Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new here. I would like to lose at least 40 lbs to start and go from there. I started tracking yesterday and today is day 2# of walking on my treadmill.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    I've been absent here a few days so I need to catch up. Monday Check in went by the way and Tuesday goals to if you consider that it's officially Wed now, because it's after midnight in the Central Time Zone. I'm happy to report that I'm FINALLY feeling like me again! Although I don't have the eating back in line completely yet, I have made headway with the step goals. Monday I walked my goal and moved from 5th to 4th place in the step challenge. Tuesday I walked 2700 plus steps over my goal and moved from 4th to 3rd and missed 2nd by less than 100 steps! So my Tuesday Goals is to finish the challenge in at least 2nd place, and get my calorie goal on or under goal for each day of the week this week.

    Since I'm here and it's officially Wed, my Wed. Wish is to be satisfied with my food selections and portions today. Tuesday I was tough, I had to fight roaring hunger and cravings most of the day.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wednesday Wish ... that the lawnmower replacement tire arrives so I can fix that thing and cut the grass. The leaves are starting to drift down and that lawnmower helps with picking them up and chopping them up ... but it has to be done several times a week otherwise the load becomes too thick. And since I couldn't cut the grass last week because of the busted wheel, the grass is greatly over-height as well. Times like this is when I mixx having a man around the house. (LOL)
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Wednesday wish, I wish the scale would move. My surgeon told me I had reached an equilibrium. That 1600 calories is my maximum intake based on my output, Life and excercise. That sucks big time. On the plus side he wasn't upset like he was at the beginning when I wasn't totally bought in on me having to work to lose weight and let the sleeve do the work because it won't. I'm doing what I need to.
    Second wish, I wish my wife would walk with me more often. She pushes me, she talks, there are no I pads and who wouldn't want the company of the woman they are crazy for. I am blessed to have her.
  • Indygirl_81
    Indygirl_81 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm in.... how do you read these on your phone?
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    edited November 2016
    @Indygirl_81 There's an app. My fitness planner. Android has a menu on upper left. My iPad has 3 dots on lower right for menu. Community

    Oh and welcome. Good group of people here.

    @Nikion901 (grunts) Man Good!
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    <3 Today is my 31st anniversary! @Nikion901 I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful, caring man around the house, but he is disabled, so I still end up being Ms. Fix It. Even before he had his stroke, he was useless at handiman stuff. Shortly after we were married I was installing or fixing something, and I asked him to get me a Philips screw driver. His reply: "What's that"? LOL

    On the flip side, he was a fantastic cook; he made Lobster Thermidor on our first dinner date at his house all those years ago, and here we are all these years later.

    May everyone's Wednesday wishes come true!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @pneschich I can commiserate with you, because if I had a great guy to walk with, I would be out there hoofing it as much as he wanted to, it is more fun when you have someone you are crazy about to work or play with, because it's just...well, more fun. Like you, I think I'm getting to the bottom of this calorie goal ride, so I either have to lower my intake the last 70 calories, or like you just work harder. I don't want to, but even more than that, I don't want to have surgery, so I guess I will just haul my lazy butt on out and get busy! It's my choice, no one is making me.
    @320sycamore I love that you and your Hubs are celebrating your 31st today! <3 That is such a remarkable thing this day and time! In honor of the occasion, I'm changing my Wed Wish to...I wish you two love birds have the best anniversary ever and many happy and healthy returns! Any man that would tackle lobster thermidor to win his woman, is worth marrying! LOL
    @Nikion901 You and Kathleen have my true admiration for your fix it skills. I have two thumbs and 8 fingers but when it comes to using tools and fixing things, I'm all thumbs or maybe feet! I hope your wheel comes, because I do enjoy yard work and I hate when it gets behind. We haven't had enough rain to even make the weeds grow!
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My Wednesday wish is to see the scale move downwards.

    Today is going to be another beautiful day . Enjoying the weather now. Most of today is getting things down lot of puttering around . Which is good I eat lots and lots of greens no problem but today not agreeing with my system. At moment I wrapped up in a blanket try to get moving;) once I do get up and get things done will help too.

    Hope everyone has a good Wednesday.

  • amberdm86
    amberdm86 Posts: 1 Member
    Today is day one of me seriously making some changes in my life to lose weight. Ultimately I would like to lose 100 plus pounds and I know it is not going to be easy especially in the beginning. I find it hard to make time to workout and constantly find myself making excuses as to why I do not have the time. I also tend to cheat and eat foods I know I am not supposed to and one cheat day a week turns into two, three, or even four.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,958 Member
    Wednesday wish ... to win/inherit/find a large enough sum of cash to quit my job so i can just focus on my health and being a good wife.
    <3 Rach
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    I wish I hadn't gotten a phone call. Dr. Called to tell me insurance denied me because they didn't have a record of my weight in 2013. That was the year I magically added 100+ pounds so I could need surgery cause I'm obviously crazy. So, I had to pull off the freeway in freaking Houston rush hour traffic to look up my old doctors phone number, she moved, to get the records they were supposed to have sent months ago.. Drive to the doctor's office to get hard copies because fax and email are just too complicated. Then drive to the other doctors and turn them over. Now I have to wait another week to escape limbo.
    Going to walk the dog, hard. Hope the rain holds off. Feels like a Monday from here.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    @Pneschich- I am sorry I can feel your frustration. Hang in there it will happen.

    Today has been such a fun day! So happy that The Cubs won! It was a good game both teams ! I grew up in Illinois my family is still there but every Spring my Dad and Grandpa Vietti be like how are the Cubs going to do every start this will be the year and Fall come next year! No matter what they always cheer for the Cubs family day trips to See them play. I wish they could have been here to see this! Just special day!

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth ... I need to stop 'trying' and start 'doing'. And, what I need to start doing now is stop dieting and just maintain for a while. This is necessary to halt an "I'm failing again' mindset that wants to creep into my thought process.

    Face it Niki, the body can only keep up decreased energy intake and increased energy output for so long before the subconscious starts slipping in an extra lick here - an extra smidgen there, and a relaxation of the force or time or occurrence of 'working out' ... and then a plateau results; and then those 'I'm failing again' feelings start to creep in and then a real halt to effort takes hold. So ... you've been through this before and you know that it's not that you are failing, it's that you need a break to let your mind and body relax for a while.

    So ... "maintain, maintain, maintain" is the goal, for now.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Thursday Truth- I have a case of the blues. The good news about that is that I'm so upset I can't eat and not eating my feelings per usual. It won't last, the negative feelings will subside and I'll be back to myself with a little straight thinking a thankfulness litany. I usually do my thankfulness litany at night as I lay my head down to rest. I just start with thank you for this pillow and this comfortable bed in this home that is always the perfect temperature and always has abundant food and necessities. And then I move on through all the things like family, friends, church, etc that I am thankful for and before I know it, it's morning! One thing that is in my thankfulness litany is Robin's Thread and all you kind and wonderful people. Thanks for being there for me!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    I saw a fridge sign:
    Eat the junk you've been craving for an hour.
    Have the body you've wanted for a lifetime.
    The choice is yours!

    I liked it thought it was clever and to the point.

    I have the great honor of helping the Boy Scouts serve Dinner tonight to a group of wounded veterans, their families and a group of kids who have lost a parent. If you have a spare moment say a prayer for these folks. They are the most grateful group of people I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,958 Member
    I have seen that sign .. Google search images of "weight loss motivation" I agree, very motivational.

    I had fallen off the AM (coffee) stroll "wagon". But today I am back at it ... with a 24oz sippy cup of water (instead of my usual cup o' joe). :wink:

    I have decided to take my waist and hip measurements and my weight only twice a month; on the 3rd and 17th. The 3rd because I weighed my heaviest on Nov 3rd last year and two weeks later on the 17th because my birthday is on Mar 17th. FYI, I have lost 8.8lbs since my highest weight a year ago. That's not a lot for a year but it is in the right direction! Measurements are important, especially waist and waist-to-hip ratio. They are a better indicator of health than weight, but I have done this dance for too long to completely turn my back against the scale. But I want to get a better, more accurate and durable scale. Something with a wide platform, high range (400lb), and measures in 0.1lb increaments. I am currently investigating the Eatsmart Precision digital scale but I am open to suggestions. Also, I dont want to pay more than $50.

    <3 Rach
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hey @MermaidPrincessRach --- we share the same birthdate ... March 17!

    try looking at this scale, I bought this one back in August and have been pretty happy with it thus far. ...

  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Had a busy couple of days! Friday we finally had our housing inspection passed we are now a certified family home. For our daughter! It allows us to help our daughter even more. But it took a lot of work. We been focus on this for months except for the break from it because of surgery. Nice to have it done.

    Today was the first of many holiday Bazaars I am involved in. Signed up before the surgery break! I was tired at the end but it was nice to focus on something different ! I meant a lot of nice people. My husband was so helpful he gave up his day off to help me setup my table brought all of my stuff in hang out for a while to make sure I was ok. He did get some game time with his friends I was happy he got that time. Than he came back he Elle's me pack up. Tomorrow I know he wants to watch football so I want to make sure he gets his r&r time. Found a new lo carb chili recipe can't wait to try. Food is going good! I will jump on the scale tomorrow. Hoping to see a loss.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,958 Member
    Hey @Nikion901 that's cool the we both have St Patrick's Day bdays! :mrgreen: Are you Irish? I am not sure if I am or not. I want to get a DNA ancestry test done but they are a little too pricey for me right now.
    Thanks for the scale reccommendation! It looks like a nice one! And it comes with a tape measure!!
    @Elizabeth2360 it is so nice that you have a supporting and helpful husband! I love my wonderful husband too. "A few good men" :lol:
    I tried to drink one cup of water per hour yesturday but it is really hard for me to do, especially when I am out and about on weekends. I carried a water bottle with me all day but still fell short of my goal. What can I say? I'm not a drinker.
    <3 Rach