October (2016) Running Challenge



  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @juliet3455 That was an amazing picture of the Canadian Lynx!! Absolutely beautiful! I saw a bobcat once in a city park of all places, but it's along a river.

    @lporter229 It is hard to balance running/fitness with family time. My husband used to get pretty upset about it, but he finally joined me. LOL! He doesn't run to the extent I do, but he now lifts weights at the gym, and he'll do 3-5 mile runs, but he's going to try going up to 6 miles tomorrow! We have an 8 year old, so sometimes, they will come along with me on a long run and they will ride bikes together, hang out at the playground, go hiking, etc... while I run. Based on the length of run, I have an idea how long it will take me, and we'll meet up around a certain time. Like others, I also run before work a lot, so we have time together after work. I've been fortunate that he's now very supportive. However, it wasn't always that way. We're now planning to do a 5 mile turkey trot on Thanksgiving with my extended family. So, now that it's cooled off, my husband and son will be joining me on my easy run days so we can work with our son on getting up to 5 miles of running. He's run 5Ks without a problem and has placed in his age group a few times. He also plays soccer year round so it should be OK. There's a 2 mile option, but our son insists that he really wants to do the 5 mile run. ;)

    @katharmonic Your new dog is so cute! Have fun getting to know him and figuring out what name will fit him. :smiley:
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    10/1 - 2.08 Easy
    10/4 - 4.0 Easy Track AM
    10/4 - 2.04 XC Indian Run PM
    10/5 - 7.18 Easy W/ 2 @ MP
    10/6 - 5.13 Easy
    10/7 - 5.25 Easy

    Total 25.68 of 140 Miles

    Another nice easy run, 9:48 pace with HR never leaving Z2 (133 Average - 143 Max). It was actually a tad cold this morning 45 degrees with a 12-15 mph North wind. Had to wear a long sleeve tech running shirt. Fall has hit us pretty quick, went from high 60's mornings to mid 40's in a week. Sundays forecast for the marathon is 50 degree start with light winds and 25-45% cloud cover, which is just about perfect. Finishing temps will be mid 60's, so a tad warmer than I'd hoped for but acceptable. Going to take a few breaks at work today and foam roll and stretch the hips, glutes and back, I can tell they are still just a bit tight. I ran by part of the course near the start/finish line today and they are starting to setup all the tents and get things ready. Tomorrow will be a quick shakeout run of 3ish miles at the gym on the track, followed by some stretching. Packet pickup is followed by lunch at Chipotle then hanging with the ole lady and kids trying to stay relaxed.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Snow? Yikes. I may have to do my longest run of marathon training in snow. 20 miles scheduled for Christmas Eve and I will be in Wisconsin. It's been probably a decade since I ran in snow.

    @RunsOnEspresso Are you from WI? I'm going up there in November for Thanksgiving. When we last went 2 years ago, we got about 5" of accumulation, and I got to take my kid to my favorite sledding hill growing up. LOL! I wasn't a runner back then though. 5" of snow down here in Texas would shut everything down!! Ha ha! Anyway, I may have to run in it as well...we'll see!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Re: Snow running.

    So I take it from what I've read here that it's advisable to get trail shoes for running in the snow? I've been wondering how I'm going to navigate the streets once the snow and ice start accumulating (I can only run on the treadmill so much before I want to punch something).

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for October
    10/1 20 miles - 20
    10/2 REST DAY
    10/3 8.1 miles - 28.1
    10/3 5 miles - 33.1 << Daily Double
    10/4 9 miles - 42.1
    10/4 5 miles - 47.1 << Daily Double
    10/5 5 miles - 52.1
    10/6 10.5 miles - 62.6
    10/7 5 miles - 67.6


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    @MNLittleFinn enjoy your snow running this year!

    @7lenny7, maybe I'll try it next time I'm in Colorado visiting my kids in the winter. Those are some beautiful photos and it looks so peaceful, but still a little cold for me! ;)
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @kristinegift - those are beautiful pix!
    @7lenny7 - I remember those beautiful pix! That does work out great for your runs while traveling. It's so fun to find new places to run.
    @juliet3455 -I've never seen such a thing! Glad I didn't run into one of those when I was running in Alberta and Victoria this summer!

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Re: Snow running.

    So I take it from what I've read here that it's advisable to get trail shoes for running in the snow? I've been wondering how I'm going to navigate the streets once the snow and ice start accumulating (I can only run on the treadmill so much before I want to punch something).

    Trail shoes, or Yaktrax or screw shoes...


    Other winter wearing tips....

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Snow? Yikes. I may have to do my longest run of marathon training in snow. 20 miles scheduled for Christmas Eve and I will be in Wisconsin. It's been probably a decade since I ran in snow.

    @RunsOnEspresso Are you from WI? I'm going up there in November for Thanksgiving. When we last went 2 years ago, we got about 5" of accumulation, and I got to take my kid to my favorite sledding hill growing up. LOL! I wasn't a runner back then though. 5" of snow down here in Texas would shut everything down!! Ha ha! Anyway, I may have to run in it as well...we'll see!

    I'm from LaCrosse. You? I did a turkey trot in LaCrosse as my first ever race several years ago. It was freaking cold! The last two July's I happen to be in town for the 4th and did a race then too.

    I moved to Arizona 10.5 years ago because I don't like cold snow and ice after about day 1.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Re: Snow running.

    So I take it from what I've read here that it's advisable to get trail shoes for running in the snow? I've been wondering how I'm going to navigate the streets once the snow and ice start accumulating (I can only run on the treadmill so much before I want to punch something).

    Trail shoes are what I'm going to go with, though I might suggest you get waterproof ones...mine aren't so I'll be getting wet feet until the real cold arrives and snow is solid enough. I'm also planning on doing some running in my heavy winter boots for a hard workout. I figure that would be a decent alternative "strength training" since they weigh a pound or 2 each.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    Have no time to catch up, getting pre race jitters here

    Date.......Distance.......Type........How my legs are feeling

    October 1 - 5.9 km - Easy - Niggle in left IT band
    October 2 - 11.9km - Easy - Calves a little tight, fine after warm-up
    October 3 - rest
    October 4 - 6.7 km - Tempo - Fine, no pains
    October 5 - 6.2 km - Easy - Fine, taper fine, wanna go fast
    October 6 - 7.0 km - Easy - Very fine
    October 7 - 5.0 km - Easy - Springy, rested legs


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k 21:57
    22/07: Bucharest After9Cross 9.5k 49:03
    28/08: Fox Trail Half Marathon (10k) 48:28
    18/09: Baneasa Trail Run (10.5k) 49:12
    09/10: Bucharest International Marathon (Half Debut)
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Snow? Yikes. I may have to do my longest run of marathon training in snow. 20 miles scheduled for Christmas Eve and I will be in Wisconsin. It's been probably a decade since I ran in snow.

    @RunsOnEspresso Are you from WI? I'm going up there in November for Thanksgiving. When we last went 2 years ago, we got about 5" of accumulation, and I got to take my kid to my favorite sledding hill growing up. LOL! I wasn't a runner back then though. 5" of snow down here in Texas would shut everything down!! Ha ha! Anyway, I may have to run in it as well...we'll see!

    I'm from LaCrosse. You? I did a turkey trot in LaCrosse as my first ever race several years ago. It was freaking cold! The last two July's I happen to be in town for the 4th and did a race then too.

    I moved to Arizona 10.5 years ago because I don't like cold snow and ice after about day 1.

    I'm from the other side...the Milwaukee area. I moved to Texas 20 years ago because I don't like the cold. My last winter up there was when we had a bunch of -20 regular temps / -60 with the windchill. Yuck! I don't mind the snow that much, and I do miss it, but we usually go skiing in Colorado once a year, and I get my snow fix. I just hate the cold and how long winter lasts. Spring in Wisconsin is essentially "Winter Part 2." LOL!

    The Turkey Trot I'm doing is up in Appleton. I have no idea what to even run in for that cold of weather. But, you don't know what kind of weather you'll get in November. It could be 60. Probably not though...I think that just happened once. ;)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Trail shoes are what I'm going to go with, though I might suggest you get waterproof ones...mine aren't so I'll be getting wet feet until the real cold arrives and snow is solid enough. I'm also planning on doing some running in my heavy winter boots for a hard workout. I figure that would be a decent alternative "strength training" since they weigh a pound or 2 each.

    I'd be careful with that idea. Running in clunky winter boots could cause an injury by changing your stride and by not providing support in the right places. Not saying it wouldn't work, but I'd ease into it because at the very least you'll be recruiting different muscles in different ways.

    I could see a hamstring injury coming on because of the extra weight if you don't build up to it.

    If you don't have waterproof shoes, you can always use duct tape around the uppers of the shoes you have. It's not totally waterproof, but it does a good enough job for the few times you need it, and it comes off easy.

    Good point. Really, I'll probably just go hiking like I normally do in the winter for XT when I'm not running.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    I went out on my 5 mile route around the river today. I thought I remembered it being exactly 5 miles, but turns out it was actually 5.3 miles. It seems I was going the wrong direction, as I met two different people going the opposite route around the river, twice (once when I was headed south on the east side and they were heading north and once when I was heading north on the west side and they were heading south). It feels so weird meeting the same person multiple times on the same run! And to have it happen with two different people...

    It was a beautiful day for a run, at around 50 degrees and cloudy with a stiff breeze. Probably would have been wise to have worn pants instead of shorts (only because of the wind), as my legs were cold to the touch by the time I got back inside. But shorts is what I had, so I went with it. At least I had long sleeves!

    My left hip seems to be totally back to normal (only took four days), and my right leg/ankle is feeling much improved. It only screams at me on the occasional step when walking--usually on the backstride. I think another week or two and it will be completely back to normal. At least it's comfortable when running and working out and the activity doesn't seem to be aggravating the injury.

    Goal progress:
    Running: 16.3/100 miles
    Strength training: 2/12 sessions
    Food logging: 6/31 days
    Weight loss: -0.?/10 pounds (I can't remember where I started at now, but I keep bouncing around the same weight)
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Hi all. Did the September challenge late joining here. 2 proper runs and lot of running because late to pick kids up lol!

    2/ 10 3.5 miles. Diidn't feel the best. Set off a bit fast and paid for it later. Also a reminder that on a cold morning I need to warm up slowly or chest takes a while to recover.

    5/10 3.8 miles. Much better. This was an evening run, later than usual due to family dramas so first run in the dark for a while and it was getting cold. Started bit slower but not much, and very pleased with fastest mile 3 at 9.50.

    Struggling with clothing and temperature at moment. Running in same gear I do for most of the year - 3/4 leggings, short sleeve top and a long sleeve running top. Its rare I run only in short sleeves, has to be over about 24 degrees, and by now I normally have gloves on and a thicker top. The last couple of runs outside temp has been about 11-12 degrees so I am cold at start but suddenly VERY hot -have had to take top layer off. All okay until about 5 mins after stopping when just as suddenly I am freezing, and then it takes over an hour to get warm again!
    Saw pics before of runs in snow. Love the idea but no way could I do it as I get really cold.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Snow? Yikes. I may have to do my longest run of marathon training in snow. 20 miles scheduled for Christmas Eve and I will be in Wisconsin. It's been probably a decade since I ran in snow.

    @RunsOnEspresso Are you from WI? I'm going up there in November for Thanksgiving. When we last went 2 years ago, we got about 5" of accumulation, and I got to take my kid to my favorite sledding hill growing up. LOL! I wasn't a runner back then though. 5" of snow down here in Texas would shut everything down!! Ha ha! Anyway, I may have to run in it as well...we'll see!

    I'm from LaCrosse. You? I did a turkey trot in LaCrosse as my first ever race several years ago. It was freaking cold! The last two July's I happen to be in town for the 4th and did a race then too.

    I moved to Arizona 10.5 years ago because I don't like cold snow and ice after about day 1.

    I'm from the other side...the Milwaukee area. I moved to Texas 20 years ago because I don't like the cold. My last winter up there was when we had a bunch of -20 regular temps / -60 with the windchill. Yuck! I don't mind the snow that much, and I do miss it, but we usually go skiing in Colorado once a year, and I get my snow fix. I just hate the cold and how long winter lasts. Spring in Wisconsin is essentially "Winter Part 2." LOL!

    The Turkey Trot I'm doing is up in Appleton. I have no idea what to even run in for that cold of weather. But, you don't know what kind of weather you'll get in November. It could be 60. Probably not though...I think that just happened once. ;)

    Are you doing the Festival Foods turkey trot? I know they do several around the state.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Re: Snow running.

    So I take it from what I've read here that it's advisable to get trail shoes for running in the snow? I've been wondering how I'm going to navigate the streets once the snow and ice start accumulating (I can only run on the treadmill so much before I want to punch something).

    Trail shoes are what I'm going to go with, though I might suggest you get waterproof ones...mine aren't so I'll be getting wet feet until the real cold arrives and snow is solid enough. I'm also planning on doing some running in my heavy winter boots for a hard workout. I figure that would be a decent alternative "strength training" since they weigh a pound or 2 each.

    Don't worry about wet feet, just wear wool socks. SmartWool or Darn Tough work fine in the winter. They won't keep your feet dry, but they'll keep your feet warm even though they're wet. And wet wool socks don't give you any more blisters than you would have got with dry feet anyway.