Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • SteveHummer
    SteveHummer Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! New to MFP, but not to weight loss. Have lost and gained 100lbs + several times. Hope to make this my last journey to lose. For the past 18 months. starting weight 486+, lost 150 but have137 to go. Getting harder to stay focused on my goals. Dread the Holidays and all the temptations that come with them. Hope by the end of the year to be off oxygen and below 320. Time to go to the Y, Went swimming this week for the first time in 10 years.
  • jessesmom81
    jessesmom81 Posts: 30 Member
    Awesome job on your weight loss so far Steve. Just take one day at a time. You can do this. :)

  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @320sycamore - thanks for checking on me! Yes, I'm fine. I've been lurking, but life's been a little nutty and haven't had time to post. My 87 yr old, very frail Mom was visiting... However, I somehow managed to lose 4 lbs, for a total of 85 lbs gone since early April. And officially, as of today, I am no longer obese but merely fat. Hey, I'll take it - lol.
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member

    Love my walks! Never know who I'm gonna see
  • ravenroche
    ravenroche Posts: 2 Member
    I wish I could shake the sugar cravings! I was silly and forgot to take some key medication for 4 days and it messed me up a bit. Cravings are starting to dwindle but man oh man, all I want is gummy bears!
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi All! I've been in this thread off and on throughout the past two years, but haven't been active in here since March. It's been a rough year, and I kinda just stopped using MFP for a while all together, but have been back to tracking since September. Now I want to get active in the threads again!

    So just wanted to say a little hello. I'm Erin, from New Hampshire. I'm 33 and have been struggling losing and gaining the same 20-30lbs the past few years, and have over 120lbs I need to lose. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and that has been really flaring up this year and not helping with my weight loss journey. Looking to get myself healthy once and for all!
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member

    @Nikion901 yes keto has been hard, it has been easier cutting out sugar like cakes, brownies candy that stuff but where i am struggling is having a piece of toast or bowl of oatmeal in the morning. But my glucose was 12 really high also obese. Cancer feeds on sugar fat etc at least what I been told. So trying everything I know to get those numbers down. I have started looking at weight watchers I just need to get this under control quickly!

    Today was weird kept trying to get things done but in end nothing got done . Try tomorrow

  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,953 Member
    @Elizabeth2360 I dont know if you have past experience with WW but I do. I have been off and on their points systems, went to meetings, etc. IMO, MFP is a much better option. Figureing out or looking up points just adds one more step to the tracking process. Threads like this one are way better than any connections I made at meetings, and weighing in at their location once a week was just a hassle to try to wear the same clothing every time to try to get an accurate weekly weight. Not to mention, MFP is cheaper. :wink:
  • Nurse4wounds2000
    I looked up KETO and I need to lose 100 lbs myself. The struggle is real. I'm here with you! I need the support ! :)
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Question to all of you: What, if anything, do you use to "remind" yourselves to stay the course? Have you maybe glued a "fat" photo of yourself to the. fridge? Do you maybe stick helpful quotes on your kitchen cabinet doors?

    Here's why I'm asking: Over the course of my life I have lost, and regained, probably close to 1000 lbs. Maybe even more - who knows. Always I would lose a ton of weight, and then I - somehow - I just lost the motivation and went off the rails, always gaining back a lot more than I'd lost. And when I go off the rails, I stay off --- for years! Until I start the cycle all over again.

    This time around that's not happening. In part, that's because of MFP and the support I get from all of you (THANK YOU!!) Also, partially, it's because I'm older now and I have developed some health conditions that would make regaining the weight potentially life threatening. I have too much to live for to allow that to happen.

    So, being a very visual person, I created a "reminder" for myself to help keep me in line every day. I have a smart phone that has a "note" function. I used that app to write the date I started my weight loss journey (4/4/16) and my weight at that time (305 lbs). I "stuck" that sticky note in the very center of my phone's Home Screen where I see it every single time I pick up my phone. Every single time! Each time I see that only a few short months ago I weighed 85 lbs more than I do now. It's a reminder to get in touch with how much healthier, more active and happier I feel now. Underneath that date and weight I wrote "787" - which was the weight of a person in a TV show I saw on 4/3/16. That TV show galvanized me to take another stab on getting healthy, and I put that ## on my phone's sticky note to remind myself of where I so easily COULD go if I go off the rails again. Do NOT want to go there!!

    So again, what do you all use? Anything to remind YOU to stay on track? Best wishes to all, Birgit
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Excellent idea
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth ... I ate a whole pound of that sweet dough bread deliciousness known as Placek ... a Polish coffee cake type loaf studded with raisins and a crunchy crumble on top made of flour and butter. That's blown my calories for the day and has given me a tummy ache. That aside, I love the taste of this cakey bread because it reminds me so much of a bread my mom made every Easter for us. That was the only time we ever had that bread and she would bake a dozen of them, all between 1 and 3 pounds each and a good 9 inches tall, like an Italian Panitone. We ate that bread with every meal during the Pascal season starting with the first food on Easter morning. Her bread had a much firmer texture than that Placek I ate today, whose crumb could be pinched together like a piece of Wonder Bread, but the taste, ah, the taste!

    So today I feast, and tomorrow I fast!

    Guess guess I've revealed that if I have an 'stay on track stickies' they don't get into the grocery stores with me!

    Welcome to all the new posters in the past few days.
    Everyone have a great weekend, and remember that it is Veteran's Day on Friday ... a day of remembrance and honor for all the national warriors amongst us.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Thursday Truth- I feel like a stuffed pumpkin! I made spicy pumpkin corn chowder for dinner tonight, It was so tasty I ate one and half bowls, and that's why I feel like stuffed pumpkin! My three housemates all said it was one of the best soups ever, and it is, but I wish I had resisted the second helping!

    Welcome all you new posters, and welcome back @ereilly311, I'm looking forward to getting to know you.
    @birgitkwood Girl, you know I'm on the same journey but I'm about 40 pounds behind you and we are going to do it and we aren't going to do our usual thing this time, because life is precious and we are not giving up! I am back to walking my goal everyday, hurt or not, I do it because I'm trying to be like you!
    @Niki My MIL used to make that Easter Bread and it was sooo delicious. I stay as far away from bread as I can! It makes me want to never stop eating it and if you have some really good butter to spread on it, I won't stop, so I just don't start! Now Thanksgiving when I go to PA and there is a house full of freshly baked bread, all bets are off. My son is going to make me a 5K Turkey Trot course around the farm that I plan to do on Turkey Day so that I can eat some of the things that I normally don't partake of!

    Hope everyone had a marvelous and successful day! Holly in Chattanooga, TN
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been around much this week.

    @niki-- I need to follow your lead and do some fasting b/c I've definitely been feasting too much lately (see my Thursday Truth below).

    @birgit-- I don't have anything like that, but tend to let me waistband serve as my reminder. When I gain it tends to happen first in my midriff, and right now my pants are screaming at me, "PUT DOWN THE CANDY!!"

    @liz-- I also need to cut down on my sugars b/c that's what causes me to crave more unhealthy foods. I had planned to do so when you first posted that you were switching to keto, and sadly, I feel I have let you down. I'm re-committing right now to limit my carbs. MFP gives me 157g/day, but I know from experience that I do better when I keep them below 100g/day and keep away from the simple sugars. So that's my goal going forward.

    @erin-- Hey, it's great to see you back here!

    @raven-- at work, I do my supervision in our HS's Literacy Center, and the para who runs it still has a Halloween pumpkin filled with candy on her desk. All week, I have been digging through it looking for gummi bears. Thank goodness they are finally all gone.

    @kayfhoward1 --great pictures!

    @320sycamore --Thanks for checking in. I've had an especially busy week with meetings and parent/teacher conferences, but I've been lurking and reading posts when I get a few minutes here and there--just haven't made time to sit down and post myself.

    Thursday Truth:
    I have been an eating machine for the past few days. Tuesday some friends invited me over for a pizza night to watch election results. Some others who came brought some delicious desserts, and let's just say I never met a chocolately cakey anything I didn't like. :blush: Add lots of candy and treats lying around the office, and it's NOT been a great week. On top of that I had a meeting Monday and P/T conferences Wednesday, so not much exercise either. I did manage to walk the dog and rake leaves for an hour today, but that's not nearly enough to counter all of the calories.

    As I mentioned above to liz, I'm going to focus on cutting sugars and simple carbs to get my eating under control. I also have a 3-day weekend which should give me time to get in some more exercise.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Clean the fish tank.
    2. Drop off bag at good will.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/1 letters of recommendation
    2. 7/40 Blake journals

    You vs Year Challenge:
    282 k done/ 718 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- rest day
    Wed-- rest day (parent/teacher conferences)
    Thurs-- walk gunner + rake leaves
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Sat-- walk gunner + take niece to the park
  • topgun1052
    topgun1052 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my 2nd day on my 1000 calorie diet. I am wanting to get bariatric surgery so I can lose 100 lb. I am 63 years old and as you see I look like a tub. I am going to lose this weight. I have exercised for 2 days. People I need your help. I really don't want to have surgery. Will be posting everyday I can. Glad to meet all you
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Thursday truth, The doctor's office didn't call and I'm not horribly upset. They will. I will be approved. I will be sleeved.

    I went out for lunch today. I pulled into the parking lot on my way to Subway for a salad and they opened up a Chinese buffet next door. I was parked between them, I could smell the Chinese food it was like the sirens calling me. I think I stood frozen for at least 5 minutes. I knew where I was supposed to go, what the plan was but there I stood, feet un-obedient. Healthy Jared (pre pervert) Food on one side and the slippery slope on the other urging me forward, towards, well you know. What did I do? Yep I made the good choice. The salad was seriously unsatisfying. Lo-mein was what I was craving, extra soy sauce.

    Tonight I did something I've been meaning to do for a while. I went into LA Fitness to inquire about cost and services and get the tour. It's sooooo close to home. I'm not sure it's for me. Is there a regular joes gym? -Dodgeball reference. Way too many overachieving uber healthy 30 somethings and a manager in his early 20's with serious barbell bloat who had as much of an idea about my life as he did the ins and outs of string theory, totally hard selling. I escaped commitment free. I scored a handful of 3 day passes but honestly the place frightens me. I know I have to start something else but what am I going to do alone in there? Yep, sit in the sauna and hide most likely. How does a fat " old" man get a workout partner? Why is this so difficult? That's my truth, right now, today, this moment, this is very very hard. I have all these people who love me within reaching distance but I'm so alone in this. I have great support, a loving wife who has my back, but I'm alone in this. It's my demon to slay. Fear of the pain I never want to feel again. Fear of not being there for my wife and boys. Fear, that is my demon, and fatty low nutritional value junk food too. I know the moment will pass and it will be normal again. Normal is so fluid these days.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @pneschich - check out Planet Fitness if you have one in reachable distance. They pride themselves on being the "judgment free zone," and I find it to be true. And yes, I hear you brother! Each of us is so desperately alone with our own personal food dragon. And yet... and yet...we're not really alone cuz here we all are. I know your struggle, as you know mine. I firmly believe "they" build Chinese buffets adjacent to every single Subway for no other reason than to trip us up. You made the right choice yesterday (congrats!), and you will again today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. One day at a time.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - talking waistband... I think you're on to something there. Can you market that thing? I'll invest and we'll both get rich :-D. Seriously, mine are all elastic so they talk too sloooowly for me to pay attention to. That's why that icon on my phone works better for me. Now, PUT DOWN THAT CANDY! (Thought I'd add my voice to that of the waistband lol )

    @topgun1052 - welcome to this wonderful supportive group! You don't look like a tub too me at all. You look like a wonderful woman struggling to slay her dragons and return to health. Just like all of us here. You've come to the right place - we're all in this together.

    @campfirequeen1 - don't be like me. Be like your own very best self, which is more than wonderful. You have challenges that I don't face. The fact that you have to struggle thru the pain every day, and do it anyway, makes you my hero! We're all in this journey together, but we also have our individual paths to walk, and at our own pace. The trick is in not around, no matter what.

    @Nikion901 - Oh, that bread sounds so delicious. How could you do otherwise? But today is another day!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Lately when I read the forums I wish that we had emoticons that we choose from in the response string. I get that they want us to be "inspiring", but when people are feeling distress, I want to be able to let them know that I hear them, without having to name each one. Some days I have the time and energy to do that but some I don't and I don't really even work most days, so I know you folks that work and have a host of other responsibilities don't have time. So far all my friends here who are struggling with getting back in the swing or just staying with the daily good decisions that have to be made I'm sending you hugs and well a sad faced emoticon with a tear, cause I hear you and I commiserate with you, but after that I would put some praying hands and a fist pump, because we can do this. WE WILL DO THIS. Got to go but I'll be back! Holly still in Chattanooga!
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    @campfirequeen1 Thanks! Looking to get to know everyone around here again too!

    @skinnyjeanzbound Thank you! Hope all has been well with you!
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    Does anyone have some fun plans for this weekend?

    I have a 3 day weekend (had today off). I went out for a bike ride by one of our lakes, despite the crazy windy conditions we have today, but it was so nice to get outside and some fresh air! Won't be able to get many more outdoor workouts in, in the coming months with winter coming.