

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    I have been known to badger people to have dessert in restaurants just so I can have a teaspoon full! GO ON, SPOIL YOURSELF! How wicked am I. >:)

    Heather UK
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    ljdw99 wrote: »
    My father died this morning very unexpectedly although at soon to be 98 I guess I shouldn't be surprised. His goal was 100 and I really thought he'd make it. He's been in a lovely, upstate NY nursing home since a fall last year left him wheel chair bound but his mind was as sharp as ever he enjoyed his newspaper, tv & conversing with the staff or on the phone with his children & grandchildren. He was my second best friend after my husband and I'm sorely going to miss him.

    GLo very sad on the North Shore of Ma.

    (((Hugs))) Glo... so sorry for your loss
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Back from the city finally. I have no major trips planned this week!! Thank goodness !!

    DSIL's heart ablation was a success. She was so happy to be out of the hospital and going home. Me Too!!! Now she needs to rest so the entry points heal. So amazing the technology today to repair A fib and all other heart problems. The Mazankowski Heart Center is apparently the best in Canada, so she was in good hands.

    Lillian --- resting --- in West Central Saskatchewan
  • slimcharm20
    slimcharm20 Posts: 65 Member
    Good Day Sunday :)

    @GRITSandSLUTS I never thought to freeze the spagetti squash whole, I see some dehydrate it after it cooked. Too many steps for me.

    @pipcd34 Your Twinkle is a beauty.. Enjoy many adventures together!

    @kymarai Great pic of you and your girls ... Including your Sara! (we have one that sleeps like that)
  • slimcharm20
    slimcharm20 Posts: 65 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    ljdw99 wrote: »
    My father died this morning very unexpectedly although at soon to be 98 I guess I shouldn't be surprised. His goal was 100 and I really thought he'd make it. He's been in a lovely, upstate NY nursing home since a fall last year left him wheel chair bound but his mind was as sharp as ever he enjoyed his newspaper, tv & conversing with the staff or on the phone with his children & grandchildren. He was my second best friend after my husband and I'm sorely going to miss him.

    GLo very sad on the North Shore of Ma.

    (((Hugs))) Glo... so sorry for your loss

    I missed this I guess .. I am sorry for your loss.
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Good morning!

    Joyce, The problem with peaches is that if they're shipped they're often picked when they're not yet ripe and then subjected to temperatures below 50 degrees, and when that happens they never ripen properly. I always wondered why store-bought peaches weren't very good and read that bit of information in a book called Eating on the Wild Side. Now I never buy them and just wait for peach season so I can get them at the orchard. Last week I bought both white and yellow peaches. The whites were fine, but the yellows went from rock hard to rotten in a day! So when I went back yesterday and told the woman she just gave me the bag of yellow peaches I wanted. I go almost every week between late June and late August and then I don't have peaches for another year.

    Kylea and Michelle , I'm glad I'm not the only one who weighs daily!

    Kim and Michelle, Rats and snakes, ugh! Of the two, I think I'd rather see snakes, just not close up. We live on the edge of some woods, and there are lots of snakes. My neighbor is petrified of them, and they visit her regularly--mostly black snakes. Once her DS left his smelly soccer uniform in the garage. She scooped it up and put it in the washing machine and turned around to get more clothes. When she turned around a black snake stuck it's head out of the machine! :o Another time DH and I wanted to kill some weeds, so I staked down some black plastic (should have used clear). A few months later we went to pull up the plastic, and there was a nest of black snakes. :o They were as happy to see us as we were to see them!

    Barbie, So glad your line dance performance went well! It's awesome that you can do that.

    Mary, How do you manage the transition between different Kettlebell weights? I'd love some advice.

    I'm spending too much time on here because I'm procrastinating. So, today, before I let myself back on, I commit to

    Kettlebell plus PT exercises
    30 min on the elliptical
    At least two hours of the work I'm procrastinating on. I'm afraid.

    Bye for now,
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2016
    Joyce Hope you feel up to going to church this morning. I know you are looking forward to hearing the singers.

    Lisa Ditto what Joyce said.

    Pip Twinkie Twinkletoes Winks! What a nice Airstream.oh0thdm9skfv.png

    Carol I'm so sorry you had to go through that painful parting with your mom. It is heartbreaking. I find myself more & more motivated to shed most of my worldly goods and find "a place for mom" before my kids have to do it. I think I still have awhile but want to do it while it's still in my control.

    DJ You gas grill assembler, you! Nice! We need a new one as our old one has gotten scary but I thought I would pay to have it assembled. You have inspired me.

    Michele NC You are an industrious woman...I am always impressed with all you get done each day. Do you live in a retirement community? You made me chuckle about your comment about singing in the church choir. Today we are going to see the movie Florence Foster Jenkins with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant.

    Barbie Way to go! All that practice paid off. Well done! I imagine you like that dancing kittycat emoji you like to post: 81824br5uyrfrsr.gif

    Purl Karen That is so cute about your daughter & her friend being afraid they couldn't keep up with you on the bicycle. :D

    GLo I was executor of my mom's and later my sister's estate, and it is such a sense of accomplishment to get it settled and done. It did take some time, sometimes I thought I would never be done with all the details, but now looking back it doesn't seem that onerous. It helped me with my grief, too, it felt as if I was doing something constructive and purposeful as a proxy for them. The anatomical gift program provides a way for an individual to give beyond all measure. Your dad's body will be treated with the utmost reverance and will serve to teach and train in a way no monetary bequest can. What a guy your dad must have been. It makes me all teary-eyed. (((Hug)))

    Miriam Hot Tub Wednesday! Bet you can't wait, LOL!

    NYKaren I think that goal of planning your suppers like you do your other meals sounds like a key to success. That's often where I mess up, too. Heather is such a good role model in this area and in others.

    Lillian So glad your sister-in-law's ablation was successful. I'm sure she appreciated your support.

    Heather Do you happen to know what cultivar your runner beans are? I was thinking about planting some, as the hummingbirds love the flowers and it is my understanding that they are a perennial...would love to be able to go out and pick runner beans for dinner each evening. The flageolet beans are immature tender navy beans, are they not? They cook rather quickly? The stew sounds wonderful.

    So nice to come here and read and be entertained, inspired, and even moved to tears. Sometimes work is draining, as it was yesterday, and this thread really helps me shed the stress and move on. Thanks, everyone!

    Karen in Virginia going to see Florence Foster Jenkins today
  • Terrilake59
    Terrilake59 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm late to the party but happy to be here. :) I've been slowly recovering from a hamstring injury. Unfortunately, I have gained weight in the process. I'm very happy to find this group. .
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather & Cheri: I've tried earplugs a time or two and been semi successful. They don't tend to stay in my ear canals very well. That is why I had such a tough time when the sea lion was torturing me by barking most of the night earlier this year. Quality sleep is important, and if you need them, use them! :flowerforyou:

    Leonora: Everyone is different. When I lost weight and got smaller, so did the girls. I guess I stored fat in the boob zone. They're back to the size they were before I gained weight and I'm grateful I don't have the chronic backaches any more. :bigsmile:

    Pip: Twinkie looks great. So does the Airstream. :wink:

    Charleen in CO: Fun times at the peach festival. :devil:

    Lisa: Are you still editing the newspaper? I hope all goes well with the warehouse. :smiley:

    Barbie: I must have missed something. I didn't know you were not going to be dancing Thursday afternoons. Are you still dancing on other days and times? :huh:

    Joyce: I don't remember hearing that the cath lab was only 58 degrees. Brrr! Will they wrap you in warm blankets or is the chill needed to get the job done? :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I got the nutrition chart from an Olive Garden restaurant when I was eating there. I was thrilled that they had them. I would suggest you call yours and ask for one. I was a little saddened by DS's choice to trade in mom's rings to the jeweler that was making DDIL's ring, but since mom had traded repeatedly I didn't mind very much. My daughter wasn't happy about the deal. She wanted the ring set. My mom had given me instructions and I followed them. :star:

    Purl: I'm happy that you're having such a good time in Hawaii. :smiley:

    Liz: We had a Liz in the Treasure Valley area a year or so ago. Was it you? :huh:

    Heather: I hope you're able to go to the studio today. My DH used to get huffy about a lot of things that didn't make sense to me. It happens occasionally now, but is less frequent. :ohwell:

    KJLaMore: Thanks for the Iron Nun link. WOW! :star:

    Kylea in OH: I think your DGD has inherited your pretty smile! :flowerforyou:

    Lillian: Good news for your SIL. :bigsmile:

    We have a cooler day today. That is good news. I hope DH is feeling well enough for us to get out and have a little fun.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    edited August 2016
    WELCOME new people. Keep posting, tell us about yourself and you will fit right in. :D

    Karen in V - The runner beans are not perennials as far as I know. They are tender plants and a kind of vine that grows up poles. Red flowers. We put the beans in the ground the end of May and create a wigwam of bamboo poles. Start picking in August. They have to have the "string" each side removed before slicing vertically/diagonally. Bit of a faff. The main thing is they do not like being dry, especially when they are setting. Too hot temps makes them barren and you always have to water in dry weather. Not a low maintenance vegetable. :noway: But very prolific.
    We use the tins of flageolet beans. I first came across them in France, but they are readily available in our larger supermarkets, but not the average corner shop. They are small and pale green - a bit like haricots. When added to a stew they provide their own thickening agent. :)

    The Open House was nice, but not nice enough to buy anything. It got me out of the house though for a forty minute walk. :)

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi All,

    I guess I better introduce myself...was on MFP a few years back. Have gained 8 pounds - doesn't sound like much, but on a short person (me), it feels like tons (and isn't it really about how we each individually feel, not a number on scale or anyone else's perception?).

    Looking to reconnect somehow with like-minded folks - people (okay, women!) who are somewhere past 50 and just trying to do their best for health and others, and if the weight drops off, great!

    And my icon? Not sure it shows, but it is my truck camper. I really enjoy hiking, walking and camping. If you know campers (or are interested), that is a pick-up truck camper, sits in the bed of my F350 (yes, my husband calls the rig my "baby," number 4 after my 3 human "babies" who are all in their mid-to upper 20's). It gets me wherever I want to go and play in the out of doors.

    Please - help me stay motivated to do better in health and life. I look forward to meeting all of you folks and learning about you - if my memory and time can keep up with the group!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    morning peeps -

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Camping? In the UK camping involves a tent. :laugh: That looks like luxury compared to what I used to endure as a teenager. Never again! Once, during a storm, I floated away on my Lilo! They used to regularly deflate in the night until I was lying on the stones.
    And what you call a hike we call a walk. A hike would be long distance with a big pack on your back.

    Anyway, WELCOME! I know what you mean about 8 pounds. 2 pounds feels like a mountain to me! :grumble:

    Going to watch a Mexican film tonight.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Leemom: Welcome to a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: "Camping out" is in a tent. I hope not to do that again as I didn't much care for it. Then there is RV camping, which is much more comfortable since you bring your "house" with you. We don't do that, either, but would likely enjoy it. We're turning into stay at homes due to DH's health situation. We don't even spend nights aboard the sailboat these days. :noway: Think of the sailboat as a pretty, self-propelled, floating RV. I miss using it and occasionally go sit on it in the marina. :broken_heart:

    Katla in cooler and more comfortable NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Beautiful sunny day in Il,70`s and sunny,Finally no humidityy,windows open.
    HUGS jane
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I found a new crock for my sourdough starter and ordered it online. Same size, same manufacturer & made in the USA. My original crock has been in constant use since 1970 and it is getting sooty mold on the outside of the crock. Inside, the original is still okay although it is obviously seeping a bit. I keep it on a saucer in the refrigerator most of the time. :bigsmile:
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited August 2016
    I sit and read so many messages I forget to enter replies!

    Rori and Exermom - peaches are my favorite fruit. It was my first time attending this Peach Festival and found it a nice little get out of the house for a few hours kind of admusement. Now if they had a cherry festival, or a razzyberry festival, guess who you would find there.

    Whoever has the photo of that nice long tall cold glass of beer...bravo!! Wish I was with you! Would even bust my calorie count for it as it looks so good.

    Another quiet day here, I'm taking it easy on the knee for another day. I did get a nice walk early this morning so I'm off to the quilting room for a day of fabric assembly. m0126.gif

    Charleen in Colorado (Ssshhh...DD starts university classes again tomorrow! The house will be all mine during the day again!)