

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, thank you for all of your advice. I know I CAN do it, it's just getting up and doing it. I know I overdo it in eating carbs and sodium. I think, no, I know that I use my doctor's order to eat more sodium as an excuse to eat things that I shouldn't, like biscuits and gravy. I do love my fruits, I don't think I could ever do without my mini carrots that come in those convenient little single serving packages. I have an automatic gym membership with my health insurance. There are several I can join Planet Fitness, the Y, Curves and others. I would want to join one that Charlie could join also although I don't think he will ever do it. So Monday is a very important day for me, not only to see what the state of my health it but to remake that commitment. If a stent is needed, it will greatly allow me to do more. There is no super glue on this couch that keeps me here. It is in my mind and no where else. Charlie has been able to increase his walk on the mall to 1 mile. When he was able to get there he was only doing 1/2 mile and it has been a very slow increase to the mile. Doing that is allowing him the confidence in himself that he can now mow the front yard and our daughter will only have to do the back yard.

    I am a lot better today. Did a load of laundry by myself, have not had to sit and really get my breathing and heart settled down after going up and down the steps, making bed, etc. So I am hoping to get to church tomorrow morning. One of the trios I am in is singing tomorrow and I will enjoy hearing the duo part of them sing.

    Did I mention that the cath lab is 58 degrees????? We keep our house at 76!

    Lisa, so glad to hear from you. Sorry your warehouse that you have worked so hard will need to be sold but it served it's purpose in a big way. Have your last big sale and go out with a bang. Then enjoy your RV making it your new tiny home.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip love, love Winks. She's gorgeous. :)

    Janetr okc
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Di, Happy Anniversary. I hope you had a good time eating out and didn’t over do. I know what you mean about going to functions where there is food. Sometimes I do well and sometimes it’s hard to resist.

    Lisa, I’m sending good thoughts for all your plans to work out smoothly. I know the two of you will land on your feet, no matter what happens. (((Hugs)))

    Katla, I do the same thing with my recorder on the TV. There are times that there seems to be nothing to watch so I like to have things recorded. Plus, I’ve gotten to where I have no patience for commercials and I fast forward through them. I especially like to have the news recorded so I can skip the parts I’ve seen before or have no interest in. video-game-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Pip, I like “Winks”. She’s lookin’ good!

    CarolGA, I know that has to break your heart to leave your Mom like that. It’s just so sad that they get so agitated at times. ((((Hugs))))

    Barbie, so glad the dance performance went well.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I started working on assembling the new gas grill rather early this morning while it was less hot than mid-day. I did most of it in the screen porch with the ceiling fan on and it was still hotter than who knows what. I was ringing wet when I finished but got the job done. I’m excited! bbq.gif At noon I went to the Moose Lodge for a fancy program to initiate on of the Moose members into a higher degree. It was a very nice ceremony and they served food afterward. I had a tiny bit of roast beef which was quite good. They had a sheet cake for dessert and it was totally gone before my table finished eating. My friend wanted some but she didn’t need it anyway. lol

    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Good Saturday Evening! The festival was fun in spite of the rain. Not too many cars showed up, so we got a “participation” trophy-lol! I guess when you have more trophies than cars you might as well give them out. The grands came home with us for the night. We will take them home in the morning to finish getting dressed and leave for the county fair. So far the weather is looking good for tomorrow. 

    Lisa- I love your attitude about things and your ability to handle the uncertainties! I grew up moving lots, then married military, now have been in same house since 1994 and am finding the “stuff” overwhelming! I have to purge when husband hunting or he has to have his say on my stuff. Grumble. Task on list for this coming season!

    Katla- I love how you and your husband work as a team. That is wonderful. I hope he is feeling better.

    Heather- The first grandchild got lots of useless gifts. We got better as their numbers grew as well as their needs. One set of grands gets all kinds of things from parents, other grandparents, etc. For Christmas we now give them a “camp” (usually baseball and gymnastics), plus something small to play with. Last year we knew we were going to Disney, so they got just a little something. The rest went towards the trip. The other set rarely gets new things, so get more bought during year, ie clothes and school supplies. I have a set spending limit these days for birthdays and holidays. I am starting to give half that for their savings and will get something if needed/wanted with other half. If they want something big, then just money to go towards big ticket item.

    Di- So glad dinner was wonderful! The nice thing about life style changes is the ability to remember that life happens! Make the best decision you can for the place you are in at the time.

    Lenora- The thing with fish tanks is that they really shouldn’t be in the sunlight. It makes the algae go crazy! Mine is called a Bio-Orb. It is 4.5 gals and not much bigger than a bowling ball. It sat on my breakfast bar so we could enjoy it, but really was getting too much afternoon sun. I moved it last night after cleaning it to another corner in the kitchen. We had a 55 gallon aquarium at one point, but it was too deep and always dark. I was missing the fish and found this little one. Really easy to care for and doesn’t require much space.

    KarenE- I weigh every morning, but only record once a week. It keeps me aware of what is going on with my body.

    Kim- Love the rat story!!!!! Made me laugh!!!!

    Barbie- So glad Line dancing went well for you and you had fun!

    Sleep well Lovely Ladies!
    Kylia in stormy Ohio
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Michele Olson's Perfect Legs, Glutes and Abs DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some balance games on the Wii

    Made these mini lasagnas for the social saturday then meatballs which I will put into the crockpot on Saturday. Then made these magic cookie bar-like dessert. I'm real close to my calorie limit so I'll make the key lime cake tomorrow. After exercising went to the farmer's market (they didn't have anything that I wanted), then Bi-Lo to get the items on sale then Big Lots who didn't have the rye bread for Vince so I'll just have to get it another day. Home to do some cooking then went to a couponing lecture. Home to get dinner ready and ready for church tonight. Home for dinner now here. Oh, did a load of laundry this morning, too. Tomorrow I'll probably powerwash some more by the pool area then make the cake which I'll freeze until I ice and decorate it Thursday.

    Kim -- ewwwww ---- rats. The only thing I can say is that they're better than snakes!

    Joyce - the first time we had a social here we ran out of food. I don't know if it was that people felt that they didn't want to bring home leftovers so they just didn't bring much. But I was mortified -- totally. Vince said to me today "you know, as host we're not expected to make any food". I just said to him "well, that's what you told me the first time and we ran out of food". I figure if there's anything left over, the food pantry can get it. Or if it's something that Vince'll eat he can have it for dinner.

    LoriDee - welcome! Your post made me smile. 53 and 10 months -- you sounded like a kid, you know, "I'm 4 and 3 months old".

    katla - can you just order steamed (or raw) veggies? that's not a bad idea. I thought you could only order the things on the appetizer menu (which are usually deep fried). How that must have hurt to know your son sold those diamonds! Where did you get that thing for Olive Garden? One of the ladies invited me to OG. We do have a Newcomer board meeting that day and I never know what time it'll break up. So don't know if I'll make it or not. I wonder if they have fruit on their menu? If I get there late, at least I can have a bowl of fruit with everyone.

    oooohhhh...when you're not used to eating something and then have it, sometimes your stomach really reacts. Like I haven't had something like that magic cookie bar in a long time. Now I'm feeling my stomach hurt. Oh, I know it'll go away. This is probably a good thing because every time I look at them I'll be thinking "I don't want to feel the way I feel now"

    liz - I always say if they want to clear out the church in record time, put me in the choir. Bummer you didn't get the vacation. So sorry for you.

    Lisa - good to see you! I like to go to the store on Sun mornings. Down here people are in church then so the stores aren't crowded at all.

    pip - you're lucky your Y opens that early on a Sunday. Ours doesn't open until 1. Even then it closes at 5. Well, that's the "bible belt" for ya

    slimcharm - spaghetti squash doesn't freeze well. I know because I tried it! It's very "watery" as it is, and freezing just makes it more watery.

    katla - hope your hubby feels better

    Lenora - when we stopped at PetSmart yesterday, we saw these glow-in-the-dark Halloween decorations you can put in your aquarium. Also ones that would light up with a black light. They looked very cool

    Charleen - they had some peaches at the farmer's market today that looked good. I was hoping that I could talk them into only selling me maybe 1/2 of the bag, but no go.

    KarenE - I usually weigh myself on the Wii every day and most days just for jollies on the scale. But my "official" weigh-in is on Saturdays.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip, who is that guy with the legs with winks???? LOL. Glad it is home now and you can make it your own.

    Even those sports camps can be an expensive gift. I am glad that for my grand kids, the other Grandma and her daughter have real good paying jobs,retirement plans and they load up on those things. Other grandma completely paid for tooth extraction, all braces and retainer for trinity and will for Ellie when it is time for hers. When they are in Louisville, they go to the opera, ballet, symphony, pool, shopping, etc. I'm glad they are able to do that and I know that they also treat them with the same kind of love and fun that we do.

    We are going to be going to my husbands high school 50th reunion. Are we that old? When did that happen??? Is it reversible??? I think the only reason he goes is his best friend goes and they are much more outgoing than we are. He would like them to allow his friend to set up his Karaoke machine.

    I love peaches also but I can never find one that is soft enough that peach juice is running down your chin. The ones I find are hard and not really worth the price. We do like canned peaches and Charlie eats a lot of that.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    edited August 2016
    jmkmom- that's the kirbman himself :0)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie- It sounds like you were a success! I'm glad you did such a wonderful performance. You earned a relaxing afternoon!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5X35
    Russian Kettlebell swing- 25X10X35
    End of week 2 transition from 30-35lb Kettlebell during SL and rest days.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,875 Member
    Hello all: Good day today. Did not do too much. Fed horses and then sprayed weed killer on our patches of morning glory. It is considered an invasive species in WA and is toxic to grazing animals. Then spent time indoors cooling down. We went to my DS's new place to see it and then out to dinner for our anniversary even though it is not until Tuesday. We ate at the Beach Cafe in Kirkland right on the lake. It was fun to watch all the activity on the water and the wedding that was going on outside in the courtyard. Had really good cod and brought some home. I shared a dessert with my DGD and am over 23 calories for the day.

    KarenE - I weigh everyday but record on Sunday, and right now Monday for the 24-week challenge.

    Kim - Love your rat story. It sounds like the deer and bunnies around here. They have no fear of people or even our dog.

    Barbie - Glad your performance went well.

    Lisa - Hope your life settles down just a bit.

    Pip - Twinkie looks awesome. It will definitely stand out at the Skaggit County Fairgrounds!

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    edited August 2016
    Quick check in! We are in Hawaii on the Big Island, in Kona. I'm doing a clean eating and workout challenge with a group of ladies from my neighborhood and so far so good. Two days and we've been to 2 farmers markets. Mahi mahi last night and ono tonight. Plus amazing tropical fruits and veggies. In addition to walking all around and swimming I've been to the fitness room both days that we've been here. Tomorrow I may not make it there as we are leaving early to go to the green sands beach which includes a nice hike of 4 1/2 miles round trip. I have to say the cardio machines (treadmill and recumbent cycle) are a bit lame but it is nice that they have something. Good free weights and a multiweight stack machine. Worked up a good sweat! One of the activities we (ok, *I*) want to do is a bicycle tour of volcanoes park that takes us right up to the lava flow which is currently going directly into the ocean. The kids (Dd and her bf, both 23) were worried that they won't be able to keep up. That made me laugh.

    Purl from WA
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @Lenora Have fun with your Anniversary tomorrow!
    @Barbie Hope you have fun dancing at the fair!
    @kymarai. Sounds like a fun and productive way to spend your morning with your Daughter! I have started meal planning for 2 weeks it is helpful! I need to up it for the month.
    @Miriam nice color!

    Today was packed seem really busy but yet didn't get the things done that I was hoping to.

    DH took a CPR and first aid class today so he was gone!
    I worked on the house getting it clean and tackling some areas that get ignored !

    Outside of Pickleball and grocery shopping spent most of the day home!

    I need to get a Fitbit or something to track my steps! In the exercise group on MFP I can't find Pickleball so I have been using badminton it seems slightly close! But I think it would help me have a more correct count.

    Wishing everyone a nice Sunday

    Caldwell Idaho

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Thank you, for your kind thoughts.
    I've started on the to do list after a death...my father's body was transported in a very timely manner to Albany Medical College, he was part of the anatomical gift program, and obit is done & will be in the Times Union today with a great pic my DBIL took in July when he & my DS visited from Fla. Now starts the legal work for him and the family trust which is my job.
    DH continues struggling with sacroiliac joint pain & can't do much of anything. Osteopath & PT app'ts soon.
    Need to get another hour of sleep...so glad to have this group, reading all your posts has been a great way to get my mind on other things for a bit.

    GLo on the North Shore of Ma
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    edited August 2016
    Glo - What a great gift your father gave those students. I would like to do the same thing, but I need to talk it over with DH. And the children. People can be funny about such things. Well done him and YOU. :flowerforyou:

    DH was in an odd mood this morning and got a bit huffy. Usually a sign that he's feeling guilty. When I said I might go on to meet my cancer friend after lunch in London tomorrow with his daughter, without telling me he contacted one of his old friends. I am not going to my friend's after all, but his friend said yes. So we are meeting up. I am ok with that, but I questioned DH's choice of meeting place - at the bottom of some cramped and crowded steps. ???????????!!!!!!!!!!! I pointed out that we needed to be in a place where we could wait comfortably. That caused his huff. Men, eh. :*;) I have suggested an alternative where there is some grass and somewhere to perch. I am not thrilled about the meet up, which he can probably pick up, but happy enough to go along with it. I hope the wife comes, who has early Alzheimers.

    I hope, if it's not too windy, to walk down the lane to the Open House studio today . They do it once a year and have all nice arty things, photographs, jewellery, pottery etc. A couple of years ago we bought a great framed photo for the kitchen and I bought some earrings that I wear regularly, so I hope there's something this year.

    Going to make my Japanese soup for lunch . DH can have a sandwich. I have already soaked the seaweed and drained the shiritaki noodles. :laugh: I gave DH the job of making tonight's dinner. Lamb and flageolet stew. I will prepare the runner beans. He used to cook more often, but because I was cutting back on calories, I more or less took charge, apart from the fruit. I know this recipe is 400 calories and he can't do any damage. :laugh:

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,781 Member
    Morning ladies~
    Yesterday was busy, worked until noon, then came home and visited with Bev and June a few houses away, and then we went to dinner..
    came home and watched t.v. stopped to see DFIL yesterday afternoon but he was out like a light,, so will go down at breakfast this morning..
    on and off rain today. we shall see what today brings
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,832 Member
    Hi all! Busy weekend! I don't know if any one else saw this video this weekend and maybe has posted already (I haven't had time to sit down and catch up on posts), but this is so inspiring! Enjoy! Love and hugs to all!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Reading all your posts takes my mind off my own worries and recharges my motivation!
    Cleaning and packing with DD today.

    I am thinking about food planning as a new healthy and frugal way to approach my new lifestyle. I kind of already do this as my breakfast and lunches during the school year are pretty successful--how hard can oatmeal, fruit, yogurt or eggs be--lunch is my favorite vegetable lentil soup or salad wraps with veggies to dip--my problem is a decent dinner that doesnt trigger over eating at night. I plan on putting this on the September goals list which is right around the corner! :/ NYKAREN