

    SONKISSED1 Posts: 48 Member
    Happy Monday! Thank you all for the well wishes concerning my allergy issue. It was a pretty bad one and I'm just happy I didn't end up in ER. When I was a kid I would go to school and someone would give me a cookie (didn't have enough sense to ask if there were any nuts in it) and the school would have to give my mom a call to tell her I was on my way to the hospital. Boy, did she get tired of that! I'm okay, slept most of yesterday.

    I did weigh-in on Saturday and I am down 2 lbs. - WooHoo! I thought I might have lost an ounce or 2, so I was pleasantly surprised and am motivated for this week to make the right choices.

    @purviancekm - So glad to see you. I'm thinking about letting my on-line membership go too. So far, I've been tracking with MFP only and am wasting the money. I still haven't completely made up my mind yet.

    @theslightedgeforever - I am happy your MIL is doing better and pray for a full recovery. As I am not going to meetings, I am up for the challenge 5% challenge!

    @bugmom92 - Reconnecting with friends from way back is exciting. It sounds like you had a blast!

    @shellyld2016 - Hi Shelly! Congratulations on your loss!

    SONKISSED1 Posts: 48 Member
    @cbabie - Funny how I am not allergic all nuts. I can do peanuts (which I found are not nuts at all), I can do cashews, almonds and pistachios. Those are the only ones. Nuts are so healthy and I feel like I'm missing out. :)
    SONKISSED1 Posts: 48 Member
    Sorry ladies... one more thing... What type of steps tracker do you use? My phone tracks, but I most of the time I don't wear pockets so, I am not using it. Thanks.
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    I too am using my phone, but thinking about setting a goal and getting a Fitbit as a reward.
  • tori0340
    tori0340 Posts: 4 Member

    hi . i am new here . i was on ww but its just to much money anymore. i and remember going years ago and it was only 5 bucks a week. i am still going to do the points since it has worked for me in the pass. wish me luck since i have so much to lose
  • tori0340
    tori0340 Posts: 4 Member
    cbabie wrote: »
    Morning gals:

    I had some emotional changes in my life yesterday and I am happy to report that I did not turn to FOOD. I did get my 30 min walk in, I did do my push ups...but that was the extent. I also met me 10K step goal..YEA. I tracked and was only 23 calories over and had a little too much protein and sugars. But I am a work in progress!!

    @peruviansweetie : love the goals, you can do this. I knew you before you had your baby!! You got this.
    @theslightedgeforever : great job on the treadmill!!! your smoothie sounds yummy!
    @jackie_van_d : good job on the water, I forgot to track how much I drank, but I think I did close to goal.
    @bugmom92: how is your thumb?
    @fattypants3232: hope your doing well today.
    @dankas001: great job on your goals, keep up the good work.
    @erika_slims: welcome!
    @jamiewilldo: welcome!

    So glad to have all the newbies:

    today, 30 min walk, 22 push ups, 64 oz water, keep a positive attitude!


    hi there i am new here. i use to be on ww but its just to much money so i am going to do it on my own but i have so much to lose like 140. wish me luck. my weigh in day will be mondays so i will let u know what i did for my first week. hope everyone has a great week.
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Anyone here feel free to add me as a friend.
    Not sure how to tag people in discussions either. Pointers would be great!
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 75 Member
    Good Monday morning!
    Had a great weekend in the Moskokas with my hubby
    We walked for about 2 hrs at a turtles pace (he has a bad hip injury) and we hiked about 20 a short cut back to where we started.
    Food was excellent (I didn't have to cook or clean up so that made it even better) but hard to track (especially without wifi)
    And the kicker to the whole weekend..,,,

    I DIDNT Gain an ounce!!!!
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    @health_guard thanks so much!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    @SONKISSED1 I use a fitbit for tracking, I have had one since they came out with them. I love mine, I have the charger, but I used to have the one. I originally bought it so I could track my sleep as I usually only get 4 hours a night..and I was trying to increase that.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    It's Tuesday!! Yea I have made it another day staying OP/under calories, I almost gave in to a banana an PB2 before going to bed, but I waited for the urge to leave and later went to be with no other food. So I am hopefully creating habits that will last.

    I still didn't make my 10K yesterday, 200 steps from it, but I was too tired last night to try to get them in. NO weights, so I have to do that today. I did walk on the treadmill, but for only 20 min, I ran out of time. Thanks to getting up late..LOL I finished a baby afghan I have been working on. I miss crocheting, it calms and relaxes me. Also I don't eat when my hands are busy.

    @peruvianbeauty Morning! I had sent Karen a happy birthday message..I was hoping I would have the opportunity to tell her we were here..LOL
    @SONKISSED1 Glad you can eat some nuts. I just love them. After I got married, my mom tells the story of her breaking down and crying in the store the following week because she realized she wouldn't have to buy a jar of Peanut Butter every week..LOL
    @bugmom92 : Morning!
    @theslightedgeforever Morning!
    @shellyld2016 I sent you a message about friends..I am not that great on this site..LOL I did manage to set this up, but I don't seem to have the time to research all this site has to offer. :)
    @health_guard : Yea on the weight loss!! It's turning cooler here and I love it. I can wear some clothes that I are a little looser..LOL I just finished my "pot" of coffee.
    @jjansen39 : Morning! Great job on not gaining.
    @tori0340 : Morning! Hope your Tuesday is good!

    5% goals? I will have to stop and think what mine are. :wink:

    SONKISSED1 Posts: 48 Member
    Good morning and Happy Tuesday! I'm on my way on to work. I'll check in again a little later! Make this a great day!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Hello ladies
    Just a quick check in!!! Loving the fact that we're having so many new people coming to the board. Still struggling with my eating. Have some dental work I need to get done and that has me a bit worried, but I'm praying that all turns out ok. Still have to catch up on previous posts. Hoping to do that soon!!!
    Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    @health_guard - it sounds like you're doing well on the way to 5%! Since it's almost 5 weeks from when we started last week to Halloween, I figured out we need 1% a week. Wow...that sounds super do-able! My home scale is a big fat liar, and it cannot be trusted, so I"m looking forward to weigh in tomorrow! On Plant Nanny I have grown a devil Ivy named George, a dandelion named Kitty, and I'm growing a cactus named Spike now. He's adorable, but kind of creepy since one of his branches just grew and sprouted a set of eyes, lol! A thought on the smoothie...instead of the Strawberry Chobani (which has added sugar none of us need!) try plain nonfat Greek yogurt. With your berries and banana in it, it should taste sweet enough. That's what I use for smoothies and when I just want yogurt and fruit. No added sugar, and don't miss it.
    @dankas001 - how has your menu planning for the week been going? Is it easy to stick to? I need to get better at that.
    @shellyld2016 - congrats on the loss! Are you doing smart points or something else? Just curious.
    @SONKISSED1 - I'm glad your nut allergy attack got under control easily. I have 2 girls in my class that have life-threatening peanut and tree-nut allergies. When I was a kid I'd sneak a graham cracker or cookie at school and wonder why I was sick. I knew I was "allergic" but didn't understand the repercussions...and when I grew up it turned out that the "allergy" was in reality celiac disease. I drove my mom bananas. For step tracker, I use a FitBit Charge.
    @tori0340 - meetings are pricey, true. Right now, I'm sticking with it because it's been helping me, but if I don't hurry up and get to goal/lifetime I might have to drop it anyway. I was tracking points and on here, but I found that if I stay in my points, I also stay in my nutrition goals here, and vice versa. I like here because I can see how I'm doing with the individual nutrients. It's been very helpful.
    @jjansen39 - good for you and your hubby getting out to walk. Mine gets out more now that there is Pokemon Go. Otherwise he complains too much about his leg hurting or some other thing, lol.
    @cbabie - hi! Glad to see you here every day for us!!!! (and for you!!!!) I'm still on target for the 21 day challenge...tracking, staying pretty much within my points, checking in here, and drinking my water. My weekend with my jr high/high school friends was super fun, and just gave me more motivation to lose this weight...those photos!!! ugh!!! lol.
    @peruviansweetie - Good to see you here! My dentist and I have this long term ongoing relationship, haha. He's had to fix a lot of what other dentists did wrong, and just my mouth wearing out. I have a really great dentist though, so it is not as stressful as it could be. I hope you don't have to get too much work done. It's important to stay on top of it though...lots of health problems can stem from teeth issues...better to deal with the teeth than worse stuff down the road.

    Well, I didn't make the healthiest choices today, but at least I didn't go wild, lol. Tomorrow is my WW meeting, which I'm looking forward to. Not sure how much I've lost this week, but it's got to be something! I'll report in tomorrow. Until then,
    Karla :-)
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    I am just counting calories, and watching my fiber and protein. Making sure I get enough. I am also getting in all my servings of fruits and veggies, and drinking lots of water. Trying to get in my healthy oils too. I have been eating much like I did on the flex plan, just counting calories instead of points.
    I lost around 55 pounds before doing that without hunger and with my treats. I felt so much better, and am looking forward to seeing it happen again!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    peru You sound like me. It seems I'm busy all day and then at night I feel I didn't accomplish anything.

    cbabie I know who your twin is. She's in one of my other groups lol Are you in touch with Believe?

    healthguard I need to put my own 5% notes up. I came back on here tonight and saw it and went Oh Yeah. So that tells you how my week has started off Yaaay on the weight loss.

    sonkissed. Glad no trips to the ER. My friend's son has a terrible peanut allergy. My son used to eat nothing but PB sandwiches. When they were little I hated him coming over to play as I was always scared my son would share his sandwich even though I told him not to Great weight loss I have a fitbit

    shelly A new fitbit sounds like a great goal. Goals don't motivate me and I don't know why. I'm still looking for that great source of motivation. Heck even right now I would take a small source. I guess to tag people you would use the @ sign and then the username. I don't tag because it takes so long to go back and look at every userID. But if I click on the bell on my community tab, I can see the notifications of who replied after me. I just click on the first one and go back to my last post and start reading. It saves me time that way.

    tori Welcome to our group. I have about 70 to lose. Let's just concentrate on that first lb.

    jackie Your walk/hike sounds wonderful. I love doing that.

    So who is in for the 5% challenge? Let's get some numbers up here. I have gained 7 lbs since my last weigh in Sept 10 :o I have all these negative thoughts going through my head about doing this challenge.
    Halloween is 4 1/2 weeks away. Too little time to do 5% That's like 2.5+ lbs per week. You know you can't lose that much in one week. Every week. Then comes the of course you won't lose it because you are having negative thoughts. And on and on it goes. But I will work towards it. I was going to say I'll give it the ole college try but then heard Yoda in my head, There is no try only DO. sigh. Normally my thinking runs like this, if I shoot for a goal and I don't reach it then I've failed. I was the girl that cried when she got B's in school, while all my friends thought that would be great. So now I'm trying to change my thinking. If I shoot for it and only lose 3%, that's better than where I am right now. But I will go for the whole enchilada. I need to lose 10.2.

    So there is me, karla, healthguard, sonkissed, anyone else?

    tracked part of the day.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    It's Wednesday!! Yea I have made it another day staying OP/under calories, I gave in to a banana an PB2 before going to bed. Today I have to go out to lunch with a vendor and other sales people from our hopefully will be making good choices.

    I got 12K yesterday, NO weights again...I seem to be slacking. Actually the time gets away from me. I was thinking on my way home yesterday...I need to get better at my time management and stop saying yes to everything that I am asked to do. I just have this personality that says...I WANT TO HELP... I was 30 min late leaving work because one person needed help with a credit card (personal) purchase..the other sales person couldn't figure out why her scan wasn't going through..oh well today is another day at taking a stab at it.

    I am in for the 5% goal.

    @peruvianbeauty Glad to see you, hope the dental work is nothing...go for the laughing gas.LOL
    @SONKISSED1 Morning! Hope your day at work was good.
    @bugmom92 : Morning! How was your meeting? Learn any thing good you can share with us? I love your thoughts on your plants, makes me laugh.
    @theslightedgeforever Morning! Wow are you wired today. Yes I am friends with Believe on FB, I will reach out again to her. I was the one that was happy with the B. If I got a C it was good. LOL I had the brains, but I just wanted to get through school, get married and have kids..I should have taken the honor classes..LOL
    @shellyld2016: I lost 57 lbs with eating lots of things, but the one thing I can so remember is that sugar was my enemy once I lost the weight. I got into that zone that says oh 1 cookie wont hurt me I have lost my weight..LOL that was a lie from the sugar enemy. It does hurt me as I can't just say just 1 all the time. I can in the beginning, but then I say oh look one didn't hurt me lets try 2? So here I am tracking and tracking.. :)
    @health_guard : I love your picture the treadmill. I might have to steal that. :)
    @jjansen39 : Morning!
    @tori0340 : Morning!

    Lets get this day going gals...head towards the 5%..You know 5% more sleep would even be nice for me. LOL

  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    @cbabie I can relate to the sugar monster. I have to track every bite. There are certain things I simply don't eat anymore at all. ( trigger foods) most things I can have great self control over, then there are cinnamon rolls and doughnuts. Those are my no foods.
    I love to bake so there are several things I make a lighter version of for me. They are a bit different, but fix my cravings. In order to keep my husband and kids out I only need to label them diet or weight watchers cookies.
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    Hi. I'm a Weight Watcher. I attend the meetings every Monday, but I hate the Points Plus and Smart Points. So, I changed over to tracking with MFP years ago, still using the 8 healthy habits and other tips I get during meetings. I weigh in monthly because I'm now lifetime. I need the accountability of the group, and to be honest, I have made friends with the people in my group. We have been attending meetings together forever. I would enjoy communicating with another group about weight goals.