Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Interesting, I also saw in DS's office visit summary that the doctor is now calling it anxiety disorder versus depression. The last time, it was a major depressive episode. (which it was!)
  • scldragonfish
    scldragonfish Posts: 15 Member
    My calorie count is a bit higher because I am starting out....bigger. But I have learned that the first thing you can do is log what you are regularly eating now, even if it goes over the mark. Then investigate what is causing the most calorie, fat, carbs and sugar in your regular meals and reduce or cut them out to get to your goal count.

    Let's just say my first week trying to stay under the mark was a practical joke because I was terrible at nutrition. However, knowledge is power and I've got a good schedule going now. :)
  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member
    Ugh. Yes the first week is always the toughest! DragonFish- I can do that. I'll log what I eat and see what it looks like. I'm trying not to be too angry with myself. I have a wedding this weekend and I hope I fit in the dress I plan to wear. I better try it on! Everything is a bit on the TIGHT side. Underwear too and that just makes me crabby. Ok, I'm going to go log my food.. for realz. I bet I'm already close to 1250 and I still have dinner to go! Today is already better than yesterday.. Chamie
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member
    Ok.. I'm really back now. Yep, You've heard it before, I know. I'm going to check out what this website has to offer. I've had a stressful couple of months and have been ignoring the basics like exercise and not caring what I stuff in my mouth. And then with the WW site going dark, out of mind.. I'm up 5. Crap. Can I say that word on MFP? Whoohoo! And then I read all the new articles that basically say: Sorry, you won't keep it off. Because Science. Grrrr. How does one stay motivated? Thinking of you all.. Chamie

    Boing, boing, boing, boing.......Chamie is back! Oh SO happy here......
    Huge hugs and sloppy smooooooches!

    Lana, reading back through what I've missed......
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member
    Re DS and the Effexor, I must say it has been a life-saver drug for me. However, upping the dose when DS is already "tired" may not be the right response.
    Give DS some space and see how he feels. Tiredness and low response is a symptom of depression, but let's see how he does when he gets away from home. It may allow him to bloom.

    I am no doctor, but my gut tells me it's best to send him away with a prescription for X amount, but with supply enough to take 2X so that it can be regulated from afar. If his pills are all 2X, they are capsules and cannot be cut in half back to the original dose.

    Are any of his friends "going away" with him to this school?
    How far away from home is the school? Far I hope. Sometimes that is what is needed. It's time for DS to build his own existence. But doubling the dose of Effexor right before going away makes sense to me only if he can control it on his end via the one or two pills per day thing.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Lana!! Good you stopped by. How is your world going?

    Two more full days of the lady who is "on my last nerve" at work (former supervisor long time ago used that phrase and I found it amusing). Need to bring "mute" spray to work, her laugh is truly annoying.

    Temps will cool off starting tomorrow if I believe the weather people.

    Miss Tillie sits by door - that's my sign to go for a walk.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Okay, welcome!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Thanks, Lana. Well, he already upped his dose last Friday after talking with the doctor and I can't really make him drop it again - especially when he says he's feeling better. I'm encouraged when he says he is feeling better and able to take criticism and not hate himself. He did make a remark this morning that it was his own fault for not making himself get up on he wasn't completely blaming it on his meds. My mom said he might be doing this simply because he is still home where mom and dad will watch out for him.

    School is only about 20 minutes away (his choice), but we are not allowing him to take his car (he will live in the dorms with a friend from high school). We have told him we want to treat it as if he is "far" away. But it will be nice for him to be close so we can get his prescription refills out to him easily each month.

    Truth be told, I do want to see him bloom. I want to see him learn to do for himself and take care of himself and be himself. I have tried not to be a helicopter parent and to teach him what he needs to do and how to do it. But it's time for him to do it.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member


    So glad that Cruella de Vil of your work scene will be exiting stage left in 2 DAYS!!! May the door hit her in "the thing" on the way out. That's sort of what they say here in Hells Kitchen....

    Also, every person brings JOY into the room. Some when they enter.....some when they leave.....

    Tomorrow are appointments with plastic surgeon to learn about reconstruction options.....please let them lift them up a few inches, no matter how fake they are.....Well, actually they'd need to come up around 4 or more inches to be anywhere near where they were when they started out.....

    WORKOUT TODAY: DH and I went to the club together today and got well over an hour total of serious water workout. Yay!

    Once again - Chamie - SO glad to see you!!!
    Jen, HELLO have you been here today?
    Dawn? Where are you dear?
    LIZ ! LIZ ! LIZ ! I can't come upstate anytime soon, so you must stop by the beach and say HI! Don't tell me you've fallen into Lake Ontario --not sure where you live now - you could be in Albany!!!!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Waves Lana! Waves Sara! Waves to all others! I've been on this terrible binge of watching a new (for me) show... No extra eating, which is a plus..but, I have not been logging at all. And, I can't seem to stop eating sweets...Grrr
    Sara- Would love to have some mute spray. There's more than one I'd like to try it on at work.

    Lana- hope yer doing well..thinking of you..

    Be back tomorrow... Hopefully... Nite all

  • scldragonfish
    scldragonfish Posts: 15 Member
    As a serial starter, I try to remind myself that I am never a failure, because I keep trying. No matter how many times you fall, just get back up.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Neighbor feeds feral cats again and normally this is not a problem, but other neighbor moved (many reasons but cat was bothering her dog in early hours) and now cat is harassing me and my dog at 1am..... I have a large squirt gun but if it continues, I will complain to the office.

    Living on less sleep than I would like, so I will eat breakfast and hope for a little more before work.

    Rents in my area have gotten insane. Rents used to go up as high as $30 a month, but now there is no limit. To move is too expensive and so I just have to do with less. Not sure what my next savings is, but I was thrilled this morning to realize I dont pay for WW anymore!

    Chicken Teriyaki on menu at work, so that is always a good one.

    Wave to all who follow, will lurk from work. Make it your best Thursday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Sara - Rents everywhere are insane. You'd have to live in a tiny town, far from health care and general civilities in order to find anything cheaper. And having done it, I am regretting buying a house (the money pit in NC), so that whole American Dream thing is a scam. You end up paying 3 times the cost of a house just to have something you can't afford to begin with. It only makes some sense if you have children to raise. Oh dear. *blushing, stepping off of rant/soap box*

    Let's think positively.....

    QOTD: What will/can be your activity or exercise today?

    AOTD: Esther's water exercise class at the gym at 2PM!

    Waves and welcomes to friends and lurkers~~

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Feeling irritated as today is my second "official" weigh-in since I really started tracking again. I gained 1.6 from last week. :( Now, I new my weekend was not great but I also knew I'd had some really excellent days, some good exercise, had stayed away from pop, and TOM showed up on Sunday night - so I actually expected a small loss. Instead, I'm up .6 for the 2-week period. GRRR!

    Now that I have vented, I will say that I will not let this derail me. I will continue to track and stay under my carbs and calories. I will have a good weekend this weekend if it kills me! (Meaning I will track and stay within my limits.) Eventually the number on the scale will follow my good actions. I do think I'm going to weigh-in daily (even after a day I feel I've been "bad"), so I can watch what is happening.

    Good plan for the day. Egg and coffee for breakfast, string cheese and cucumbers for morning snack, leftover homemade beef stew for lunch, inside-out egg roll for supper tonight. There may be a piece of toast or some crackers in there. I have been allowing myself a few peanut butter M&Ms through the day but tracking every bite. And I'm soda-free now for 8 days! Interestingly, DH is talking about trying to stay soda-free after this 30-day challenge is over.

    Have a good day, everyone! Like Sara, I will lurk from work!

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    AOTD: Treadmill walk this evening (too hot and muggy to go outside). I'll need at least 2 miles to get to 10,000 steps today!!!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All-

    A bit harder to get online at work.

    Lana- NYC is so crazy for housing. My father's house has turned into a goldmine for a neighborhood that I think is the pits good when you go to sell. However, if I had to live back there.. I have no idea where I would be living.
    Couldn't afford it. How did it go at MSK.

    Annie- no sweat on the gain. It's probably water weight since it's so small,I know though the number could derail you mentally- I know it does me. Way to go on the 8 days soda free

    QOTD: What will/can be your activity or exercise today?
    AOTD: My new job is on a 64 acre campus and the goal is a healthy work/life balance. They gave us at work stretchy bands and exercise cards to keep at our desk so that we can take breaks and stretch. So I will be doing that today!

    Been eating like crap this week= Heading to San Diego for a long weekend- I know food choices will be poor - but Monday will be joining the gym.

    Sara- do you have lunch offerings at work? We do too- I just read that they are now having a lighter fare choice. Yesterday was pasta and a salad bar. I am trying to figure it all out so that I can plan my meals. It really helps with the cost of things since it's free. I used to (I'm working where I used to work 3 years ago) make lunch my main meal and then have a light dinner so I plan to do that again but need to watch the food choices.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    AOTD: hot here so nothing additional 30 minute + dog walk and walk to/from work and walk break.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    coworker said she was busy last night with the a/c guy - I asked if he was a cboy care package?? No she had to change her words to "work with" to get a/c fixed. Darn, close but no cigar.
  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Y'all. Day 2 is still under control. Drove kids to grandparents and stopped at Culvers and managed to not get a burger. I guess it can be done. Listened to Serial Season 1 on the way back and I am hooked.. Leaving for out of town wedding tomorrow which will be challenging. I feel more in control than I have in a while though.

    I'm sorry your DS is struggling with depression. I have had bouts and now in my 40s less so but I do fight to stay (kinda) positive and keep my mindset healthy. Many years of therapy and some meds have helped. I'm so glad that people can talk about it now and not be so secretive about it. That helps me immensely.

    Thanks for the warm welcome back.

  • slsulton
    slsulton Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I've started and stopped so many times I have lost count. This time is different though. I'm setting goals and searching for people to keep me accountable until, atleast, I'm at a point where I enjoy working out and no longer need the motivation because right now, it's HARD, but once I'm done I feel great.