

  • tshirtartist
    tshirtartist Posts: 109 Member
    edited July 2016
    I Found out my sister in law has Breast cancer and she is having a mastectomy today. Devastated and just don't love the fragility of life these days. Made me really start think about how my health REALLY needs to be my number one priority not only for myself but my family and how unimportant vanity is. I found this quote that was like an aha moment for me last week. I thought I would share it with you all.

    Instead of saying I don't have time say "It's not a priority,"and see how this feels. Often that is a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron the sheets but I just don't want to. But other things are harder. try it: "I'm not going to edit your resume, sweetie, because you are not a priority." "I am not going to go to the doctor because my health isn't a priority." If these phases don't sit well that's the point! Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. If you don't like how you are spending your hour, you can choose differently.
  • tshirtartist
    tshirtartist Posts: 109 Member
    I love this group but totally can't keep up with all the messages
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    Tshirtartist - we start a new thread each month. We'd love to have you join us in July's thread. Here is the link http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10418161/women-ages-50-for-july-2016#latest

    Janetr okc
  • mavisjones58
    mavisjones58 Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just realized I did my first post in June 2016 and never checked in again. I still seem to be struggling with taking care of me. Celebrated another year of life this month and recommitted, again. My mother, who is now 88, still lives with me. Eating wise, so far this year, I've had good days and some bad days. Exercise has been semi-good. Got myself a stationary bike, which I've actually used, also going for walks when the weather is nice, which I prefer to going to the mall to walk, and am back at Zumba (missed about 2 months during the holiday season). 5'1" and currently weigh 179 and am fiercely determined to at least reach my short term goal of 160. Long term goal is 135.

    If anybody needs and wants a buddy, you can add me to your friends. Need all the help I can get.

    Oh, just in case anyone needs this tidbit of information, I'm vegan.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    mavisjones58 - Go back one post and follow the 'link' that janetr7476 posted to get into the month of January; then bookmark the page so you will be in the current month. On the last day of each month Barbiecat will post a link to the next month; which when you get there will also need to bookmark by clicking on the outline of the star up at the upper right-hand corner of the posting area. After that you will just need to click on the gray star between the bell and gear and it will drop down a screen and give you a choice of any and all the threads you have bookmarked. Welcome to this tread ... you'll find a lot of encouragement and support. This is a very large group, worldwide. Make sure you tell us how you wanted to be addressed, location (general or specific), married or not, children, hobbies, goals, etc. See you there; oh, and we discuss just about anything. We 'try' not to discuss politics, religion, or other leanings that might be too controversial; that is where the PM come into play. If you and/or someone else uses a PM to communicate with another - it isn't considered 'nice' if you post it without checking with the original writer.
