

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: You are a lucky woman to get to see your grandchildren so often. I am envious! :smiley:

    Becca: I am so sorry that someone was using facebook to threaten you. That is horrid. Have you reported it to the powers that be on facebook? :huh:

    Vicki: I'm so sorry that your DF's husband was hurt so badly. Do they know how the fall happened? Thank goodness for the Good Samaritans who called 911! :flowerforyou:

    roxyspitfire: This quote comes from Anne of Green Gables , “Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" You get a fresh start whenever needed. I hope you'll be able to stick around with us and that your DH finds a good job. :flowerforyou:

    DJ: My husband suggested the olive oil & bread for our dog. He's a sharp guy. It worked very well. I'm sure any vegetable oil would do. :smiley:

    Kate in UK: My son goes Pokemon hunting, too. Walking the dog appears to be prime hunting time. :wink:

    Sue: I did ground work yesterday and no horse riding was involved. Darn it. I have much to learn about lunging, among other things. Who knew that managing a twenty-foot rope would be so difficult. I'm a sailor, for goodness sake! I've been managing line for decades. This is very different. The boat doesn't trot around me in circles. :embarassed:

    Dr. Katie: I also do all my food logging on my phone app. I always have it with me, even when travelling so I log as I go along rather than trying to recall what I've eaten during the day. It is much more accurate for me. I prefer the computer to post here. :smiley:

    Kim: According to DH, chickens kill and eat mice when they have the chance. He grew up on acreage and they had chickens for years. :noway:

    Miriam: I can imagine how horrible the shrimp incident was, without any difficulty at all. I'm so glad you were quick and knew what to do for your DD. :heart: I love the photo of your girls with the oriental rug. Congratulations on fitting into your blouse! Nice NSV!!!

    Purl62 & Kylia: Welcome to a great group! Stop in often to give and get support and encouragement. :smile:

    Heather & Karen: "I was thinking about something NYKaren said about wishing she were young with the whole world in front of her. That's how I feel now, at 66, nearly 67. I feel the possibilities are immense. When my kids left home I felt tired and sad, I went through a hysterectomy and a relationship breakup. Not a great time. But research has shown that the over 60s are often happier than any other age group!! Certainly for me, despite breast cancer, this has been my happiest time ever and one where my horizons have expanded enormously. So, Karen, a bright future is in prospect!"

    I'm just a few months older than Heather and also am the happiest I can remember. 66 was a great year, and so is 67. We have our challenges. DH has a cluster of autoimmune diseases that make his life difficult. He has diabetes, urticaria, and MS. We used to sail together. It was our hobby and recreation. Now the boat sits idle because the motion causes him misery. Our kids have moved thousands of miles away. I'm enjoying life anyway. I set a goal to be happy and I do things to make myself happy such as going to the gym for yoga, walking the dog in the neighborhood, and taking horsewomanship lessons. (I'm apparently beyond simple riding lessons although I still have lots of room for improvement in my riding. I like learning new skills to go with riding.)

    Pip: Isabel is a beautiful name for a woman with a beautiful heart. :heart:

    We thought about driving to the coast today for a visit to Sunday Market at Astoria but DH is not feeling the best and we're staying home. One of these days I would like to find a way to meet Becca in person. Sunday Market in Astoria is a nice possibility. I hope things will eventually turn out just right to make that possible.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout B
    Squat- 1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X95
    OHP- 1X5 45/50/55/60, 55
    DL- 1 X5X 145

    Kettlebell Swing
    19 X 10 X 30

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    5 miles


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Miriam (((Hugs))) - You are one smart cookie! You jumped into action and did not let the lack of aid at the first aid tent deter you. No breaking down into a blubbering crying mess, not when your kids are in need. Good for you in recognizing what was happening and finding something that helped.

    My daughter was said to be allergic to penicillin at a young age. We had to be very careful when she was given meds that they did not give her the standard drug of choice. Fast forward to her late teens and we had her tested at an Allergist's office for sensitivities and allergies as she was having some unexplained problems. We also tested her for penicillin allergies and it came up negative! Maybe as she aged she became less sensitive, don't know the answer but I for one am glad we no longer have to eliminate a whole class of drugs.

    Stay Strong! [url="[url=http://yoursmiles.org/p-strong.php][img]http://yoursmiles.org/psmile/strong/p1023.gif[/img][/url]"][/url]p1023.gif

    Charleen in Colorado (Another day staining the deck)
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hi all reading new posts I love to keep up with what you are all doing.
    Still at DD's but thinking of going home tomorrow to DH who is redecorating the kitchen. Had a rest day today as DGS has gone to his friends again so no decluttering. DD was painting all day yesterday in new house so she is shattered. No exercise but I really miss it, they say you can become addicted.
    DGD has spent the last 2 days in bed after the walk in the park the other night. Such a terrible thing for a 15 year old to have to endure. Makes you grateful for good health.
  • Chimera2311
    Chimera2311 Posts: 3 Member
    New to the group. But I will give this a go
    Goals for August (didn't have any for July except to sit and eat M&M's)

    1) 10000 steps per day (every day) (So far in August I've hit it every day - YAY me!)
    2) Drink my water
    3) Pick a park, hiking trail or historical site(preferrably with some walking involved) each weekend to visit.
    4) Work on finding more natural, health alternates to the foods that have landed me in this condition and substituting them out.
    5) Add and actually make a new recipe or two to my profile every week

    Thats it. Seems like a lot
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    edited August 2016
    Miriam - Congratulations on being so switched on the allergy incident. :flowerforyou: What a nuisance for her though. :'( My DSIL's boyfriend is allergic to any fish. I have to remember not to give him olives stuffed with anchovy paste! The worst allergy I have ever known was a colleague of my ex to penicillin. He could drink no milk or eat any meat except grass fed lamb.

    Re - Would something like my UV suit help you. I don't like wearing a swimsuit either as my skin is wrinkly and my thighs are blobby, even though I am now slim. I either just get in the water quickly after taking off a wrap, or I am going to be wearing my "rash" suit in Mexico. Online there are loads of suits for Muslims etc that cover everything. :laugh:

    Watched a lovely film called 'Chico and Rita'. It's set in Cuba, Paris and NYC etc and it's a cartoon about Cuban musicians. I normally hate cartoons, but I loved this. Subtitled.

    My best friend who took the lawyer locum job in London had to give it up after one week. It was too much for her at 67. Really harrowing care cases in court. I was trying to support her last week. She is finally realising that she has to give up a lot of dreams in order to live within her small means. At last! She rang me today while she was taking a trip down memory lane in our old town where we spent our teenage years. She was standing outside the Music Room of our old school where the Major who was teaching us clarinet used to make advances to our 12 year old selves. Yuk! I really feel for her. She has had enormous mental health problems in her life and is a real survivor. <3 But not the most practical person.

    I am looking forward to having DH's company tomorrow. We have to shop for food and make up the beds for the grandchildren. The new jungle duvet cover has arrived. <3
    DSIL wants us to go to Hove to babysit in September as her new nanny has a prebooked holiday. Her parents are helping out and we will do a day while she is up in London working. Currently their train line is beset by strikes and awful disputes, so I hope she doesn't have too many problems. It's national news every day. She may have to stay up there with friends.
    Not a good start to her going back to work. Just two days a week to start with and a day at home to write and do administration.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    Just checking-in and saying hi.
    Recently went to dr about my knee, thought I had a meniscus tear but MRI did not reveal anything but a little fluid on it. Dr told me to take Aleve when it flares up
    August Goals ( after Wed when I get my first colonoscopy)
    *Bike every other day
    *Weight Train 4 days a week
    *Toss in some fun cardio like Beachbody's Cize, Combat, or Hip Hop Abs
    *Create a couple of Daily menu plans that I can follow without having to think too much
    Going on vacation the last week of the month, will be biking and kayaking for 5 days.
    Hope you all have a Blessed week.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Well it is a cool Sunday here. Only to get in the 60's today. I love it. I am working 6-4 today and then at 4:30 we have our monthly Christen motorcycle meeting. Last evening we went to church and enjoyed that.
    Roxy--Welcome and remember to take it One day at a time. I am a stress eater and working on getting a better way of dealing with life.
    Miriam--So glad things turned out ok with your daughter. I would be scared also.
    Heather--I love your outlook on life. I am working on being positive.
    Another slow day and getting caught up on somethings. Have a great rest of the day!
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • MsLadyTAW
    MsLadyTAW Posts: 18 Member
    I am new and was happy to find this group!
    In a graduate program and full-time work so beside this, my goals are few:
    Juggle work and study
    Exercise a minimum of 15 minutes four times per week
    Lose 1 pound per week on a 40 pound journey--May 2018 reach my goal of better fitness and health
    Continue with my priority of connection with my children, partner and friends
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    Thanks katla but I can't stand my name, in this group, pip will do
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    stats for the day:
    Elliptical Machine- 46.32min, 88avstpmin, 4076str, 4 incl, 1-4resist, 5.01mi = 407c
    rowing machine- 10min, 51aw, 1558meters = 87c
    total cal 494
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yeah, I went to church this morning. I sat in the back row so I wouldn't be noticed sitting down all the time. Sometimes I sang, I never sang all the verses in a song. But it was good. The special anthem the choir sang was wonderful and I think every choir member needs to occasionally hear their own choir to see what they are part of. makes you extra proud of it. And the addition of the children's and youth choir in their assigned parts sounded really nice. The kids out sang the youth.

    Miriam, so sorry your daughter had a reaction but glad that her Mom was right on it. You would have thought that she would have shown some reaction to that before.As far as the Benadryl, my girls could never have any drugs in their possision, the school nurse had to administer it. I think I have that exact carpet on our wall. Our girls loved it. Since we are in a bi-level, the foyer wall is very tall and that rug on the wall fills it up quite nicely. We were known as the house with the carpet on the wall.

    Welcome new ladies. Re, I look forward to how you describe us everyday.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,781 Member
    afternoon again ladies~
    I have doggies on each side of me and I took a nice soak in the tub with epsom salt.. felt good.. Tom got home around 1:45 and he even brought me an OWL trivet which I thought was nice, he gave me a hug and a kiss when he got in too..
    made a roast chicken and mashed for him for dinner.. and I will go to bed early.. as I am pooped from a long week.. Tom has a furlow day tomorrow,but since he was up early and did alot of driving I am sure he will hit the hay early...
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Lovely day caught up on housework , laundry , getting lunches ready for the week! Trying to discourage my grabbing fast food during my work hours! On Tuesday and Thursday we take our participants into the community! We do field trips all over and normally eat out! On those days the goal is to be mindful of my choices to choose the salad or grilled chicken on one bun or with lettuce wrap etc but on the other days we are in the center where bringing my healthy lunch I can.

    I too love this Thread and the topic of aging! Getting my workout in is coming along but I know it isn't as long or much as should be! It is what I can do in my shape. But it has been consistent!
    Food not bad but still trying to look at my eating in conjunction with where I am at now! I have a tendency to use techniques that worked when I was in my twenties! But many of my friends my age are going to low carb high protein! So I am looking at it! I think for me it is somewhere in the middle!

    Caldwell, Idaho
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Joyce, I have four antique rugs on the wall. Inherited them from my aunt. I also have a large one that I have in the attic right now- too many animals to put it down. It is for a big room, not a standard size room. I have bare wood floors because of the animals.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited August 2016
    Katla~ Thanks for worrying about me friend, but the past is past. Husband goes onto this individuals site, along with checking on the "blank slate" one that I had, just to monitor. Truth be told, his threats were empty ones, and I am relieved to be rid of the whole situation. ((hugs ya)) its all roses from here on out.

    Yesterday we all went to the movies and watched, "Suicide Squad". Good movie, but I came home audible, and visual overloaded. It's been awhile since I have watched a movie at a theater, and even my stomach hurt afterwards, (the rumbling of the stereo bass).

    I am realizing that I truly am feeling old. I don't travel well, don't handle over-exercising well, my body gets cranky easily. I try to listen to my body, and realize my limitations. A lot to do with weight. My fantasy-land of being an active obese person is catching up with me. I have been over 200 lbs going on 30 yrs now. Moments of 180's here and there, but never staying for long. I used Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Slim-fast Shakes, the Cambridge Diet shakes, a generic weight loss clinic, weight loss pills, and countless gym memberships that I would back out of. There is a moment when you realize that you have lived longer than you have left. So do I try to just live a healthy body, with the body I have been given? It doesn't mean I am giving up by any means. I just think a lot about making peace with my body. Does it mean that I am settling? Hell no! I just think the inner-turmoil gets to be so tiring. Anyway, those are my thoughts today.

    Tomorrow we travel to Portland visiting our hospital OHSU. Husband shall be getting another ERCP ERCP is short for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. It is a procedure that looks at the bile ducts. It is done through an endoscope. Bile ducts are the tubes that carry bile from the liver to the gallbladder (his gallbladder was removed when he rec'd a new liver), and small intestine. Anyway, I am hoping this procedure goes well, and there are no problems. If all goes well, the surgeons will change out the present stent in the duct and replace it with another one.

    ((((Group hugs all)))))))))))))))))
