100 Day Exercise Challenge



  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    8/29 (day 13) - 4.1 mile walk with the dogs at a 15:27 pace
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Day 60- 70 minutes Leslie Sansone.

    Bonus points for helping a ten year old with math homework while running in place. (heh, working mom and all.)
  • Barbaragloria
    Barbaragloria Posts: 10 Member
    I need some motivation so count me in starting August 30th
  • donella82
    donella82 Posts: 38 Member
    Bummer... I'm starting over! We went on a weekend camping trip and got totally lazy with purposeful exercise. Still walked a couple miles each day cumulatively, but that's nothing outside of normal activity so...

    Day 1 (8/29) - Leslie Sansone 30 minute walk
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    8/30 (day 14) - 3.33 mile walk with the dogs at a 15:06 pace; 20 minutes yoga.
  • KymbaKhan
    KymbaKhan Posts: 10 Member
    Day 1 8/29 1/2 mile walk with Raven and then an hour at dog training class (back and forth, wrestle, hustle, step lively!)
    Day 2 8/30 1 mile walk with Raven, threw in 5 laps of the yard jogging
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Day 61- 42 minutes Leslie Sansone 5K, 10 minutes Fitness blender standing abs and 8 minutes stretching.
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Day 22
    CCB - ran about a mile
    MOM - 20 minutes of kettlebell training

    Day 23
    CCB - 40 minutes of flexibility and strength training.
    MOM - jogged two miles. (Had to walk a few times to catch my breath but got back to jogging as soon as I could)
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    8/31 (day 15) - 4.06 mile walk with the dogs at a 14:55 pace.
  • donella82
    donella82 Posts: 38 Member
    Day 2 (8/30) - Leslie Sansone Walking to the Hits All Time Favorites

    Day 3 (8/31) - Leslie Sansone Walking to the Hits Radio Remixes
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Day 62, a 59 minute "Slim in Six"

  • tqsmith75
    tqsmith75 Posts: 56 Member
    Day 18- 8/30- 3 mile walk. 60 mins P90X3

    Day 19- 1.5 mile walk..30.min spinning..30.mins P90X3

    19 of 100
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    9/1 (day 16) - 3.63 mile walk with the dogs at a 15:30 pace; 1 hour yoga class.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Day 63- Les Mills Combat from beachbody, 53 minutes total. WHEW!
  • donella82
    donella82 Posts: 38 Member
    Day 4 (9/1) - Leslie Sansone 5 mega miles
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Day 1 (9/1) -- 70-min bike ride (14.84 miles)
  • KymbaKhan
    KymbaKhan Posts: 10 Member
    Day 1: 9/1
    Up the strange 120 steps and down. 10 jogging laps of the backyard with doggo. Up the strange 120 steps and down, again!
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Day 24
    CCB - warm ups and ran the mile
    MOM - cardio and strength training 20 hour.
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    9/2 (day 17) - 4.36 mile walk with the dogs at a 15:14 pace

  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Day 64- 73 minutes Leslie Sansone.