Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Good morning, (TGIF)

    Glad I weighed myself yesterday morning, as it was quite lower than at dr apt. If I can get that morning number on Monday, I will let you know.

    Lady at work is retiring and I have a large bag of snap peas that came in my fruit/veg box last night, so I rinsed off half and will take for their "pot luck" for her. I also got a bag of dried figs, so I will share those too.

    Anne - sorry your attempt at good food was not useable, I see spinach pasta that is ready to boil, it may just be the brand. At least you tried - give yourself points for that, and then you went treadmilling. Extra points for you tonight under Lana's Palm Tree, I have seen the memo - extra long foot massages for people who make their exercise goal today.....

    Dog is feeling better and let me sleep a little more last night. She is not sleeping on bed with me yet, not cold enough.

    Salad for today is too old (I cant add) and so I will find something at work. Just is. My friend from work loaded my MP3 player so I can listen to music at work again.

    Wishing all a wonderful Friday, wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    I felt "strong" enough to face the scale this morning and was happy with the results. :smile: The last time I weighed myself was August 23rd. Today, I weighed 3.6 lbs less!!! Certainly not fast progress, but progress nonetheless. I will keep on keepin' on...what I'm doing seems to be working. That puts me 10 lbs from that elusive goal of mine.

    Planning for a good day today. I feel like Old Mother Hubbard, our cupboards are so bare. DH will get a few groceries today so we can at least make supper since DS will be home visiting. Tomorrow may not be so good as we are going to the Renaissance Festival. Will indulge, but will also get steps. Will not let it derail me completely.

    Sara, glad your appt went well!!!

    Ammey - where are you going on vacation??

    Waves to all who follow. Will lurk from work!

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Annie, I love the painting! And congrats on the loss, that's great!

    My family visit is over, and I think I've successfully maintained, down to the tenth of a pound. Rad. That's about the best I could hope for. Thought I was feeling better, and then woke up a few hours later feeling like death. If anyone caught the license plate of the truck that hit me, let me know. At work though because of the whole 'lack of sick time' issue. The first year at a new job is never easy for that reason. no time to accumulate!

    On the plus side, I hit 15.5k steps yesterday, showing s/o's family around Austin after work, and then walking the dog. I'm going to try to move as little as possible today, see if I can survive my shift, and then crash as soon as I get home.

    Have a great Friday, everyone.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member


    Hello Ladies, sorry this is so long.
    Congratulations to the Losers!!!!

    Sara - If I read correctly (in a rush) your doctors appointment went well and the search and rescue procedure went successfully. Yes?

    Busy week here. Endless appointments peppered with two knitting sessions at MSK, which are my psychotherapy right now for me.
    Chemo starts this Thursday October 6th, so I must do all errands and heavy chores ahead of time. Oncologist says I will indeed lose all of my gorgeous blond (Preference, because I'm worth it) hair. Boohoo.

    I had an appointment yesterday with a wigmaker for a custom wig. My stupid head is 25.5 inches - way too big. Most women are 24 or 23 or less. Another disadvantage of my too-big, too-tall body and ancestors.....
    Now I have to shop around for a "junk" wig to (alter and) wear in the pool and not worry about. Ugh.

    Everyone have a good weekend. Sara - I hope that good scale number holds over the weekend for you. Maybe some walking with or without Miss Tillie?

    Annie - enjoy the DS visit.

    Ammey - I am coming with you to the trampoline park. It sounds like a hoot, like something our Liz would do. (The founder of our group)

    Dawn - I too am in a motivation slump. We must stay connected to the Serial Starters Life-raft!

    Welcome to ejtj :smiley:

    Waves to Sam and Chamie and EgMontana and Jen!!!!~~

    Happy Hour, poolside.......Be there. Cabana Boys have foot massages and pillow fluffing to do!
    Zero point cocktails and snacks too!

  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    edited September 2016
    Thanks for the encouragement on the 18 pounds, ladies! It's a good start, but still so far behind where I hoped I'd be. I guess that's what I get for setting my expectations too high :) I'll just be happy about the progress so far.

    Dawn- The first 5 are really difficult, because it can mean changing your lifestyle and eating habits so much in order to get used to actually losing weight instead of gaining (like I had been for so long, in my case).

    Annie- Too bad about the noodles, but congrats on the treadmill workout! In regards to the Ren Fest- you must live in MN, like me? I think I saw you post something about the Vikings before too. I've always wanted to go to the Renaissance Festival, but funds are not going to allow for it this year. Maybe next year! I'm saving my money for my trip next month, which is to Charlotte, NC. My best friend moved there in January for work, and I haven't seen her since then, so we're going to have a girls' week!

    Sam- So proud of your weight maintenance! I have a lot of trouble maintaining with family around like that. But being so active definitely helps. I hope you start feeling better soon. Get a lot of rest this weekend and take care of yourself!

    Lana- Sorry to hear about your appointments and hair. What color wig are you getting?! Are you going to stick with blonde? I have naturally blonde hair too, but I think I'd choose brown if I could. Good luck with the appointments! I can't wait to join you at the pool with the Cabana Boys afterwards.

    Happy Friday to all!
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Not much activity on the board today; it definitely must be Friday. I'm headed out to an Oktoberfest event with unlimited beer and food sampling. Why do I do these things to myself? Tomorrow I will start being good again. Hopefully. If I have enough willpower.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    Good evening,

    Ammey - Why punish yourself? If you did your Oktoberfest every day, I can understand. Try and get extra walking in and just enjoy your day.

    Lana - my aunt also tall and large found a baseball hat that had hair attached and a turban with bangs.... just a thought. Consider new hair colors...

    Dinner on stove and would rather not set off smoke detector (not more than usual). Will fly by later.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Good morning!

    Rain possible tomorrow and Monday, so while I hate that I have to take dog out in rain (Vet/Sunday) - we really need it.

    Annie that is a great weigh in!

    Lana - yes, search and rescue was a success. Fell asleep last night before I could take advantage of all the opportunities at the bar. Dentist is next in a couple of weeks. Busy little summer for me medically.

    Planning on cooking 2 cookie sheets full of Fall vegetables (carrots, onions, sweet potatoes and butternut squash) to make as a side dish for mustard glazed chicken and then calzones later in week. Cooking Light magazine where I got the pot roast recipe.

    Air show this weekend so naps may not be possible mid day. Makes dog go nuts.

    Oatmeal is ready ( I make 2 days worth at a time - I would make crock pot, but I have no microwave by choice).

    Wave to all who follow. Hope everyone has a good Saturday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member

    Sara - the roasted vegetables sound really great. Wow, I'm coming over to your house later!

    I have to vacate my tiny apartment today, just for the day. DH is packing for his epic trip to Brazil next Tuesday, and if I stay home it will be trouble for both of us.

    So even though the weather is crummy, I think I'm going to go over to the health club and sit around the pool. It's a solarium-style place that has real palm trees. I'm allowed to go into the water now--it's been 6 weeks since surgery, so I get the green light to get in and move around a bit.

    I hope everyone that lurks or pops in today has a great Saturday!!

  • 20SkinnyMinny16
    20SkinnyMinny16 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning All-
    I stumbled across this thread searching for new fitness pal inspiration. I am a former WW Lifetime trying to get back to my goal weight. Your thread is very inspiring!

    This is the end of my first week. Down 2.8# so feel good. First couple of weeks though are always the easiest so i will need support to reach my goal. I'd like to keep following your success stories and motivational tips. Thanks for starting this awesome thread!

    Cheers and Happy October to All!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    20SkinnyMinny - first weeks can be very rewarding - holding onto the "umph" is what we help each other do - stop by and post when you can.

    May have to walk a little extra today - saw dog's last weigh in :s and she may have to go with me. Maybe its too much liverwurst so I may have to ease up a little.

    In for day, started another stripped stocking and have enough crocheted flowers for off white one, will make a couple more leaves to fill in spaces - maybe..... so I am not lacking for artsy fartsy work today.

    Called friend from work, saw what I thought was her job posted and she has not been at work - mental melt down and she will be out of work for about a month - I was going to call and ask for her physical address to send the last card I sent to Lana (NO, NO - not Mario)...... she is out of town at a dog show - not my thing but somebody has to like it.....

    Lana - lounge under those palm trees knowing the cboys will be on the lookout for you. DH in Brazil?? Lucky him. Sometimes Lana - you do get what you ask for and you better be careful what you ask for. Have more cards to send one will be one its way Monday......

    First really cold morning and very welcome here. Had hot apple cider and a scone and watched my calories fly out the door - so okay 2nd reason to walk more.....

    asscot on chair is 0 calories burned, bbl.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member

    Welcome to Skinny Minny!

    Sara - apple cider! It is SO rainy-dreary here. That sounds good! Keeping with my zero-cal black decaf espresso though.

    Poor Tillie. Yes, liverwurst is high in calories. I hope she is feeling a bit better.

    To help me forget that mental image of Mario, I am hoping this photo of Alejandro will help.....


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Thank you for the Cboy reminder - What a nice way to end an evening!!

    Time for Miss Tillie and I to crawl into the hammock under your Palm Tree and call it a night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Dog is up medicated and finishing eating. Smaller portions of liverwurst to take medicine, I got a little carried away....

    Groceries and then home.

    Went through closet and found items I have not worn in awhile. I have such a small closet that if I dont have a free hanger, I cannot justify buying something new. So there are at least 5 free hangers.

    Time to find the blankets again and get more sleep.

    Wave to all who follow. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,960 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning Sara~~hope you got some more sleep.
    Waves to everyone who stops by later today.

    Well today is weigh in day, and I am up. No surprise, there has been too much liberal eating this week.

    You know how people say "I lost weight, but then I gained it all back"?
    Well that is NOT going to happen to me, thanks to being on the beach here with you all.

    One of the few things I miss about the WW boards was the numbers area under the Palm Tree. I would have to look at that every day, so I am going to be posting numbers again from time to time.


    245.6 - Highest Weight ever
    225.2 - TODAY
    208.6 - lowest weight achieved with WW & Serial Starters Jan. 1, 2016
    175.0 - goal weight
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    Lana - I also miss the weight option in posts... I dont miss paying for that option though. How can we help get you to work towards that incredible number you had in January?? Maybe after Chemo??

    Have all the goodies to make my chicken with roasted veg and calzones - should be anywhere from 5-6 meals total. Found a nice small butternut squash so I dont have as much trouble cutting it up. Will get done cooking before dog goes to Vet, so an early dinner here.

    Took 5 cookbooks to work they are just taking up space and I kept the 2 that have a chance I may use them. Just trying to clean up/ clear out when I can. I usually drop things off at my desk on Saturdays that I cant carry additionally on Monday - do not have weekend access to building so I had to sign in. I was there a total 5 minutes. We have an overtime project and a couple of people were there , but I am too tired from this past week.

    Dog to Vet this afternoon for follow up, will ask if medicated shampoo on toes will help with her licking....

    Airplanes are already flying overhead our chance of rain is down to 40% so airshow will go well.

    Book/tea and maybe some knitting are on the to do list today.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    edited October 2016
    Dinner was excellent, will make calzones tomorrow -2 of them as they will get soggy.

    Lana - blue envelope in mail (color of paper) tomorrow.

    Had rain/thunderstorm at 2 which was needed and I was not out driving (first rain of year).

    Got other meds for dog, but not one she another visit to vet this week..... They were done for the day and I was the last person. Can make do for now. Her check up was excellent and teeth and mouth are looking wonderful which is great news to hear.

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Good morning!!

    Weigh in was up .8 which was fine (yesterday afternoon's was depressing, so this is better).

    Dog up and fed. She will get her paws rinsed and sprayed after long walks to stop her from licking them. Not sure yet if daily, we shall see.

    Oatmeal is cooking and I am up early so a little foggy upstairs.

    Wishing all a wonderful Monday - strong coffee on tap at Lana's Palm Tree Bar for breakfast with low cal but yummy muffins and a lot of beefcake!!
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Monday morning!

    I woke up an hour and a half early today, and I feel great. Maybe I should start waking up this early every morning... I could actually look nice for work on a daily basis.

    Sara- Glad to hear that the dog is feeling better and her check up went well! Vet trips are never fun for us or the pets. I am trying to decide if I should take one of my cats to the vet- she's gained quite a bit of weight in a short time, and I'm not sure why. Maybe she needs to be using MyFitnessPal.

    Lana- I love the idea about the weight post- maybe it would help me be more accountable too. I had a rough weekend for eating/drinking and am up a few pounds today. I'm pretty short, so even a few pounds make a big difference. Here are my numbers:

    Starting weight: 165
    Today: 150
    Lowest since starting in May: 143
    Goal (my pre-baby weight): 125

    On the plus side, we made good progress in our bathroom mini-remodel. I keep telling myself that even if I ate a lot of pizza, at least the bathroom's looking nice! We ripped off old wallpaper and painted so far... Next steps will be to redo the countertop, install tile, and replace a few minor things like towel racks and drawer pulls. S/O might pick up the tile tonight! :)
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Sorry I didn't post over the weekend. Was so busy! And also dealing with some pain issues in my left leg, which left me tired and crabby. Not sure what I did! It is the leg with my "bad knee" and "bad ankle" but still, I don't remember doing anything specific that would have tweaked it. Lots of Advil and hot baths have helped.

    Had a great time at the Renaissance Festival! It was fun to get away and spend time with my family. The weather was absolutely perfect! Ate way too much! (So much for my good WI on Friday.) The eating-fest continued into yesterday. We got out to the pumpkin patch yesterday, which wasn't as fun. Everyone was kind of crabby and there weren't many pumpkins to choose from. I think it was harder because we went with my MIL, SIL, and nephew and it just got chaotic. The pumpkin patch was near DS's university, so MIL and SIL got the opportunity to see his dorm when we dropped him off. I think that was good for MIL...she had no clue what a dorm was like since her kids didn't live in the dorms during college.

    Back on track today. Good plan in place for the week. And hopefully leg will settle down so I can get some walking in. TOM hit on Friday, as well, My cravings and hunger usually settle down for awhile during this part of my cycle. :)

    Lana and Sara - good for you for weighing in. And I agree, I miss having my stats posted with my signature. It was a good reminder of my status, progress, etc. Here is mine (as best I remember or can find in MFP weigh in data)

    177.8 - Highest Weight ever
    150.0 - Friday morning, 9/30/16
    148.8 - lowest weight so far this calendar year, 4/8/16
    145.0 - lowest weight achieved with WW - July 2014
    140.0 - goal weight

    Will check back later!