

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gloria: Good luck with the job interview. :flowerforyou: The last time I heard from Sylvia I contacted her through the site by sending a message. She was busy with her artist's coop and having a grand time, but didn't have time to stop in here. :ohwell:

    Heather: Thanks for the idea about the sailboat. I'll keep it in mind. :smiley: I am so sorry your friend's daughter is married to a gambler. Do they have a gamblers anonymous group near your friend? Here is a link: www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk There is also a group for families: www.gam-anon.org

    Barbie: I hope the news is great from Jake's Dr. appointment. Enjoy the ferry rides. :bigsmile:

    Suebdew: Add me to the list of people who compose responses in a word document and copy and paste them into the thread. :wink:

    Miriam: Middle School is an adventure for the whole family. :wink: When I was teaching at the middle school level, we also had the first day reserved for 6th graders and new students to the school. It really helped the transition and to make things less stressful for the new students as they learned their way around. :heart:

    Peach: I'm not from the south and don't personally use the "fixin to" comment, but I loved to watch Paula Deen, and she used the phrase frequently. Her food would definitely be a challenge for anyone who wants to lose a pound or two and it was filled with ingredients I can't digest, but I enjoyed watching anyway because of her personality. :smiley:

    No plans in mind for today. That is so rare. I'll have to do a bit of brain storming and think something up. :devil:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • bossymom15
    bossymom15 Posts: 130 Member
    whew! Good reads in this thread. Finding losing weight after 5 to be such a challenge. Seems like I've been doing this all my life, on and off a diet. Tried some different things lately with not much for results.

    Goals for the rest of August:
    Track accurately daily
    Exercise for enjoyment
    Train for another 5k
    Organize for a Garage Sale.

  • jjfromkc813
    jjfromkc813 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies - I'm so glad to have found this forum and would like to introduce myself. I just turned 59 years old, and after planning the rest of my life of growing old as an old single woman (divorced), I found love and am getting married in 6 weeks! So life is just beginning instead.
    I've been sporadic with MFP and trying to lose weight. Over the years the weight has just kept creeping up. I lost about 15 pounds easily during the "I'm in love" phase but now settling into real life, going back to my old eating habits. I eat pretty healthy food, just too much of it! My worst downfall is that I love real cream in my coffee in the morning. I had a Fitbit but now have an Apple watch and am trying to figure out how it syncs.
    Reading all your posts is giving me inspiration. I would like to get my fat belly down before the wedding at least. I like how you set goals - something I will work on. Maybe too late for August but will do in September.

    Now off to go for a walk......
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited August 2016
    Welcome, Bossy and JJ. Glad you found us.

    I haven't been posting my stats lately, but I didn't want y'all to think I had given up. I'm still going at least 4 days a week (most 5) for an hour of strength training. Today we did legs using the step bench: all kinds of steps. Lunges, bridges, etc. my legs are jelly. I'm firmly entrenched in Onederland and will be out of the obese category if I can lose 2 more lbs.

    Janetr, no worries.

    Edited to add: okay, now I know what you guys are talking about. I put hearts after my comment to Janet and every bit of my post from there on down went poof! How annoying. I was waxing poetic about the instant pot.

    The short version: I don't have one. Those I know who do seem to love them. I'm tempted. Following the topic with interest, too.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited August 2016
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Charleen, so sorry to hear about the funerals you will attend. …That is if someone can get you out of the closet in time. Sending you strength to get through the next few days. ((((Hugs))))

    Gloria, waving-smiley-emoticon.gif just waving as you bounce by. You are too cute!!

    CarolGA, you do know those shoes will fit again after you lose weight. I was so happy I did keep a few pair of my favorites.

    Jo, welcome. It sounds like you know what needs to be done and this is the place to get support. And feel free to make all the excuses you want because we just ignore them and have a person that sweeps them to the junk pile. I love your new “nickname to be”. Come here often and join right in.

    NYKaren, Happy Anniversary. I can’t imagine what I would have done if I had not found MFP and specifically this group of supportive women. Good luck on your new Frugal Challenge. I’ve been on one lately also because DD out in Oregon is needing some financial assistance. It’s just always something. facing-problems-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Joyce, so happy to hear from you and happy they found the blockage and did the stent. I’m sure that will make a huge difference in how you feel. You have been doing so much for Charlie, I hate that it took this to get you to slow down. Please take care of yourself. ((((Hugs)))) resting-in-bed.gif

    VickiNE, *kitten*-kicking.gif only because you asked for it. Often times I find that people are ready and willing to help on projects like the Baby Basket, but just need to be asked. I have become really good at “delegating” in my old age. If it’s a big job, think about soliciting some help.

    Re, good for you on your exercises. I can’t imagine ever being able to palm the floor again. You are right that one day those muscles will peek out from under the layer of fat. Keep up the great work!!! mr-muscle-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Godschalk, welcome. You are right that it’s never too late. Please tell us a little more about yourself to help us get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Cheri, so glad your DH loves his new job!!!! That makes life so much more pleasant. Thanks for the update. It sounds like things are great. I love Planet Fitness too. It’s so nice to go someplace that is always clean and never a wait. Now if I could just get my fat butt in there more often. I’m happy things are going well for you and the kids. Do keep us informed.

    Kay, good point and a good reminder. Thanks. (later) I didn’t see any drama.

    Gloria, congrats on the interview. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. I know you would do a great job. good-luck-smiley-emoticon.gif On the Spinach Feta Pie, I didn’t care for that much dill either. I tried it without and used garlic but that didn’t quite do it, so now I just use about ¼ the amount of dill it calls for.

    Barbie, I hope you both enjoy the ferry ride. It sounds marvelous.

    KarenVA, I normally roast my cauliflower in the oven and love it that way. I think that is one reason I took so long to try the mashed. Yes, we did use the new grill and it worked great. *Didn’t even fall down* lol When we lived in Atlanta we had one planted in the ground that had natural gas. We really liked that but one of our dogs dug up the gas line and it sprung a leak. Never a dull moment.

    Pip, 43

    Miriam, glad we may hear from you a bit more now that the girls will be in school. We miss you.

    Tracey, thanks for the giggle on your rower battery not dying from over use. I know what you mean. It happens to lots of us. I do get motivated from reading about all the exercises some of these ladies do. You and I will just have to put forth a bit more effort. We can do this!

    CarolGA, ah, yeah, some of us use "fixin’" sometimes. Lol

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My DH does most of the ironing in this house. I do occasionally. I have friends that never iron but some clothes just need it. I have some linen slacks that require it for sure but don’t know why I bother. As soon as I sit down they look like they’ve never seen an iron. After lunch we are going out to run a few errands and just enjoy the nicer weather. My car is in the shop. I rolled down the windows the other day to let some of the heat out when I first started going somewhere and the passenger side window made a terrible noise. old-lady-driving-smiley-emoticon.gif Then it wouldn’t roll back up and I had to pull over and get out to help pull it up as I mashed the power button. Thank goodness it did go back up all the way. They are replacing the motor, which surprised me because I could hear the motor. I thought it had just gotten off track or something. Luckily I have an extended warranty without a deductible so it will only cost us the tax.
    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2016
    Carol and Heather Thanks for pressure cooker info, I will look at Nesco and the Instant Pot Duo. I wish I had more counter space, but if I use it all the time, I can figure it out. :)

    I used to have a Pomchi about 45 years ago, her name was Dusty and I loved her beyond all ridiculousness. She was my first child. :'(<3

    Hairy Bikers??? LOL!!! I just looked up Hairy Bikers on Wikipedia. :D

    @bossymom15 Welcome aboard!

    @jjfromkc813 OMG!! Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! And welcome! Oh my goodness, we are all going to be so freaking excited now for the next few weeks leading up to your wedding, don't you dare abandon us!!! My 2 cents' worth for the fat tummy wedding prep issue are:
    1. Don't stop drinking cream in your coffee, but measure it accurately and log it. Enjoy that cream, it sounds like it's important to you.
    2. Figure out stuff you don't love as much as cream and make the sacrifice there.
    3. Weigh & measure & log your food.
    4. Buy Spanx. k10090.gif

    Edited to add: Tracey It is pretty here in Virginia, don't know if you were referring to me or to KarenE, but October will be a very pretty time to visit!

    Karen in Virginia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    edited August 2016
    Karen in V - I use the Spanish style Chicken bake. (Google) We have it about once a fortnight. <3 I do other recipes from the Hairy Dieters Recipe Book, such as Paella and Moroccan Tagine, but less often. I have their first diet book on my Kindle and use my tablet to view it as you get coloured photos. I make half the recipe and use skinless and boneless chicken thighs, mini chorizo and a red, not green, sweet pepper. We adore it and it does not feel like diet food. It does take an hour plus warming the oven. Tonight we had it with sugar snap peas.The duo are great fun to watch on TV. :D

    Love Heather UK
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    KAREN IN VA- Yes, that was to you. We are looking forward to the trip and it isn't that far away (time or mileage).

    JJinKC... Yippee!!! To add to Karen... Drink lots of water. Flushing the system helps beat bloat. Stay true for the next 6 weeks. Even if you are not exactly where you wish you were, you can still achieve noticeable improvements visually and emotionally. You go girl, we got your back.

    Back on that ironing issue, I take a steamer with me when I travel and truthfully I find that easier and more efficient. And I actually do that not DH....Lol!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bossymom: "whew! Good reads in this thread. Finding losing weight after 5 to be such a challenge. Seems like I've been doing this all my life, on and off a diet. Tried some different things lately with not much for results."

    jjfromkc: "I've been sporadic with MFP and trying to lose weight. Over the years the weight has just kept creeping up. I lost about 15 pounds easily during the "I'm in love" phase but now settling into real life, going back to my old eating habits. I eat pretty healthy food, just too much of it! My worst downfall is that I love real cream in my coffee in the morning. I had a Fitbit but now have an Apple watch and am trying to figure out how it syncs."

    Welcome to a great group! You'll find encouragement, good advice, and friendship here. Some of us are in the process of losing weight and others are trying to maintain. I've have reached my goal weight and continue to log every bite and swallow, as well as keep in touch with the group. It is so easy to go back to the old bad habits that caused us to gain in the first place. I've done it in the past, myself. I reached my goal weight after about 18 months or so and I'm still here every day because I know I need the support to stay on track. I hope to get to know you as time goes along. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    This time I have started slowly by logging and doing my water aerobics. Now I will read the thread and get reacquainted with you lovely ladies.
    Lenora- thanks for the tip on using Windows. I used to do that!!
    Joyce - sorry to hear about your heart issues. Glad the medical team did a good job.
    Re in TX - where are you located in TX.? I live in Granbury.
    Cheri - I was wondering where you lived before you moved to BCS. My DH was in AF for 24 years so we moved a LOT!! I hope you like your new community.
    Michele - I've missed you a lot. I love to read what all you can pack in to one day.
    Katie - so glad you are still here but sorry your DH can't go sailing with you. Some times I think at my age (77) I should just say whatever my weight is that is what it will be. However, I realize how much easier my everyday life would be if I didn't have the extra 25 lbs on my body.
    Spent almost 4 hours working in my garden pulling weeds, trimming and fertilizing this morning. Too tired to eat lunch, can you imagine. Lol
    SueBDew in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Damnit- 21

    Welcome new peeps
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Joyce glad you are on the mend! :heart:
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    Cheri - I was wondering where you lived before you moved to BCS. My DH was in AF for 24 years so we moved a LOT!! I hope you like your new community.
    SueBDew in TX

    We were living in the Akron, Ohio area for the past 3 years. Prior to that Carmel, Indiana; Parkland, Florida; Portland, Connecticut; New York, New York; Gaithersburg, Maryland; and Charlottesville, Virginia where we met in Grad School at UVA. And that's only since meeting my husband. We moved around as a child numerous times. Non military I might add. Hopefully maybe one more move after this one as it took a lot out of us physically. We are enjoying getting to know the College Station/Bryan area and of course Texas A & M where the hubs is employed. It's hard to believe it's only been 2 and a half weeks that we have been here. We are feeling quite comfortable.

    Another warm day here. Went to the gym this morning and had a nice walk on the treadmill. Got in 30+ "active minutes" according to my Fitbit. Plus my daughter has called twice now for our daily "500 steps" chats. Did some laundry-Tuesday's Towels and Sheets! Finished setting up my crafting corner and am set to start a Pocket Letter to one of my pals that is due out this month on "Our Favorite Childhood Book". I am doing the series of books about The Littles. I loved those books growing up. Might be why I have an obsession with all things miniature! Have some crocheting to finish up this afternoon. Perhaps a nap. Still not sleeping well. You would think that at 12 years post menopausal I would be done with night sweats!!!! Grrrrr....

    enjoying a sunny afternoon in CSB, Texas
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    jjfromkc: I have 1/2 and 1/2 every morning in my coffee, couldn't do without it. With that said, I found something else I could boot off the daily menu to make the calorie count work for me. Try it, it will be easier than you think. It's not about depriving yourself, it's about making smart choices.

    As Karen in VA said:
    Don't stop drinking cream in your coffee, but measure it accurately and log it. Enjoy that cream, it sounds like it's important to you.
    Figure out stuff you don't love as much as cream and make the sacrifice there.
    Weigh & measure & log your food.

    But!! I have to stop at the spandx recommendation. OK, maybe in an emergency it could be done. t3602.gif

    Charleen in Colorado (Enjoying all the comments)
  • bossymom15
    bossymom15 Posts: 130 Member
    Holy Moly that was supposed to be losing weight after 50!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DJ, I think it should be said that is had to take this to make Charlie to realize that he needs to take care of HIMSELF a little more.
  • dwanachapman
    dwanachapman Posts: 18 Member
    edited August 2016
    I have switched my creamer for almond milk. I can add a cup, which is too much of course, but I usually have a couple cups of joe, but 1 cup is 30 calories, and 1 carb. It's unsweetened, I do miss my Hershey chocolate creamer but it was not worth the calories, or carbs. I know the almond milk with chocolate flavored coffee over ice is an awesome treat. Happy happy.
    ps anyone that would like to add me, please do. I need all the support I can get. :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hello ladies!! Still doing the library thing, but we go to our cutest little library in the world....so it is fun. Talked (typed) to my two Navy sons yesterday. Even more fun. Strange thing, is that I was on Facebook, and my husband was onFacebook as well, on the same account. Strange that we would be able to do that. So both of us were typing with middle son...
    Eating well these days, down to eating the bare bones of my kitchen! I am making meals to keep us fed, and my dinners have been awesome! One night was chicken fried rice, and last night was steak cut thin with spices, homemade mashed potatoes, green beans and some bacon bits. All comfort food in my book....but we didn't pig out so I made just enough.
    This morning we took our teenager to his school so he could drop his Honors Spanish class. He took Spanish Freshman and Sophomore year, but not his junior year, so he already has two college courses, so he is not wanting to struggle with trying to "keep Up" with that class. Then husband went to the aquatics center, and teen and I played tennis. Played long and jogged around the court, like some old spring chicken! I then started "teaching" him, because he was walking around his backhand shots to do them forehand. It seemed like he was doing more exercise then needed, so I was trying to teach him. Of course he then stated that he wasn't having as much fun. I am yelling at him...."Aw, listen to yer Momma and do what I tell ya!!".....(in jest and with humor).....he is laughing and on his knees....(ok the seriousness has ended thank goodness!). I told him to just hit it over....that is all I ask from him. He definitely got a workout from THIS Mom... And my knees are talking to me in full sentences again... I am thinking once a week on this playing tennis business. He starts school next month so I will either have to find another partner, or just play tennis on the weekends with him. Husband is a no go with tennis... Soon the rains will come to the coast...
    Glad you all miss me....It's nice to be missed! Makes me feel specialll Tomorrow is TOPS meeting so I hope I have lost what I have gained!