sounds like it was a very satisfying workout! I might have given up after day 1. I love your goal of taking responsibility for your own actions. I do have to remind myself of that all the time. Its too easy to blame someone else for eating poorly, or not exercising. But just because that is what they are doing (or aren't doing) doesn't mean that is what you have to do. We are responsible for ourselves!

    @Rachel0778 - Good for you for having the courage to inquire about becoming a yoga instructor! Glad to year you are feeling better body image wise.

    @jdelaroy - You can make your 30 day streak of 10,000 steps no problem! That is a great goal to have. My kids laugh at me too when I start pacing around the living room, or do circles in the back yard. I need to start doing that again. It really isn't hard to reach 10,000 steps if you really try!

    @FitEqualsSmile - Sorry you are still having shoulder problems. Hopefully you can get it figured out and start getting some relief soon!

    @bluepoppies777 - I do have a food scale but I don't use it all the time. I do pull it out every now and then just to see if I am even close in my guesses. But I do think it is a great tool to have!

    @janetay01 - Enjoy your quiet evening tonight! Sometimes they are few and far between!

    @ngolden3320 - Way to push for 30 minutes! I agree about the heat! I can't stand trying to exercise out in that heat with sweat just dripping in my eyes. That is why I am excited about having an elliptical now. I can use it in the comfort of my air conditioned home. I do need to push myself a bit on how long I can go for. So far since it has been so long since I have done any exercise it is hard to even hit 15 minutes. But I will slowly creep my time up!

    I am so in on the 15 pound goal with all of you! We can do this! Lets get our second wind going and get it done! Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Picture of the blanket so far - slow progress but really pleased with it so far!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Thank you, I needed to hear that to remind myself that maintaining is an accomplishment. Way to go on eating under your exercise calories during a "hungry" day, that's hard to do!

    @ChangeIsADecision, @MeinProgress @FitEqualsSmile @danan01 I'm in for the challenge! Although since I'm a slowpoke, my goal is 5lbs :) I'll be ready to weigh in come Monday!

    @FitEqualsSmile Luckily no one is going to notice the door frames during the celebration (and if they do they're insane). What do you do during Circus Class? That sounds so cool!

    @ILoveHalfmarathons Sorry to hear about the injuries. The worst I've gotten so far is the dreaded shin splints, but I can only imagine how frustrating that is!

    @kevinf2380 Losing weight is definitely tricky because you can't go cold turkey, you have to still eat every day. I don't know if I'd compare it to Meth since you can die going off that stuff, but I agree that it is a serious challenge!

    Happy Friday Everyone! We're going to see the fights tonight and my beers are pre-tracked ;) What's everyone doing for the weekend?
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    Happy Meme Friday!

    Also, great progress on the blanket @janetay01!

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @danan01 So glad to hear you are in for the weight loss goal. It is great to have goals with friends, even if they are across the country.

    @janetay01 Beautiful, I don't have the patience to cross stitch. How did your quiet evening go?

    @ILoveHalfmarathons Keep up the good work, it has to be hard having a slow recovery, but your perseverance will see you through.

    @MeinProgress sounds like a good plan, and a lot of fun. Sometimes you just have to go a little crazy. Last time we were at the fair, I was craving funnel cake. IT had almost 800 calories in it. I kept making myself wait. By time I gave in, there was a 20 minute wait and we were leaving. I decided I was too tired to wait for the 20 minutes. Still wish I would have had the funnel cake. LOL

    My weekend will be packing. I am hoping to get 95% of the house packed this weekend. We are moving next weekend and my family will only help if everything is packed. Bring on the boxes!