Pregnancy- July 2011



  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Had my doctor appointment. What a relief to hear the heartbeat : ) Everything is going good and he said I have lost weight since I have started my pregnancy. I am overweight so my dr is fine with me losing. Hope you are all doing good!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Had my doctor appointment. What a relief to hear the heartbeat : ) Everything is going good and he said I have lost weight since I have started my pregnancy. I am overweight so my dr is fine with me losing. Hope you are all doing good!

    glad it went well!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    Re: Summer babies- I think ideally I would like to be due in February or something. I had definitely not even though about that fact that it is going to be really hot while I am breastfeeding. Thanks guys!

    Julie- At least you got some activity right? What are your contractions like? How long/how far apart or still absolutely no rhythm to them?

    Ronya- That is wonderful news about your friend!! My sister is due in January as well. I am super excited. I can’t imagine trying for so long, they must be absolutely thrilled.

    Jen- Hope things are great! How is the BP holding out?

    Anne- That is wonderful that the baby is so low and that you will likely have a short labour! It kind of sucks that you are not dehydrated (well I guess that is actually good!) but it sucks that your insurance won’t cover the IV, so trying that is out. It must be nice to know now about the possibility of an induction! The end is in sight!

    Elizabeth- Glad your apt went well! Perhaps you lost weight due to wedding stress? Only 4 more days!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    I finally have the nursery almost complete! Here are some photos:

    My mother in law painted the pictures above the crib herself- they match the quilt for the bed!


    My dad got us this rocker,


    The shelves that only took my husband... oh 10 weeks and a couple holes in the wall to put up


    In those bins are all of the cloth diapers I bought. The brand is kushies. Pretty good deal!


    I also made an awesome "shaggy" quilt- I will post a photo of that another day as I don't have one save on this laptop.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member


    this is like the 5th time I have tried to post these photos!!!

    Or maybe it's just me and you guys can see them?
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Rachel: No pics. Sorry. When photobucket did that to me, I resaved my pictures in a different file, and then copy and pasted the new code. It seemed to work after that. Maybe that will work for you??

    Anne: Thanks for the update. It is good to have options!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks for those who have asked. Doing good! No swelling or anything and it's been 90 here so I'm impressed with that! I honestly have not checked my BP cause I don't want to GIVE myself high bp worrying about it. Also long as my weight's been steady (we'll see this week) and no swelling, I'm not going to worry about it. I've other wise been doing well. Thinking of all you ladies who are due! Hope you see your Lo's soon!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    Rachel: No pics. Sorry. When photobucket did that to me, I resaved my pictures in a different file, and then copy and pasted the new code. It seemed to work after that. Maybe that will work for you??

    Anne: Thanks for the update. It is good to have options!

    That worked rach! thanks!!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Rachel, your nursery is adorable!!! I love that green, obviously ;) it's about the color of my nursery walls. You did a really great job.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rachel -- I love your nursery!!
    My contractions sometimes have an obvious pattern and sometimes don't. More often than not they're about 10-11 minutes apart and I think they happen pretty much all the time but most of them aren't strong enough to get my attention if I'm really involved doing something else. Then sometimes they start to get stronger and closer together and start to fool me into thinking something may actually be happening. They've been as close as 4-5 minutes apart for almost an hour several different times. Then suddenly they'll fizzle out and I won't notice one for 20 minutes or so. It's pretty frustrating. I'm never going to believe I'm actually in active labor. :laugh:

    Maria -- TMI, of course, but um.... I'm having a fun clear out time today for the first time in a week. Maybe we'll have birthday twins! :bigsmile: After 7/7/11 passed, I was kind of hoping for 7/11/11, too but something needs to happen super soon in order for that to happen. Oh well! I'm just fine with 7/12/11 or 7/13/11 or I guess any date for the next week or so. :tongue: That is, any date except her actual due date. 7/16 MIL's birthday and for some reason I just don't want them to share it.

    I think the full moon is Friday 7/15 so maybe we're all just waiting to pop then :wink:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    I'm just fine with 7/12/11 or 7/13/11 or I guess any date for the next week or so. :tongue: That is, any date except her actual due date. 7/16 MIL's birthday and for some reason I just don't want them to share it.

    I think the full moon is Friday 7/15 so maybe we're all just waiting to pop then :wink:

    Yeah, I know what you mean, 7/8 is my FIL's b-day and today is my MIL's. I didn't want my LO to be born on either of their b-days, especially my FIL for some reason. I am actually really hoping I'll go Friday too because the funeral is Thur. That would be funny if we all go then.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    So awkward, my FIL text me telling me that I better let him know when we go in to have the baby because he doesn't want to miss the look on Chad's face (my hubby) when we have her. I didn't quite know how to respond. Does he seriously think HE can be there when I deliver my baby! I thought I made it clear a bit ago that I was hardly letting anyone in the room until after she is born. He was there for my SIL, but she doesn't care, and he is her dad. Anyway, I'll have to have my hubby deal with that, because I don't want him there at all until everything is done.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    So awkward, my FIL text me telling me that I better let him know when we go in to have the baby because he doesn't want to miss the look on Chad's face (my hubby) when we have her. I didn't quite know how to respond. Does he seriously think HE can be there when I deliver my baby! I thought I made it clear a bit ago that I was hardly letting anyone in the room until after she is born. He was there for my SIL, but she doesn't care, and he is her dad. Anyway, I'll have to have my hubby deal with that, because I don't want him there at all until everything is done.

    Ummm yeah that is totally awkward!!! I would feel so awkward with any male other than my hubby in there I think. Hopefully your hubby deals with it no problem.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Maybe he meant he wanted to be around after the delivery. Not sure how it works at your hospital but for like my sister having my nephew we all got to watch my brother in law give the baby a bath in the nursery. It was super cool to see my brother in laws face being so excited to give his baby boy a bath.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I agree it's weird to think of FIL in the delivery room. My hospital only allows 2 people in the delivery room and FIL certainly wouldn't make the cut unless hubby absolutely insisted or something. I can't imagine anyone other than hubby in there with me. Maybe if my mom was different or if I had a very close sister I would consider them but I seriously do not need that many people in my business.

    I was watching one of the baby shows on TLC earlier while I was walking and this one woman had like 6 relatives in the delivery room with her and none of them was her hubby because he was in boot camp. She also delivered the baby WHILE SITTING ON TOP OF HER MOTHER in the bed. :noway: To each their own, but just watching that many people be involved gave me all kinds of anxiety. :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Rachel- I love the pictures, your nursery is so cute!

    Maybe you all are waiting for the full moon!

    Rachael- Uhg that sounds really awful, NO WAY would father in law or my father be in the room. My DH and my sister will be and if we induce and my parents decide to come down right then my mom will be. Yup, let DH deal with that one.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    So awkward, my FIL text me telling me that I better let him know when we go in to have the baby because he doesn't want to miss the look on Chad's face (my hubby) when we have her. I didn't quite know how to respond. Does he seriously think HE can be there when I deliver my baby! I thought I made it clear a bit ago that I was hardly letting anyone in the room until after she is born. He was there for my SIL, but she doesn't care, and he is her dad. Anyway, I'll have to have my hubby deal with that, because I don't want him there at all until everything is done.
    Ick. Thinking about my fil seeing my vajaja makes me want to vomit. :embarassed: I would tell your ds to take care of that. My mil was "really hurt" that I wouldn't let her in the roon and my response was "sorry not gonna happen." yuck I didn't even want my dh looking down there with my ds. It's not pretty but also private! Just my thoughts I that guess. Keep us posted on how that turns out.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Rachel - the room is so cute!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Rach- I love the pics sooooo cute! Good job! This time I'm waiting till after the baby comes because I want a gender specific room. We don't know what we are having so I'm waiting to do it till after lo comes. Now that I have 13 wks and nothing done, I'm starting to regret that choice! :laugh:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    On the being due in certain months... I will be avoiding summer next time if I can help it. Being due in the middle of September and having temps 90-100 with an even worse humidity is miserable! I sweat like a pig this winter while pregnant, now it's even worse!