
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Sale's done, and made more than double what I was expecting...have someone I can donate the books to, which is great... can't bring myself to throw them away! So exhausted. Glad not to do that again, probably ever.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Annr~Tracys BF has the same type of thing going on his thing is expensive sneaker and ball caps,he collects them has the whole closet full and he bought a 60 inch tv to play video games on.. now Tracy wants there own house, and they dont have a combined bank account, so you know if they get a house, Kyle will not lift a finger, will still keep buying what he wants and Tracy will foot the bill for everything else.. again I dont say a word..
    will speak to the ex and if he decides to give them a downpayment for a house, I am sure he and I will agree that the house will be in Tracys name ONLY...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Monique great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Janetr happy-birthday-to-you-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Karen in Virginia
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    NYKaren - I would so like to go dumpling sampling with you!

    Loving all the Halloween pictures. I forgot to take pictures of the boys before they disrobed and started the important task of sorting through their GALLON of candy!

    Katla - may I suggest HAPPY music? Always takes the "blues" away from me.

    Monique - whan an awesome and inspirational story. I'm glad you are here.

    Feeling so much better today. I have not yelled at the boys once and have been trying out things recommended by the counselor when they start in on each other. Leaving them to fight their own battles unless it interferes with my enjoyment of the day or there is any physical confrontation.

    Dinner is going to be about an hour later than planned because evidently I forgot to hit the start button after setting my crockpot and didn't notice it wasn't on for an hour. And here I thought I was saving time. Oh well - guess the boys will get an additional snack in before dinner.

    I sent my DD#2 a text today and suggested she look into getting a housecleaner in every other week just to do the heavy cleaning so she can enjoy more time with friends and family. She can well afford to do it. I told her she did not have to prove that she can do it all! I worry about her health because 15yrs ago she had weight loss surgery, lost over 150lbs and was starting to look too thin in her face when she finally decided she had lost enough. She was an inspiring group leader for others who were preparing for or had already had the same surgery. Then she got married at 35, had a child, and started to gain weight. I'm guessing she now weighs more than she did pre-surgery. I am concerned about her health - knees, BP, etc. She still has to have blood work done because her body does not absorb nutrients the way that it used to due to having part of the intestine removed. She thinks that another surgery is the answer. Just another thing that worrying about is wasting my energy as it is not something I have control over.

    Gloria contemplating the meaning of life in WA idea.gif
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Becca - it seems to be the way life goes that the wife's family gets more attention than the husbands unless the wife and her family are on the outs. I know it has to be frustrating for you as you seem to be very close to all of your sons.


    Gloria in WA

    Wow I just spent 30 minutes with DGS#2 trying to push my buttons and me refusing to give him my power. It was HARD but he finally gave up and went away. OHmmmmmmmmmm
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Barbara – CPA visits like that suck.

    Lisa – so I am sure by now the sale is done, the charity and dump runs are done and you are off to the next adventure (it’s 5:48pm your time) LOL hope all went well!

    Janetr – Happy Birthday! And congrats on getting and keeping off all that weight…

    Wendy – you could post here and be accountable to a group!

    Barbie – I have heard of that but not read it yet… wonder if I can get it on my kindle from the library…. I’ll check!

    Becca – I have to say that while I love the gathering and the thankfulness, turkey is one of my least favorite foods…. I’d make you buy me something else as a TV dinner… LOL

    Heather – thanks for sharing the floor plan, so is the conservatory, what we might call a sun room glass walls and ceiling?

    Glo – CONGRATS after a few more trys on button pushing he might wise up… LOL

    Well, a good day in the garden, so this is a secret…. BUT the camp garden is nice but very plain, functional raised beds all made out of matching tan bricks… and it is for KIDS! So there is one bed that has not yet been converted to a raised bed and it has strawberries in it, the most untended sad looking strawberry plants, so I decided the strawberries should be in a tub not in the ground, well all is fine with that but I have a looser definition of tub – I think folks are thinking I’ll move them to the ½ wine barrels, NOT I have an associate who does some re-modeling on the side, and I asked if he knew of anyone remodeling a bath room who did not want their bath TUB any more, sure enough! I am getting a tub delivered (free) the week of thanksgiving, he’ll drill holes in the bottom for drainage, I’ll sink it 4 inches in the ground, fill it with dirt and plant the strawberries! So today I started digging out the strawberries and putting them in pots as I will need to dig the bed area out to accommodate the tub… to say the least if I get push back as it is not all matchy matchy, I’ll beg for forgiveness not ask permission – and the key points are 1. Fun for kids, 2. Better protection from critters, 3. Free, 4. Did I mention that this is for kids?

    November Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Lisa - awesome job on the money making! I hope you got a good price for the table you so lovingly re-stained. Have you thought about putting the leftovers on Craigslist. A lot of people put up a picture of everything left from a garage sale and say these are available until a certain time. That way you wouldn't have so much to deal with getting rid of. Some Craigslisters take it to put in their own sale.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good evening, ladies!
    Feeling thankful for my part time job. I helped some of the sweetest people at the Y today.
    Katla - thinking of you and your "blues".
    Lisa - way to go!
    Mary - how is your shoulder today?
    Newbies - WELCOME!
    Pip - Go,go,go!
    Heather - lovely home! Glad you had a good trip.

    Trouble sleeping last night. Hubby and I have not been on the same page with finances. Hopefully we'll be there now!!!! We've been married for 35 years. I think he got the message when I said I was apartment hunting at 4 am last night.

    Celebrating your many successes, gals. Praying for those with extra challenges!

  • Bbiwbkacq
    Bbiwbkacq Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, Friends!

    I've totally lost my focus and am struggling to get back on track. But, I'm here tonight and so glad to find this thread. I celebrated my 60th birthday in April and vowed that this would be my best year. By now, I was hoping to be taking hiking trips in the mountains and riding bikes with my two teens. Heck, I can't even walk a block without wanting to sit down. It's as if my mind wasn't in sync with my body. The mind has to be along for the ride for health to come about.

    This evening, I forced myself to go to Best Buy and buy one of the fitness trackers. I don't like wasting money, so, I think it should be a useful tool for motivation. I've also bought some Sam-e to help me with my mood, maybe lift me up a bit so that I can get myself out of the house for the purpose of fitness. I make all kinds of excuses and keep telling myself that I'll begin next week. Here we are, almost at the end of the year and I'm going to run out of "next weeks" for 2016.

    I appreciate this forum for venting, support and to hold myself accountable. I hope we can help each other out.

    Virginia Beach, VA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lisa, congrats on the sale.

    Becca, my suggestion may not work because I don't know everything, but sometimes you have to think outside the box. I guess my reasoning comes from how our family does Christmas and also how my ex SiL had us handle his first deployment. As you know, we live in southwestern Indiana and his training before his first deployment was outside Philadelphia. Everyone was making arrangements to fly home to Indiana, see everyone up and down the state and then fly back in 3 days. Dan asked that Michelle and I fly there. I was so pleased he wanted me. His Moms were all foster and I was that Mom for him. So Michelle and I flew there and had a great sight seeing time. I did allow them to have a lot of alone time although the hotel put my room next to theirs. Was so glad for good walls. Now to the other part of my thought. We have Christmas whenever we can. One year it was in February. So have Christmas and Thanksgiving together. Make it your own.

    So sick and tired of the bruises I get with this medicine i have to take because of the stent. And to think that I have to take this until the end of August.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    The dumpling marathon was fun! Pretty fall day in NYC, lots of people walking about, so many young families, it was fun to people watch. We only hit 3 different shops all within the East Village and Chinatown. yummy, we split every order, some were fried, some were boiled and all with chili oil! Ummm, was that good.

    I only had yogurt for breakfast, worked out 55 minutes at the gym and don't want to eat dinner so I guess cico will work out for such a food centric experience---oops did I forget to mention the last stop at the donut shop??? Yeah there was that :s but tomorrow is happily another day

    Here is some art work near the donut shop
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    Janetr, Hope your birthday has been the happiest
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 40 minutes of Floor Burn DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Butt Bible DVD

    Exercised, steamed asparagus (which was on sale), made pork chops for next week

    I THINK we have most of the Halloween decorations packed away. Vince is putting some of the decorations away right now

    Kim from NCal - I'm not a big meat eater, either. I usually have a small piece of meat and lots of veges. I love persimmons, especially if they are really ripe. Unfortunately, there weren't any at the farmer's market this year. Your thanksiving sounds wonderful! Another thing about Skinnytaste is that the food there has flavor. Many of the items that are low in calories are also low in flavor

    Glo - one time we went to FL when the kids were little. My inlaws had been given a toy gun which was broken, but Bryan really played with it. Well, he took it home on his carry-on. You can guess what the airline did! They confiscated it, boxed it up. Then the shipment (of this broken toy bun) was sent to Atlanta by mistake. Then they had someone drive it to our house (this is when we were living in Stroudsburg, PA). All for a broken toy gun!

    Rita - your son looks UNBELIEVABLE. So does everyone else. Love your dd's outfit

    wendy - welcome! We're all here for you, lots of people for your accountability

    Monique - welcome! What a success story you have there. I sure hope you make your goal. Keep coming in here, your journey sounds really interesting.

    Jusnita - you go girl! Smaller sizes - fantastic!

    mamibimumbo - welcome!

    Becca - I hear ya about kids spending money when they really should be saving it. Denise is that way a lot. Why she chose to spend $1200 on a birthday party for her boyfriend and yet she's talking about how she needs to cut back on expenses for her wedding is beside me.

    Lisa - so glad the sale went so well

    Breanda - welcome!

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thanks ladies for all the birthday wishes. I had a terrific day.

    Love you all.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2016
    Peach: Thanks to the link to sherv.net! :smiley:

    Joyce: Count your blessings. Your children are close enough that you see them regularly. I won't see either of mine again for months. I envy you. :heart:

    Monique, Juanita in Central TX & Brenda in Virginia Beach: Welcome to a great group! :smiley:

    Mambimum: Your goals make sense. Good luck! Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: Congratulations on a successful sale. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Thanks for your story about Christmas with your ex SIL back when he wasn't ex. It makes me feel good. :heart:

    Gloria and others who have been so encouraging since I got home with the blues, thank you for your support. I'm beginning to feel a bit better. Today was a good day for both DH and me. He had lunch with high school classmates and I had a great riding lesson on a new horse. The horse & I got along well & I like his gaits. He is very smooth compared to the horse I have been riding although I've been told he can be a real pill. The horse I have been riding before this is sweet and very trustworthy. I'll miss him, but my teacher is right that I need to gain broader experience. Thanksgiving will be at DSIL's house so there will be loads of company. Christmas will be on our own. We'll figure it out, I hope.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn