What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • antigonerising
    antigonerising Posts: 3 Member
    My most recent NSV is that I cut 1:10 off my mile time in two days. From 14:02 to 12:52. I was pretty proud of that. Now to get down to under 10:00

    Just chiming in to say, my dog's name is Antigone. I love that name!

    Shameless pic of my Antigone, cuz why not?!? :D

    Well done on your run time!

    Thanks! I've loved that name ever since high school when I was in the play :smile:
  • TheBlizz35
    TheBlizz35 Posts: 142 Member

    Great advice on here. For high 40s/low 50s, I wouldn't even need gloves or a hat, but it depends on how warm you get (and how used to the cold you are). I live in Vermont, so I've gone out running in as cold as 15 degrees last January! I wore a long sleeve shirt, a fleece, sweat pants, a scarf, hat and mittens (they warm up your hands better). And I was fine! I went running last night when it was in the 30s and I wore leggings, long sleeve shirt, hat, and gloves. My arms got a bit cold toward the end, but I wouldn't have wanted to wear anything more.

    All this to say, remember what you wear when you run and what the temp is. You will find out what works for you :) People around here like saying that there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes.

    Thank you too! I will definitely make note of what works and what temp it was. I just walked an hour in the rain this morning, and it was fun because what I was wearing kept me warm and dry. Let's hope whatever I wear tomorrow keeps me comfortable and I can have a fun run. :smile:
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    I went out today without lunch :/ Stupid of me but I didn't have time as had to get to the next city 40 miles away for a hospital appointment. Anyway, I got to the appointment early so did a bit of shopping beforehand and I ended up with a load of junk food - impulse purchases as I was hungry, namely a bag of mini-biscuits (15 packs in the bag) plus multi-packs of chocolate (7 large bars).

    The NSV is that I did not eat ANY of them. I got home with the packs all intact. They are still intact now and my children were highly amused at my tale of going from shop to shop buying this stuff because I really wanted it but then not eating it. They think that I'm mad (little do they know!).

    I do the same thing! Especially when I see something new I want to try. Sometimes I corner the kids when they have one so I can try a bite to see if a whole piece will be "worth" the calories.
  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    while driving to the gym this morning at 4 dark-early, I wished that I would feel this strong for the rest of my life. which reminded me to remind all you young people on this journey: KEEP PUSHIN NOW! You will blink and be 52....don't wait. The time is now.

    AMEN! Wish I'd stayed in shape, time FLEW. I'm 51. Ack!
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