

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Margaret - lovely tribute to your mom.
    Mary - healing prayers are sent your way

    Out to lunch with sister and met some of her retired friends. Very nice time. I get tickled at how these small town folks fuss about their traffic. When they stop at a cross street they never like a wait for traffic to pass. They should visit me for a true rush hour experience!

    Toni visiting my hometown in KS
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Margaret - I just LOVE your tribute. <3 Wonderful and very moving.

    Just had a nice long phone call with DSIL. Good to chat about family traumas and other lighter matters. We did laugh. :D

    Enjoying your take on life, Becca. <3

    Had a very nice bottle of red wine tonight that DS (a wine buff) gave DH for his birthday. From Lebanon, the Bekaa Valley. We liked it so much we have just ordered 6 more bottles. We had it with spicy roast duck legs and PILES of veggies. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,902 Member
    Back from picking up car from shop oil change, ran to BJ's then Japan's while waiting. Had a free lunch combo at Chili's ( chicken fajitas and bowl of chili). Now laundry and school work. Only walking was shopping, but t better than nothing!

    Rita from CT
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Lillian -you are so right!! Every day is like a Saturday when you're retired!!! Just got back from grocery where I bought fresh shrimp. Going to grill some and have corn on the cob for dinner.
    SusBDew in TX
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Margaret ~ As others have said, what a wonderful tribute to you mother. I am so glad that you have fond memories of her. I know it was difficult on your last visit when she didn't recognize you and am waiting for the time when I will have to face that with my mom.

    Lisa ~ What a lovely granddaughter you have. I don't know the circumstances but am glad your son got to meet her.

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    New baby llama born last week. He's a biggy, but beautiful. Definitely need to sell a couple, not enough pasture to sustain seven.

    So cute!! Do you have a name? Gayle
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Margaret – Your Mother was a ‘gem’ from your Eulogy. First paragraph: Add an ‘s’ to … “place” Lesley (not to be confused with Leslie) went in her lifetime. Don’t know if some of the people who might have known your mother would quite understand the bit about being confused with Leslie – one spelled wit E-Y, the other I-E (or if they are even pronounced the same). One might be LESS-lee; the other might be LEZ-lee

    Several rows down, you talk about two novelist … add a ‘s’ to ‘novel’. Sometimes a misspelled word will trip us up when making a speech that comes from the heart. Do not leave anything out of it … it is beautiful!!!!!

    War paragraph. I’m not so sure that I would take that part of father selling the Minnesota home and moved to Austin and make it its own sentence; put it AFTER that entire sentence has been read. I say this because it is a long sentence within a sentence.

    Goodbye paragraph - We’ll miss your smile, instead of we miss your smile

    If you are going to read this; I would suggest putting each subject matter on individual index cards; easier to read about each section; and, you won’t lose you place in the middle. Believe me, it will be very moving to everyone … ESPECIALLY YOU. Practice it, reading it out loud, to someone, or to yourself in a mirror.

    Just go back and read it slowly. Putting on index cards (4 x 6 or 5 x 7) … probably the bigger ones, will help you also look up and at those sitting in the congregation between each one and catch your breath. DH was going to say something at his Mother’s funeral; and, he just could not do it, it was way too upsetting to him, he choked up and cried instead and he was in his 60's at the time.

    Just some small suggestions. She reminds me of my own Mother who did pretty much the same things … although she did join the DAR! She even went back so far as those coming over on the Mayflower on one branch of her family. None of the 3 of us were interested until many years after her death, when we each asked the others ‘if they had her gold bars’. We did not know they were stored behind the locked buffet door in the same place that Daddy kept his liquor (she kept the key). We just figured that it was 'stuck'. She was with us when we were dividing up her stuff before putting her into an Assisted Living Facility. She wanted to see who got what. I think she kept the gold bars because she intended on staying active. She was a 'life' member; and, shortly after her BF's death; they put a small monument on each of their graves. One of my BFs (one of a twin) sent me the introduction of my Mother for something. It was written on adding machine tape; and, was 64" long. I still have it somewhere in my desk. This is the same woman who had asked that we put her 'club associations' on the placard on her grave. Gee, it would have reached to the bottom of their BF's grave and would have cost a mint. So she got the same as Daddy ... full name, date of birth - date of death. She and my Daddy went to every state in the USA and also went to Russia with a group of attorneys and their spouses.

    You are so blessed to have had her in your life for this long of a time in your lifetime. I know she brought a lot of people ‘joy’ before you came along, too. {{{{{hughs}}}}} and {{{{{prayers}}}}}

    Our DYS used to work for a man named “Grant Wood” (but, I am sure it isn’t/wasn’t the same one).
    I doubt that that I could ever live up to your Mother’s way of life. She was very special to a whole lot of you. You are special to us; and ‘thanks for sharing this beautiful Eulogy with us.

    Becca – I go to sleep with my hair wet a lot! DH does not ‘like’ it curly; which it is. I bought a new flat iron that is a brush; and, boy does that make it a lot easier to dry it out the way my DDnL#2 did when she and her co-worker cut it and worked on it. Got a body wave in it when I got home, because they said it would give it more lift … the day I got it; walked out and it started raining! Since them I have not been able to dry and roll it around the brush as they did. But, they were standing at a different position that I can get into in order to do it.

    DnL#1 can’t believe that I ‘make my bed first thing after getting out of it’ or that I ‘put dirty dishes in the dishwasher before going to bed instead of sitting in the sink’ … “Because it makes me ‘feel’ like my house is cleaner, even if it isn’t.” I just cannot get back in an unmade bed. Her attitude is,' well, you are just going to get back in it the next night'. Some nights I barely dry my body off after my shower and crawl into my ‘made-up bed’ totally naked! Feels so good! DH usually covers me up before he wakes me up for ‘fresh coffee’.

    Your son will learn not to use the work ‘like’ in that manner when he joins the Navy. Because someone over him in rank is ‘not going to ‘know like’ … LOL! Enjoy the HELL out of him these next few months, they will ‘fly’ by!!!! PM to follow!

    Toni – It is like the light coming on, for you to walk over 6 lanes of traffic; then it counts down from 20 and you are fumbling with beach chairs. You better get your ‘junk’ and move along because when the light changes, they might not!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Re, you are so right about the hazards of cooking brownies. I can’t even remembered the last time I did. I mean like years and years ago. DH wasn’t eating them fast enough so I froze most of them today and left him a few but put them in the fridge. He usually warms them and then puts ice cream and chocolate syrup on it. Oh yes and whipped cream. I mean really. And he has been losing weight the last 6 or 8 months. It’s just not fair!!! Now I’m proud of you for laying off the fried foods. You keep that up, ya hear?

    Cheri, it sounds like your DD is doing well. I hope it continues. Glad you approve of the BF.
    SueBDue, congrats on the loss. Way to go. Keep it up!! Woo hoowatching-my-weight-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Katla, I know it’s been great being with that beautiful new baby but there’s no place like home. It sounds like your DH is doing well without you even though I know he’ll be happy when you get home.

    Allie, I think sticking to the couch sounds like exactly what you need. I hope you are feeling better soon!!!!

    Lisa, Ellie is a doll baby. I’ll bet your son couldn’t stop smiling. How sweet.

    Heather, how great that you get to do Grand duty while you are in Hove. Woopee

    Kay, 588818bxvjhr877l.gif. Shame on you for not telling us it was your birthday!!!

    Lillian, Sue had me looking at the calendar too. I’m never sure what day it is after I retired but I did’t think it was Saturday yet. LOLcalendar.gif

    Heidi, you have to tell us when it’s your BD so we can throw you a party. We love to celebrate. I hope it was a good one.

    Heather, thanks for the Bea fix and the other two darling grands, as well. Good luck on house hunting!!!

    Margaret, great tribute to your Mom. I know she would be proud! ((((Hugs)))) <3

    Toni, have a wonderful visit.

    Rita, inquiring minds want to know….how did you have a free lunch at Chili’s????

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I got my nails done this morning at 9:00. That’s as early as I want out since I retired. Lol I was going to the Moose Lodge with a friend to update the sponsor list and have lunch but we put it off until tomorrow. I’m making ground beef with bell peppers and onions for dinner. DH will have burritos and I’ll do a taco salad. I also made guacamole with just one avocado. We are having absolutely beautiful weather. Highs in the high 70’s and no humidity. My kind of fall. Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    evening ladies~
    well here I am with the 2 puppies, in bed with heated mattress pad on and checking in with you all..
    Heather~ your grandchildren are just freakin adorable....
    Margaret~beautifully said about mom.. just beautiful...
    I am going to take nyquil one more night and hopefully sleep in...
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Gayle wrote, "So cute!! Do you have a name?" Gayle

    No, no name yet. We are still in Florida, the neighbor doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl. :)

    Janetr okc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) We have been retired for 12 years and have created a great schedule that allows us to get things done and have time for naps, TV, computer, and person hobbies. Since my surgery I haven't been going to my dance classes three mornings a week and it has been difficult to keep track of what day it is.

    :) When I started my journey to weight loss, health and fitness, I decided that I would give up my position as the world's greatest baker of chocolate chip cookies and become known for something else....I gave away all my baking equipment except things that would do duty for regular meal preparation and gave away the ingredients for baking....it was a great decision.

    <3 Barbie
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Kids and homework are diametrically opposed!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Glo - Don't you know it! My oldest sister never had to study and made A's and a few B's; my middle sister studied a lot to make "A's" mostly. Me, I did not care, so long as my GPA remained high enough to be able to participate in things at school (extra-curricular things). Our school counselor was a real 'kitten' and set a pretty high GPA to be on the 'cheerleading' squad. I stayed on it one year; half of the time 'on probation', just because I was a few points from having a GPA of a "B+". Having a "B" just did not get it; but, after all the noise associated with basketball; I did not want to go out for it the next year. I did other things, like lighting the majorette's fire batons. Got to ride on the band bus to all the games. Once I started driving I had a car ... 'have car, will go ANYWHERE'! But, Daddy would always buy Junkers for $500 or less. Oldest sister had a Nash Rambler; which looked exactly like a 'boardwalk's bumper car'. She could get 35¢ of gas and drive for a week; but, that was back in '63. Mine was the "Blue Bomb" ... a 1960 Ford Fairlane {baby blue in color}; so we really could not get away with too much. Everybody knew us by our car. I-75 used to stop just north of the town in which I grew up; and, one day a friend of mine and I thought we'd take a short-cut to go pick up a friend. It was like a well-packed dirt road. This way it might have been 8 miles; the other way nearly 20. We decided that the rocks that were put in the way of traffic was going to be no problem; so I drove up on it and got the bottom stuck on the top of the rocks with all 4 wheels spinning. The construction guys were busting a gut laughing at us; but, they did come over and put their weight on the car, so we could get it off the pile of rocks. Never did that again. I figured it would be all over town by 8:00 the next morning ... thankfully just a few heard about it and I laughed it off.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Still in Illinois, and the new baby is doing very well. I am so happy with the baby and for my daughter. I don't seem to have much time to post lately. I'll touch bases when I can but may not be responding to people. I'm in Illinois and there is a World Series Game at Wriggly Field. Guess what we're watching on TV tonight. :bigsmile:

    Katla49 in IL USA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,861 Member
    Hello all: Went to pulmonologist yesterday and he is happy with where the sarcoidosis is at the moment. It seems to be in remission. Yeah! I told him I had lost a few pounds since being off the prednisone, can swim on my stomach again, am doing water exercise three hours per week and have a little more breath control with my singing. He was impressed and I don't have to go back for six months this time. I ate too much bread yesterday but am doing better with food choices today. We finally have some sun here today so horses are out in the back pasture and that means less mess in the shelter.

    KJL - Thanks for the tip on the soup. It turned out quite well. DD and I both liked it but DH wasn't too impressed.

    Dr. Katie - Nice picture and Happy birthday!!!

    Mary - Hope the shoulder gets better soon, sounds miserable.

    Heidi - A late happy birthday to you!

    Lisa - Cute granddaughter. Hope your DS and eventually you can get to know her better.

    Heather - Good luck on house hunting and glad you get to help out with the DGC.

    Margaret - Lovely tribute to your mom.

    Katla - He is a cutie. Congratulations.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member

    Thought I would share this with you all.

    Shot and CT scan went OK yesterday, although it hurt like hell. Didn't feel much like cooking after I got out of there last night, so I hit up my neighborhood Taco Bell. Also hit Redbox on the way home. Watched "Warcraft" and "Central Intelligence" last night. Both good movies. Not feeling so good today, the pain is worse and I'm nauseous, but no vomiting yet. I guess that's the good part. Well, I'm gonna go eat a little something and curl up on the couch. Maybe I'll find something interesting to watch on TV tonight. You ladies have a great night.

    Sherry in PDX

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Margaret, the tribute to your mom is just beautiful. I would have liked her.

    Janet, ultimate cuteness in the baby llama.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes and the compliments on my "birthday suit." I know I still have pounds to go, but I am the smallest I have been in years, so I am really branching out in my clothes choices. No way would I have worn leggings even two years ago, much less 55 lbs ago.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today was a down day. Which was hard as my DH was moving furniture around so we can clean carpets. It was hard but I did get to be the micro manager. Ha ha! Tomorrow will be a test day. Need to be gone most of tomorrow while our carpets dry. I think we will park it at the movie theater.

    Wishing everyone a nice Friday !

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janet, do you raise llamas? They are cute but they always remind me of when my parents went to the zoo with us many, many years ago.One of the llamas spit on Dad and it was awful.

    One of my brothers was a lifer in the Navy. He was on a sub. So he was one of those part time parents. I am sure if his kids didn't have almost every mental alphabet problem like ADD, OCD, etc. So his wife would do the discipline while he was gone and then Dad would come home. Being in the military, he was used to a very disciplined lifestyle. So when he got home, he wanted that continued. When he had to go back to the sub, Mom was in charge again. So life didn't go well with them.

    One of these afore mentioned boys is the 'Dad' to our newest newborn in our 'family'. His woman, well I'm not sure she is a woman since she stated having her children at around age 16. So he isn't sure the first child was his but that didn't matter as soon as that baby was born. It was a volatile relationship, on again, off again. They lived together enough years that in the eyes of the state of Alabama they were married. So after 3 children they decided to finally get a divorce only they didn't have the money for that so they just lived apart. They shared responsibility of the kids when she had a car and could get them. She lived with this man or another man. When the kids were with her, they lived in this awful state, drugs, women for money, everything. So she got pregnant again and ran back to him. He knew that he wasn't the father. He was born yesterday and his birth certificate has my nephews name on it. One day I found a rock in my car that some one had put a message on it that said 'Grace abounds'. I have no idea who put it there but I guess God had something to do with it. I will need that rock in my pocket when that girl comes for Christmas. My brother and his wife love all the other girls just like any grandparents would. They will do the same with this boy. But I can just see this young women getting mad and leave in a big huff and takes the little 'brother'. The oldest of the girls is 5 and youngest is 3. I remember one Christmas when my nephew got here he said that Brittney couldn't come because she had the flu. OK, we don't doubt it. But when he goes home, when he gets there, she has had a nice long weekend with another guy and it was pre-planned.

    Now we go to another brother. He has one child who was so spoiled when he was little. So he has always felt it didn't take much to get his way and he had total control of his parents. In his mid teens he starts playing around with drugs and soon he finds himself trying heroin. So several years ago he was put in a treatment center for addicts. He could have served his time in a prison but somehow by the grace of God, they put him in a wonderful treatment center. Before he finally got caught, he was with a girl and together they had 3 children. This was after a very short marriage that created 1 child. The wonderful Mom of the 3 kids has always come to our house for Christmas with my brother and SIL. She has just been part of the family. But now she is engaged, my nephew is with another woman and she is coming. So Momma is just going to drive all the way from Cincinnatti to us and drop the kids off and then come back the next day. Yep, my nephew has really never taken a Daddy role with the kids. My brother and SIL are the babysitters much of the time and when they have them and the kids are there he doesn't do anything with them. The kids really of course don't have much to do with him either. My family is messed up.But the nephew is 3 years clean and in college to be an addiction counselor.

    Joyce, Indiana