

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    My top money saving tips - Cook from scratch, use all your left overs including vegetables, don't eat out and don't eat takeaways. Your purse and your body will thank you. :D

    Just had guinea fowl with roasted onion and carrot along with kale. DELICIOUS. There is loads of guinea fowl left for another day. I could make stock, but I've already got loads in the freezer, ;)
    Tomorrow we are going to take sandwiches for lunch in the car. I will take a Quest bar for any hunger pangs later. DS is going to be home by 5 pm so should get a cup of tea then. DH and I normally eat around 6 pm, but that is bath, TV and bed time for the grands, so I will have to wait until after 7 pm. I will be starving! Usually I succumb to a slice of wholemeal bread and Marmite. :( We might have fish and chips (me no chips), but we will have to avoid the usual Prosecco as we have to drive home. :sad: Good job we will be walking around all day looking at houses. I will do 300 calories of rowing before we set off. o:)

    Hope I sleep tonight. Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Lisa - I have a little 2 cup max coffee maker that uses pods instead of cups. My hack was finding (on line) 'The Duck' which is an insert that allows you to use regular ground coffee instead of pods/cups. Save tons of money and I can get a bit exotic with my morning brew. I've been stuck on Raspberry Chocolate coffee from our local grocery store for some time now. Maybe there is a 'Duck' for your coffee machine out there somewhere. m0767.gif

    My dear neighbor's birthday is Halloween (tomorrow). I have decided that he has heard and been given every Halloween themed birthday thing made by now. So I will surprise him and his wife with a batch of his favorite home made ice cream to go with the delicious home made birthday cake I am sure Ruth will make him. No tricks just treats for him tomorrow. t98399.gif

    Charleen in Colorado (Cool, cloudy and dreary today. Makes me want to go back to bed.)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2016
    barbiecat – I go to the library; I don’t shop online; and, I only go into a store when I am planning on buying something ‘specific’ … except for the grocery store. Usually I know about how much I will spend at the grocery store by multiplying the number of items I have in my basket by $5 + 7% tax. But, yesterday, I had to have the cashier take off a couple of items that I had picked up, mainly because I went there ‘hungry’. I don’t mind putting things back, next time I am more careful. DH had given me $35 and the groceries costs $38+. Oh well, did not get the apples I wanted; next time!

    Heather – I try cooking from scratch; and, I put my veggies in a pot in the freezer for soup later when it gets cold. When we go out to eat; I cut whatever I order in ½ as soon as I get it, ask for a ‘to go box’ and push it over to the side of my plate. I ‘try’ not to order a mixed drink; unless I skip a meal earlier in the day. When I have gone over, I definitely walk! Looks like ‘tea’ is going way up due to Brexit; are y’all affected by this?

    Charleen – We could certainly use some of the cool, cloudy and dreary weather; actually we could use RAIN!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    DYS just rang me. Tomorrow we are going on Halloween duty with him. :noway: He asked me if we had any masks. Good job I hadn't thrown them away yesterday! I have rooted out a couple for DH and me and a gold one you hold up. :D These were all hand made by me and used in my theatrical productions. :D DGS is going as The Grim Reaper and DGD is going as Queen of the Spiders. He says we will be out for 45 minutes. Then I will go for fish and chips. Scared I will be STARVING ! (I am hypoglycemic ). Resolve to take care of myself so I can help the kids enjoy themselves. Will pack two Quest bars. :)

    DYS couldn't remember which dog was whose, but remembered Johnny the best. I hope I've remembered it correctly. DOS was a bit older, of course, so will have a better memory. DYS thought it was a good idea to send Johnny to DOS. <3

    Looking forward to tomorrow, but expecting to be KNACKERED. (British English) :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    stat for the day:
    jog- 48.05min, 9.37ap, 6.1-6.7sp, 0-4.0incl, 163mhr, 5mi = 531cal

    last run b4 the big one
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Carol how fun!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hugs ladies! It's Sunday, and its raining cats and dogs! We WERE going to attend "Talking Tombstones" an event at the cemetery down in Seaside, but with all of our colds finally on the mend I declared it not a good idea. It's one thing to go if its cold, but cold and rainy makes my nose run even to think about it! The event has people dressing up at past residents of the area...actually standing by their graves and talking about themselves. One year it was here at the cemetery in Hammond and many of the talking tombstones were figureheads of past Astoria, (being that Astoria is built on a side of a hill, most are buried here). It's a spooky looking history lesson, and you just walk from tombstone to tombstone. They also have buckets and brushes if you want to clean a bunch off too. If you have never thought of your town doing this, its a great thing to get people interested and informed about the people that made your town the great place it is today!

    Already making a shopping list for the beginning of the month. I have cleaned out old coupons and made a meal list from what we have already. I have a small bookshelf that has mostly "my stuff" on it, and I need to eat from that MORE OFTEN. It contains some pastas, organic rice, herbal teas, cans of veggies, and some cans of fruit. Also some multi-grain crisp bread, and tuna. I know its easier to just put some hearty bread in the toaster and put some peanut butter on it, but I need to plan better. For one split second I thought of just buying some Slim fast and just not eat for a while. Or maybe just some tv dinners, but that is crazy thinking. I need to put myself first again. I have gained 10 lbs. these last couple of months and it just makes me think stupidly. It makes me want to just "take a break" from attending TOPS meetings, but that again is not fully being in the present, putting myself first, and being accountable. It's a holiday thing...just an excuse. It's because its cold, rainy and ucky out, so I am not exercising like we used to. Bah! Rain is just liquid sunshine....and I know how to layer dammit.

    being liquid-sunned on and rusting in
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I should feel very lucky and blessed that Charlie have never been in that penny pinching state. I am sure that when Charlie was growing up that he must have felt it in his family. But if my parents were poor us kids never knew it because of the amount of love. Plus our churches always kept us in venison, half a gog or beef, one member owned a skating rink so we had free recreation. And Mom and Dad always made life fun for us. They always had a large garden or helped with the work for a church member so that we could use it. When I graduated from nursing school the government had this wonderful grant policy that if you worked at certain hospitals, your payment is cut in half that year. And the whole 3 years which included room, board and all meals cost $700/year. But by the time the 3 years of 1/2 payment went by they changed it that I could do it for another 3 years. As an RN, I made good money. Back in 1972 when I started, my started hourly wage was $3.95! When I stopped it was $20/hour. Charlie only had a high school degree and many times he was totally upset when as a HS graduate his position didn't pay the level he thought was equal to his intelligence and job importance. Yes, a pharmacy tech was very important but the hospital put all technicians at a certain pay level. But we have always had the policy of no credit card policy. We own our house and both cars.

    Was able to go to Sunday School and church and sang in the choir but I sure hurt the whole time. I have my appointment Tuesday,

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2016
    Joyce wrote: Plus our churches always kept us in venison, half a gog or beef, one member owned a skating rink so we had free recreation.

    I figured "gog" was a typo but I had a BLAST trying to figure out what it was supposed to be. I went through goat :unamused: frog :worried: and dog :noway: before I got to hog.

    Thanks Joyce!

    /Penny, ROTFLMAO at the North Pole

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2016
    Heather – Nice thing about Windows 10 is that I can ‘look something up’ without having to go out of the program I am in; and, can also open up 4 different sites at one time. Usually, I can guess what a word means by how it is used in a sentence; but, like to ‘make sure of it’.

    Joyce – My Dad was an attorney; Mother a HS English/Lit/Grammar teacher; she did not make a whole lot of money; and Daddy sometimes would ‘barter’ for his services. One day, he walked up to the ‘evidence table’ and took a shotgun off it; the Judge asked ‘what he was doing’? His reply was ‘getting paid’. Can’t do that now-a-days. Guess that was sort of a ‘perk’ of living in a small town; having the ‘Chief Judge’ living in the same town and being a ‘friend’, even if several counties were in his jurisdiction. We always felt ‘rich’ in love. We always had what we ‘needed’; but, not always what we ‘wanted’. Other than I got a Dale Evans cowgirl outfit for my 3rd Christmas and a red wooden rocking horse. I thought I had ‘died and gone to Heaven’ o:) . I rocked that horse so hard that its nose and tail would almost hit the ground. My Mother gave it or loaned it out and never got it back. So when my oldest son was little we bought a rocking horse. He loved it as much as I had loved mine. DYS did not care one bit about it. Too busy getting into things. I later saw the same type of red wooden rocking horse at a Junior League Auction, not in good shape and they had a $300 price tag on it. So, I never got a red wooden rocking horse since. I don’t remember any of our granddaughters wanting a ‘rocking horse’ … they wanted the ‘real’ thing.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Happy Sunday. Kind of a lazy day around here. Went to church then came home to a gray rainy day. DD is having kidney stone issues and DH is complaining of a sore knee. Good thing dinner is in the crockpot, pork loin.

    Rita - Wow, what a gorgeous picture!

    Carey - If your eye inflammation does not resolve you might want to have a chest x-ray done. Eye inflammation can be a symptom of sarcoidosis. I was not aware of this until I went to a conference at OHSU. Good luck with finding out what is going on.

    Lenora - Sending healing angels for your BnL.

    Heather - Sounds like a fun time. Good luck on the house hunting.

    Becca - I love that you are rusting in the liquid sun. Where we lived in SD used to have cemetery tours and also did a haunted Sioux Falls tour using the old trolley.

    Pip - You go girl!!

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    KJ, your kids are so cute in their costumes. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Penny, that sounds like a great idea about one of those Samsung phones. I keep hearing a lot about them too. If you do get one, just don’t bring it when you come to the US. LOL

    Barbie, I love the pic of you in your pumpkin suit with Brandy and Sasha looking up at you.

    Charleen, I hope your little tree makes it. t15303.gif

    KarenVA, it sounds like a marvelous time with the grands. Good for all of you!!

    Heather, people make assumptions about others all the time. I’m sure many thought you “had it made” to be able to write and not “work” outside the home. You paid your dues for sure. I hope the stuffed dog comes out good and helps your DS.

    Tere, wow you have been through a lot in the past year! It sounds like you have come through the worst of the storm and we are here to cheer you into good health. Plan what you eat and just take one day at a time. Congrats on your marriage and I wish you many years of happiness.

    Rita, love your friends that take you for a walk. How nice for all 4 of you.

    Lisa, I agree that we can usually find places in our lives to save money if we just analyze things. Good for you.

    CarolGA, great picture.

    Barbie, you are so right about saving money. My two favorite stores have been having huge sales so I just don’t even go in so I won’t buy something. I really don’t need anything.
    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I went with DH to the Sunday breakfast place that he likes so much. I’ve turned down invitations for the past two weeks. Since I ate what I shouldn’t, I went to the gym and worked some of it ff. It was such a beautiful day that I wanted to do something outside but that didn’t happen.
    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    edited October 2016
    :) I just started composing the post that will kick off the November thread. I'll post it tomorrow just before I go to bed, so be looking for it. I'll post the link here. We live in a 55+ neighborhood and don't have kids trick-or-treating. For me, Halloween has been dressing in my pumpkin costume for my line dance class. Once that's over, the holiday is over for me. We did see photos of our grandkids in their costumes posted on Facebook.

    :) Barbie in drizzly NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    tomorrow, i go to the new office and use my new bike locker. we'll see how smooth it goes. work for 2 more days then we're off to california
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Love hearing about all the de-cluttering/cleaning out…

    Mary – take care
    Liz – slow and steady, you are just a few days post surgery, do not be silly! 

    Katie – great picture

    Allie – Glad you are getting some quiet time – sorry to hear that even while you take Tom to the airport he figured out how to pick at you….

    Heidi – Happy Belated birthday!

    Margaret – beautiful

    Heather – the grands are so cute!

    Lisa – I am really pleased to hear how you have thought this out, and made your health the top priority, and understand that you and DH can figure it out with less income if you have to… cheering for you!

    Katla – thanks for your comment about the Apple upgrade using up battery life quicker, I thought I was imagining things….

    All thanks for posting the “needing to be frugal” stories, I’m living that life now and spend some time with folks who have it made financially this weekend and while they don’t mean to, the conversation is often about going here, there, seeing this event, flying here or there for the weekend, they don’t do it to rub it in my face, but sometimes I can’t even afford the gas to go to a free event so I was feeling a bit alone, the way things work here in the usa if at the end of the year you are above the poverty line and own a business (I was above by under $10 last year) you don’t get a break on taxes so my tax bill took just under 40% of the business income for all the taxes which means I live well under the poverty line, most of the time it is a game, how can I stretch stuff, but other times it just gets me down – thanks for helping me feel less alone. And who ever mentioned checkout51, I’m going to check that out too.

    October Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lunch with friends 2 times….
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My family and I have been messaging each other tonight about Christmas. It is going to be so different for me this year. It is already stressful. I don't know why I am so stressed over everything lately. For the last two years we have rented a hall for our dinner and then come back here for gift exchange which in my mind IS Christmas. It is the reading of the Christmas story, even though it is read on a phone, singing carols. women doing their 'secret Santa stocking stuffer' thing and then finally opening of gifts with Michelle and my grand daughters being elves. As the other kids get older they will take that job over. So this year it will all be at this hal. It is not somewhere that is ever decorated for Christmas plus it will be done December 31st. So, what do we do for a tree. There will be 8 children 5 and under plus my two 10 and 15. Bedlam, holy bedlam. 4 of these children are shy, the other are, well let's just say they haven't been brought up like the others. Christmas tree. I can't see not having a tree. But I don't want to buy a tree and decorating it over and several hours later taking it all down. I think we are going to have my two DGD draw a tree on a big piece, like big wall size, paper and having the kids taping ribbon, etc as decorations. Adults can help draw their hands on it, just stuff like that. But I want a tree to put presents under. Is it just because we are traditional??? Plus at the eye level that kids are going to be doing their drawing or decorating, it won't leave any room for gifts and stockings. Games to keep the kids busy. I am putting to much thinking on me because we always have ti at my house and there is room to play but not a big hall for them to run wild like the 4 kids who live like that.

    Knowing me, I will lay awake at night thinking about this and trying to 'solve' it. I know exercise would help to de-stress me. Do I do it???? No. Maybe I just need to go look at pictures at Bea!!!! LOL

    Joyce, Indiana