

  • joprotherough
    joprotherough Posts: 39 Member
    New here - 52 (nearly anyway) and from the UK. I am a single mum of two young teens (I was a later starter with babies) and work full time in IT.

    I have put on LOADS of weight over the last 4 years and really need to do something about it. My target is to lose 4 stone over the next 12 months and get into a proper routine for exercise.

    Resolutions for September
    1. Find my fitbit charger. I was doing so well and averaging 12000 steps a day then the charger vanished. By now one of the kids must surely have realised its not a mobile phone charger. Then once I have found it I need to push myself up to 14000 a day on average over each week.
    2. Stop eating sugar when I am exhausted. In fact, better than that, get to bed at a reasonable time and sleep more. If I am tired I will drink water instead which also helps but is frankly less fun than Tangfastics.
    3. Restart using the meditation app - this was really helping but then we went camping and then there was all the ironing.....and then...and then. I need to stop making excuses and make time for myself. Because I'm worth it and all that.
    4. Not get all upset if the "team activities" on our company day turn out to be physical and geared to the young guys. I did mention that I hoped to come out of the day with my dignity intact but if I don't then so be it.

    Jo (aka Mrs Mumpalump - the kids call me that... but ha joke will be on them in 12 months when I will be Mrs Mumpasleek)

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thank you Miriam! I had to start over several times and knew I couldn't do that every time lol
    SuebDew in Tx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Welcome Jo you sound super motivated and very specific with your goals. Come back often and share, we are a very chatty and supportive group :)

    My MFP anniversary of 365 days is tomorrow. I will celebrate with a lovely walk I think!

    Looking forward to A new challenge---a financially frugal one---I am going to put a hold on restaurants and clothes shopping for as many consecutive days as I can, the tuition bills are scary and I must reign things in tightly (insert frugal emoji here)

  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Brend, palmbaby, and Jo, Welcome! Palm baby, you said you were originally from New Mexico. Where? I grew up in Gallup (but don't tell anyone ;)).

    Charleen, so sorry to hear about your friends.

    Sue, Welcome back!

    Marcelyn How I envy your being able to buy a couple of bushels of Hatch chilis to roast! It's easier for us to get them in Virginia, but they cost too much per pound...

    Glo, Loved the bouncing emoticon!! <3:D

    Barbie, The things other people deal with definitely put life in perspective, don't they? I once worked as a research assistant on a study of caregivers of people with dementia. Most were women caring for husbands. I'll never forget the very poor, blind woman who cared for her husband until his death. Her attitude was remarkable, and even though her husband had very advanced Alzheimers, she continued to see something of his essence.

    Penny, I must admit that dark winter days don't appeal. It's bad enough when we get them in VA! But the summer scenery is lovely. I love the tundra, but in the continental states you have to go pretty high to get above the tree line, and I get bad altitude sickness :'( . I guess I'll just have to go North sometime.

    Yesterday I did quite a few Kettlebell exercises plus pt. Today I did pilates and then swam. I have a nice muscle soreness in my entire upper body.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Hi all!
    Back from London. Had a wonderful time. :D
    Managed to not go over by too much. We did a lot of walking along the Thames, met our friends after lunch with DSD and talked our heads off for hours. :) Ate dinner (me salad) under an umbrella by the river. :DB)
    Male friend is coping with moving his 97 year old mother :( and his wife, who came, is struggling with severe memory issues. I tried to persuade her to get a cleaner as she was telling me she could no longer cope. All very sad. I hope she will contact social services.
    But it was a good and much needed day out and I loved being in beautiful London by the river.
    Tomorrow my friend is coming for a yoga session.

    Welcome Jo! I lost 4 stone over 18 months. I have been able to keep it off with the help of this group. <3 Stick with us.

    Heather UK xxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    What are the numbers for?
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hello ladies from Deaconess Heart Hospital. I had 3 blockages, 30, 40 and 90. They put a stent in the 90% one. So I stay overnight and Charlie is saying he understands why it was difficult for me to stay. I will be on bedraggled until late this evening but the tech thinks I am amazing at how often and how much I put in the bedpan.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    New week and my 6th in a row. So looking forward to the next couple days off. Weigh in this morning was not good, up 3+ pounds in the last 2 weeks. I have to get back on track. Someone with the boot please give me a swift kick. Thanks. I have my 6 months doctor appointment in the morning, while my lab work was great my weight gain is not. I have to pay better attention to what goes in my mouth and get up and move.

    Guess I am doing the New Year's baby basket again this year. I think about giving it up and then this morning the lady that makes the diaper bag brought one in for this year. So I will do it. I do think they need to do something. I remember years ago the business in town went all out giving the new mom and baby all kinds of things. I do get a good response but turns out to be a lot of work.

    Lisa--Sending hugs and prayers that things work out and know you can handle things as they come.

    Margaret--Our State fair starts this Thursday also. Sure brings a lot of people to town. We are planing to go next Thursday the 1st as have tickets to see Chris Tomlin. Going with a group from our motorcycle group. Last year we had lots of fun. Go out a couple hours early and just look around.

    DS and family got moved into their new house this weekend. DGD called me as they got a home phone line so when she wants to stay home while they go to the store she will have a phone. Anyway she calls me and says "Grandma this is not a regular phone, it's on the wall and you can't take it off" I thought she has never seen one like that before. Sure makes me feel old.

    Penny--Thanks for sharing the pictures and your walk. I do think it is so pretty.

    Karen--Thanks for the info on the movie, DH and I have talked about going to see it.

    Well made it to the middle of page 52, I will get caught up yet. So looking forward to having the next couple days off. Have a good evening ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    What are the numbers for?

    For the hell of it, just cuz, no reason
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Suebdew – one way to prevent your posts from disappearing is to open a word processing program and put the screens side-by-side; IF you happen to go back a page once you’ve started posting; you will lose the post ‘unless’ you ‘save/post’ it first; then you can go back to that post and ‘edit’ it (within an hour) by running your cursor in the upper right-hand corner of your post and click the drop down screen and then add, subtract, delete of anything else you want to do. I do the WPP because I can go through several pages of posts. When you hit the gray star to get to this particular site; it will also have a dropdown screen that will take you to the last post your made. One thing that I think many of us forget; is how large this site has become; and your post might not show up exactly where you think it should; because of others posting at the same time. Sometimes I will go back a ‘few’ posts to see if I have missed some. Welcome (or welcome back) to this site. We’re are all learning as much as we can in our ‘journey’ to lose, maintain, and some even to gain weight. This is a ‘life-style change’ and ‘not a diet’. We’re supportive, we listen and make suggestions, we can brag or dig into our DH (Dear or damn husbands), rant, rave, cry, offer prayers, ask for prayers. About the only thing we try not to discuss is ‘politics’ and ‘religion’; because we are worldwide. Just ask anyone or post specifically to someone. Come often and let us get to know you. We’d like for you to sign your post by whatever you wish to be called. A location (general or specific), family, hobbies, and generally anything that helps us get to know you. Come often, post often. Barbiecat will post a link on the last day of the month to take you to the next one. You need to ‘bookmark’ this site by clicking on the outline of a star and it will then turn yellow. Like I said, when you then open it up it will take you back to your last post. Hope that helps.

    Penny - They are really small; but, I guess that makes it hard for the big game animals roaming around looking for something to eat, to find them. Thanks for the pictures.

    Janetr OKC – YEAH! Lantana … that’s the one. We have one that comes back bigger each year; but, I don’t think that Cracker will bother them; they also have a ‘fuzzy’, ‘stick to you’ plant portion. I’m surprise that grazing animals would have much to do with them; but, I guess if you are hungry or graze all day … you’d eat anything.
    Cracker got into DH’s chewing tobacco and got sick to her tummy. He never thinks about, each time, he grabs it to put in his mouth, he is dropping all over the place. GGrrrrr!!!!! I’ll have to talk to him (again) about it. I wish he would just ‘stop’; but, I am sure it is as addictive as smoking; just a different place for it to attack. At least I no longer an subjected to 2nd hand smoke.
    Just got 6 paintings (of scenes in Atlanta) that came from DH’s uncle. I need to find out the ‘history’ behind this. Whether his wife, maybe, painted them … or how (maybe) he got them in the first place. They were filthy from 50 years of 2 chain-smokers; but, I cleaned up one, and it is simply gorgeous! All are watercolor.

    Jo – YYYeeeesssssss!!!!! My children call me “MommieDom” … don’t ask, I have no idea where they came up with that; but, they call their Daddy “FatBoy”. That is because he looks like he is a couple of months away from giving birth to a baby … a hernia, (which none of his MDs are concerned about) … looks like a foot or an elbow poking out. Stone, ... compare that to a pound.

    KarenE – My children kept saying they ‘thought’ DH had ‘early Alzheimer’s’ because he’d act like he did not hear them, and the repeat himself. Or he’d get something on his mind and nag about it. Or look at you with a 'deer in the headlights look'. Like ‘you MUST tell DOGD, that she needs to lose weight; on her 5’0” frame she is going to always look heavier’. I went with him a couple of years ago, when he had his yearly physical; and, the MD told me that for a 70-year-old man (at the time) ... what he was probably experiencing a little 'age-related' dementia; but, NOT Alzheimer's. He told me that if he was in the early stages of Alzheimer's he would be forgetting things that he has done daily all his life. For instance, forget 'how to get home', 'how to use a paint brush, not know what it is, more on that line'. Now I can tell them 'what the MD said'. He comes home 'exhausted' especially in this heat; and, just sits on his chair until he feels like getting up. Today, he came home 'dizzy' and I had to get him an icepack for his head. He'll be 75 in November; and, is still working circles around our DOS who works with him. He wants to 'slow down' but he thinks he needs to keep working (mainly because he doesn't want to do what his Grandfather did ... he retired; then in a year he died).

    Well, I did tell her she needed to watch out for that “Freshman 15”; but, it seems like between school and work, she doesn’t have time to eat healthy, although she wants to really badly. I told him I had told her; her step-mother [who, herself, is ‘heavy’] has said something. I sort of ‘hinted’ a 2nd time; but …! I have told her; warned her; hinting and I am not going to NAG her. She knows she is heavy and she is working out. She finally decided to keep up with calories and not worry about all the ‘macros’. She was trying to eat each % she had to figure out to stay within her CI. I still ‘think’ she is getting too many CI … for her frame, age, and wanting to lose. I suggested that she drop it by the next range down. Maybe I am wrong; but, 1500+ calories for a 20-year-old, short, barrel-chested young woman who might work out 3x a week, seemed very high to me. But, what do I know; I am on a very low MD- order/supervised weight loss program and it was hard to start off without feeling hungry.

    I stayed in the pool for 2 ½ hours and never stopped moving. So glad that DDnL#1 has started leaving the radio out on the porch so I can get to it and put it out of the pool and turned on loud enough that I can hear it. Today I walked around it 40x, walked across it 40x; and then did flutter kicks for however long it takes to listen to 10 songs along with all the ‘talking’ between them. Front and back. I use an inner tube to keep me above the water, since I have a ‘seizure disorder’. Although I have not had one since May. On a ‘driving restriction’ and I’m not going to just ‘sit inside’.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2016
    <3 Thanks for the hugs and kind words! I am none the worse for having gone to work - imagine that -

    Grumpypants in Virginiap0233.gif
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce- I'm glad everything turned out ok! Take it easy! (((hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2016
    DH got a little upset with me because I called 9-1-1 to ask about how he was acting when he got home; after he got stung by a Yellow Jacket. He's ok; but, the bottom number of his BP was a little high; but, other than his 'pride' being hurt; he cooperated with them. Wasn't having an anaphylactic reaction; but, he got stung about 11:00am; and, he said it hurt worse now, than when he got stung. He's had a bad reaction for 'wasp' stings before. At least I feel better. I've got to remember, after the EMTs came and asked about the paved road; that 'if' we ever have a 'real' serious emergency, we need to tell them that they need to come out to the Highway that goes to Plains and turn right at the first intersection and they won't have to drive the whole way down the dirt road; just one mile off the paved road to our house. I had told them that I did not want the sirens and lights ... we have a really nosey neighbor; and, don't want to have to 'explain' why there were here anyway.

    When they were called a couple of years ago, when I had a seizure and was knocked out; they used the GPS and it took them down the south end; they got stuck. Then they came down the north end, and got stuck. DDnL#1 called and cancelled the call telling them that DH and DOS had packed me in the car and taken me to the ER. Then a 3rd ambulance came; told her that 'they could not cancel a call' based on a telephone call. Liability concerns. So, then, we need to make sure that 'if' it is raining, or has been, they need to come down Scrap Israel Rd. <3:#

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Re, you are doing great!
    So many posts so little time...I think I am almost caught up, but sorry it has all become a blur. Hugs to those who need them and welcome new ladies!
    Just got a bike ride in before dark and almost made it to the moderate bicycling rate but need to pedal harder I guess!
    Penny, I love your pictures...it must be beautiful there this time of year.
    My life has been rather boring but I did visit a huge sunflower farm yesterday which was a sight to behold.
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    jmkmomm - I am so glad they could help you! When you get back on your feet you will have so much more energy! We might even have to call you the Energizer Bunny for now on. m0218.gif

    Charleen in Colorado (Love hearing the good girls won this one)
  • godschalk2
    godschalk2 Posts: 9 Member
    I am new to this App & love it! I am getting so much feedback that is very helpful & a new way to approach my journey back to optimal health. I've enjoyed reading the posts & believe it is never too late! At 61, I am going to be the best I can be
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!another beautiful day,actually got out today,haven`t much since drs appt.see a new ortho dr,hoping to get answers and another surgery behind me.
    hugs jane