

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,567 Member
    Morning gals:

    Good to see everyone, I bombed last night...I was up really late with T-mobile...and the gummy worms attacked me. LOL I woke up with (gross) in my mouth at 1:30, still feel a little off kilter. I did get my walk in, my arms and hit my 10K steps. only got 3 hours of sleep, so that's not great. LOL but normally only get 4, so not too bad.

    Karla: I am so proud of you that you came to the boards...see this tells me that you really do want to make health a priority. So keep it up. yes I know that DH thing..we all do if we have one. LOL I think slightedge and you are headed in the right direction with the questions. I need to start asking my self some of those.

    Slightedge: great job on your exercise even though you got a -...some is better than none.

    Bree: glad to have you aboard. Yes we are all about positive encouragement, no condemnation here!! We all have something that we are striving for and sometimes we hit the mark and sometimes we don't.

    Okay gals gotta run get my walk in and prayers done. I can't start my day out without my bible and prayers. Sometimes that means the walk doesn't happen, but priorities. :)

  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Hello ladies!!!
    Just a quick hello to let you know that I'm still around. Not doing very good with the eating, tracking, water, exercise. I'm having a hard time jumping on the wagon again! Ughhhh!!
    I'll stop by tomorrow!! Have a good night ladies!!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    cbabie Are there sugar free gummies? good for you getting in your walk

    peru how can we help you? don't try to have a perfect day. Can you have a healthy meal today? can you go outside and walk to the end of the street? Can you track one meal? it can be overwhelming thinking we have to do it all and if we don't then we have failed. But one step in the right direction will eventually get us there.

    goals met

    stayed OP under carbs and calories
    exercised walk 30 min trampoline 20 min
    + number at end of the night for exercise

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,567 Member
    Good Friday Morning.

    I was 300 calories over and 37 carbs over...I suck at this carb thing. LOL I did get my walk in and was short 300 steps to get my 10K..:(

    Slightedge: I try not to eat sugar free, tears my tummy up. So I just won't buy them. LOL Great job on meeting your goals.

    Peru: so nice to see you my friend. Please don't stay away. If I couldn't come here and be honest about my day, I would not want to be apart of this. I like it here because I know I am not the only one.

    Okay rest of you journey how you day is going.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,567 Member
    wow I am here by my lonesome. Okay I blew it again last night, but I tracked every bite...and I almost have all the yucky food out of the house. Now I may be wearing on my backside and my stomach. But it's almost gone, not to be brought back in...

    Okay errands to run, walk and weights to get done, laundry. You know all that FUN stuff.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    I'm here. I was with you in not making good choices yesterday. Well not true entirely. Breakfast was good. Dh brought lunch home :( But it was my choice to eat it. Dinner was so-so But a late night snack of 4 oreos wasn't smart. Didn't even exercise.. But today is much better. I just finished lifting weights.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    oh I did do trampoline for 6 min yesterday :)
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    bree, welcome to the board! Some of us "newbies" are really "oldies"...been around a long time, lol. I like your thinking...positive vibes only...yes!
    slightedge, oooh...I like the way you broke down the answers to the question...I need to sit down and do that. "Do you like being broke?" is a very good place to start! I'm thinking this would make for a good journal entry!
    Peru, glad to see you here. When I'm struggling, if the only thing I do is get here on the board, I feel like I've had a success. And I miss everyone when I'm gone anyway.
    cbabie, THM (Trim Healthy Mama) has a recipe for healthy gummies.

    I spent 2 hours each of the last 2 nights walking around catching Pokemon. We went to "the Pike" in Long Beach (CA) Thursday, and around the Rose Bowl in Pasadena last night. Mostly walking, some standing around (not sitting) and a little jogging the few times that a really cool Pokemon was spotted and everyone went running for it. I told my husband I just want to be able to chase Pokemon without getting winded. Lol. Everyone has to have a goal, right? Since Wednesday I've been making good choices, NO soda has been the hardest part. I'm feeling better actually, and it's getting a bit easier to stick to my guns. Sugar is a huge trigger for me. It's an appetite stimulant (if you didn't already know that). For me it just makes me want more sugar. One thing I've already seen is that I don't want to eat as much. I'm getting full/satisfied faster. Today's really awesome NSV for me: on the way home from a game store tonight I thought about stopping for fro-yo, like we often do. I thought carefully, and realized that it would make me want to munch on more stuff once I got home, so I chose not to stop. Came home and ate 2 plums and a few grapes. Quite satisfied. And happy with myself!

    Needing to plan and prep food for the convention next weekend. I'm really at a loss as to what I want to bring. I better figure it out by day, lol.
    Until tomorrow,
    Karla :-)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    cbabie what is your carb goal each day Is it possible that you don't suck at it but you have set it too low? baby steps You could always take your average for last two two weeks and then set a goal just beneath that so you are slowly stepping down until you reach what level you want. Are you doing it for weight loss purposes or diabetic purposes? Celebrate the fact you walked 9700 steps. What if you had written "I did get my walk in and had 9700 steps yaaay" vs "I did get my walk in and was short 300 steps to get my 10K..:( " Same action just perceived differently. It also invokes a different feeling and emotion which translates to joy or stress which causes a physiological reaction in your body which could affect your health.

    karla woohoo on no sugar and your NSV All those things add up. Just keep walking.. Did you find any answers yet in your journal writing?

    stayed OP under calories and over carbs by 7
    exercised strength training 45 min warm up walk 5 min
    + number at end of the night for exercise
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Hey all,
    It's been a tough week, a lot of it was my own doing: bad choices while dining out, not getting my steps in and then "Aunt Flo" showed up with 6 pounds to add to the mix

    BUT it's a new week, a new day and renewed dedication to mfp!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    jackie this too shall pass as they say. Just know that entire 6 lbs isn't fat. Some of it will go quickly as it came. Just start with your next meal and get in some walking or whatever.

    hi to the rest of you

    stayed OP under calories and under carbs
    exercised strength training 53 min warm up elliptical 5 min
    + number at end of the night for exercise
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    edited August 2016
    Another successful day, foodwise. I wasn't happy with only having 1100 steps, so when hubby came home from work at 9 pm I made him take me on a Pokewalk. lol. I ended up gaining another 5000. Not bad for a Sunday, since it's often my "day off" from walking. I tracked on MFP today. It was interesting to see how I was doing with the nutrients. Not too bad - I'm happy with my choices. For fun, if I have time, I might go back and put in everything I tracked this week on WW (since Wed). I did good on points, just want to see how it compares. Only got half my water in, but no one's perfect! I will work on that. Still needing to plan meals for next weekend's convention. Just can't wrap my head around it at all.
    I am super tired now, it's 12:30 am...and I have that "munchy" feeling...but I know it's just being tired and not hungry. So off to bed I go.

    Jackie, what slightedge said is so true. With good choices you can reverse that gain in a day or so. If I eat popcorn at the movies I will be up 5 lbs the next's the salt. Needless to say, I never eat popcorn the day before weigh in! You said something about a new week, new day and renewed dedication. Since that lady talked to me at my WW mtg on Wednesday, every morning I get up and ask myself "Do you want to be in pain tomorrow morning?" and I answer no. And I ask myself "Do you want to be able to go on a hike or chase after a Pokemon without your lungs feeling like they will implode?" and I answer yes. And then I make good food choices. Sometimes I have to remind myself during the day. I would put up sticky notes in my house but we have a temporary room mate for another week or two and I just don't feel like putting something that personal up for non-family to see. Maybe I'll do that when she moves out. I do think sticky notes will help too.

    Until tomorrow,
    Karla :-)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,567 Member
    Monday Morning..

    Well I went way off the wagon last night...almost on purpose. I was BORED, Frustrated, couldn't sit still...and ATE everything and I mean everything. So yes it's a new week and new day. I went to bed at one point as I knew why I was eating, but then got up and said I don't care, why care, why do I want to, yes bad day. I just ate to eat. It was almost like a rebellious child.

    I got up late on Sunday we went to 2 services and I have to be at both and so now my Sundays start at 7am and I get home around 1and I didn't get a chance to eat before I went, no walk, no nothing. So that's where my day started wrong. But again today I claim my health and MIND back.

    I love coming here and knowing that I can share the real me and even my bad food habits and I am not condemned, but yet encouraged, not enabled, but encouraged.

    slightedge, yes my carbs might be too low, you know me always try to be perfect and high goals.LOL Yes I need to speak positive into my life. Thank you.

    Jackie: We are here together and we will both get the increase to do a U turn. :wink:

    Karla: Yea for you!! you are doing great and I like your questions. I have to start saying yes to mine instead of I don't care..LOL So I will lean on you for now if that's okay with you.

    Okay to all my other newbies..Hope to see you on this Monday!!


    stay OP
    exercise 40 min

  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi eveyone sorry ive been missing in action x back on board today had sts at weigh in at least not a gain if all goes well at scan then im hoping to get back to work in 8 weeks time. Hoping to have good day today hope your all well kate :*
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Hello ladies!!!
    So glad to see you on here!!
    So, today I start again. I've tracked my food so far. I'm trying not to eat sweets, so I had watermelon intend. I've gaine 4lbs and I need to get back on track. Thank you all for your support.

    @cbabie I know how you feel. I've been in that "I don't care mode for a while now" Today I decided to step on the scale. I haven't stepped on the scale in weeks. I gained, but it motivated me to get back on track!!!! We are here to encourage you. We all have bad days, but we have to be careful not to allow those days to take over and interfere with our goals. I've done that and today it's time to stop it and get it together. Thanks for always looking for me!!!
    @theslightedgeforever I'm baaaackk lol. Thank you for all the encouragement and advise!!! I have been reading your posts, but I haven't been posting much myself.
    @bugmom92 Great to see you Karla. Glad to see you're tracking and getting your steps in. It encourages me to get back to the Y and start working out. Maybe tonight I'll go for a walk around my complex!!!
    @dankas001 Glad to see you back!!! Are you looking forward to going back to work? I haven't worked in over 5 years. I decided to stay home with my kids. I don't miss working at all lol lol, but I know I'll be back to work in a few years!!!

    Waving hello to the rest of the ladies!! Hope to see more of you here today

    Goal for today
    Track all my food
    Drink 8-10 glasses of water.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    karla sounds like you are working your plan.. Do it again tomorrow

    cbabie The thing I want most for you is to say today was a good day. Going to bed with a feeling of contentment. My friend was telling me about her dd and how she was trying to follow a low carb plan 20-40 g but was miserable and irritable. I told her about another friend of mine who she knows that has lost 12 lbs this month. She's following a reduced carb plan getting in around 130-150 g So like Carla and her questions, is your perfection and high goals getting you where you want to go? Lower the bar to something challenging but attainable. Then at the end of the day you can say, I had a good day.

    danka hoping you get good results at your scan yaaay on no gain

    peru woohoo on your tracking. That's the first step. Just keep repeating each meal. Every time we eat is a new chance to do it right.

    I had a end of summer party today. I've been trying to get my friends to have less food, more movement. We only had one dessert and not three or four I made eggplant pizzas, low carb chicken breasts and fruit salad. Some nice little sugar free cookies. About the size of a quarter. One lady brought hummus filled deviled eggs and another a pasta salad. I found a recipe for good girl moonshine. It uses peach tea. Kind of like a healthy wine cooler. Low calorie because of the stevia. I added low sodium club soda for a bit of no calorie fizz. I could drink these instead of my diet cokes.

    stayed OP under calories and under carbs
    exercised water jogging 31 min treadmill 30 min
    + number at end of the night for exercise
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,219 Member
    oh it has apple cider vinegar in it which is supposed to be healthy for me according to dh. Now I have found something I like that I can start drinking it.
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    edited August 2016
    slightedge, the recipe is in the Trim Healthy Mama cookbook. Which is awesome...we like many of the recipes. I just don't eat the way they say, I'm too confused about how many hours between S meals and E meals and what is too much fat in an E meal and too much carbs in a S meal. Lol. If you followed that, you are doing better than I am.

    Still doing good. Had little temptations on the way, but I don't want to hurt in the morning, and I want to be able to jog across a park without dying. I went ahead and put in all my food back to Wednesday, weigh in day. Interesting to see those numbers. I'm not sure I like the way it gives you your exercise calories. To me, the walking should be part of my daily movement, not anything extraordinary. So if anyone knows how to change the settings so it doesn't give you those calories that would be cool...let me know! (Edit - I figured it out, you need to be a premium member...guess I'll just keep my exercise log separate like I always have anyway.)

    Super tired, and not getting enough sleep this week...bad before a big con weekend. Off to's to another good day in the morning! I'm thinking of going to meeting tomorrow instead of Wednesday, if I can wake up early enough!

    Karla :-)
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning !
    Hope you all have a great Tuesday !