

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Holly in Nashville, I grew up in Nashville. My dad was the minister at St. George's Episcopal church. We live in the rectory that was beside it, 102 Belle Meade Blvd. Quite the experience- ministers don't make much money but everyone around us was very well off. We moved when I was 8.
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Thank you for all the suggestions for a good read. Some I have read - the others I will look out for.

    Kim, love your idea of reading and reviewing as a challenge - I'm up for it next month.
    Katia - thank you for a good laugh! Enjoyed that.

    This morning my 12 year old springer spaniel Toby had a tumour removed from his bottom lip. His chin looks a mess with a criss-crossing of stitches. He has to wear a cone to protect his wound. He had scrambled eggs for tea (the others were very jealous!), soft food for at least 3 days. He is very sleepy and keeps falling asleep. We have to wait for the results of the biopsy to see what had created the tumour...

    This evening we have had the most dramatic thunderstorm - lots of flooded streets - but it's so warm the puddles are evaporating very quickly. Amazing weather for September.

    I have only been back on mfp for a week - but I am feeling great - so much more mobile and flexible! Thank you for your encouragement - just reading your posts has made me want to turn this into a habit and not a flash in the pan!!!

    Maryann in UK
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    KJ Love the pics of the kids. Agree with you about the "Girl .." books

    Kim Looked at "Mr Penumbra's 24 hour bokstore" I thought it looked like something I'd enjoy so have downloaded to my Kindle

    Heather Also been practising the balance exercises shown on TV

    Katia Love the FB thing

    Maryann We also had thinderstorm earlier but just warm and humid now

    Kate UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    welcome new ladies
    hugs jane
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Virtuous Vixens!

    I have just a few moments to stop in and say hello. I have something like four on-line classes that I have to take today - so that will take me right until the end of my day.

    Nothing exciting going on - so, all is well.

    The scale is responding to my dogged exercise routine - finally... finally starting to feel like I might make it to Onderland before I turn 60! If I can make my Christmas Challenge goal - I will be at 220... and I have to say, I am pretty happy with what I am seeing in the mirror, lately. Wearing the appropriate support garments, I look more like a female and less like a beached whale - so that is all to the good. My 3x pants are all getting somewhat loose - and I will be forced to make another sojourn to Walmart - or perhaps the Goodwill - to find pants that fit.

    I have been blessed with a body that SHOULD be curvy rather than lumpy - so, if I have the patience to keep on keepin on - I will eventually look pretty decent. Patience is hard, sometimes... I am having a Veruca Salt Moment... But Daddy... I want it NOW. I will get over it.

    Ah, my pleasure-reading sisters... LOVE the cozies... I, too, have read those series of mysteries with the ladies in some small town solving murders. They are completely unrealistic - I mean, geez - by the time the series is done, there would be no one left alive in some of those places... but, I still love them. And yes, the thinly-veiled soft-porn romances, too. I am very much afraid I have never read for my betterment... I just read to take myself away.

    Welcome to all the New Folks. You will find an interesting blend of perspectives here - from women struggling, to women maintaining and everything in between. There is a lot of love and a lot of support - neither of which any of us can ever have too much of.

    I will try to get back into the swing of things... but it may take a few more days.

    In the mean time - Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    SSC1958 wrote: »

    Barbie: Nancy Drew for grownups...? I loved Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys! What is the name of the series with the small town heroine? I'd love to look it up.

    :) I've read many series with heroines in small towns---J.A. Jance's books about JoAnna Brady, JoAnn Fluke's books about Hannah the cookie maker, Diane Mott Davidson's books about Goldie the Caterer, Maggie Sefton's books about knitters, there are lots of others you can find on "Cozy Mysteries"

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Janetr~Once I got a rash at the resort, and I think it was from all the spraying for bugs, or the stuff they put on the lawns to keep them green. Either that or the chemicals in the hot tub, or maybe the sun. It was a week of raised heated rash, but I did have some aloe spray for burns and that helped. I empathize with youuu!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Janetr - the view from the RV is great! hows the rash situation?

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Connie & KJLaMore: I have been using Bragg Organic Ufiltered Apple Cider Vinegar to make salad dressing because of a recommendation from Mary from MN. This vinegar has the 'Mother' in it. I had been taking a medication for acid reflux for years that has been linked to causing Alzheimers and I needed to stop that medicine. The vinegar with the 'mother' helps to relieve my acid reflux situation. I won't say it is perfect, but it is doing well enough to keep me happy and using it. The label recommends drinking the vinegar diluted with water, and honey added if desired on a daily basis. The recipe is 1-2 tsp of vinegar in 8 oz of purified water. (The recipe is on the label.) I've used it as a morning drink but it isn't my favorite so, I make salad dressing using the unfiltered vinegar & honey plus other ingredients instead, and have been getting along much better than I expected. I hope this is helpful. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr: Thank you for sharing the beautiful photo of Missouri. :smiley:

    I have a city committee meeting this evening & just finished reviewing my packet. I'll be making myself a salad for dinner. DH prefers something else. he doesn't handle raw salad greens very well. Poor man.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Heather posted a quote similar to this that I wanted to use, but I couldn't recall it quite right. I went online and found this one.

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did an hour on the treadmill where I ran for 1 minute then did squats for 30 seconds. We have a Newcomer general meeting tomorrow so that plan is to do The Firm's Cardio Overdrive DVD. This is the one I got for free from Total Fitness.

    After exercising went to Office Max (or was it Office Depot -- I don't know) then Hamricks.
    They had some sneakers on sale, but the ones that I liked in the ad I couldn't find in the store. Got one other pair which I'll wear tomorrow and see how they do. Since I'll only wear them in the house, if they don't work out I'll just return them.

    Warning: rant below
    I am sending a DVD to this one gal in exchange for one of hers. It's a 5 DVD set. Vince saw it. Well, I bought a padded envelope and when I got it home, Vince says "that bubble wrap isn't strong enough, I would have put it in a box. Well, I put add'l bubble wrap around it, Vince asked me "did you tape it". Like that would really make that much of a difference? I did tape the very bottom so I just said "yes".
    Oh, I got his father's yearbooks, contacted his college and they'd like them, now Vince tells me he wants me to include a letter telling them what it is. Can't they see by opening the package? I realize this is hard for Vince since it's his father's so I'm not saying anything, just saying it here. Then the label I made wasn't right, the font should be a different size, etc etc. Like it won't get there if the font is the wrong size? Then I had a picture of a reunion that I was going to enclose, Vince said "what if I want to keep it for my father". It's not like we know any of the other people in the picture. There's something on the back that identifies who is in the picture so I said "well, I just thought the college might find that interesting, how people have changed". I know this is hard for Vince, but really....his father has been dead over 10 years. Something like this should have been done years ago.
    Done...I just don't want to say anything to Vince. So I'm saying it to you.

    Penny Jean - welcome. What did you mean by logging daily and weekly?

    Lisa - that was very nice of Corey's old boss. Seems he's starting to realize exactly what he's missing.

    Here's an article about the Newcomers: http://www.hickoryrecord.com/news/local-organization-works-to-help-newcomers-acclimate-to-community/article_d25552a8-021d-5026-94

    Vince has shooting with the Newcomers tonight so I got my dinner ready.

    To all those who need encouragement: As they say "just DO IT"

    Cheri - yea for your son (and you)

    Heather - **clapping for you**. Which spiralizer did you get. I did the same thing...went to Amazon and was bowled over at the price since I don't know how much I'd use it. It's probably worth it if you use it a lot, but since I've never used one, I don't know how much I'd use it. I'm thinking that I'll go to Bed Bath and Beyond and see what they have. I can use my 20% off coupon there.

    Made more chocolate bran muffins today. I've found that lately I have 1/2 of one in the morning and that helps me drink my water. Plus, it's something in my stomach for exercising.

    caNwa - I don't know about apple cider vinegar for weight loss. It probably reduces you desire to eat, tho. I know when I have plain vinegar in my salad, it helps reduce my desire to eat more. As for health benefits, I'm skeptical, but it certainly can't hurt. It's not like it's some item made in a lab. I'd give it a try, but wouldn't put any money on it.

    KJ - those kids are just precious. thanks for sharing.

    Went in my pool for a bit. How I've missed this. Lenora - do you get these worms in your pool? We get them, I think they come out in the evening. They usually are in the shallow end of the pool. I just take them out and throw them over the fence. I THINK that they're dead.

    Holly - welcome. Great loss! What an inspiration you are

    Karen in VA - I'd heard about putting the smiley face in the shoes, also,

    Maryann - hope Toby gets better fast and that you find out the cause of the tumor.

    Re - to find pants, if I were you, I'd go to Goodwill. Pretty soon you'll be needing a smaller size, so why waste a lot of money?

    AHHHH - Vince deleted DWTS last night. And I really wanted to see it. I understand there was some sort of disturbance.

    Michele in NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hi all: Lovely day today. I was told we are currently is our second, short growing season and I believe that is true. Weeds especially are growing like crazy so I spent some time spraying and putting down weed and feed. I would like to find something that would kill the weeds but not the grass in the pastures. Right now it seems as if they are mostly buttercups and suddenly blackberries that we dug out last year are coming back like crazy. I love all of the reading suggestions. I too read mostly for entertainment.

    Pip - Lovely testament to Kirby.

    KJ - Love the picture of the littles. Have to love their independence too.

    Sending healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    We are powerful! Having a support system is awesome! This week as been quite easy all considering.
    ~logged my food and exercise daily
    ~ate pretty simply no elaborate meals that make me tired thinking about fixing them.
    ~Went to sleep at 9-9:30 pm nightly
    ~Up before 8 am in the mornings, (except on Saturday when I got up at 9 am
    ~exercised Thur 40 min/602 calories/swam laps
    Friday 40 min/598 calories/swam laps
    off Sat/Sun
    Mon 60 min/433 calories/swim class
    Tuesday 35 min/527 calories/swam laps

    I should probably start walking on the weekends, so I am not sore after my Monday class. I am proud of myself though!

    My DIL contacted me on FB and they are coming up Oct 23rd and stay until Nov 2nd! I told her I can't wait!! I shall be getting out the fake pre-lit Christmas tree and decorate it with apples (my husband has ALWAYS wanted those fake apples put on but there was never room), and maybe some fake fishing worms for the Halloween effect. Apples and worms go together right? I would like to put gummy worms but the ants would have a field day with that. (Knock on wood) we haven't had any for quite some time. My elderly neighbor can't see really well and I think all the ants are over at her place I'm afraid. I have gone thru my Christmas decorations and separated them all out to each of the boys. (That was because we were supposed to be RV'ers after teen goes in the Navy). It is just as well, if they can make it home they can either bring them to decorate the tree we have, or put it on their own trees. I wish my mother had done that. I would've liked to have gotten some of our decorations we had as children. I have 3 really old bulbs from my MIL and so I gave each of the boys one. I also have some tatted lace "snowflakes" that my paternal grandmother did, so I gave them to my DIL. This year is the year of giving.

    So with them coming to visit, I want to look my best, so I have their arrival dates on the refrigerator. Motivation comes in all ways!

    Sadly my eldest son called and said he probably wouldn't be able to get off his ship for those dates. I told him that Christmas will be whenever he can make it down. With the Navy, holidays can be on whatever date they choose. That is how life works. I told him not to worry, but one thing my husband and I did discuss one day was that it would be cool to live up where he is at Widbey Island, in Washington state. That his duplex was huge and maybe just maybe, we could just help with rent and live in one of the rooms he has. He is living in a 3 bedroom, with a garage, for $1050 a month. Not too shabby! We pay $850 for a 2 bedroom and its really small. Our kitchen/dining room/and living room could fit in his living room alone! I said that we could keep our stuff, he would have someone bringing in $500 for rent, we could use the military commissary and NEX up there, and he would probably get a great meal cooked by MOM now and then. But the idea of moving in with her son is strange, and definitely not the norm. He said we could do that, but he would have to check with his room mate. I am thinking, "oh the room mate that doesn't have a job and doesn't pay into the bills, except to buy food now and then??" I told him, "oh he would not be living with you, if we did". I told him it was only a whim we had, but knowing he was gung-ho about it, is a positive thing. It's nice to have options, for sure. Only downside is that its about 5 hrs from OHSU. So traveling there every 4 months would be hellish.

    Tomorrow is TOPS meeting (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and I hope to have a loss. If not, than their scale is all crazy! I am currently about 5 lbs down, (by my scale).

    Be good and know you all all cared about by this gal!

    Pip~ post the youtube vid of the ride. I would love to watch it!!! Great job in completion, you guys are amazin!!!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Barbie – I have read some of those cozy mysteries and loved them.. There was a baker/caterer in Colorado that I loved, can’t remember the name.

    Reading: I read everything except the soft porn – my mom reads and passes over the historical romances, I read non-fiction, fiction, teen… lots of folks in my world share books around.. But I did not hear about the forth “girl…” book I saw the movie of the first one the Swedish version, it was a good discussion as a friend and I brought our 18 year boys (her son, my god son) and sat in front of a book club that came together, we all ended up at a coffee shop to continue our discussion… I will look up the 4th one. Thanks for the lead KJ

    So there is a series The Elm Creek Quilts by Jennifer Chiaverini that I would recommend to all, even though it is set at a Quilt store and quilting camp it is really about a group of women – strangers brought together because they had quilting in common and building a wonderful supportive friendship. (sounds like us!)

    So the last book I read (finished a couple of days ago) was The River of Doubt by Candice Millard. It is non-fiction and is about the trip Theodore Roosevelt took down The River of Doubt in the Amazon. It is detail filled (maybe a bit much at times) but I really liked it. I knew little about Teddy Roosevelt, and even less about the Amazon, it was really educational yet a good story, and not written like a text book or an interview, but a bit over detailed historical fiction. I would give it an 8 on a 1-10 scale.

    September Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lizard saving, gardening in my own yard, Lunch with Kyle
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California