Serial Starters



  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    What a supportive and inspirational group! I'd like to check in here (hopefully regularly...I need it!).

    I was a regular on an old WW board years ago but stopped visiting that site about 1 year ago. Prior to that I had been on it about 14 years! I started in the chat rooms then moved to the specialty groups. I found so much support there, I'm sad to read it was eliminated.

    I lost 105 pounds over the course of 2 years doing various diets, including WW. I regained 30 of those pounds and am now hoping to lose that plus 5-10 more. I log my foods but don't do WW.

    Anyway, I read a couple pages on this thread, off to read more. Have a great day!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome walkdmc. Wow 105 in 2 years that is amazing. Good on you to come back and get it at 30 before it goes higher. I wish I did that. I just let it go up 5 then 10 and then I was up at where I started and then passed it. 70lbs later!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Day is done at least work wise.

    Welcome Walkdmc! Stop by and post when you can. If you did it once, you can and will do it again one day at a time.

    Pretty brain dead after work, so I will be snoring soon under Lana's Palm Tree, sending her good thoughts for Dr apt tomorrow.

    Lady at work has a very swollen eye and I was able to get the name of the best eye doctor in town hoping she can get a referral to see him. Take a little of the fear out of it. Gave her chocolate too..... ;)

    If I dont stop by later, wishing all a good evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Waving to all! Pretty uneventful last few days. Hoping to stay that way all week. Going home to see family this weekend, mom's birthday. Try to stop in tomorrow. Take care all
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good Morning!

    Those Cabana Boys Under Lana's Palm Tree are bored and worse they are whining.... not pretty. So to give them chores I ask: if they could make a potion in a spray form for you today what would it be?

    Me: I really like the "mute" spray the boys sent me, sadly loud lady is not within reach this week (her last!! yay), but how about a spray that makes me see the productive side of things (drown out whining?).

    Lana - sending good thoughts for you today. Lady at work has W/TH/F off herself for dr apt - she is not saying yet but cancer is possible. Drop by when you can.

    Oatmeal is ready and I need to scoot.

    Wishing all a great day.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    It's Tuesday. Boy, I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. I know the stress of my dad's hospitalization/health and my son moving to college next week is just making me want to curl into a little ball. Trying to fight back! So, I did get my 2.5 miles on the treadmill last night (so I would hit my 10,000 steps.) Eating was okay yesterday. A little carb-heavy, but I didn't go over my carbs. Pants still feeling too snug. Haven't weighed myself since last Thursday after a not-great weekend.

    Lana - thinking of you today.

    Welcome Walkdmc!

    Trying to get myself into the mode to figure out our budget and stick to it. Credit card bill is too high (we used it quite a bit to fix up the house this summer, only to decide not to sell it.) Time to pay it down and hopefully be rid of it for good. DH is not good at sticking to a budget or recording things in the checkbook and it always feels like a struggle when I try to reign in the spending. But it's got to be done.

    Have a great day!
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    I'm gonna try to check in here regularly. I feel like I 'start over' every day, and not in the motivational sense. ;)

    But I weighed 3lbs less than I thought I did (must've had some water weight when I weighed last..) so I got a tiny taste of motivation. Also photos of your friends who have lost an absurd amount of weight and look great.. there's a kick in the butt if I ever needed one!

    I hope you all have a lovely Tuesday! Try not to drown in work.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks for the friendly welcomes! I was in a group a while ago and I had to write down notes about each poster to respond to them personally. It sounds weird and forced but truth is, it really helped me learn about the other members and made a casual check-in more formal and that translated into better adherence to my food plan.

    Anyway, I didn't do that today, lol (but I will!). So I'm responding to folks on this page.

    Lana-wishing you the best.

    Tillie-your mute spray sounds like a winner, lol! Do you picture spraying it directly on the person (like disciplining a cat on the counter top) or just mist the entire room? :)

    ASalner- good job not letting an "off" weekend turn into a screw-it mentality. Those pants will be loose before you know it. Ugh, spending $$. I just like buying stuff and hit up the weekly Lululemon online "sale" like it's my job. I really need to cull my hoard and watch my spending.

    25lbs- (great name!) I love scale surprises and that 3 pound loss sounds very motivating.

    Last night was not great, too much junk food with too much sugar. I write down my food plan for the day and my goal is to stick to it. More goals for today:
    Drink 1 gallon water
    Do my home PT (had knee surgery)
    Keep my kitchen clean so I'm not tempted to hang out in there "cleaning" (aka, thinking about eating)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All-

    Late post. Quick hello. Bad day yesterday and half and half on today (the day isnt over yet so hopefully can redeem myself)

    Continental Breakfast at work. I thought have a WW drink before and so I would not indulge. Yep, I indulged. Why, because it was there. Lunch- chinese food. Hadn't had it in a long time and so it was good and yummy. But.... then I went out for a few drinks and pickings... ok I figured not good but I will skip dinner. Came home and had that buzzy feeling and wanted to eat so I had pasta with mozzarella/tomatoes and A LOT of it. Topped the night off with Nutella.

    Woke up this am and felt so so from all the food. Had top of a muffin and lunch was not bad except for the ranch dressing. My workplace (new job) has free lunch and so I am trying to save money by eating at work. THey do offer a lite fare but have not seen it yet. I ate rice/beans (brown beans brown rice) and only a little rice, pulled pork and veggies but skipped the tortillas= had a salad but used ranch dressing. that was the only bad part.

    BUT>>> I am meeting more friends tonight for drinks and so...hopefully it wont be a repeat. I sound like a big drinker but since I moved back "home" everyone wants to go out for drinks and so several nights I have been out. It will end by this week since I would have seen everyone. THen my life gets quieter.

    Tomorrow I join the gym with my other friend.

    On a postive note- been drinking the water and sleeping!

    Have a good day eveyrone
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member

    Hi Sara and Jen and Dawn and Annie and 25 and Walk!

    All of the whining Cabana Boys were put on kitchen cleanup duty, and all that didn't will be providing foot massages and pillow fluffing for all of us right now!

    Must go back and read everyone's posts....I am behind~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Welcome 25lbs!

    Sitting on lounge chair waiting for foot massages and pillow fluffing. Will be snoring soon. Some days are just too hard on my brain.

    How did the dr apt go Miss Lana??

    Dinner is almost ready, and Miss Tillie is waiting for the green light to swing in the hammock.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Decent eating day. Stayed under my calories and carbs (barely). Walked on treadmill until right hamstring cramped up a couple of times. I slowed down but kept going to 2 miles. Still need 1300 steps for the day, so may do some stretches after kids go to bed and get back on the treadmill to finish my day. Will soak in a nice warm bath tonight and apply some Biofreeze after that.

    Lana, how did your dr appt go?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Bad air quality for awhile, keep windows closed and hope for cooler weather.

    Work meeting off site, 2 possible times. I am one of the few who come in later (dont want to miss my dog walk) and so I would have to come back to work for a half hour if I went to the afternoon meeting and everyone else goes home?? Morning meeting it is and after 2 it will be a ghost town.....

    Didnt know milk has so many sugar grams.....will stop putting milk in oatmeal for awhile and see if it makes a difference on the scale, we shall see.

    Annie - just keep trying and hope your bath/biofreeze (what is that?) worked well.

    Lana - how has your week been?

    Okay need to scoot, wave to all who follow.

    Make it a great Wednesday.
  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member
    Ok.. I'm really back now. Yep, You've heard it before, I know. I'm going to check out what this website has to offer. I've had a stressful couple of months and have been ignoring the basics like exercise and not caring what I stuff in my mouth. And then with the WW site going dark, out of mind.. I'm up 5. Crap. Can I say that word on MFP? Whoohoo! And then I read all the new articles that basically say: Sorry, you won't keep it off. Because Science. Grrrr. How does one stay motivated? Thinking of you all.. Chamie
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Welcome back Cham :) - crap is a word we can use, isnt that nice?? ;) This website is nice because it helps me keep my sodium levels down, sugar is my next hurdle (slowly but surely)

    At work, bbl
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Chamie welcome back! Now to get Liz on here.

    Quick hello= at work as well and busy day. Ate like crap again last night but tonight joining the gym with a friend.

    Lana= thinking of you = today you are at MSK right? Good luck. You are in good hands.

  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member
    I filled out the information on this site and it calculated 1250 calories per day. Shish.. no wonder I am gaining. Seriously though that seems low. Do you all track cals now or are you sticking with points? Yes, sugar and salt.. things I don't really think about when I am tracking pts. Chamie
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Hi Chamie! I am trying to stick to 1200 calories per day and keep the sugars and carbs low. (Carbs under 100). I am not longer doing points as I did not enjoy SP. I do have the itrackbites app on my phone for Points+, but haven't been using it lately.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Cham, I get more calories, but then I am taking the slow boat.... I cancelled my WW last month.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Tuesday. Almost lunchtime. Work is slow, which is good because I have a lot of other things on my mind. The good news is my dad is doing well and slowly improving with his pulmonary embolism. He will be in the hospital until Friday or maybe Saturday. Then home for up to a month to recover and get his strength back. He's already itching to go back to work on "light duty" even though he can barely walk to the bathroom in his hospital room! Silly man!

    I'm not sure if I mentioned that DS had an appt with our family doctor last week to have a re-check on his depression meds. He is taking Effexor XR. He is over 18 now so we did not attend the appt. He and doctor decided to up his dosage, which I wanted to question but decided not to. DS claims he is feeling a lot better but now he is extremely tired. He was already tired on the lower dose but dr wanted to put him on the higher dose and then have him take the meds in the evening rather than the morning. I have had to wake him up the last 3 mornings for work or he would have overslept! And he came home from work yesterday and slept for an hour until I woke him up. (And he was hard to wake up.) I asked him if we should talk to the dr about lowering the dose again, but he doesn't want to do that because he's feeling better. So, I guess the tradeoff is he needs to learn to manage the energy/tiredness. My biggest concern is that he is going off to college next Thursday and will need to get to morning classes and/or work...and to have enough energy to attend all of his classes, work hours, do homework, etc. Trying to remember he is an adult now and will have to cope. I did tell him I think he needs to set an alarm clock and his phone alarm to help ensure he gets up on time.

    So far, so good on eating today. Right leg is still a bit sore and crampy. May have to take tonight off from walking and just do stretching.