
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    reclining-couch-smiley-emoticon.gif See - sitting in a recliner is exercise too!

    Been reading for two days but not posting - more later! B)
  • blhill0116
    blhill0116 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to your group but not new to the lifestyle. I love reading all the stories and seeing all the states everyone is in. Thanks for having me. Brenda from Kentucky.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Pip as I scrolled down the long pic of the beer I kept saying A Long Cool One! Are you at the Brewfest I saw signs for all month?
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Rori would you please share your fish taco recipe?

    Gloria in WA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited August 2016
    Glo sorry about your dad's passing.

    Penny enjoyed your pictures.

    Beautiful day today. We had a nice walk around Lake Como. Many of the lakes in the Twin Cities have paths around them for walking and biking.

    :heart: Margaret
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Joyce ... Will be thinking of you and praying all goes well tomorrow... Remember whose hands your in,

    Penny ... <3

    Well I can say I'm definitely back on track. Did not eat enough today by MFP standards and was scolded ... Blame the sulfa drug.

    Younger son seems to be doing well at his freshman orientation week. He's been doing things by himself, but that's his nature. He's made new friends too... Just doesn't like too much togetherness. Tomorrow his classes begin.

    NYKaren ... My friend's daughter leaves on the 25th ... Not one thing packed yet! What is it with them?

    Busy week ahead. Older son is once again without personal care aides. He's come home for a few days until we get things sorted out.

    Beth near Buffalo, NY
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Gloria I've been thinking of you and wondering where you were. Good too see your smile.

    Janetr okc
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    GLo- so sorry about your Dad (((hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    Pip as I scrolled down the long pic of the beer I kept saying A Long Cool One! Are you at the Brewfest I saw signs for all month?

    No, just a new brewery here in tacoma
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    on my sons lousy laptop with a cracked screen......our computer died we think,... so not a lot of typing as of late. Hugs to every one of yas!!!
    so not liking a laptop...in
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Becca- I hope it is fixed soon! I miss your usual posts!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Beth is your son who is the freshman the same one with migraines? How is he managing them now that he's on his own?

    Janetr - thanks so much for thinking of me. I am still without permanent internet so sometimes I am on all the time and other times only if I go to McDonalds, the library or sit out in the Safeway parking lot for free wifi . . . this too shall pass! I so envy (I know that's a sin) you and DH traveling around - I hope someday to do the same. In the meantime please let me live vicariously through your pictures and narratives.

    Glo - my heart goes out to you on the passing of your father. What a blessing that you had so many wonderful years with him and that you and he were so close.

    Penney - our State offices also must put everything out for a bid process and then a list is produced of those who are approved. I loved your pictures and narrative of your hike. You have a wonderful way with words and it sounded very professional. My place to get away and reset is the beach. Having been a Southern California girl that's where I went when I needed to think. Here in WA I have yet to find a place that can take the place of my beach/ocean.

    Barbie - are you not having your Thursday Line Dancing classes because your teacher left? I hope this doesn't mean no more classes as you seem to enjoy them so much.

    Lenora - CL is Craigslist. If you're not familiar with it people post things for sale or free. I have furnished my entire living room for just the cost of gas to pick things up. Today I stumbled upon a beautiful Chaise Lounge that was just begging to be put in a corner in my livingroom. Other than a floor lamp and some end tables I'm finished with that room. Once in awhile I have purchased something for an extremely reasonable price when I need something and can't find for free. Last weekend I found a Foosball table for the boys. Sometimes I have to drive and hour or two but don't mind if it's worth the gas money.

    Pip - I thought you got a new Airstream but it sounds like you were just spiffing up the one you already had. Looks awesome!

    Mary - as usual you are the BOMB! I hope you and DH are on the relationship mends now.

    Sorry I can't respond to everyone at one time. It definitely does not mean that what you've posted meant nothing to me. I read all of your posts and know that sometimes I am sending responses through mental telepathy - I laugh with you, I cry with you, I commiserate with you, I empathize with you. You are all wonderful special women who brighten my day and help me work toward being a better and healthier person.

    Love you all!

    Gloria in WA where it was 27 degrees cooler than yesterday weatherman-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Charlene: Your day at the Peach Festival sounds like fun. :smiley:

    Penny: You live in a place of great beauty. Your photos make me feel calm and happy, so I can imagine how wonderful it is to actually be there. :heart:

    Joyce: You're in my prayers. I hope tomorrow goes very well at the cath lab and solves your problems. (((HUGS)))

    Rori: "I spend a lot of days working at camps, but no longer find it fun to pitch a tent and sleep on the ground. I don’t mind lounging on a hammock while stargazing, before retiring into a nice warm cabin." I agree that a nice warm cabin is a necessity when camping. :bigsmile:

    Gloria: Your recliner looks like quite a good workout. :laugh:

    Brenda: Welcome! Where are you from in Kentucky? I've only been there once but was really impressed with the state and the nice people I met. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: I hope you're able to get your computer woes resolved. I love my laptop & wouldn't want anything else. I've had it 7 years. DH loves his desktop. Everyone has different preferences in computer brands and types but I'm sure everyone prefers computers that are in good working order. :ohwell: Good luck. :star:

    I went to Sauvie Island today and bought peaches & cream sweet corn at our favorite farm store. Yum. Other than that, I've spent my time knitting a baby blanket for our future grandson and watching Olympics on TV. I had a bad skein of yarn that gave me fits last night, and threw it out today and switched to a new one that is much better. I also ordered a new crock for my sourdough starter. It is just like the one I have now but new, & made by the same company as my original. I've been using the original since 1970 and brown sticky stuff is seeping through the crock walls now. I've been trying to find another for months. Yay for the find! I hope it arrives soon.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Rosetigger, you're relatively new and I had no recollection of where you are, much less where Buntzen Lake might be. So Google to the rescue. I found the trail, studied the comments and a few photos. It looks like a great walk!

    Every time I visit my sister in Seattle we go out to a park or down to the shore or head for the mountains - or just out in her garden - and I find myself contemplating the possibility of moving to the Pacific Northwest. It feels like such a fertile place. And my oh my... all those trees as tall as skyscrapers! Where I live the tallest "tree" is a willow that can sometimes grow to a whole inch.

    I hear you about keeping up with the pace in this thread. Don't worry about it. If you have time to read and comment, then read and comment. Obviously we'll get to know you better if you post :wink: but it's perfectly okay to respond selectively or not at all. We're an easy bunch!

    /Penny, not all that far from the North Pole
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hi all hope you had a lovely weekend I read all the posts and love hearing about your so different lifestyles.

    As you know been helping DD with packing up to move, spent time yesterday sorting books in GD bedroom difficult as she has EDS and some mental issues so gets stressed easily. She could only take one and a half hours and then we had to stop. I love her to bits but it is difficult and I have such admiration for my DD who has to cope with her, she is a wonder.

    Back home now from DDs in my own clutterless ( well nearly) house with DH who has finished decorating the kitchen Only have to put stuff back in cupboards now.

    Have appointment today for my DEXA scan hospital is over half an hour away but DH hates driving now so will be a bit stressful I was going to bus it but it was 3 buses!

    Weighed in this morning and in spite of not logging while at DDs and eating biscuits etc I haven't put any weight on. Going to do some kettlebell and cardio now

    Have a great day and eat healthy
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Morning ladies~
    slept from 7-5 this morning,was out mowing the lawn yesterday and got a bit of sun.. I am working early 8-5 and 8-6 the next 2 days as I am working up in the office while Diane is on vacation.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good morning all! Happy Monday! Spent some time reading and catching up on all of the posts (4 1/2 pages!). I don't think I have time to comment on everybody's post.
    Welcome to all of the newbies- If you can sign your name, or what you want us to call you, at the bottom of your post for a while it would help me remember you. I see a lot of younger women. I will be turning 50 in November and have about 80 pounds to lose to get to my ultimate goal weight. This is a wonderful group of women with many great tips!
    Penny- You better be careful posting the gorgeous pictures and the wonderfully descriptive prose describing your area. You will be invaded by every woman on this site! Just stunning and what a work out on that walk!
    Kylia- Love the pics! Thank you for sharing!
    Karen VA- Thanks for the movie review! My SIL saw it also and she really enjoyed it! It is on my must see list! Plus, I think Hugh Grant is adorable.
    Well, time to fly! It is Island Adventure day! I have my Luau decorations hanging and leis and pirate gear for all of my kiddos. I walked our scavenger hunt route last night, and hid our treasure man and clues to follow. Our treasure is hidden under a tree in our backyard, but making the kids walk about four miles to find it because that is how we get them to nap! Packed the treasure chest with notebooks, pencils, erasers, granola bars, fruit snacks, and a small toy for each. I will post pics at the end of the week.
    KJ (Kelly)