Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Oh, and my Tuesday Goal is to keep my sodium intake under control. I do love all things salty, and sometimes (yesterday) overdo it. Kinda stupid for someone who takes meds for high blood pressure. But today, I'll keep the salt under control. Tomorrow as well. After that... well, one day at a time... Lol
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Down and out with a virus. No exercise, no goals other than get over it. Diet consists of chicken noodle soup and hot tea.
    @birgitkwood Glad you had your getaway and enjoyed it. I feel you on the salty stuff. Same here. I've been trying to keep mine under 2000 mg/day, it's hard, even though I cook most of my food and don't add salt usually.
    @qmmanager69 I too have fibro and osteoarthritis. I keep my calorie goal on track most of the time, thankfully, because some days I just can't keep the step goal due to the pain, but I do try everyday to at least walk some. Good for you coming back. This is a good thread for helping me and I think it will be for you as well.
    @Nikion901 I've wanting chili too, when I'm feeling better I'm going to make some and hope that I can not overeat, as it's one of my most favorite foods! I try to keep my carbs under 100 a day, because carbs really make my body hang on to the fluid problems that ail me. You always inspire me.
    @drogurl28 Welcome!
    @pinkstarberry WOW that's amazing and I'm cheering you on girlie!
    @badnoodle and @MermaidPrincessRach Awesome posts!
    @pneschich Your determination is so inspiring! And the snippets of your life are always interesting!
    @Elizabeth2360 Sending hugs and prayers.
    and finally @skinnyjeansbyfifty I'm in awe of any teacher but most especially English teachers! That was the one subject I had to REALLY work at to keep my 4.0. Literature no prob, grammar whole nuther story! LOL
  • MinaBeena
    MinaBeena Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello everyone, new to the Community aspect of MFP, this is my first post :smile:

    I'm down 50 pounds as of this week (been on this 5 months), and have 120 more to go.

    Tuesday Goal Sharing: My goal right now is to make sure that I never see a "3" as the first number of the scale again, I'm still too close for comfort!

    Have a wonderful day, looking forward to reading everyone's posts.
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member
    Sunday Sharing - I'm 47, 5'4" and when I came back to MFP at the beginning of September I weighed in at 239.8; not my heaviest but definitely not where I wanted to be. I have a grown son and 3 beautiful grand daughters that I would like to see grow up. I just finally decided enough is enough. So here I am.
    Monday Check-in - down 7.6 whoop whoop
    Tuesday Goals - my goal is to pick a goal lol. There are so many things that I want to do. I guess fitness wise I would have to say my goal is to keep on keeping on. I would like to start working on my upper body as well, as I have no upper body strength
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Tuesday goals: I never post goals. The only one I have is to get fit. Short term goals seem to give me a reason to say good enough. I guess in my quest for my ultimate goal my short term is to get my big fat but in a strength program while maintaining my walking. Lost a pound today, a real loss, less than before. Hopefully I will lose another few this week. I went over everything, food log exercise and couldn't find what I was doing wrong. I'm not a measurer, I can't stand the thought of measuring my food (yet). I think I was having portion creep. Been more vigilant over the last week I'm not really sure if that was the problem or if I reached some equilibrium where fat and muscle were changing at an odd rate. That's my theory anyway. Probably get debunked like my "I gain weight like a hibernating bear in the fall" one. I also added protein bars as a snack and I think they may have changed something too.

    Welcome to all the new members and returning ones.
    @Elizabeth2320 prayers and support

    @campfirequeen1 mmmm chicken noodle soup. I make really good chicken noodle soup. I use extra thighs and a whole roaster skinned and cut up. Just like Grandma taught my sister, who wouldn't ever take her own chicken apart and made me do it. Feel better! And I'm probably not going to stop with the snippets so I'm glad you're enjoying them. I'm glad you find my determination inspiring. I shall endeavor to keep on succeeding and sharing. Ultimately, I finally reached a point where it was life or death and I chose life every morning.

    @pinkstarberry amazing. Wonderful keep it up

    @PrincessMermaidRach. You got this, you rock. I've been watching, you are on track.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @pneschich --Good that you are seeing results again!

    @kayfhoward1 -- congrats on the loss!! I also need to work on upper body strength. I was doing really well with heavy lifting a couple of years ago. It was having an excellent impact on my weight loss, and I was finally starting to feel like my arms weren't all mush, but then I injured my shoulder (not while lifting). It's taken a really long time to get back to even being able to lift light weights, and progress is so slow now that it's really discouraging. I used to be able to squat over 110 lbs and now half of that is a struggle. I also could do push-ups and planks like a warrior, and now I'm so shaky even doing a few push ups or holding a modified plank. I know the only way to improve is to keep working at it, but every time I get into a routine for a week of 2, I stop again for lack of progress. I need to stop with the pity party and just keep going.

    @campfire-- thanks! Yeah, I love the Lit, but have to really know my grammar as well teaching the AP level. Fortunately, I used to teach an elective called Advanced Grammar and Style, so that really honed my skills. I have a student teacher starting next semester, and she came to observe my classes today. It was one of those crazy-hectic days where I had writing conferences with students during all of my open periods including lunch. Because I was so busy, I had no time to even let her know it isn't always like this--I'm afraid I may have scared her a bit. Oh, and I'm skinnyjeanzbound, not skinnyjeansbyfifty, but I just turned 47 a couple of weeks ago, so that works as well. LOL!

    @niki-- my husband just made a pot of chili this weekend. It's not my favorite, but it's really filling for relatively low calories, so I don't complain. Oh, and I hate to cook, so I try to never complain about anything he cooks. :lol:

    @pinkstarberry and our other Canadians-- Happy Thanksgiving!

    @badnoodle --even with your post that reminded me to prep some breakfast and lunch options, I failed to do so.

    @liz-- I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Sending good vibes your way! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Welcome to the newlings and those who've recently returned!! :smile:

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well, the talk of keto and low-carb prompted me to look at my carb levels over the past 90 days, and they are on the high side. Like niki, I tend to do better when I keep them below 150g / day. So in support of liz, my goal is to lower my carb intake to a maximum of 150 at least 5 days/week. Though it's not full-blown keto, it's a step to healthier eating for me b/c it will force me to eat less processed foods.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 3/6 letters of recommendation
    2. 5/10 AP analysis activities
    3. 22/40 Siddhartha reflections
    4. 22/40 Frost journals

    Fitness Goals for the month of October:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 3x/month:
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 4x/week:
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes 1x/month:

    You vs Year Challenge:
    280 k done/ 720 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + mow lawn DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Good morning, dear friends. Sometimes I really dislike this app. Had written most of my post when somehow it disappeared and I have to write it all over again. Grrr.... Oh well, you all are worth the effort ;-)

    @campfirequeen1 - oh no, hope you feel better soon!

    @pneschich - a while back I went thru a period of time when nothing was coming off. I was doing nothing different then before, but for some reason my body wanted to hold on to every pound. So discouraging! I walked thru life with a "Trust the Process" mantra running thru my head like some sort of demented tape loop. But it worked! I stayed patient, kept doing "the right things," and eventually the weight started coming off again. So, TRUST THE PROCESS! And don't allow yourself too be ruled by the numbers on the scale - the bigger pants and smaller belt loop are much better indicators odd what your body is doing. TRUST THE PROCESS!

    My Wed Wish - I really wish I could get interested in going back to the gym! I wish that I could see the benefits of doing that, but somehow I can't seem to work up a "give a *kitten*" for whether or not my arms are "toned" our whether or not my but is "right." I'm 61, so doubt that much of that is gonna happen anyway. And I really, really enjoy my morning walks instead so MUCH prefer that to being inside a study gym. Not ready yet to toss out the gym membership - I may need it when the weather starts going bad in a month or so, but for now -- I'm walking.

    As I'm reading this, I realize I have to revise my Wed Wish. Forget about being interested I going to the gym. My Wish is that I become 100% reconciled to the decision I've clearly already made ;-).

    Have a great day, Everyone!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,964 Member
    Wednesday Wish ... I hope to weigh less this Saturday. The scale hasnt moved much day-to-day like it did last week. But last Saturday I didnt lose much (0.2) i was hoping, based on the daily weights, that it would be a bigger loss. So I hope/wish this Saturday my big loss shows up.
    <3 Rach
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    I have fallen off the wagon. I've gained some of my losses back, but not all of it. I'm going to start checking in regularly again. Need encouragement. Thanks.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    I wish that made less borscht on Saturday. It's really good, there's just. so. much. of it.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Wednesday wish: I wish we could all find quick delicious meals to make that were perfect for our calories and percentages.

    How did you all decide what those calorie limits and percentages are? A dietician told me and checks my intake. My beautiful wife asked me what I thought hers should be and I'm not really sure. I'm a fairly smart guy, I figure out how to separate gasses and measure them for a living, tutor algebra and pre calculus for fun not profit but there isn't a unified eat this guide. There are so many conflicting bits of information
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2016
    Wednesday Wish - I wish I could answer @pneschich , but I don't think my answer would be meaningful to anyone.

    PS ... but me.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    edited October 2016
    @Nikion901 :)
    Anyone have a fantastic ground beef recipe to share?
  • drogurl28
    drogurl28 Posts: 14 Member
    Wednesday wish: I wish I had more willpower! I was doing good yesterday until the evening came then I ate a whole plate of fries with ketchup knowing I had a enchilada platter coming. Smh I would have stayed under my calories if I had just said NO to fries
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,964 Member
    @pneschich Mexican lasgna!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys long time no see. Lots of big changes in my life over the last few months. The biggest and best is Hubby no longer works in alaska. Last June when he was home after much discussing we decided to start a general contracting company with the two of us and my son. His background is all construction so it was a no brainer once he decided alaska was no longer working for him. At the exact same time we were presented with an oppurtunity to by a manufactured home of 1400 sq ft for only a hundred dollars. The catch is it needed a full gut remodel and was about an hours drive from were we lived. Anyone liveing in the Seattle area knows that commuting is part of the package and with the new business we are going everywhere so we went for it. Well I am happy to say the business is doing well and the house is coming along. I am putting in insulation this week because I woke up monday morning and could see my breath in the house. We are just covering it with plastic for now and then drywalling a few sheets at a time as we can afford it. As for my exercise and diet goals the good news is I havent gained any weight but I havent lost any either. I have just bounced around in a five pound range for the last 3 months or so. Well this week I decided I was at a place I could start to focus on myself a little again so back to logging and I joined a 24 hr gym today. The goal for now is just to get back to eating at home and tracking and making it the gym 3 days a week. I know once I get started as long as I stick for a couple weeks it will become habit again. I look forward to catching up with all of you and hope you are all doing great.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @jtconst ... so glad to hear your update! Congratulations on both the new business and on hubby not having to go to Alaska anymore. Here's to Gym-Power, but I'll bet you are working up some pretty good muscles doing the construction work ... that is strenuous activity!
  • MrsHull840
    MrsHull840 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this board but I thought I'd jump in. I'm back on the wagon after getting discouraged with my running program (really, the heat) and took a few months away from everything. During that time, I maintained, so that's a plus!!

    My Wednesday wish is that my seatbelt will fit without an extender when I have to fly to Colorado in a few weeks.