
  • pamwix
    pamwix Posts: 16 Member
    Maggie I too have been lax in logging my food and my support group is elsewhere too. I want to be friends on mfp, but don't know how to make the request to add you. Still new at this support group process. Please request me if you know how to. Thanks. Everyone have a great Day!
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • Jbeans123
    Jbeans123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello... I'm a 52 year old, married, mom of 3 from California. I'm looking for some new friends around here for support, sharing ideas and motivation. I've done this before and I know it's easier and way more fun to do this with friends! Feel free to message me or add me :)
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Every day we have new ladies joining us! WELCOME TO EVERY NEWBIE!

    Barbie - Sasha's new coat is lovely.

    Sherry - enjoyed the pictures. Nice spot!

    Low back is causing a lot of sleeplessness this week. May need to zip over to the Chiro soon. Not due til the 21st.

    Someone mentioned heights - at Thanksgiving dinner my 15 year old grandson was the tallest one there. He's 6'2" and still growing!

    Toni in chilly Tennessee
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. It’s pretty cold here, in the teens, but I know it will get worse. At least it was sunny today. Not much going on but I am so glad the semester is winding down.

    Sue I’m with you about the drivers. Our first snow fall here is always a disaster!

    Sherry: where is Dufur?

    Pam: welcome!

    Michele: you are a sight for my sore eyes too! I always like to read about your busy life.

    Janetr: thanks for the word about Sylvia. I always have worried about another obstruction when she stays away. I grew up in Hawaii and yes there is snow on the mountaintops…even some year round.

    Joyce: hope you feel better soon.

    Katla; do you have the UV lights?

    Grandmallie: take care of yourself; you don’t sound any less stressed than before! You deserve a nice break.

    Barbie: Sasha looks divine!

    Pip: gorgeous babies!

    Cheri: hoping for good news on the colonoscopy. I keep putting mine off because I don’t want the meds!

    Heather: another trip! I’m jealous!

    Maggie welcome1

    Well I must be off for now; our “special needs Beagle” (yes he’s still here which amazes the vets) is whining for his “appetizer”…that’s his meds that are 30 minutes before meals. Stay warm all of you who join me in the cold. Meg from Omaha
  • gmlang
    gmlang Posts: 1 Member
    Hiya everyone, I feel like I am joining in a little late for the November/December goals. I enjoyed reading the posts. I am coming back to MFP for help in food tracking, and this time I want to add participating in motivation groups like this. So to everyone on here...thanks for sharing and providing support.

    This is a hard month to start so my goals for the rest of this month is to plan my meals, track everything, and strive to indulge in the office Christmas treats only if it is something I truly like. It seems like everyday someone is bringing something delicious in to share. Another goal is to incorporate some exercise at least three times a week. I feel like this is manageable for December with a little self control and support and then in January I plan to step it up a notch. My ultimate goal is to lose about 40 to 50 pounds.

    Gayla in Germany
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Big welcome to all the newbies! :):):)

    Meg: Welcome back! So happy to hear that Bennie Beagle is still hanging in there.

    Katla: Is there anything we can do to help you cope with S.A.D.? Your holiday party sounds like fun. You’ve got the most perfect spot for watching the parade of decorated boats.

    Karen: I do candied pecans from a recipe my sister shared years ago. Do you share your recipes? (hint, hint)

    Charleen: You are one awesome neighbor. <3

    Re gift ideas: I love the Walgreen’s photo gifts for making personalized presents. Just takes a little time and tech savvy to find and crop the photos, then have them affixed to your favorite item. DH and I don’t exchange gifts, but I always make up a calendar using the best of the previous year’s photos. It wasn't intentional, but the collection of these calendars has taken the place of assembling an old fashioned photo album.

    Penny: This AM as I was putting on extra layers for my 2 block walk to the gym, I kept repeating your DH’s good motto to myself, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” Tomorrow it will be minus 0 when I walk out at 5 AM. :s:p:*:o

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills

    December Goals:
    Tabata training a minimum of 3 times per week
    Go ice skating at least once this month
    Drink a glass of water with lemon juice every day
    Meditate at least 15 minutes every day.
    Be lighter (thanks Lisa for coining this goal)
    Word for 2016: Optimism

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Forgot to say how much I enjoyed your cartoon, Mary. Something similar happened to one of my neighbors once, for real! Ha!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 14.28min, 12.3amph, 150mhr, 2.9mi= 158c
    fitbit- 138mhr, 98c
    SPIN- 40min, 84r, 102w, 11-15g, 9g on sprints, 157mhr,126ahr, 16.5mi= 358c
    fitbit- 148mhr, 286c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.22min, 11.5amph, 144amhr, 1.4mi = 114c
    fitbit- 143mhr, 84c
    walk station 2 wk 7.37min, 3.7ap, 129mhr, .4mi = 62c
    fitbit- 140mhr, 67c
    jog wk 2 sta- 7.32min, 3.7ap, 130mhr, .4mi = 69c (fitbit)
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.34min, 7.9amph, 148mhr, 2.5mi = 199c
    fitbit- 148mhr, = 119c

    total cal wahoo - 932
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora,my oldest grand daughter has basically stayed the same size for several years, just gets taller.She loves boots so I know that underneath her lovely jeans is highwater jeans!

    I have a couple of favorite Christmases. ONe was when we first moved to Mattoon, Ill. The moving van made an entire mess of our meager Christmas decorations. So crafty Mom just sat us down and we made new crafty decorations. They were all pretty flimsy and I am sure wouldn't survive packing up and using another year. But it was beautiful. Another one was when we lived in Newburgh, In. Dad's salary from the church was never big, we usually had 2 presents under the tree. There was a family that lived about 1/2 mile from us. The kids were pretty much exactly my siblings and my ages/ We always walked past their house on our way to church. Their house burned completely down on Christmas eve. Soon Christmas morning Mom and Dad told us about them and we all took a present with our name and took it to The Henderson's. We had no idea what was in those packages, Mom just changed the names from ours to theirs.

    Wish I could take a deep breath and get a good deep cough. I got my cough syrup, Robitussin with Codeine. I don't know if it worked for awhile or I just didn't cough for awhile. Now it is non stop again. Can't wait until bedtime. I guess I need to prop myself up when I try to sleep.

    Joyce, Indiana
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2016
    Karen – A good Gastroenterologist will make sure you are in ‘la-la’ land before he starts. I had my 2nd one, in my life a couple of years ago. Friend took me and stayed. Once they got me back, completed in less than 20 minutes. Better safe than sorry. I’ve heard that colon cancer is a bad way to die, and quite painful.

    Don’t feel bad about shopping at Wal-Mart – I’ve never thought they were particularly good at how they have their merchandise set up. Who wants to walk the entire width of the store to get pet food when you are grocery shopping? Christmas decorations in two different areas. In the stationary department (end cap) and over by the garden center. Put it all wherever you want to; but, keep seasonal stuff in one place so you don’t have to walk all over the store.

    I’ve got to make two Cream Cheese Pecan pies for DH and DOS to take to Louisiana. I don’t think that I have to go anywhere. I thought I was going to have to get a couple or more little presents; but, DH reminded me of his getting the 2 little girls a subscription to National Geographic Kids. He also said he had a set of knives to give DOS. I sure hope that one or the other (or both) bag a deer; we are seriously low on meat, especially DOS’s family who uses it for most all their ‘red meat’ recipes. DOS is a ‘killer cook’.

    KJ – I tried putting booties on Cracker when her left paw was injured so it would not get wet; she took them off in 10 minutes flat. Tried to get booties; but, she was NOT about to have any of that.

    We used to live across the street from a friend who made all sorts of covered/sugared pecans and bring them over. That was back when I was working full-time and did not have a weight problem. But, even then I was careful about how many I sat down and ate at one seating.

    Kids make the cutest little things when you give them direction.

    Maggie – We are a ‘great’ support group and we have a lot of ladies here that have been maintaining their weight loss for several years and they are still here because they like this group.

    Carol – I wash Cracker in the tub during the cold months. She ‘hates’ water and I am usually as wet and doggie smelling as she was before I started. I’ve learned a ‘few’ things, some I question my ‘sanity’ when I do them. She is calmer, if I am ‘in the tub’ with her (on my knees). She loves to be ‘dried’ with my hair dryer.

    Our DYS and his wife and daughter gave us a portrait of themselves and a book of their wedding pictures (when I was at my absolute heaviest). Damn, I sure did look very ‘matronly’. I have not decided which picture I will post as my “before” picture … when I get to my ‘goal’ weight. I’m close; and, it seems like I do a lot of yo-yoing. But, since I lost 2lbs after a weekend of Thanksgiving food; I feel good about what I have done to change up some things. Regardless of how I feel, I will walk 20 minutes on the treadmill at a pretty good walk.

    Mary from Minnesota – I could tell a few stories about my sons. We had won a 64-ounce beer at the ring toss. Kids thought it was sooooooo big. DYS (about 18 months old at the time) decided it should be opened and shared, he wanted to know what it tasted like. I told him that it was a ‘grown up’s’ drink; and, we would not open it until we had another couple over to drink it with us. I put it in the back on the refrigerator and forgot about it. One day, he and his older brother were giggling up a storm. One wanted to just lay around on the sofa; DYS kept getting up and walking in his little Carter’s gown and falling down. I did not really think anything about it because he did it a lot. Finally, I watched him for a few minutes, he’d go in the kitchen, I’d hear the fridge door open, a few seconds later, it would close and he’d come ‘running out’ (pretty unsteady on his feet). Come to find out, they had figured out how to ‘pop’ the tab without really popping it open and it would dripple out. They had been drinking all morning. I fed them and took them upstairs for a nap; they were ‘out like a light’ in a matter of minutes. I went back downstairs and checked the can … they had made a huge dent in it … mostly DYS. To this day, on a ‘hot’ day; he loves a ‘cold’ beer! I think he knows about all brands. He prefers a ‘dark’ beer, which I can’t stand. DOS has never been good at holding his liquor; and, usually will sit down and take a break. DYS used to drink ‘heavily’ in HS and I worried myself sick over it; but, in college, he slowed down, a lot. Now, he only drinks when he is ‘out on one of the tractors’, with a ‘cold one’ in an A/C’ed tractor with a radio and power everything. Then maybe when he has Mexican food or at a cook-out on his land with his bosses.

    Pip – This picture of your fur baby with its nose in the curve of the bed; reminds me of when our DYS stuck his arm in a curve on his bed. The more he attempt to get out of it, the more his little wrist got swollen. DH had to get a saw to cut off the curve. He was not happy about that. I had to sit with him and hold his wrist back. DH cut to a point that he could then break it off. He did not do that again, and the bed was still not fixed; but, the part he took off is taped to it. I think I finally sold it in a garage sale a few years ago.

    Meg – My DH had a chance to take a job with a former co-worked out in Denver; and, we had gone out during the summer and really enjoyed ourselves. He told DH to wait until December to make his decision and then he could come out and work a month and see how he liked it. Took him 2 days of driving to get there; it started snowing and did not stop until the last day he was to be there. He told him that I would probably ‘divorce’ him, if he took the job; I did not like ‘cold’ anything and I’d get very tired of the snow. He was right. I love the beach and we can get to the beach; in about 3 hours. My BF and I have done it as a ‘day trip’. Go, sit out in the sun for 6 hours, and drive back (but that was in our younger days). Neither of us like to drive at night (and I don’t drive at night if I can help it).
    Watched a 2-hour documentation on Pearl Harbor and the 75th anniversary. It was horrific!

    Cheri and Meg – The worst part is the ‘prep’. I opt for the gallon of &^$*_*&%; because I don’t want to get there and be told, ‘nope, not cleaned out enough; got to start over’. My Gastroenterologist always orders the gallon of &^&$*_*&%. I find it easier to take if you do NOT put the flavoring in it and put it ‘over ice’. I don’t normally drink that much liquid of any type in a 12+-hour period of time and I hate having to be that close to the bathroom.

    Gayle in Germany – I think you are the 1st one who has ‘hailed’ Germany as home. You’ve come to a ‘great support group’. Tracking your food and what you drink is very important; but, also ‘exercise’ is key to losing weight. I think most of us here would say ‘not to deprive yourself of a ‘little’ sweets if you like them. I know when we would have an ‘art show’ everybody brought something … quite a spread. I’d make it my ‘lunch’ for the day (bigger meal) and then really stick to my ‘plan’ the rest of the day. I like to taste everything; but, I also know I have to just figure that I ‘use’ my daily CI that day (at the reception). Then, I come home and walk for an hour around our property.

    Charleen in Colorado – Raking leaves x 2! Sorry, glad we did not move to Denver. My niece and her family lived out there nearly 5 years; their oldest daughter goes to school out there now.

    Joni – My nurse/MD told me that my tummy would be the ‘last’ to go; but, did not really go into details about ways to slim it down. I have done some ‘hula hooping’ and find that helped with the upper abdomen area; but, an adult has to have an ‘adult-sized’ hoop or they can’t keep it up. I made mine with about 5’5” of 3/4th tubing (black, like sprinkler tubing); (I’m just under 5’5”). Then buy a double ended connector piece. Put the connector piece in one end; hen put about 1 cups of water in the tube, connect it to the other end, then wrap it with duct tape all the way around. The duct tape will be wrinkled; but, that is ok; make sure you wrap it around where the connection is a few times, then started wrapping the entire hoop. Some gyms will sell them for about $5-$10; which is still a lot cheaper than you can find them online. I’ve got two. One is wrapped with more duct tape, so it is a little heavier. It will bruise you the first few times you use it, so be prepared.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well my belly is still processing all the goodies from the TOPS party this evening.... I made soup and toasted cheese sandwiches for the guys, and I had a cup of coffee...

    Husband and I are hoping that my son can convince his recruiter tomorrow when he calls him for his weekly update phone call, that going up to Longview WA for a "mentoring 30 minutes" isn't cost or time efficient. It's driving up (1.5 hrs.), waiting 30 minutes in the car, then driving back home (1.5 hrs.). We are hoping that son can talk him into meeting him 30 minutes during school hrs. because he does go to the high school periodically. We have 3 trips to the Portland area this month as it is, plus his normal DEP (delayed Entry Program) meeting. I am not keen to driving in frosty weather, I get hermit-like!!

    Our last son needs senior pictures done. We have always done the regulatory picture needed, with the school providing the tux upper body for the pictures. That was California, this is Oregon, so its just us going out and taking a vertical head shot, one for the wall in the hallway, and one for a slideshow of some sort. They need the actual pictures so it will be a trip to Rite Aid store with the digital camera and get the pictures that way. When they all graduate they post the pictures in the newspaper, a whole one page worth! Got to love small town schools. My son is still in the advanced calculus class, (getting an A as well) and there is two students in the class. Taught by the principal! The fact that I can call the office and the secretary says, "Hi Mrs Gossett", pretty much says it all...

    Going to sip on some Stash Tea Super Mint tea tonight, and settle my belly.....
    Hugs to each and every one of yous!!!
    in about to get snowed on
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    yoga-exercise-smiley-emoticon.gif We keep putting one foot in front of the other and holding together as a family. Sasha loves her new coat and walked for an hour this morning and 30 minutes this afternoon in below freezing temperatures. She and Jake ate popcorn together a little while ago. Now it's time for meditation. We're up to 16 minutes adding five seconds every few days. This has been a resolution that has served me well through many difficult times this year.

    :)Re, congrats on the formerly too small sweater. It looks great and probably feels great, too.

    w.gife.gifl.gifc.gifo.gifm.gife.gif to everyone who is just joining us on this journey.....start by resolving to read the posts every day so you can feel part of a community that supports and encourages your journey to wellness.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington