

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.24min, 13.1amph, 152mhr, 2.9mi= 137c
    SKI MACHINE- 35min, 139mhr, 126ahr, 7incl, 25-35resist, 1.75mi = 299c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.49min, 12.4amph, 146amhr, 1.4mi = 78c
    ride dome 2 hm- 21.53min, 7.1amph, 154mhr, 124ahr, 2.5mi = 226c
    total cal 740
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    We are at our son's ranch and it is so quiet out here.
    Lenora - somehow it was interpreted that I went to the dr for my shot and thus the discussion of my weight loss. Wish I had never mentioned it. Lol. Had my flu shot at HEB and did the weigh in at WW. I was so excited because it was my first week so I posted it on this thread. Anyway, thanks for your comment.
    Re - I agree that you do have a gift with words. Thanks for your comment.
    Katla - safe travels. Newborns are so sweet. I'm jealous.
    Beautiful picture of the Oregon coast(?).
    I need to learn how to post pictures as we are going to SE Asia next Spring.

    Sue B Dew in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have had two colonoscopies. First one a good many years ago and it was the big gallon and it was awful, tasted so caustic and acted that way coming out. Next one was the typical one they do now. Special diet for several days before and then even more special diet day before along with the liquid prep you quickly drink instead of the big gallon you drink a glass every 15 minutes. I guess both of them got good results and I was cleaned out. I do agree with getting something to soothe your bumm during the prep. I have always used the conscious sedation, not they use what everyone calls Michael Jackson milk. Works extremely well! best sleep you will ever have.

    Learned some things about my husband today. It is so difficult for him to talk about his childhood. The way my oldest let me know she was pregnant with her first was to give me a book about things that Grandma did. It was filled with questions about what was my favorite childhood song, toy, game, etc. She couldn't find one for Grandpa so I just added a sentence for grandpa. Everything was empty. He couldn't remember a thing. One time all his siblings went to his Moms apartment for Thanksgiving and I took that book along. His brother and sister really got the ball rolling, even he and his Mom pitched in. But as soon as they left, the memories stopped. And I mean froze out. Well his best friend was his best friend from elementary school on through high school and they are still best friends. It was either he or his Mom that made sure he got and kept every year book he had. So the other night when they had thier 50th class reunion he brought this grade school memory book. Many people asked for copies so his wife made them for them and charlie also. He wanted to throw it away but I started reading it and asking questions and he started talking about these people and things that happened and teachers. When his Mom died, he had an uncle who was the historian of the family hd packets of pictures for everyone. I got this big packet of his grade cards, pictures. His grade cards had interactions between the teacher and his Mom. His Mom as I knew her had been in and out of a mental hospital, got many shock treatments that did who knows what to her brain cells. So she had no recollections of his younger years. I was given this wonderful gift of his childhood and it means so much to me. And then he opened up again about these kids in his school. The window didn't stay open very long but who knows, it may open again.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Katla: Safe travels. How funny that during labor your DD is asking for pizza. :smiley:

    Lisa: Love the cartoons. You are so creative. B)

    I appreciate all the colonoscopy advice I'm reading here. Mine is not eminent, but next year it will be time for my second one. :'(

    Early to bed tonight. :( Just feel like it.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Margaret, beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    MtMomma, welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information so come often. Please sign your posts with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Gloria, I love your post and thank you for the reminder of not judging others. You are so right that we have all been there and also that we don’t know their stories. I love this forum and all of you ladies!!! (((((Hugs)))))

    Janetr, beautiful pics. So are you saying that’s not OK? Lol

    Sue, your poor DH having to have that procedure so often!!! Sending prayers his way. (((Hugs)))

    Katla, our kids can say things that cut to the quick, even when they don’t mean to. I’m sorry your conversation with your DD upset you so much but hopefully you have gotten over it. You have to live where it is right for you and your DH just as our children have to do the same for themselves. If those places aren’t near each other, so be it. (((Hugs)))

    Liz, best wishes for your trip to the hospital and your treatment. Sending healing thoughts your way.

    Karen, I’m sure you have mended your ways by now since I’m a day behind…but since you asked for it, *kitten*-kicking.gif

    Kay, we calculated it every way to Sunday and I started taking my SS shortly after I turned 62. The difference was so minimal and the truth is we don’t know that we will live to see the next year. I’m not saying to ignore your financial advisor but I don’t regret having that money early.

    Joyce, we live about 5 miles from the beach. I just don’t look out at the sunrise when I am up early at home. For some reason when I am actually staying at the beach, I look out at the ocean (and sunrise) constantly. very-good-morning-smiley-emoticon.gif

    NYKaren, how exciting about your trip!!! When do you think ya’ll will go?

    Carey, sorry for the new eye routine but glad that it helps with the problem. (((Hugs)))

    Traci, talk about hurtful…..I can’t believe your mother turning her back on you and your brother because you don’t visit her enough. Wow. I have nothing else to say. ((((Hugs))))

    Mary, those babies are darling!!! I know you must be having a ball.

    Toni, I hope things work out well for your DH. When I had back surgery, we tried everything possible to avoid it. In fact when my doctor finally mentioned it, I started tearing up. I’m glad now that I had it but it was the most painful thing I’ve ever been through. Good luck with your visit to your sister. Just try to remember to breathe. (((Hugs)))

    CarolGA, congrats on getting a renter.

    Charleen, congrats on your new, sparkly pocket skinny jeans!!! Keep up the good work.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Yesterday DH and I went to Denny’s for lunch. I was a bad, bad girl and had the Sticky Bun Pan Cakes with the cinnamon drizzle on it. OMG they were heavenly!!! I kicked myself appropriately. Today I made a pot of ham and bean soup since we have a cold front coming in tonight. Tomorrow I work at the Moose Lodge for a Horse Race the women are putting on. It’s always fun.
    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2016
    Re - I do try to 'kill her with kindness'; but, that is difficult when she is so disrespectful to not only me; but to DH, and that doesn't even count the things she says about and to my DOS (her husband). She will NOT allow me to 'treat her with kindness' ... she thinks that I am 'up to something' and really backs away and 'like football' ready to punt by 'kicking the dog, because she is really mad at the cat'.

    But, I won't get down on her level and argue with her about things; because I know she is 'never, ever wrong'; but, she expects others to 'do as she says' (not necessarily, do as she does). I really feel more 'sorry' for her than anything. She is very immature and tries living her life vicariously through her children. They need a parent, not a 'big' friend. She really 'stalks' them insofar as getting on social networking sites after them, makes friend connections with their friends and their friends parents; then criticizes them if for some reason the girls have a tiff with a friend. They need to settle their own arguments and stuff like that. About the only way one learns is from their mistakes. How they pick themselves up and move on will make them better people.

    My parents had just a 'few' rules of the house, and we knew exactly what would happen if we got 'caught' doing or not doing them. We also knew the consequences as well. She did NOT like me saying that she needed to let the 'face plant' themselves every once in a while. Sure, if they are doing something dangerous 'step in'; but, how do you learn to get along with people if you are not ever accountable for what you say or even how another interprets it. I know that I have been 'dough popped' several times on this thread because I can be very vocal about things. Sometimes I will write in my WPP responses to things; then re-read them before posting and quite often delete them and not post them.

    I think everybody has a right to their opinions, even if we are never able to agree. Sometimes, you just have to learn that you need to 'agree to disagree' ... like in politics and religion. One sister is on one side of the fence, the other is on another, then the 3rd sometimes has to play the "Devil's Advocate" when things get testy. Quite often, that is 'my' position; but, I am more in line with my oldest sister on both subjects. My oldest sister says that I need to stop 'damning' her because I only 'damn' my own family if I don't stop. I certainly do NOT want to do that; but, she also says, that 'it doesn't mean I have to like her or what she does or says'. That is the 'hard' part. Not reacting. She is very 'reactive' and I might talk to her; then by the time she gets back down to their house she has changed the story that we were talking about. So, now, I won't talk to her unless DOS and DH are right there listening to us. DH is going to defend me; and DOS is going to defend her. But, DOS is more reasonable about most things.

    Lenora :#o:)B)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Anyone else have trouble getting on here today? There is some kind of attack going on that has taken down lots of big sites including this one mostly on the West Coast. They've even fixed it only to have it happen over again. It's been ok since late this afternoon so hopefully it will stay this way. I get anxious when I can't get to all of you :#
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2016
    barbiecat wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    Where is this??? It's beautiful :)

    Seal Caves by Florence Oregon.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Mary - Those little ones are just too cute for words.

    Charleen - Great NSV. Bling jeans = Awesome.

    Becca - You made me think of "I hope you dance". Glad you did.

    Katla - This is such an exciting time. Soon you will be holding your newest grandbaby
    What joy!

    Cheri - The prep is the worst part, I don't remember the procedure. Having a colonoscopy saved my life! I no longer have to have one every 6 months and I am grateful for that.

    Been a busy week. Gearing up for Christmas in a toy store. I don't seem to have the patience that I used to and I'm not sure but I think people have got a whole lot ruder.

    My daughter is determined to make me into the Queen of Hearts for our Halloween costume contest. I found a great dress and my sister is renovating it so that it fits a little better. "Off with their Heads!"
    My DGD is also going to be Queen of Hearts. She will steal the show.

    My cousin with the esophageal cancer is doing well but can't have visitors yet. He is my double cousin. We lived on farms about 2 miles from each other. He was always like an older brother to me until we got older. I still remember the first time he trusted me to ride his pride and joy, Bonnie. She was quite spirited.

    My Aunt has broken her leg. She will be 87 on the 30th. Her daughter is having quite a time dealing with my wonderful, strong willed Aunt. I talked with my cousin for over half an hour and I think it helped her just to blow off steam.

    I read all the posts about retiring. Hubby and I were just talking about that. He thinks I should take disability but that means our benefits would be gone. Also I would have to take the money from the deferred profit sharing and do something else with it instead of it continuing to grow. I will be talking to our accountant and seeing if he can give me some clarity on the subject. It's so hard to know what to do but I have to say that most days I think I could just not go to work.

    DD has been very busy. Face painting, window painting and custom art pieces. Now she has been asked to bid on the painting of an installation piece for Canada's 150th birthday for our museum. So proud of her.

    Our DOS turned 40. Wow! So hard to believe. He sounded very upbeat when we called to wish him Happy Birthday.

    Trying to get back on track but today was a total wash. Tomorrow we have a friend's 70th birthday party and I will try to stay away from the goodies.

    No alarm in the morning, snooze as long as I like.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge
  • Ladylosealot60
    Ladylosealot60 Posts: 9 Member
    Good Morning! Would like to be added to this group :) I fit the criteria...lol I'm Lady from East Coast. I have tried MFP 3 times. But, this is the most serious I've taken it. I'm at an all time high weight and got injured, of all places at the gym!! Ugh. So, I really need support to stay on track as I ease back into the gym and rely mostly on diet and not movement. Thank you.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    Finally to sleep in a normal bed,not a futon, not someone elses bed.
    Tom is going to gas up my car and take the bags of clippings to the dump then dropping off my car..after work I will leave for the Cape,
    I am leaving my clunky laptop at home and just taking my I pad mini with me and my phone..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Hi Lady! Welcome to our thread. The only good thing about being overweight is that you can eat a bit more and still lose weight. :laugh: Take it slowly but surely. :flowerforyou:

    Charlene - I am so up myself at the moment with this moving business that I forgot to comment on your very moving post about your bling jeans. How I identify with that. <3 I used to absolutely hate shopping and fall into a deep depression trying to buy trousers (pants). Every item was black. Nothing ever looked nice. I used to cry.
    It was a revelation when I went into smaller sizes and I celebrated with purple jeans. :D Now I can wear almost anything provided it's not revealing skin. Leggings are still my friend, but I am wearing skirts, which I didn't for years. And a bit of a heel when I don't have to walk too far.
    So, many, many congratulations on the bling jeans. :flowerforyou:
    And to all the others who are getting into smaller sizes. :D

    My estate agent rang just now to tell me they are having trouble getting it on Rightmove, because last week they changed the name of the company. Technical issues. Hope to be sorted by Monday. Grrrrrrrrrr. But gives us more time for sorting.
    In the garage I have a big box containing my old theatrical stuff, including lots of small percussion instruments that I used in a show I wrote and directed.. If my DDIL doesn't want them I will donate them to the nursery school round the corner. There are dressing up hats as well that I used in my drama/writing/therapy classes. Sad to say goodbye to them as two were from a relative on my ex's side who was in Paris as a young governess in the Great Flood before WW1. She always drank her coffee black and sucked it through a sugar lump. Cousin Agnes was her name. I still have her "press", a large mahogany cupboard.
    Must purge though. I will do what I advised Katla to do, take a photo and write down why it is important to me. I might just keep the one hat. :*:o

    The sun is shining through the yellowing birch leaves outside my bedroom window. This morning a gang of longtailed tits did their gymnastics through the leaves while we were having our breakfast in bed. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning. Happy to have a day to reset and catch my breath. Cold, rainy days are just perfect for that, don't you think?

    My goal of meal planning fell apart last week and I need to get motivated to plan, shop and prep or i'm going off the rails big time! :# My standard winning dishes are getting a little boring. I've got Brussels sprouts and butternut squash calling out to me to be inventive!

    Big goals for the day, hit the gym and stock up at the library and oh yeah, clean the kitchen so I feel more excited to work in there.

    Have a great day everyone! NYKAREN

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Just ate a bowl of Southern Cornbread Dressing and Gravy for breakfast. Yum! I cooked a large oven stuffer last night and made the dressing and gravy. Practicing for Thanksgiving!

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Debbie in Alabama - welcome! We're glad you're here, and congratulations on your weight loss to date. It's an amazing triumph with the situation you're in. I have zero experience with your situation, so take it with a grain of salt when I say that the first thing you have to get rid of is thinking of it as "conquering a giant." Just conquer the next pound or five pounds or ten. Set small goals, because the big ones overwhelm us and push us toward our coping tool, which is food. Literally take it one day at a time--we tend to take it one month at a time, because of how this thread is framed, and that's very helpful too. I know there are chair-bound exercises that are available on the web, as other people have added links here, and I'm sure they can find them again.

    Lady on the East Coast - welcome to you, too! Time to get creative with what you can do as well. Whatever your situation is, there's someone on the web who has been in the same situation and succeeded. Search for what you need wherever you can find it.

    Y'all can do this--we've had some amazing success stories here, and you can be one of them. You'll find tons of support here for more than just weight loss, because these women in this group are amazing, one and all. Good luck!

    Lenora - been reading about your struggles with your DDiL, and my only comment would be that your expectations of what you should get from her (respect) are what makes it so hard. You cannot change her--you can only change your own expectations of her. If you don't choose to do that, nothing else will change. While your feelings are what they are, and have their own validity for you, they don't make the situation any better. I'm struggling with similar items in my own life, and found that when I stop expecting people to be reasonable, I'm pleasantly surprised when they are, and willing to give them more space to be decent human beings. When I expect them to be decent and they can't rise to the occasion, it just makes me feel bad. They don't feel any different at all. Again, not saying you don't have the right to feel the way you do--just saying it's not going to change her.

    OK, off my philosophy soapbox this morning, and on to my own life. Lively, chilly morning here in West Texas, and writing like mad about why we do the things we shouldn't and don't do the things we should. Feeling fallible, frivolous and other things that start with "F," that's...

    Lisa in West Texas
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited October 2016
    Just popping in to say Hi to those who remember me from ages ago.
    I'm doing okay and hope you are too, I'll have to look at a few back posts to catch up with you all.
    I have reduced my working days from 4 days to 3, and I hope that I'll be able to drop in more often,
    There's few names I remember Barbiecat of course Heather, AuntyBK and Exermom to name a few.
    My weight has recently gone up a few pounds for some reason, so I am back to logging my food again! It's turning quite cold here, so I probably need to move more, and stop filling up on comfort food!

    Have a great weekend everyone. :)

    Viv aka Wizzy from UK